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[back post] Morning Revelations

Posted on 03 Jun 2024 @ 8:25pm by Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

2,162 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Star Base 51 - family housing deck. unit 506-D
Timeline: Early morning after we meet again

Thomas had swung by the galley and picked up three meals, two bacon, eggs with hash browns and coffee, the third a sweet oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries to make it colorful. The last meal had a small cup of chocolate milk for Martha. He held the trays in his hands and used his elbow to palm the chime. It was currently 0500 hours and if they weren't up yet, they probably should be. He hoped Cass wouldn't mind him doing this as she was the only one he really knew here. He knew he would get to know the others soon enough though but until then, she was his only friend so far.

The door slid open to reveal a black panther like Caitian. C'Tirr eyed the man up and down. "You must be Thomas Zang." He said in an almost amused tone as he reached out to help lighten the other man's load. "Cassie mentioned that you might come by to visit Martha. I'll be honest though I wasn't expecting you so soon .. or so early."

Thomas nodded to the large Caitian. "Yeah, that's me. I was hoping to catch her before she left for her meeting thus the early breakfast call." He said as he let C'tirr take part of the meal. "Hope you don't mind I brought Martha something to eat as well." He motioned to the oatmeal. "I had them mash the fruit up a bit to make it easier for her to eat."

C'Tirr moved aside to allow Thomas entry to the spacious living room beyond. It was orderly and clean. Still it was obvious by various items placed around that a young child lived there. The booster seat at the table and it's little step stool near the sink in the kitchen. Colorful bits of furniture, like a frilly soft rug in the corner of the living room flanked by a couple shelves one holding neatly arranged children's books and the other tubs of various sorted toys. "Cassie had to leave early." C'Tirr said cooly directing Thomas to the small kitchen table. "Martha is fixing her bed and should be out shortly. It takes her a little bit." The Caitian bid Thomas to have a seat as he set the table. "So, you're an old friend of Cassie's. She mentioned something about you being part of an assault team together about six years ago. That means you were part of the Xycrux mission if I'm not mistaken. I assume that is why you are both so close." C'Tirr asked taking a seat across from the young man. "You were one of the eight to survive being cut off for three months in hostile territory together. No small feat. I understand if you don't want to talk about it. I gather from Cassandra that it was very brutal and likely still confidential."

"Yeah, I was on that mission. I helped us survive with my skills in wilderness survival. Cass was a great leader for that mission though." Thomas said as he laid the food out, being sure to set the oatmeal down in front of the booster seat. "My contribution to that mission was building shelters as needed and hunting though I did have to use my sniper skills a few times."

C'Tirr nodded listening carefully. "She spoke highly of you. So tell me about yourself and what brings you here." It wasn't a question. Perhaps an invitation more than likely a request.

Thomas sat in front of one of the plates as he thought a moment. "Well I was raised on earth on the mid northern part of Washington. I lost my mother when I was young and my father a few years before I joined the Marines. He taught me most of my survival skills and my skill with guns and weapons." He took a bite of eggs and chewed it quickly.

It was here that Martha came out. "Uncle I'm dressed and made my bed." She said clear as a bell. Nothing of the baby babbling she'd displayed with Cassandra the day before. She came around the kitchen table a big smile on here face grew wider as she noticed Thomas sitting there. "Hi Tommy!" She said a happy not of that sing song tone still lingering in her young voice. She climbed up the chair into her booster seat. Then without prompting she put on her napkin. "Is this mine?" She asked looking at the oatmeal with a pleased smile. "It's pretty."

"Yes kitten that's yours, Mr Zang was nice enough to bring it for you." C'Tirr stated his eyes never left Thomas's face though. The look of surprise he read there spoke volumes. "Martha here is a very intelligent child. She doesn't like to show it to her mother. Which is it's own issue."

"Mother gets sad when I do big girl things. I don't like it when she's sad. Besides when I am fussy I get more of her attention."Martha explained very matter of fact as she began to daintily eat her oatmeal. "Take eating for example. I could eat properly and be good. But then mother would use that time to try and do other things. If I'm messy and fussy she stays at my side and I get all of her attention for myself. It's simple really." Her little feet swayed as she took another bite and smiled over the table at him.

C'Tirr shook his head and shrugged. "There you have it."

Thomas shook his head as he chuckled to himself. "I don't know what to think." The chuckled turned into a laugh. "You had me fooled too." He took another bite to stop his mirth. Once he had swallowed that bite, he spoke. "Does your mother have any idea you're this intelligent?"

Martha looked at him as if assessing his question. "No. I don't believe she does. Nor do I wish for her to know. At least not for a while yet. I enjoy being her baby."

C'Tirr had picked at the other container of food. He had so much to say about the strange situation. He loved Martha and he kept her secret for two reasons. First out of respect for Martha. He also enjoyed watching Cassandra baby the girl. Secondly because he worried that Martha's intelligence might spark a recollection of Martha's father. Tevran Antako. He had been a genius, he had also been a sedistic serial killer. He didn't want Cassandra to make that connection and possibly become afraid of the girl. "Go recycle your bowl and rinse off, brush your teeth."

"Yes uncle. Please excuse me Tommy." The little girl said taking her empty bowl and cup to the recycling unit then disappeared into the washroom.

C'Tirr spoke quietly once he heard the water running. "Her father was highly intelligent. I think it would be a bad idea for Cassandra to be made aware of Martha's intelligence until she's been properly prepared for it." He explained.

"I'll try my best to not say anything." Thomas said as he finished off his meal. "So how are you feeling? Cass said you had been injured recently, You doing alright?"

"I'm recovering well. Doctor Hawthorne has me doing physical therapy three days a week now instead of seven. I've rebuilt a lot of the lost muscle and her experimental serum has been repairing the damaged nerves in record time." He explained. "So back to you. What is your interest in my sister?" The Caitian asked protectively.

Thomas let out a good laugh. "My only intentions are those of a good friend and comrade. She was one of the first real friends I had after the academy." He explained with a grin on his face. "You don't need to worry my furry friend."

"That's good. She's been through enough nonsense. Good 'friends' and family is all she really needs right now." C'Tirr had emphasized the word 'friends' with a leveled look.

The water shut off and soon Martha was back. She brought with her the wooden figure Thomas had given her yesterday. "Before I forget. Thank you for letting me borrow it. It's very good. Mother said that you make them. Is this one of yours?" She asked as she handed it back to him.

Thomas took the wooden figure from her. "No, this one my father made. I've had it for as long as I can remember." He said as he looked at it, his finger stroked its back a moment then looked back at Martha. "Why don't you keep it. I'm sure he would like for you to have it if he were here." He said with a smile as he offered it back to her.

Martha shook her little head. Her eyes held a deep well of sympathy for him as she spoke. "My father's dead too. You should keep it to remember him by." That sympathy betrayed a sadness equally as deep. "I think that's what he'd want the most."

"I have a few things that were from him to help me remember him. I'm afraid that it's going to get broke one these days while I'm doing my job, but if you hold onto it, I know that it would be in great hands." Thomas smiled as he slipped it into her hands. "If you won't accept it as a gift then think of it as your figure sitting for me until the time i will have a better, safer place for it." He shot C'tirr a wink.

Martha took it then with a nod. "Okay, I'll keep it safe for you. I'll let mother know when she gets home. I'm not sure how she's going to feel about it. But don't worry I will make sure it's safe." She promised solemnly. Turning she hurried off to her bedroom.

C'Tirr wasn't sure what to think of it all. Still Martha seemed happy, and Thomas didn't give off the vibe of being a danger. At least not to him or to the family. C'Tirr was sure he was plenty dangerous under the right circumstances. But then again so too was C'Tirr.

Thomas looked over at C'tirr once Martha had run off. "Can you tell me about her father?" He asked. H wanted to know about this man who had given Cass such a wonderful child.

An ear on the large Caitian twitched and his long tail swished the only sign of his agitation. Not at the question per say. But at the memories it invoked. "He was a criminal I was investigating. He had an MO of going after those charged with investigating him. Saw it as a game of sorts. He abducted and killed numerous investigators and their entire families. Cassandra and I barely survived our ordeal. Martha, well she is the result of one of his games." He said his tone soft so as not to be overheard incase the toddler was indeed listening. "Cassandra doesn't hold the child responsible nor do I for her father's crimes. He is dead now. Martha knows nothing about him except that he is indeed dead. Jane her councilor is working with Cassandra on how to best approach the subject once Martha starts to ask questions. So far we simply avoid the topic all together." He finished the cup of coffee in a deep swallow as if trying to wash a bad taste from his mouth.

"I'm sorry for asking, it obviously brought up bad memories for you." Thomas said in a small voice. He did indeed feel bad about asking. If he had an inkling to the child's father, he wouldn't have asked. "I will be sure to not to bring it up to Cass nor mention the subject around Martha." He said after a short pause. "I hope that you all can get over this quickly and should you need someone to talk to, I want you to know that if I'm around, you have an ear willing to listen." He offered the large Caitian a comforting smile.

C'Tirr nodded in response, "She will be needing to go to preschool soon. Then I will have to break it to her that her mother has been deployed. Intelligent as she is, she's still very much a child. You might not want to be around for when I break the news. It won't be pretty." He said with a warning.

"That's ok, I need to go anyway." Thomas said as he stood up. "I need to go report in with Captain Falk here soon. It was great meeting you; I had heard some about you from Cass back in the day but finally meeting you. I understand why she thinks so highly of you. May this be the start of a great friendship between us as well." He said with a grin as he held his hand out to C'tirr.

C'tirr rose and shook the hand firmly. "We will see. Only time will tell."


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