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A lesson, a confession, and some fun

Posted on 20 Jul 2024 @ 1:03pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews
Edited on on 26 Jul 2024 @ 9:47am

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Flight deck 1 - The Theo


Cassandra awoke well-rested despite the previous night's extracurricular activities. Rested as she was she had to admit to being a bit sore. Her body was not used to such vigorous activities. Still, there was no time to dwell on that now. Her schedule today included a lesson with her old friend Paul Winchester on the flight deck. Complain as her body did nothing was going to stop her from attending this lesson. She had put in a petition to take flying lessons after the last mission. Starfleet command had for once responded promptly and even more surprisingly in her favor. Taking the lessons from her friend Paul was simply the icing on the proverbial cake. She planned on savouring this slice for as long as possible. She missed her friend. Craved to hear how married life was going for him. How his cute little twin babies were doing. They shared a daycare with her daughter Martha on Starbase fifty-one. Cassandra had seen them there on occasion with Serena their mother. Being one of Paul's ex-girlfriends Cassandra had kept a careful distance out of respect for the happy couple. Now that she Cassandra has attached herself, maybe it wouldn't be so awkward.

She dressed and taking the advice of a few other pilots she'd met opted to skip breakfast. She entered the flight deck with that happy nearly dancing bounce in her step that only those in the mad clutches of love had surrendered to. She was so pleased, and felt nearly drunkenly happy. Though she was as sober as always. She wandered around until she was told by the flight deck operator that Paul was waiting for her on the holodeck. After looking around, she found the holodeck in question and found Paul by his fighter. She couldn't help but smile broadly. "Hey there old friend! Beautiful day for flying isn't it?". Though honestly she already felt as though she were flying. If only on a spiritual level. "How are you doing?"

Paul had been waiting on the holodeck for the last Fifteen minutes for Cassandra to arrive for her first lesson on her flight training when he suddenly heard her call him, He responded “ I am fine 1st Lieutenant Matthews,” calling her by her rank “and you Will address me as Lieutenant or Sir, “ he stated looking back at her. He finished “ Is that understood?” as he knew that being the Deputy Chief of the flight and the fighter squadron they needed a squad leader for the Marine fighter pilots and now Cassie had put herself forward for the position and he was going to be tough on her.

Cassandra arched a curious brow but his tone was serious and she quickly deduced that he was indeed being most serious. Ick.

"Aye aye lieutenant, understood." She responded coming to a stop in front of him she came to attention and saluted her superior officer then. " My apologies for being tarty I was directed to the flight deck by the correspondence. I was subsequently corrected and sent here to meet you." She explained.

“ I will let you off this time Lieutenant” replied Paul giving her a stern look, He said,” First thing you will have to do is go see Medical about your flight suit” as he knew the G forces in a fighter would take a toll on the body without one. he continued “That will take some time with the Calibrations on how you're body will react to the pressures of flight,”

'Welp, so much for a friendly lesson.' Cassandra thought sighing inwardly. She wondered if he was mad at her or something.
She couldn't think of anything she had done however that would warrant that, so she dismissed the idea. He was simply just being very professional just because he could. She was a Marine so it would be easy enough to go along with it all.

"Aye, sir." She replied as there wasn't much else to say on the matter. She'd treat it like boot camp. After all her performance would be reflected on him and his training so she wanted to do her best. So best to forget that they were friends and just treat him like any other Training officer.

She stayed at GQ's stance waiting for her orders or for whatever information he would be drilling her on.

"If there is nothing else, 1st Lieutenant, then you are dismissed," replied Paul as he looked back at Cassie and knew that he had to be tough on her like all his pilots and not show favouritism.

Was that really it? Cassandra wondered. He could have just as easily sent her a message to go to medical and get fitted for her flight suit. She tried not to look as disappointed as she felt. She couldn't even convince herself that he'd just wanted to see her and get caught up on family and things because he had been so curt and professional. It stung a little. She didn't fully understand why her friend was treating her this way. All the same, he was her superior officer so in reflection it wasn't her place to think about that, Just to do as told. So she saluted with the usual, "Aye sir" and turned on heel and left.





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