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[Back post] We meet again.

Posted on 02 Jun 2024 @ 3:39am by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

3,334 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51- main promenade lounge


Cassandra wiped the toddler's mouth with a wet wipe. Though that small battle had been won, the war for cleanliness was far from over. Fingers covered in gravy and mashed potatoes threatened to over take the gained ground. Though she had moved the empty plate away Martha had still managed to save enough on her bib to gather a handful that with the speed and agility that only toddlers, cats, and snakes seemed to possess shoved it most happily into Cassandra's face with a giggle.

"Mamama Mmmmm ummm" Martha chanted in her victory as messy hands beat the table as though she were singing a Klingon drinking song. Her little voice radiant and musical in its glee.

Cassandra merely smiled at the child's antics. 'Well played Martha' Cassandra thought idoly. Grabbing another wipe from the package she carried around with her in the diaper bag. "Yes nummy. But it's time to clean up now sweetie." She said cleaning her own face as Martha watched, she offered the child her own wipe. Martha too her credit mimiced her mother but served to only smear more food over her face than cleaning it. Still. "Good job! Yay! Martha is getting all clean." Cassandra crooned in encouragement.

"Yaaay!" Martha responded"Awww weeeean!" Throwing her hands up a huge smile on her chubby face, those deep blue eyes full of joy. C'Tirr had put the girls black curly hair up in two buns on either side of her head. She was dressed in a denim jumper with a light blue shirt and denim blumers. Probably to make the potty training easier for her.

Surprisingly Martha was learning quickly. Still she had to wear pull ups for bedtime. She was growing so fast. Cassandra felt her heart tightening at that realization. She handed Martha another wipe and showed her how to wipe her fingers and afterwards let the girl wipe the rest of the mess off her own face. Relishing these moments. Moments she wished she could remember with her own mother or father. So consumed by her thoughts and the child she almost didn't notice a familiar face walk by on the promenade.

"Zang?!" Cassandra heard herself ask in absolute surprise. "Thomas Zang? Is that you?"

Thomas had been heading to the replicator to get something to eat and drink when he heard his name. He stopped and turned toward the voice and saw someone who looked familiar but he couldn’t place it right away, especially since they had a young child with them that they had obviously been feeding. He chuckled a bit at the smear of mashed potatoes on the woman's face then it hit him who it was. “Cassandra Mathews? Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! How have you been?” He asked as he walked over to give her a hug with a huge grin on his face.

Cassandra hugged him back with a laugh at his remark. "Busy, always busy. It's so great to see you" she pulled away and noticed a bit of mash potatoes on his uniform shoulder and reached out to wipe them away. "Sorry about that." That's when she noticed the rank and did a double take. "Oh my. You have been busy too it seems."

Thomas chuckled at the smudge on his uniform, then looked to the little one behind Cassandra. “You have too. Started a family, did you?” He waves over her shoulder at the little one. “Hi, ain’t you a cutie, maybe even cuter than your mommy.”

The baby girl let out a steal of delight rocking in a little happy dance she demanded with up stretch arms, "up! Muuuum num num. Ummm numm mmmm."

"Yes Martha we just ate." Cassandra said with a chuckle as she turned around and unbuckled the tot from the highchair and lifted her out. Using the motion to hide the sudden blush of her cheeks. "She's my whole world since her father died. Keeps me very busy." She snuggled the baby and used that as a chance to finish wiping her fingers and face. "Trust me I wasn't planning on family life it just sort of happened and honestly looking back I am happy for it. Martha is simply the light of my life." Cassandra said tenderly, then finished with cleaning up the mess she gave the toddler who was still wiggling in its happy dance, or maybe trying to avoid the wet wipes, perhaps a tiny soft playful boop on the end of her nose with the wipe. "Aren't you my good girl? This is Tommy. Can you say Tom? Mee?"

"Omwe!! Omweee!!" Chubby toddler hands reached for him; she was obviously not a shy baby. Definitely happy girl.

Thomas reached out and took Martha from Cassandra’s arms with a grin. “Hello Martha, my mommy's name was Martha too.” He said as he sat her on his hip, his arm holding her in place. He booped her nose with his free hand. “How is your brother, the Caitian? Sitear was his name if I remember correctly.”

"Close enough, he is doing alright. He was injured on the last mission he deployed too. However he has been working with a doctor Hawthorne here on the star base and making remarkable progress." Cassandra explained smiling at both of them now. Martha had curled right into him, her little hands catching his face to make Thomas look at her. She babbled out a string of gibberish in a sing-song tone. "Sorry about that, she's a bit of a ham." Cassandra said as she used the moment to fix his shirt and clean the spot she'd left on it earlier. "We better let you get to your lunch. As it is I need to get her over to the family resource office. They are having a child's fair over in holodeck P-34. I promised a friend we would be there."

“How long do you have until you need to be there? Think you two could spare about fifteen minutes?” Thomas asked as he smiled down at Martha. She was such a darling little one and she wasn't shy either. A very outgoing young lady he observed. He spoke to Cassandra but gave his attention to the girl in his arms.

"Mine!" The toddler exclaimed, leaning more into him.

"We have time." Cassandra said knowing exactly the tantrum that would come if she attempted to take her away right now. Besides Cassandra had to admit it was nice seeing him again and any excuse to draw out this chance meeting was good for her. "Looks like you have a fan." She added with a soft chuckle.

“Can you go to mommy for a moment so uncle Tommy can get his noms?” Thomas asked Martha as he started to hand her to Cassandra. “I promise I will be right back and we can eat before you go to see the fair.” He shot Martha a wide grin as he handed her to Cassandra.

"No! Nooo!" Martha exclaimed "Mine, no bye bye." She kicked and wiggled and her tiny face scrunched up as she let out a scream of discontent.

"Martha Mathews sweetheart, it's okay. Calm down, shhhh." Cassandra was mortified, her face bright red as she tried to calm the girl. "I'm so sorry Thomas. She's a little clingy right now." She said quickly rocking the upset child on her hip. "I'd be happy to meet you there so you can eat in peace."

"MIne! Mine mama! Mine!" Martha screamed, heart broken as though trying to shout her mother's words out. Then when that did not garner the desired response it changed, "Ceeseer! Ceeseer. Mama bad! bad! bad!"

"Being popular with the ladies is its own curse." Cassandra managed to joke at Thomas as she gathered her diaper bag. "I better go."

Thomas chuckled. “One moment.” He pulled a small wooden figure from his pocket and handed it to Martha. “Can you hold this for me? It's special to me so you know I'll be right back for it.” He winked at the child as he did so. “I'll even bring you a treat if your good for your mommy.”

The toddler was far too distraught for such distractions. The moment Thomas had reached out to her she tried to grab at him. "Pweees. No bye bye no bye bye noo."

"Martha please stop or we go home." Cassandra said her voice held authority now. "You're making mommy sad. That's bad behavior. We don't own people. Thomas belongs to Thomas. Now stop this."

The screaming stopped immediately. Dimming to little sniffles as Martha gave up trying to grab at Thomas and instead slumped tiredly against Cassandra's shoulder.

Cassandra hugged her close, understanding that she must be getting tired. It was getting rather late into the afternoon. Plus they had just eaten. "It's okay. You're a good girl." Cassandra reassured her softly, taking the offered figure from Thomas she offered it to Martha. "Can you watch this for Tommy?"

Martha wrapped a tiny hand around the wooden cat figure. The crying had worn her out. "Dain du." She said with a yawn and a sniffle.

Cassandra swiftly wiped the girl's nose. "I'm so sorry about all this. It was really great to see you. If we don't catch up later for whatever reason, I'm in family unit 506-D, C'Tirr or Jane will make sure you get your property back." Cassandra was quite sure the little scene had ruined him against meeting up later at the holodeck. So she'd give him an out. "I'm really very sorry about this. She's very tired and fussy. It was good to see you." With that she took the girl and started to hurry off.

Thomas followed, unable to stop himself. "Wait, Cassandra, don't leave." To his surprise she actually stopped and turned to look at him with those deep blue eyes of hers. "Please, I'll grab something to go. Just don't leave."

He saw the confusion cross her face. Still she nodded her assurance to him. She waited. He quickly went to the replicator and grabbed the cheeseburger, fries, shake he wanted in a togo container. He didn't want to give her time to change her mind and bolt.

He was glad to find her right where he'd left her, Martha was nearly asleep now. Droopy eyes watching him return her tiny thumb tucked into her mouth. The other hand, clenching the figure he'd given her to hang onto as she dozed on her mother's shoulder.

"You really don't need to do this. She's calmed down now. I really am very sorry about this." Cassandra began.

Thomas stopped her with a gentle finger to her lips. "I want to do this. I know you Cass if I let you run off I might never see you again." He said with a soft chuckle. "And I want to see you again. It's been far to long." Hed removed his finger. "So please don't apologize."

Cassandra smiled despite herself. "Alright. My stroller is over by the public lockers. If you really want to do this we better head that way. She's cute but gets heavy after a bit."

Thomas was glad to see her smile at him. Last he'd seen her smiles were in short supply. It lit her up and he wanted nothing more than to see more of it. "Here I'll swap you." He offered reaching out for the baby and offering her the carry-out.

She hesitated a moment but Martha made this decision for them reaching out for him she wasted no time getting comfortable. Cassandra figured it must be the uniform. Martha seemed to love anyone in fatigues and trust them ultimately. Probably from seeing her momma being always engaged with other Marines regularly. Cassandra took the food and they began their walk to the public lockers. Martha was out cold before they reached it. Cassandra sett up the stroller and bid Thomas to eat as she got everything ready to roll. She purposely drug out the process to give him time to eat. Laying Martha down carefully, and buckling her into the harness. Then getting out a blanket and tucking it around the toddler slowly, tenderly. Laying the seat back. Fiddling with the diaper bag and getting it stowed beneath the seat. By the time she'd finished she was surprised to find Thomas had finished and was waiting for her.

He had all but inhaled his food. Thomas wanted it out of the way as soon as possible. What he wanted was to just be able to enjoy this time with his old friend.

"Can I push?" Thomas asked her, His eyes held some excitement at the idea. So Cassandra nodded and let him much to his surprise.

"I never knew that you were so good with kids " Cassandra stated a little impressed even at how eager he was to just jump in like he was. "Thanks for the help."

"My pleasure, I love kids. They are the embodiment of Innocence in the galaxy." Thomas said gleefully as as they moved towards the lifts.

"That they are. You planning on having any of your own sometime?" Cassandra asked casually.

"Eventually, once I find the right one." Thomas replied honestly.

"The right one? You planning on abducting one or something?" Cassandra joked in return. "I guess I better keep an eye on Martha then. She seems more then willing to go with you."

Thomas let out a deep chuckle. "No fear there, she's too young for me, but I might steal her from time to time to spoil the sweetheart though." He winked at her.

"Best of luck to you on that. C'Tirr is rather protective and with me deploying tomorrow I don't think I will have much luck in putting a good enough word in for you to allow that to happen." Cassandra explained.

"I'm sure I can talk him into it, just need a bit of catnip tea." Thomas said with a mischievous grin. "I hope I get assigned to the mission too." He said going serious.

"If not, I am glad we got this opportunity to catch up together. Six years is far too long. I'm surprised that you actually haven't settled down. I was pretty sure that Blake girl had you twitterpated back then." Cassandra remarked equality serious. "You were at the very least smitten."

Thomas shook his head. "I thought so too until we were stationed on different ends of the federation space. I stayed loyal and sent her messages but she suddenly stopped returning them." He let out a sigh. "I later found out she had hooked up with someone and just cut communication with me with out even a goodbye. I just concentrated on my career after that."

Cassandra felt like a ass for bringing it up. "I'm sorry. That's awful. I had no idea." She offered in way of apology. They where approaching the holodecks. Cassandra reached out a hand halting them a moment. Maybe she was getting soft being a mother. Maybe she felt bad for inadvertently causing him hurt. She gave him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. "She's a damn fool. That's all I can say about it."

Thomas smiled at the hug and kiss. "I look at it this way, it allowed me to concentrate on being me and I feel that it is most likely for the best." He smiled at her with a wink. "I got to see you again."

His wink made her laugh. Had he always been such a tease? Probably not. He'd been more hot headed back in the day if memory served her right. Still, she appreciated his game it made her blush and feel warm inside. She suddenly wished she had more time. Though it was probably for the best things had to be brief. Cassandra had a good habit of running people off given ample time and opportunity. She began to wonder just what she was doing here with him anyway? What game was she playing? She didn't know. She just knew that she enjoyed his company. That having him here made the idea of spending the day at a petting zoo for toddlers surrounded by other families seemed less lonesome now. She felt a little less out of place. She appreciated that. "I'm really glad to have you here. It's the best luck I've had all month." She said sincerely.

"it's always a good thing to run into old friends and better luck to be assigned with them. Especially when we have had bad luck for a time." Thomas said as they chatted. "I'm just lucky to have run into you as you are to have ran into me." he smiled over at her.

His words made her wonder just what all he knew about what she'd been through lately. Or was he more referring to himself? He'd definitely climbed the rank ladder fast. Field promotion she reckoned. She wanted to ask him just what kind of bad luck he'd been dealing with but it was at that moment the familiar voice of Jane called out to Cassandra through the crowd.

"Cassie!!! Cass! Over here!" The demure mousy haired woman called enthusiastically.

The rest of the evening was nothing more than a blur. Introducing Thomas to Jane and Wolfgar and their son. The group weaved through the petting zoo and then ended up at a indoor playground. From there was a group dinner which Jane insisted Thomas should also attend. It was getting late when Cassandra finally wheeled the stroller outside of her family unit. Martha was happily playing with her new stuffed bunny rabbit. Babbling away to it in her sing song toddler way. Cassandra smiled tiredly at Thomas.

"Well thanks for the company today. Sorry about Jane, she means well. Wolfgar too they are a good bunch. They really helped me out after everything I been through. They are good friends and family in a way " Cassandra said a little embarrassed by the little hints and comments Jane had made through the day. Not to mention the uncomfortable questions. 'how long have you known Cassandra?' 'you both look cute together.' 'We should go out as a group more often.' Cassandra could have melted into the floor in humiliation. Yet Thomas handled it like a champion. If he'd felt uncomfortable or embarrassed he'd hidden it well.

"No problem, I haven't had fun like this in a few years. It was great meeting your friends and hope we can get together and do something again." Thomas said with a grin. He leaned over and gave Cass a hug then knelt down and hugged Martha. "If I let you have the kitty cat, will you take good care of it?" He asked her, pointing to the figurine she still had next to her.

Martha held his gaze a moment then nodded. Still it was obvious that the toddler was putting things together. Her lower lip pouted out. Large blue eyes grew sad. "Go bye-bye?"

Cassandra moved quickly. "I'll make sure it gets back to you. Best to say good night now. I probably won't be back for a while. Still you can feel free to come visit Martha while your here." She'd unbuckled the girl and pulled her onto her hip as she opened the door and pushed it inside before Thomas could get up.

"Thank you again. Good night Thomas." Then she was behind the door and the sound of a wailing toddler could be heard from within.

Thomas chuckled to himself as the door slid shut. "Good night you two." He said to the closed door and empty halls. He turned and started off. His stomach grumbled a bit which made him chuckle again. "Food then hit the sack Thomas, you have a busy day ahead of you." Anyone in the halls would have heard him say as he rounded a corner and was gone.


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