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Tomcat Upgrades - Security Report

Posted on 26 Jul 2024 @ 12:24pm by Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: After Tomcat Upgrades -ERROR post


- Medical -

Moving away supported by his Wife Paul turned to face the pair "will be seeing you around" Sharpe said as his Commbadge sounded and a voice on the other end spoke.

=/\= Commander Sharpe please report to Commander Smithson's Office, news on current events =/\= The Comms went silent Paul and Alex shared a look of worry and sighed as they left Medical.

- Security Office -

Sam had only just returned from inspecting the damage to the Tomcat, already the ExoComps were replacing damaged bulkheads and walls and warp core, what she had found was alarming, she would have to notify the Fleet Captain of this and Sam had a feeling that she would not be a happy camper. She had only just sat down when Sharpe and his Wife entered, she was helping him after his accident.

With concern in her voice "How is Lieutenant Hawksley?" Smithson asked.

"He will need physio, but he will live, but he will need to seek out Counselling as such an injury is traumatic" Alex said as the pair sat down as Paul flinched.

"Okay Sam, what did you find out about the explosion?" He asked.

"Before I answer that, how are you Paul?" she asked still concerned.

"Sore, but in better shape than Leland, and also in some pain, so what is the stitch with the explosion?" Sharpe asked not being deterred.

Pulling up the security file "There was a destabilization in the conduits leading to the warp core, a small partially destroyed device, and in the computer system a stealth device that was hidden until triggered" Smithson reported reading from the screen.

"Were the devices remotely activated or timed to explode?" Sharpe asked.

"To cover the possibility of other forms I have all of Security and Intelligence doing a sweep of all areas of this Starbase, but in this instance, we got lucky while it was sabotage, the devices were on a timer" Smithson responded.

"Better have Engineering check the ExoComps as they have been doing the heavy lifting and one of them could be modified" Sharpe suggested.

Smithson smiled in appreciation "Now the device has a Mirror Universe signature, what is even stranger was that the Dilithium in the core while a small amount meant only for stationary testing was removed" Smithson said.

"Have there been any recent arrivals or departures?" Sharpe asked his Security training kicking in

"No on both accounts, so if the Sabatour is still on this station they will be laying low and trying to get off the station, I will have all private departures halted and commence a complete lockdown on all exits from the station, it will cause some ruckus, but we have to be sure" Smithson responded.

"A Terran has a unique signature compared to this reality, you might try scanning for that" Sharpe suggested and got an I know look from Sam he just smiled.

"That is all in hand, I just thought that you might want to know the score on this, but be assured the saboteur WILL be tracked," Smithson said determined in her tone.

Alex and Paul sat back in shock, "crippling a powerful ship before it is fully completed from its upgrade is logical, but the ship was nowhere near operational status at this moment in time, so why delay something other than just to sow confusion!" Sharpe mused.

"I do not know Commander Sharpe," Smithson said in response, but the whole station is currently on lockdown, so the next question now is who is going to be the one to let Captain Somers know?" Smithson asked.

Both she and Sharpe looked at Alex "Why me?" She asked honestly surprised.

"The Somers' temper scares us, in this, we need to fight fire with fire," Sharpe said.

Alex simply gave a resigned sigh "Okay I guess it will be me then!" she exclaimed and did not miss the relaxing smiles of Smithson and her husband oO If our family's temper was that bad!? Oo She asked herself.

"Is there anything else Commander Smithson?" Sharpe asked.

Sam looked at her computer and shook her head, "no nothing, if I get any more information I will definitely let you know" Smithson said.

Both nodded and stood "I have a feeling there are dark days coming for us!" Sharpe said as he left the Security Chief's Office.






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