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Scans and exams

Posted on 08 Aug 2024 @ 11:24pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Lieutenant JG T'Kara

1,914 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Theo medical bay
Timeline: Following: lessons, confessions, and some fun


Cassandra got directions from the computer to the medical bay aboard the Theo. She made her way down promptly as ordered. She hoped that perhaps they'd be too busy to accommodate her. It wasn't that Cassandra didn't like doctors. No, she actually held them in high regard. She just wasn't very comfortable with being examined. Thankfully due to technology and such they didn't really need to touch her or have her get undressed for most things. She was still uncomfortable being in any state of undress around anyone in a one on one. Now in the barracks she was fine. She knew she was safe amongst her peers.. her family of Marines. But one on one made her anxious since her dealings with Tevran Antako. Then all the poking and prodding from doctors during her pregnancy and recovery from her captivity. She still had scars that she wasn't comfortable explaining. Thankfully it was all in her files. Hopefully there wouldn't be any uncomfortable questions about the improperly healed injuries and scars. Jane had promised to put a note in her file to explain the nature of her wounds so Cassandra wouldn't have to again. Still she was worried. Considered trying to skip the exam altogether. The closer she got to sickbay, the more her heart began to race. The more she felt like her feet were filled with lead. "She's part of Sommers crew, Sommers trusts her so should I." She whispered to herself in a way of comfort. Damn Paul Winchester for putting this on her so unexpectedly.

Cassandra entered sickbay after a few deep breaths. Everything would be fine.' She told herself as she checked into the front lobby at the nurses station. Deep breaths, it will be quick and painless.' she assured herself.

T'Kara, the Vulcan Chief Medical Officer, stood calmly reviewing her patient's records on a console. The doors to the medical bay slid open with a soft hiss, and T'Kara turned to see Cassandra Mathews entering. She noticed the young officer's tension immediately—an elevated heart rate, a slight hesitation in her step, and an aura of anxiety that was almost palpable.

"Second Lieutenant Mathews," T'Kara greeted, unsure if she should have used the proper 'Lieutenant' moniker for identification, though her tone was even and soothing. "Please, come in and have a seat."

As Cassandra approached, T'Kara continued, "I have reviewed your medical records. There is no need for concern; today's examination will be routine and non-invasive. Our goal is to ensure your health and readiness, nothing more."

T'Kara gestured to a nearby biobed, her movements precise and calm. "You may sit here. I will perform a series of scans to assess your overall condition. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, please let me know, and we will proceed at your pace."

She began preparing the medical tricorder and other scanning instruments. "I understand you have had difficult experiences in the past. Rest assured, we will take every precaution to ensure your comfort and dignity during this examination. If you have any specific concerns or questions, I am here to listen."

T'Kara's eyes met Cassandra's, her expression remaining neutral yet somehow conveying empathy. "Shall we begin?"

Having followed the directions given to her Cassandra hesitated a moment her eyes searched the area before she sat down upon the biobed. No straps, no trays of ominous instruments. So far so good. She tried to relax. The doctor was wonderful, straight forward and kind. "Thank you doctor, you can begin." She said trying to smile a little dispite the slight tremble in her voice. She hadn't had a chance to mentally prepare herself for this.

The room in all it's whites and grey's and sterility in all it's standard glory made her weak kneed and aching for a strategic retreat. She was torn between wanting to look around and see everything she could. Find an exit, an escape even... 'An escape from what exactly? Your not on outpost 97.' Her mind reminded her. Then, from wanting to stare pointedly at the floor. Which made her more tense. Helpless even. It was all she'd been able to do in her other unfortunate situation. Which made her feel helpless. She didn't like it. She wasn't helpless. She had control and could walk out of this room, this situation whenever she wanted. She refused to give into to that terrible habit again.

Instead she settled on watching the doctor. Focusing on the angular face. A friendly face, obviously Vulcan. Even if the name hadn't been something of a clue. Dark brown extremely intelligent eyes. Framed with black hair. Pointed ears... She felt herself relax a bit more. This wasn't the face of a monster. This wasn't a place of torment. It was a place of healing. Jane had taught her this couping tool while Ctirr was in the hospital. Just focus on the people. Not the place. It worked most the time. "What do you need me to do?"

T'Kara noted Cassandra's attempt to smile and the slight tremble in her voice. The Vulcan doctor's perceptive nature allowed her to understand the depth of Cassandra's discomfort. She responded with a calm, reassuring tone, "You are doing well, Lieutenant. I will now proceed with a series of scans to assess your health."

T'Kara activated the medical tricorder, the device emitting a soft hum. "Please remain seated and try to relax. This will not take long."

As she moved the tricorder over Cassandra, T'Kara maintained a steady, calming presence. "You do not need to do anything at this moment. The tricorder will gather the necessary data. If you have any questions or concerns during the process, please feel free to express them."

The tricorder emitted a series of beeps and chirps as it scanned Cassandra's vital signs and internal systems. T'Kara's eyes flicked to the readouts, her expression neutral as she analyzed the data. "Your vitals are stable. I will now proceed with a more detailed scan to ensure there are no underlying issues that require attention."

T'Kara adjusted the tricorder settings and continued the scan, her manner precise and methodical. "You mentioned scars and past injuries. These are well-documented in your medical file. However, if there are any specific areas of concern or discomfort, please let me know. We aim to ensure your complete health and well-being."

The Vulcan doctor's voice remained steady and gentle. "It is important for you to feel comfortable and safe during this examination. Your cooperation and trust are greatly appreciated."

After completing the scans, T'Kara set the tricorder aside and looked directly at Cassandra. "The scans indicate that you are in good health. There are no immediate concerns. If you have any questions or if there is anything else you would like to discuss, now is the time."

T'Kara's gaze remained focused on Cassandra, her expression conveying both professionalism and genuine concern for her patient's well-being.

Cassandra let out a sigh of relief. Then remembered something she needed to ask about, "The flight suit.. Paul,. I mean Lieutenant Winchester mentioned that I'm supposed to have it fitted and calibrated through medical." She said.

T'Kara nodded, acknowledging Cassandra's request. "Yes, Lieutenant Winchester is correct. Ensuring your flight suit is properly fitted and calibrated is crucial for your safety and performance. I can assist you with that process now."

She moved to a nearby console and brought up the specifications for the standard issue flight suit. "Please stand on the platform," T'Kara indicated a small raised platform in the corner of the medical bay. "The calibration process involves scanning your biometrics to ensure the suit provides optimal support and protection."

Cassandra moved to the platform. Grateful for the explanation. It made it easier to comply. "Thank you doctor." She followed directions allowing the computer to do it's scans. Thankfully it was over with quickly. Fast and painless. Nothing worth all the fretting from before.

T'Kara completed the calibration scans efficiently, her movements precise and deliberate. As the computer finalized the biometric data, she addressed Cassandra with her usual calm demeanor.

"The scans are complete. Your flight suit will now be calibrated to ensure optimal fit and functionality. This process should enhance your safety and performance during missions."

T'Kara tapped a few commands into the console, and the display showed the suit's calibration progress. "The adjustments are being implemented as we speak. This will take a few moments."

She turned her attention back to Cassandra. "While we wait, is there anything else you would like to discuss? Any concerns or questions regarding your health or the flight suit's functionality?"

Cassandra wasn't sure how to voice her question. It was indeed wonderful news that her body had finally fully healed from the trauma she'd suffered through. It was enough to know that she was healthy again. Perhaps now with her body in good health, soon her mental health would follow. As a matter of fact it was improving by leaps and bounds. Two years ago she'd have never willingly walked into this room. A year ago she'd have been a crying mess. The stress would have triggered PTSD and it would have been ugly.

Cassandra had to admit that therapy had been a life saver. Having her brother back and now her daughter to. She'd been working harder on developing her couping skills and making progress so she could be a good mother to her little Martha. Unfortunately her mind was still unable to form any questions. Not while she was here.

"If I think of anything, I will send it to you in a message. I... I can not think of anything currently." It was true. Relaxed as she was her mind was still hyper aware of all the tools, the smells, and it refused to entirely put itself at ease.

T'Kara observed the subtle shifts in Cassandra's demeanor, noting the underlying tension that still lingered despite the completion of the scans. The Vulcan doctor, ever perceptive, chose her words carefully, aiming to provide reassurance without overwhelming her patient.

"Understood, Lieutenant Mathews," T'Kara responded, her voice as calm and measured as ever. "It is natural for the mind to need time to process experiences, especially those that evoke strong emotions. If any concerns or questions arise later, do not hesitate to contact me. Your well-being is my priority, and I am here to support you in any way necessary."

She paused for a moment, ensuring her message was clear. "You have made significant progress, and that is commendable. Healing, both physical and mental, is a journey, and you are navigating it with strength. Should you require any additional support or simply wish to discuss your progress, my door is always open."

T'Kara's gaze softened slightly, conveying a rare glimpse of Vulcan empathy. "Take care of yourself, Lieutenant Mathews. You are cleared for duty, and I wish you success in your upcoming missions."

She gave a respectful nod, signaling that the session was concluded, but also leaving the door open for any future interactions. T'Kara then turned back to her console, allowing Cassandra the space to depart at her own pace.

"Thank you doctor." Cassandra replied then wasted no time in making for a hasty exit.





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