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Curious Events

Posted on 08 Jul 2024 @ 12:48pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG T'Kara
Edited on on 22 Aug 2024 @ 11:22am

1,606 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Tomcat/Poseidon
Timeline: Current

OOC: Lt T'Kara simming as Capt Johnson of the USS Poseidon a different sim.


After her Security Investigations Officer and CIO had left her Ready Room, she looked at the report again and noticed that there was another ship that she knew about that was under the influence of the report, so sitting back she opened up a channel to Captain Johnson on the Poseidon and applied the security protocols to the communication. She had heard about Johnson from Paul her cousin's husband who was once an engineer on the ship, a heavily Modified Miranda Class ship if her memory served her correctly.

A Moment later the revolving Starfleet Delta was replaced by who she assumed was Johnson =/\= Captain Johnson, I assume? Hello, I am Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers Commander of the USS Tomcat, might you have a moment? I have intel on what might impede your missions in your sector =/\= she began.

=/\= Tomcat, right? =/\= replied Franklin from the screen. He was sitting in a chair, likely his CRR chair, and there was a Starship Gray background behind him. =/\= You've reached me, that's right, Captain Franklin Johnson at your service.=/\=

Franklin smiled as he listened to the rest of what Jasmine had to say.

=/\= Intel you say? Alright, but it'll cost you. =/\= he replied, *with a slight grin.* =/\= How's Paul Sharpe doing? He mentioned you and your ship in passing once, haven't heard from him since he was promoted off the ship.=/\=

A Little surprised that he slightly had gone off topic but she hid it =/\= Paul is doing well thanks, he is overseeing the Upgrades and retrofit to the Tomcat, the old girl has not had any TLC for over sixteen years, so she is long overdue, how goes the old girl called Poseidon? I got unofficial reports that promise and duct tape are holding the ship together, Commander Sharpe's words =/\= Somers said with a smile.

=/\= That's good to hear. Paul was always a sharp man, I appreciated him and his guidance. He deserves a break =/\= Franklin replied, then listened to the rest of Somers's explanation. He nodded along.

=/\= he is on SB51 with his wife and two kids, the moment the Tomcat is completed they are returning to earth, Paul to some duties and his wife Lieutenant Colonel Somers back to the Academy, she is learning Bridge officer and Captain's duties then she will transfer to Fleet, it seems my cousin is following my duty path to some extent, I was a Marine many years ago now I am a Fleet Captain, at some point Colonel Somers will take over from me as the Captain of the Tomcat and I will be put in command of Starbase 51, not looking forward to that =/\= Somers added in resignation.

=/\= Completely understandable. I only was recently promoted to Task Group Commanding Officer in Theta Fleet, it's been a whirlwind of responsibilities I wasn't prepared for =/\= Franklin replied, then gave his own resigned sigh. =/\=Anyway, I'm sure this isn't a pleasant call. I appreciate you entertaining my questions. What's this intel you have, if I may ask? =/\=

*Smiles* =/\= How much do you know about the Mirror Universe and its attempts to insert agents and cause upheaval in Federation space? =/\= Somers asked.

Sure, here's a revised version incorporating those details:

Captain Franklin Johnson's expression grew serious at the mention of the Mirror Universe. He leaned forward slightly, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest of his chair.

=/\= The Mirror Universe, yes, I'm familiar with it =/\= Johnson replied, his tone now devoid of the earlier light-heartedness.

=/\= We had a Gorn named Lazarus Korrd come through from the Mirror Universe. He served on the Poseidon for a while as part of a process to reconstitute him into our society. Gregory Paladin, our Commodore, was assigned as his liaison. We also encountered mirror universe pirates who assaulted the Poseidon at one point. So yes, we know they're a persistent threat. =/\=

He paused, considering the implications of Somers' statement. =/\= If there's credible intel about Mirror Universe agents operating in our sector, we need to address it immediately. What details do you have? Any specific threats or incidents we should be aware of?=/\=

Johnson's gaze remained steady on the screen, his mind already running through possible scenarios and contingency plans. The mention of the Mirror Universe always demanded the highest level of vigilance and preparedness.

=/\= I am sending you on a subchannel with high-level encoding, have your system keep up, but here it is in brief my contacts have uncovered a Terran Infiltrator out here in the Mira Sector, I know we are at the ass-end of the Federation, but as it is lightly patrolled we are subject to attempted incursions. Saying that this infiltrator initially defiant, finally broke, I do not know what my contact used to persuade them, but it seems there is a short supply of dilithium and deuterium in the Mirror Universe and naturally the Terran Empire being what it is and it need for control have pushed them to open an artificial spatial anomaly and send out scouts =/\= she paused.

=/\= So far there have been no large ship sightings and I have not yet uncovered the incursion location, but it would be logical if it is out in my sector, that is my problem, yours is locating, detaining and questioning the Terran Scout that is operating in the inner sectors of the Federation, the data I am sending you has known areas where traces of the scout or scouts have been detected. One of those traces comes from the Starbase the Poseidon restocks at, has anything happened to the Poseidon that has you and your crew puzzled on how the events happened? *Somers asked then continued* you and I both know that the Terran scouts will have two-fold objectives scout for fresh resources and if they get a chance cause chaos and they are very good at not getting caught. The Scout we caught confirmed there was an artificial spatial anomaly somewhere in our reality but he did not know where his people shipped him here in a ship without viewports, I think it is knowledge that some of their scouts would get captured so by not knowing the location we are left chasing our tails. But Captain the serious issue to take into account here is the artificial Spatial anomalies the Terran Empire can create, for all we know they can even move the destination side, but the device making things on their side would need a major amount of power=/\= she paused again.

Captain Franklin Johnson listened intently to Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers' detailed briefing on the potential Mirror Universe incursion. His expression remained serious as he processed the gravity of the situation. After a brief moment of contemplation, he leaned forward and replied:

=/\= Captain Somers, thank you for this critical information. The implications of a Terran Empire infiltrator operating within the Federation are severe, and we must act swiftly and decisively.=/\=

Johnson paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

=/\=The mention of dilithium and deuterium shortages in the Mirror Universe and their potential motivations for creating artificial spatial anomalies is particularly concerning. The possibility of them moving the destination side of these anomalies adds a layer of complexity to our response strategy.=/\=

He tapped a few commands into his console, initiating the secure subchannel to receive the data from Somers.

=/\=I have the subchannel ready to receive the encrypted data. As for the Poseidon, we have had a few puzzling incidents recently, including unexplained technical malfunctions and strange sensor readings near the Starbase where we resupply. It's possible these events are related to the presence of the Mirror Universe scout. =/\=

Johnson's tone grew more resolute.

=/\=We will begin immediate investigations into these areas and coordinate with Starbase security to enhance monitoring and detection efforts. I will also ask my Chief Intelligence Officer to analyse the data you provided to pinpoint potential locations and movements of the Terran scout.=/\=

He paused again, his expression thoughtful.

=/\= The threat of artificial spatial anomalies being used to facilitate these incursions is a serious concern. We'll need to develop countermeasures and perhaps even collaborate with Starfleet's science division to understand and mitigate these anomalies. =/\=

Johnson nodded, a determined look in his eyes.

=/\=Thank you again, Captain Somers. We'll take all necessary precautions and steps to address this threat. Please keep us informed of any further developments on your end, and we'll do the same. Together, we'll ensure the safety and security of the Federation. Is there anything else you wanted to relay?=/\=

=/\= Yes, the Terran Scouts are already in this reality, they could be anyone, so it goes without saying to increase genetic testing for sensitive areas, as the Terran's core signature will differ from ours, so be vigilant, I now have to go brief by SI and CIO, so I will let you go and as agreed if I get any new info for your area I will let you know or a simple update.

=/\= Thank you, Captain =/\= replied Franklin

*Smiling* =/\= Well I will let you go Captain and wish you luck with this Terran threat and may fortune ever favour the bold =/\= Somers said with a smile.

=/\= Of course, you as well, and thank you again =/\=

With that, the line was closed, and Jasmine sat back and sighed...




Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon

Simmed By



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