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[BACK POST] Tomcat Upgrades - The Suprise Gift

Posted on 09 Aug 2024 @ 4:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley

2,151 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51 Holodeck 5
Timeline: Following the Luncheon Post A Few Days Later


Paul had decided to call a break on the upgrades and remembering what he said to Leland at the dinner was now on Holodeck Five adjusting a specially created program, he knew it would not be the same, but he was hoping it would help with Leland's melancholy as he did not miss the longing to have been on the crew's current mission. Paul knew he was putting on a brave face, but the urge to work in the Engineering room of a sovereign class was a dream of most engineers and Leland was no exception to that.

Sharpe put in the finishing touches and saved the program and then closed it down again and reset it, then hoping Leland would like it he tapped his Commbadge.

=/\= Sharpe to Hawksley, come to Holodeck Five asap =/\= He said.

=/\= On my way =/\= Leland turned away from Lilli. He looked at his wristwatch, placing it on and then kissing Lilli on her ear, whispering... =/\= I've been summoned. Won't be long, my Imzadi." He smiled.

Leland was off duty. He was dressed in casual khaki shorts, his regular engineering tricorder on his maintenance belt around his waist, and a plain tee shirt. He chimed the holodeck outside. Sharpe had a program in operation.

=/\= Hawksley here. I can't enter. The door is locked. =/\=

Looking puzzled Sharpe unlocked the door at the moment the holodeck was its standard yellow grid on a black background, the only difference was it was large.

As Leland walked in Paul looked at him "I know you are somewhat melancholy on being stuck on a tedious refit assignment, but I am told that the Themistocles will be stationed at the Starbase after its current mission, the surprise gift I have pales in comparison I know, but I am hoping it will ease things!" He said and paused as Leland came fully into the room and the doors shut behind him.

"Sorry, I thought the door was unlocked, as you probably saw my service jacket I specialize in computers and such, mainly hacking, but I have been known to do some holo programming. Now this holo program has the best realistic interactions and a random code that will throw a situation your way" Sharpe added.

"Computer activate engineering-Alpha-3657-Sigma Nine-Five" Paul said and the grid was replaced by a Sovereign Class engineering room, currently it was quiet. He looked at Leland "Small comfort I know but surprise, this is the best I could do on short notice, while things are like they are I know that the Captain only assigns officers she trusts to do work like we are doing. But back to current events this holo program is an exact duplicate of the Themistocles engineering room, I will give you a code phrase to start the program, and now it will react to your actions and throw you curve balls, it is set to hard mode, so to speak so the adventure will be challenging, take the next three days off to enjoy the simulation, we are ahead of schedule with the refit and upgrade of the Tomcat so I think you have more than earned a bit of R&R if there is any major mishaps with the Tomcat you will be the first person I will notify" Paul said as he headed to the door and paused.

Leland was awe-struck. The simulated Themistocles engine room was everything Hawksley had dreamed of and more.
Slowly entering the deck, Leland placed his hands and fingers along the bulkheads, the clothed seating at the nearest station. His mouth is still in a state of paralysis.

“I…” Hawksley furrowed his eyebrow at Paul. He wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the eye, yet he hardly even knew the man except for his curriculum vitae.

“Why?” The indistinguishable hum that only a sovereign-class set of reactors could resonate with such frequency piqued Leland’s earlobes. His eyes glimmered; he thought the program was truly wonderful.

“Paul… Thank you.” Leland took it in. “For this. Really.” Leland was showing his gratitude to Paul.

*Smiling* "Glad you like it, Leland, as I said it is a small comfort, but hopefully it will help, as I said about the real ship, you might want to wait till the Captain speaks to you about the Themistocles. I also took a look into your service record and all the Officers, crew CO and XO are all from your past ship assignments, they are simulations, but there was enough data on each of the ones I could find to make a fair approximation, I also included a holographic duplicate of your wife, the hologram version of her is not pregnant, but the phrase to start the program and it is keyed to your voice print only, and that phrase is 'I want to believe'" Paul said and started to leave the holodeck.

Leland muttered under his breath. “I want to believe. Am I at Disneyland, or am I, Dorothy?!”

“Click my heels twice and were not in Kansas anymore? Can it be that easy?” He remembered a famous line once uttered by a now-famous Dr. Beverley Crusher of the enigmatic USS Enterprise D.

“All right.” Hawksley's voice carried a hint of determination.

“Maybe…” A grin tugged at the corners of his lips. If this was a simulation, with all the USS Tomcat crew onboard the USS Themistocles, he didn’t want photons enjoying this as his Wife. He wanted Lilli.

=/\= Hawksley to Lilli =/\= Leland forming a smile across his face. =/\= I have something you might want to see with me. =/\=

Sitting at home going over a stack of PADDs containing personnel files for her duties as marine Counsellor as well as medic, Lilli smiled as she heard Leland’s voice.

=/\= I’m on my way Imzadi. =/\= She quickly tidied up and headed on her way.

[Holodeck 05]

Leland hadn’t planned on this surprise. However, the anticipation bubbled inside him as he stood outside the doorway to the holodeck. He could hardly contain his excitement as he looked down at the glowing communicator in his hand, ready to call his lovely wife, Lilli.

The communication ended, leaving Leland standing outside the holodeck, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he waited for Lilliana to arrive, he couldn't help but think about the incredible gift from his superior officer, Commander Sharpe.

When Lilli arrived, the doors to the holodeck slid open with a whisper, revealing a world beyond. Through those doors, Leland could see photons of light creating the intricate details of a Sovereign Class Starship, bustling with activity. The holographic imagery was astonishingly lifelike, mimicking every minute detail of the starship, down to the smallest screw.

Hawksley then turned to a replicator in the Engineering of the Sovereign class vessel. The vast engine room was a sight. In real life, Hawksley had been in a few Sovereign engine rooms for studies, visiting engineering friends.

He ordered two glasses of excellent wine—the chilled, bubbly, then replicated. Hawksley looked around and checked his watch. He was excited to welcome Lilli.

As the doors opened Lilli stepped inside looking around with genuine curiosity. “This is...amazing.” She smiled at Leland as she walked over to him. “So this was what you wanted to show me?”

“Yes.” Hawksley nodded. He looked to Lilli. Excited he held his hand out. “Come with me.” Hawksley had an idea.
They arrived on Deck 14, Leland walking with Lilli. He had even forgotten the bubbly; given his wife was pregnant, the synthahol was augmented to be safe.

“Here we are…” Leland ran his hand across the hatchway, a holodeck-style doorway. On the other side of that door lay Leland’s surprise. “Feel like going for a ride, my Love? Let’s test how far this simulation can go. I know you are busy and have a lot of work.” On the other side was the Captain's Yacht.

“I promise it won’t be long, and it will be worth it.” Hawksley smiled as he held her hand.

Lilli grinned, and she loved her husband’s enthusiasm. “It’s fine Imzadi, I’m looking forward to enjoying this with you. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.”

The Captain's Yacht, detached from the colossal starship USS Themistocles, is a gleaming marvel of technology. Leland stands beside the controls inside the small bridge, with a mischievous grin on his face. Across from him, Lilli was seated.

“I think I have an idea of where to go…”

Leland effortlessly adjusts the controls, and the yacht hums to life, gliding gracefully through the vast expanse of the holodeck projection. The stars streak past their viewports as they navigate out of the holographic representation of the Themistocles.

“This entire yacht, the universe we're flying in, it's all created by the holodeck. I wanted a special moment, just the two of us.” He felt his Wife's love, and they grew stronger, and they were soul mates for life.

Within moments, they approach a breathtaking sight—a brilliant, spiraling nebula. Its vibrant hues paint the surrounding cosmos, casting a glow across their faces on the small bridge.
He was now sitting side by side, admiring the beauty before them. Leland discreetly reaches for Lilliana's hand, his more giant fingers intertwining hers in a gesture of profound love and connection.

They sit silently, basking in their love as the yacht continues its slow journey through the holographic cosmos. The nebula's ever-changing colors dance across their faces, mirroring their shared emotions.

Lilli’s eyes were transfixed on the view, the holographic representation was amazing. “This is...incredible!” She smiled as she turned to look at Leland. “Thank you for this Imzadi. I’ll never complain again, I promise!”

Leland paused. “Complain.” He turned. “I never knew you as one to complain.” That was just how he knew Lilli was, someone who was dutiful and steadfast. Not one to stop and complain. She was a credit to Starfleet Marine Medics. He knew she had many friends in her unit and was well-regarded.

Hawksley leaned in across their distance in the seats with a gentle kiss. Leland smiled, tasting those familiar warm lips.

Lilli returned his kiss with just as much love as Leland held for her. “You’re a lucky man, all this is amazing! I’m so proud of you! You know that?”

Leland could sense his Imzadi in these moments. Even though he was fully human, he still had a sixth sense, as if catching waves of Lillis's emotions.

The bright blue ethereal radiance in the Yacht's viewscreen shone on her face. “I couldn’t be the man I am today without you, Lilli, being by my side.” It was true.

“Oh I think you would be, you’re one of the most amazing men I’ve ever known Imzadi.” Lilli smiled as she looked into Leland’s eyes. “I knew the day I met you I’d be with you for the rest of my life.”

Hawksley was humbled. What more can you say when your Wife says beautiful things that make you glow?

- Yacht Docked @ USS Themistocles -

"Let's head to the bridge. Feel like taking the Captain's chair for a spin?" Leland winked as he held Imizadi's hand into his, grasping it as he nearly broke into a run to the nearest turbo lift to the main bridge.

Lilli giggled, this was proving a lot more fun than she’d ever imagined it would be. “It’s a good place to practice if you ever decide to take the Bridge Officers test.”

“You think I could do that. Take the Officers test.” Leland reached the end of the corridor to a turbo lift.

As the lift opened, Hawksley effortlessly lifted Lilli, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms securely gripping his shoulders. He looked into her eyes.

Stepping out onto the main bridge, Hawksley carried Lilli over the threshold of the turbo lift doors. The scene of the main bridge was a sight.

"Here we are. One of the largest Federation Main Bridges in the fleet. "I think you would make a good Captain." Hawk winked at his Imzadi.

“Ohh no not me” Lilli grinned. “I think you would make a wonderful Captain Imzadi, I’m sure you’d make me proud.”

Leland grinned. "Well. I could be XO. You could be Captain." He winked. "I know how you can prioritize and see through the BS of the system. You would be a credit to the Federation."






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