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New pilot

Posted on 22 Aug 2024 @ 2:09pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: CRR
Timeline: After Meeting with SI and CIO


After leaving the Holodeck, Paul had a PADD in his hand, he was on his way to see Fleet Captain Sommers about permission to Train 1st Lieutenant Matthews to become the Marine Squadron leader as at the moment they had a rotating one, as the 1st Lieutenant had approached him about learning to fly. But before he could start the training he needed Permission and did not want to step on anyone's toes.

He stepped into the lift and said " Bridge," he tapped his combadge and said =/\= Winchester to Captain Somers, I need to speak with you requiring Permission to take 1st Lieutenant Matthews to the Fighters,=/\=

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= Indeed, come right in when you get onto deck one Lieutenant, Somers out she said and closed the line.

A few moments later her doors opened and in walked Winchester with a Padd in hand, "Lieutenant have a seat and speak" Somers said as she sat back.

"Sir, I have been approached by 2nd Lieutenant Matthews about becoming our Marine Squadron leader," replied Paul handing over the PADD to the Captain, "I do know that our Marine contingent is short of pilots and ask that this request be approved," he stated looking back at Jasmine. He finished" Although they Don't have a Marine commander to keep them in line,"

Jasmine took the offered Padd and read it then placed it on her desk "How is the flight training of Lieutenant Matthews going Mr Winchester?" She asked skipping the subject for now.

"At the Moment Sir she is in medical getting her flight suit fitted" replied Paul looking back at his commanding officer, as he knew after all his time in a fighter it was an important part of a pilot kit, he continued "She will begin as soon as that is concluded,"

*Smiling* "Excellent, I wanted to train as a pilot, but I never got the chance" Somers responded.

"I would also ask that any other crew with fighter experience take a brush-up course in case we need them," Paul said as he was looking at the bigger picture, as he knew that when flying a CAP he needed pilots to rotate to give those out in the void a break and not spend too long out there.

*thinks a minute* "The only other Rifle Officer I know with Some fighter Experience is Colonel Somers, she has not renewed her Fighter flight status, but she is fully versed in every single shuttle and runabout Starfleet currently has in service. but she is not on this crew and will be returning to Earth to finalize her Captaincy training after the Tomcat upgrades are done, Major Donovan has only done simulator fighter training and that was on the holodeck she is too damn tall for the Gryphon class Fighters we have, as for anyone else they have the basic shuttle flight training" she paused.

"You could speak to our Chief Auxillary Pilot Lt Febvre to see if she wants to do fighter training!" Somers suggested.

" Not a bad idea," replied Paul looking back at the Captain, he said " She could do with extra responsibility," as he jotted down a quick note to remind himself, he said" As for Major Donavan, I could use her to keep the Deck crews in check when I am up on the bridge,"

"You do know Major Donovan is a Rifle Officer and I do not know how the pilots will take to her, there is a First Lieutenant Tabor in the 102nd, but remember if you approach Major Donovan about this show some respect, she outranks you and we do not want another event as you did with the Colonel in a mission briefing," the Captain said.

" I understand that Captain," replied Paul looking back at the senior officer, " what we need on the deck when both Serena and I are out in the Void, is someone who can keep order," he stated leaning back in his chair, he finished " and I will also speak with 1st Lieutenant Tabor as well,"

*Smiling* "Excellent, you have begun to show promise and learn from your past mistakes, keep it up and I have no doubt that you will one day make Lieutenant Commander, but now you need to keep improving and be mindful of your mistakes! *pauses* "There is the Chief Aunxillary Pilot LeFbvre, I do not know if she has any fighter experience but she has experience in small ships" Somers added.

"I will ask the Chief and see if she would like to try out for the fighters," replied Paul, he continued " But what do we do about the Marine Pilots, they need to be kept in Order," he stated looking back at the fleet captain. He finished " and the only way I can see it is that either My wife remains fleet and I were to switch to Marine and still be DCAG"

She gave him a Somers look "I will have to think on that one, your request is noted, but for now remain where you are and what you are doing, I cannot think of anything else, if there is more Lieutenant say it now, otherwise meeting is concluded" Jasmine said.

"Mo, Ma'am" replied Paul as he knew that he had to schedule some more holodeck time to get the trainee pilots started on their first flight and paired up, he waited for the command to leave the room.

Seeing that he was waiting "Dismissed Lieutenant, go do your job, shoo!" she said with a smile as she motioned a shooing motion with her hand.

Paul stood up from his seat gave a nod turned and headed for the door as he knew that he had to get his new team ready to beat Benson, as the doors opened he wondered what he had to do and start his talks with the aux Pilot and the major.

When he had left she smiled at the door he exited, that was some request, while it was logical, it would need to be thought out.





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