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A place for everything and everything in it's place

Posted on 22 Sep 2024 @ 6:04pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr.

1,214 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Marines barracks, gear and storage

Cassandra had sent a message for Doctor Ross to come join her in the barracks store room. She had been given a list that had been issued by the ops officer to take an inventory of gear that had come aboard the Themistocles and compare it to the list of items actually stored. Apparently there was rumors of contraband having been smuggled on board. So things needed to be checked. As to why she'd picked the doctor. Well she felt he would have a good idea of if any of the field medical supplies had been mislabeled or anything. The Marines always kept a store of weapons, ammo, gears and supplies. Incase anything happens and the replicators where off line they could still function seamlessly. Their gear was kept separate from the main ships. Locked and secure. She was one of the few in charge of it's up keep and in keeping all of it up to date and in regulation. Now she'd be sharing that responsibility with the good doctor.

Just then, a tall figure in a white lab coat walked in. It was Gavin, the Marine Medic who was assigned to assist her in this task. He exuded an aura of confidence mixed with a hint of goofiness. Gavin, noticing Cassandra's arrival, couldn't help but feel himself drawn to her.

With a warm smile, he approached Cassandra and extended his hand in greeting. "Hey there, Lieutenant Mathews! I'm Gavin Ross, but you can call me Doc. It's great to finally meet you," he said, his voice sincere and friendly.

"Pleasure is all mine I'm sure Doc." Cassandra returned with a friendly nod and a warm smile. "It will be nice to have a hand with this. I don't know anything about the medical supplies. Last deployment I was wrote up because someone had stored sipping whiskey labeled as a Betazoid cough suppresant. So I'm glad they took my request seriously when I applied for a medical advisor to help. I hope I'm not taking you away from anything important. I understand doctors have rather vigorous schedules." The concern was genuine. She worried about over taxing her brothers in arms.

"You would be surprised what tricks Doctors can get away with." He chuckled at Cassandra's comment.

Gavin crossed his forearms and looked around at the various metallic crates, each labeled with its contents. The trouble was that sometimes crates were misplaced, misstored, or misscanned.

Gavin shot a grin at Cass. “Hey, I am happy to help.” He let his boot gently kick one of the rather large crates near the bottom of the storage lockers. “Believe it or not, I was baking cookies.” He shrugged.

“I brought oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.” He held a brown paper bag, which he set beside one of the storage room's work counters for the moment.

Gavin explained using his medical tricorder. He also pulled out a medical tricorder for Cass and handed it to her. “Using a medical tricorder helps determine where and when inventory should be pulled, spaced, and stored.”

Ross looked slowly as he started to walk a horizontal grid line from one section of the storage lockers. Pausing, his forehead furrowed a brow. “That’s odd. Some of these crates haven’t been inventoried in years.”

His words caught her attention... That was odd. Nothing should be out dated. She made her way over to him and where he was at.

“Hey,” Gavin stopped and turned to the wall computer, turning back to Cass. "What is your favorite music? Are there any bands? We should have some fun!” Ross cheekily grinned.

Dispite her worry Cassandra smiled at him. Her eyes went to the inventory list first and sure enough he was right. Her old inventory invoices were missing. Replaced by outdated records. It was puzzling. Perhaps a mistake or some glitch in the system. "Welp good thing we were going to update it today." She browsed the list looking for anything that might stand out. She had done inventory just a week ago. How very odd indeed. She shrugged it off. Stuff happened. "You like Frank Sinatra?" She finally asked him. "Or Fred Astaire?"

“Actually, I’m a little bit of a Paul Anka guy,” Ross chuckled. He scanned with his tricorder. "I am trying to find who was responsible for inventory… There are a lot of key identifiers missing in the container contents. This isn’t just an oversight.” Gavin had never seen this level of callousness when completing the inventory, especially medical contents, which were heavily regulated.

“We should probably bring in a security analyst. Find out what happened here…” Gav turned to Cass. What do you think, or am I making a mountain out of this?”

They had only begun to work on cataloging in Storage Hold A-009, Medical Materials, which was supposed to be a highly regulated, controlled room due to its contents.

"Your right. I'll have you get in touch with security, while I go ahead and check with engineering to see if this is all just some issue with the program. A glitch in the system or something." Cassandra suggested glad that he too was alarmed by the strange situation. She had just opened up anther crate that was also lacking in it's key identification marks. Inside she found parts for what appears to be a robot? A foot here, a connecter joint there, a hand.... "Yeah.. this shouldn't be here at all. Unless it was ment for engineering and was sent to the wrong storage area..though I.. I don't think I have ever seen anything like this in engineering before. Either way it's on heck of a mistake. With the records being erased it just feels very.. jankey."

“Jankey indeed.” Gavin checked over Cass’s shoulder, looking into the crate she had opened. Inside was a Penta-TEX IV Regulator series of nodes.

“I had better call security.” Tagging his com badge, Gavin spoke. =/\= 1st Sergeant Ross to Lt. Zee. Sir. I’m on my way to talk to you. In your office preferably. I’ve uncovered an issue. =/\= The Marine Medic codded a do not speak over com with the message to Tosrol.

“What you opened… This is scary. These nodes turn regular transporters, replicators, anything involving materialization on the molecular level to that of a neutron bomb.” The Marine at least knew improvised explosives when he saw them.

“Computer,” Ross called. “Once Lt. Matthews and I have left the storage room, seal with security encryption META-JJ-909-Enact.”

The computer replied instantly. “META-JJ-909 Encryption Engaged, Standing By.”

"Thank you Ross." Cassandra headed off to engineering. Not wanting to call just any engineering officer in on this. She had someone particular in mind.

[Tag] Ze

- Security Quarters –

Ross found his way through the large vessel to outside the Security Officer's quarters. He chimed once he arrived. He had hoped that Lt. Ze wasn’t too busy now, but he would need and want to know this.

OFF: -Hunting Ghosts pt 1 -




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