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Terran Troubles

Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:48am by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Thyra Sh'shraaqir & Master Chief Petty Officer Alexi Michelle
Edited on on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:49am

2,515 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Captain's Ready Room - Themistocles
Timeline: Current


With the SI and CIO on their way Jasmine remembered someone she had left out, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Captain Somers to Lieutenant Ze to report to the CRR immediately please =/\=

Ze had been in his office catching up on all of the things he had missed whilst he was in the med bay, he was still a little fragile from the last mission but he buckled up soon enough when he got back into the swing of things, His comm badge chirped to life =/\= On my way captain ill be there momentarily =/\= he spoke standing and grabbing his padds and sidearm from his desk exiting his office into the hall making for the turbo lift.

He walked round the corner to the turbo lift, attaching his sidearm to his belt as he waited for the lift to arrive, fixing his dishevelled hair in the reflective surface of the turbo lift doors, the doors parted and he stepped in "Computer Take to the CRR Immediately please" he spoke as the turbo lift whooshed to life and deposited him in the adjacent hallway to the CRR.

He walked in clutching his pads as he nodded to the secretary on duty at the CRR's porch office, making his way to the blast door and walking through "Captain sorry I'm late I got up doing reports" he said smiling briefly.

When the CoS arrived "What would you like to drink Lieutenant?" Somers asked.

Ze came in and took a seat looking to the captain "Fresh Orange juice and A Vulcan tea please captain" he spoke as he fiddled with the padds in his hands, it had been a while since he had been in the CRR and like most things on the tomcat it had changed a little since they had been refitted "I like what you've done with the CRR Captain it's very spartan"

*Smiling* Somers went over to the replicator "One Coffee black" she said to the replicator and looked at the Andorian expectantly.

"Thank you, Captain. I am having some bad nights lately." She accepted the coffee.

After Jasmine had handed the two women their respective drinks she got one herself and sat behind her desk, "I assume you are wondering why my Intelligence Chief and Investigations Officer have been called in together?" Somers began.

Thyra shook her head. "Not really, I mean I am intelligent, she is investigative. I assume we are being briefed on a mission I have intel on. Am I correct to assume that?"

*Looks at Thyra* "No on this neither of you three has the Intel, hence why you are both here now, before I begin what do you both know about the Mirror Universe?" Somers asked to begin.

Alexi frowned slightly, "From reports I have read it is not a place we would like to stay for very long."

Ze took the conversations in and sipped at his Vulcan tea, noting things down on his padd "From the reports I've read captain its a very aggressive place and for sure we wouldn't want to stick around in there for too long as much as this new ship of ours is nothing short of a battle cruiser we could never match the pure unfiltered aggression of the terran empire" he said matter of factly.

*Smiling* "Well it seems they have taken a renewed interest in our Universe again" Somers said putting out the bait so to speak with a smile.

Alexi frowned at that bit of news, "Sounds like they won't be happy till they take over every universe they can find." She shook her head and looked around at the others, "So, am I to understand this will be dealing with an incursion of some sort?"

"The Incursions have already begun" the Captain said then her comm unit went off "One moment" she said to her guests and opened the link she had a look of surprise =/\=Alex, to what do I owe this honour? =/\= Jasmine asked.

The others in the room could hear what was being said.

=/\= We have had an issue with the Tomcat here on the Starbase Jasmine, Lieutenant Hawksley was seriously hurt in the explosion and Paul was badly hurt =/\= the Colonel reported.

=/\=Oh shit! How bad is the damage and are there any casualties?=/\= Jasmine asked then blushed a little when she realised she had company.

=/\= The Initial reports indicate there were charges planted near the inside of the warp core, and the conduits leading to the nacelles, safety precautions minimized the blast. A Security investigation was completed by Commander Smithson. Her team have confirmed that that area and the junction linking the computer core to the warp core controls were also destroyed by blasts adjacent. The damage was extensive, Exo Comps are doing the reconstruction of destroyed areas, but the gritty stuff will need to be done by engineers and get this, there was a Mirror Universe Signature trace, Commander Smithson has locked down the Station and a manhunt is underway =/\= Alex said,

=/\= I am glad they are okay, Leland and Paul now =/\= Jasmine said.

=/\= Paul would like to put Lieutenant Hawksley up for a commendation or award, he got seriously hurt saving my husband's life and damaging his spinal cord in the process, so Paul would like to put in a recommendation for Lieutenant Hawksley =/\= the Colonel said and saw her cousin's mood shift the news had just hit her properly.

When Jasmine responded it was strained and full of contained anger =/\= Thank you for reporting this to me Alex, I will not down Paul's nomination for Leland, find the culprit and make them pay =/\= Jasmine said.

=/\= Will do, Starbase 51 out =/\= Alex responded and cut the link oO she took that better than expected Oo Alex thought to herself.

Jasmine looked at those present "It is not often I get such bad news like that, but I am glad you were here for it as it will make what I say have more meaning" the Captain said.

Alexi felt uncomfortable listening in on what should have been, at least in her mind, a private conversation. However, the fact that there was a clear indication that it was an attack from the mirror universe caused her not a little concern. Also, the fact that the Lieutenant Colonel's Husband and Leland Hawksley were injured, made her downright angry. She really wanted to find those responsible and make them pay for what they had done to her friends. "Tell us what you need," Alexi replied, her voice hinting at her willingness to do whatever it took, "We'll see it gets done."

Ze took everything in as it was spoken, however he had no input on this he just wanted to observe for now and come to his own conclusions when he had a meeting with Thyra and Alexi after this meeting so that he could note everything down and form a battle plan should they need one, he listened intently the convocation that had happened in front of him, his heart skipping a beat and sweat forming on his brow "What happened to Leland captain is he ok?" he was now worried more worried than he had been for a while, heart was pounding through his chest.

Alexi looked briefly towards Ze, seeing her concern mirrored in his eyes. Turning back to the captain to hear what she had to say because whatever was going down if they were already attacking the Tomcat, it meant they were scared, whoever they were.

*pauses* Her tone still indicates a fit of strained anger she was containing "You all heard of the sabotage at the Starbase and the subsequent lockdown, but the news I have will put things into perspective" she said and looked at Ze "Leland is okay his spine was repaired, but he will be in rehab for some time, now as for why you are all initially here, I will need Security and intelligence to work this, it cannot be fast, but any data and other information must be gathered and fact-checked and correlated take your time with this as I do not want it rushed" she paused.

"I have also brought Captain Johnson of the Poseidon up to date, so he will keep sensors open on his end, however, there have been reports, initially only suspected, but with the recently attempted sabotage which was meant as a distraction, but recent events have made the initial suspicions true. It seems this reality has been infiltrated by the Mirror universe, initial reports indicated the agents are looking to obtain sources of Dilithium and some other minerals used in conjunction with Starships and warp cores. Until the recent sabotage, all this was suspect, now however things have changed, any questions so far before I hand out your assignments?" the Captain asked.

Alexi frowned slightly, "Begging your pardon, but, I do not believe time is a commodity that should be wasted." She took a quick breath, "I agree we need to vet whatever intel we find, but if they are already here, we need to act sooner, rather than later."

Ze listened intently to what was being said "I have to agree with Alexi here time is not something we have right now so we need to hit their ass and hit the ground running and get ahead of the curve before we get swarmed with Terran ships and Terran clones of our crew"

"I would agree with you, Alexi I want you to quietly investigate the crew, and work with medical if you have to, but keep it on the QT, I want to know if we have any infiltrators here on the Themistocles," Somers said looking at her Security Investigations Officer

Alexi nodded solemnly, "'I'll make sure to vet every single person on the crew." She knew it was going to be fast but thorough. If there were any infiltrators on this ship, they wouldn't be able to stay hidden from her for long.

Tosrol, Thyra I want you and your Department to work with Intelligence and get as much information as you can, I caution taking things slow as these Terran Scouts are not stupid and they are well trained, by now all of Starfleet is aware, so all we got to do is concentrate on our sector of space"

Ze sipped from his drink "Thyra we will see up and intel department briefing between security and intelligence get both of our teams working this double time that way we will have results faster" he said with a brief smile.

Thyra finally regained some function in her brain. And could finally speak after hearing everything that transpired. "Captain, Lieutenant, Master Chief Petty officer, I do have the intell. You see, they planned it and they planned a lot more. Right now my department is going over a huge amount of intelligence on the Terrans as we speak. Some time ago we went on a mission with Colonel Somers and we ended up on a Terran station, they came here through a wormhole and her Terran counterpart got away. Colonel Somers let her go to obtain this intelligence. We're still going through the bulk, but the attack was planned. I just didn't get it until this happened. They are planning something big. And that wormhole and the attack on the Tomcat was just the beginning."

Looking concerned "I had heard that you guys got a huge data dump, the Colonel did right, but I have not had time to catch up on reports as it all happened during my captivity and for a while after I was in Counselling, but was there anything on that data that mentioned about scouts looking for more dilithium sources and other stuff?" The Captain asked "what there anything on there on any sabotage missions and Intel gathering missions and what sectors?" She asked her CIO two questions in rapid succession.

Thyra nodded. "Yes, I didn't piece it all together until just now. The event on the base, was mentioned on the data dump. And if I am correct, this is just the beginning. We are still decoding and going through all the data. My team is working round the clock and working extra hours. I could use some extra hands going over it."

Alexi frowned at this new information. "If they have been making infiltration runs for a while, it might be wise to identify those crew who joined after the initial event." She wondered just how she would go about this project, "I'll need to obtain copies of personnel files from before that incident to compare with current records. While they are doubles there are minor differences that can be determined. And perhaps choosing someone you can trust within the medical staff to assist would also be wise." She made notes on her PADD of what she would need. It was going to be hard to do, but she would not sleep until every member of the crew was authenticated thoroughly.

*Looks at her SI Officer* picking up a Padd and typing something on it, then handing it to Michelle "This is the authorisation for you to speak to the CMO and obtain the files and do a skeletal DNA check of everyone on the Themistocles, and make sure everyone on this ships is who they claim to be, I have full faith that no one on this ship is a Mirror Universe spy, but remember the sabotage took place on Starbase 51, coordinate with Security there, they might have information that may help" Somers paused "I read somewhere that while a Terran Officers general DNA and such will adjust over time the longer they spend in our universe, the one part of a body that is the last to adjust, but will always retain a sliver of their originating universe is the bone marrow and a Skeletal scan with Medical equipment should aid in uncovering any falsehoods" The Captain finished.

Michelle lifted an eyebrow and nodded as she accepted the PADD. "This will definitely make things much easier, Captain." She briefly looked at the PADD before securing it. As soon as this meeting was over, she would head straight to medical and start her investigations. "I'll coordinate with their security to provide the data from the base as well."

"If anything more comes up I will let you all know, but for now you have what you need, so all of you dismissed" Jasmine said and watched the Trio leave the CRR, she sighed, out here in the sticks and there were enemy agents afoot.




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