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Posted on 03 Sep 2024 @ 3:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Vivian Corsair & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & Lieutenant JG T'Kara & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr. & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle

1,979 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
Location: USS Themistocles
Timeline: right after departing Starbase 51


The ship has departed at full impulse to head to Arth. This mission will be to resolve the tasks we were to have completed on our first visit but could not.

- The Bridge of the USS Themistocles -

Dodd was acting captain and Falk was his acting XO. Fleet Captain Somers, while still the ranking officer, was more of an observer on this mission. Somers was not on the first mission to Arth as she was on another mission that when askew. Dodd knew he was not to actively read the thoughts of others but the emotions of the crew and Somers were strong so random thoughts are fair game.

Matt was at science two drinking coffee, Sensors were fully functional.

The departure of Somers as the crew were preparing to leave Starbase seemed puzzling to Dodd and he could tell she was startled to a degree. He was also sensing Lt. Kildare was also sort of sensing it as well. Dodd would still try to keep focused as he knew Somers was testing him.

"Captain Falk, when you can, please have the marines that will be on the away teams report to the conference room for me to meet with." Dodd asked of his xo. "Counsellor Kildare, while on the bridge please offer any insights you have regarding the mental health of the crew as we want to keep us all in a positive mental state of mind."

“Of course, Sir” Lamia nodded offering Dodd a warm smile from where she sat. “From what I’m currently sensing the crew are at ease.”

"Yes Commander Dodd, I will make sure that is done.

"Thank you, both. I appreciate the crew that I have serving with me on this fine ship." Dodd replied.

Falk had gotten to work to coordinate the briefing that Dodd wanted to hold for the marine component of the away team to Arth. She knew how much this mission needed to succeed and not require us or any other Federation follow-ups of this nature.

"Counsellor, before the away team departs, can you see if you can figure out how Captain Somers is doing? I just have a sense there is something bothering her on a personal level that may be deeper than the mission may not allow her to take the time needed to deal with." Dodd asked of Lamia Kildare. "Also, what is your professional opinion of Chief Petty Officer Michelle? I am thinking she may be a value member of the away team and yet I would need her to have some cosmetic alterations to be on the team. I just want to know if you think she would be a good choice and if you feel she would be accepting of the cosmetic changes."

Lamia turned to look at Dodd. “I’ll talk to Captain Somers Sir.” She offered a smile. “As for CPO Michelle, I suggest you ask her. Only she can truly say whether she’s comfortable with the cosmetic changes.”

"Thank you, That is what I felt you may respond but that gave me the direction I was looking for." Dodd stated in response and gave a firm smile. Dodd knew Michelle was in with Captain Somers and so he would watch for her to be done and then get her speak with him as he felt she would be a good fit for the away team if she would have her ears and eyebrows altered.

- Engineering -

Nelson and Machado were doing routine diagnostic checks of the systems and maintaining a status quo of the systems at peak efficiency.

Lieutenant Hewitt was in Engineering reviewing the throttle sequencers of the new specs of the Themistocles. The new vessel was very intriguing for Todd. Inputting spatial generation distortion segments for the nacelles, Todd updated systems and checked redundant tap-off capacitors in the relay junctions. Leland taught him everything he knew; thus, he was confident. Dodd taught Leland everything he needed to know, and this was passed through the ranks.

- Sick Bay -

Lt. Corsair was doing routine crew file updates to keep the records accurate and for the ship's internal sensors to be able to fully track the status of all crew members. She enjoyed performing medicine and after getting to know her new boss, she was happy that the burden of leading the department fell upon someone else. It permitted her to be able really get more involved the the case at hand.

T'Kara was busy in Medical ensuring that the ship was functioning. She had treated a few lower decks crew for sprains and possibly a broken ankle, possibly because it was an easy fix and was an unusual case, however most of the crew seemed rather healthy. Pleased with this, she was both studying up on crew medical history as well as ensuring the readiness of sickbay.

- Goodwin's Quarters -

Goodwin was just getting out of the shower after her workout. She was excited that Captain Falk was the acting XO on this mission as it meant that the Marines were seen as crew equals in the eyes of Captain Somers and Lieutenant Commander Dodd. After she got dressed she headed off to do a gear check as she does every day just to be prepared for the unexpected. As she valued her duty to her unit, her crew, and the Federation. She wished she could be more involved in standard missions and maybe this time she would get a chance as the planet they are headed towards is a matriarchal government.

Maggie was actually working! She was under one of the shuttles, putting some final touches on repairs to a wonky navigational system. She hated that kind of thing, but she also understood that if she was going to fly, she had to have a shuttle that worked, so. She did what she must.


Ze was in the armory doing last minute checks and getting all of his effects in order for the mission packing his teams equipment into there named bags and making sure everything was checked off the list on his PADD for each individual member of his team.

Ross was checking and re-checking his emergency medical supplies from the Marines detachment on the Themistocles. He reviewed the conditions and scans from previous missions to Arth and potential contagions that were analyzed from the transporters during the mission.

“Looks good,” Gavin mumbled to nobody in particular as he stared at his Marine desk screen.

- CRR -

With things moving slowly on the bridge Somers sat at her desk pulled up the classified file she had been sent applied all the security codes and opened the file, after a moment of reading her eyes opened wide the info was light on what it said but Treean Signatures had been mentioned, she sat back thought a moment and then tapped her Commbadge =/\=Somers to Michelle and Sh'shraaqir report to my Ready Room immediately =/\= She said.

CPO Michelle had been in quarters assigned to her. She had pulled the delta shift patrol duty and she was just checking the locations of vital areas on this ship. While it was supposedly the same as the Tomcat, every ship had something different that someone considered vital. Armory, Engineering, Bridge, Medical; those were vital most definitely, but she found it amusing when science officers demanded we consider their labs as vital, even though they were actually not. Just as that thought crossed her mind she heard the call from the Captain. Dropping the PADD to the table as she stood up and pressed her commbadge =/\=Michelle to Somers, On my Way! =/\= Moving quickly, but not rushing she reached the CCR in less than 3 minutes. Giving a quick tug to straighten her uniform as she reached up and pressed the chime.

Thyra was in the lounge area drinking a mug of coffee, while reading a PADD with an old intelligence report. She started drinking ever since the mission with the mirror universe base. And the old report was just to clear her mind a bit. It wasn't the most interesting report, but it would keep her mind busy. Then she got a call from the captain. She put the PADD down with a little sigh. She tapped her badge. =/\= I am on my, Captain. =/\=

Thyra made her way to the Ready room. She was still holding her coffee, but she managed to drop the PADD off somewhere. She waited for the answer patiently.

"Enter" Somers said and the doors opened and in walked her Security Investigations Officer, "please have a seat Chief, can I offer you a drink, while we are waiting for my CIO?" she asked the enlisted officer. Before the Chief could answer there was another buzz of her door "ENTER" Somers said and in walked Thyra Somers smiled "Please have a seat Lieutenant can I get you a drink too?" She asked.

Thyra looked into her empty and shrugged as she gave the mug to the Captain. "Let's do another coffee."

Alexi stepped into the room, "reporting as ordered, Captain." She said and then proceeded to move towards the offered seat. She had opened her mouth to reply to the offer when the door chime rang again. Giving a nod to the Lt in greeting as Thyra entered. She took her seat waited till after the Lieutenant was greeted and then responded to the Captain, "Coffee, black, will be fine, Ma'am."

*Smiling* Somers went over to the replicator "One Coffee black" she said to the replicator and looked at the Andorian expectantly.

"Thank you, Captain. I am having some bad nights lately." She accepted the coffee.

















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