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A quick dinner and a date (part 1)

Posted on 17 Aug 2024 @ 6:26pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

3,289 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: holodeck

Thomas stood outside the holodeck doors at the panel. He wore black jeans, with a black undershirt and a black Kimono shirt with starburst style sleeves. He was programming the location, Kyoto Japan circa 2024. He smiled to himself as he felt the program was ready for her arrival. He palmed the door open and hit the run program as he stepped in to check that it was good to go. He stood on a semi busy street with numerous shops and restaurants lining the road.

Cassandra stepped off the lift with a bounce in her step. She had been anticipating this all day. She wore a lovely blouse the shade of forest green. Coupled with soft beige dress slacks. Casual but still dressy. She wore no makeup mainly because she had never taken the time to learn how to do it. It had never been important in her life. She'd left her hair down though. Letting it play down her shoulders and back. She looked around the corridor and her smile faded a little when she didn't see Thomas anywhere around.

Thomas, satisfied with the program turned and stepped back out of the holodeck. He hoped that Cass liked the choice of location as well as the meal selections. He glanced left and right down the hall and let his eyes fall upon Cass. His grin got larger though he could tell that she had the barest of a smile on her face. "Cass, over here. Everything alright? Nothing is wrong, is it?"

His voice caught her attention from where she had wandered further down the hall to search for the right holodeck. The moment she saw him the worry melted away. He looked very handsome tonight.... She suddenly felt very underdressed for the occasion. He hadn't told her just where they would be going or anything. So she'd dressed nicely and comfortably. "You... You look amazing." She finally managed to say as she made her way over to him. "I hope I look okay."

"You look great, but I thought we could use the holodeck to get you a more immersive outfit." Thomas said with a mischievous grin and a wink. "If you're ready, shall we?" He asked as he offered her his arm

Cassandra took the offered arm letting him lead her into the holodeck. As they entered the holodeck, Cassandra’s jaw dropped in amazement. The room had transformed into a bustling street in Kyoto, Japan. The sights and sounds were so realistic, she could almost feel the warm spring breeze and hear the chatter of the passersby. The holographic cherry blossom petals danced in the air, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

As Thomas led her through the crowded street, passing by traditional Japanese shops selling colorful kimonos and intricate handcrafted items. The smell of street food filled the air, making Cassandra’s stomach growl with hunger.

“Wow, this is amazing,” she exclaimed, taking in the vibrant scenery. “You really outdid yourself, Thomas.”

"Just wait, the first thing is your outfit. We need to fit the time and culture." Thomas said with a grin as he steered her into a shop. The sign had both English and Japanese naming it Musabi -Kyoto-. "Pick a kimono."

"A what?" Cassandra was confused. Sure, she'd heard of a kimono before. but still had never seen one exactly. Except maybe in pictures or a movie once. She hadn't studied much about Earth or it's different cultures. Now she wished she'd had. "I ... which one of them is a kimono?" She finally asked.

Thomas laughed. "My dear, all of these dresses are kimonos." He waved his hand in a flourish to indicate all the clothes in the store. "Though I think..." He started as he stepped back, left arm across his chest, his right hand on his chin as he looked Cass up and down. He then turned and walked around a moment before bringing a kimono over to her. "I think this is the one for you." He handed the kimono to her.

"Oh!" Cassandras eyes had swept the store taking in the lovely frocks that hung out in display. Some of them looked like pieces of art. She couldn't imagine that anyone might wear them they looked so delicate. Thankfully the one Thomas brought her was much more simple in it's design. Multi parted, it was white topped with long billowing selves and decorated cuffs. The bottoms were red. The legs also billowing loosely like a skirt. A little cat like mask hung on the hanger along with some hair frillies. She reached out and took it from him. "It's cute. Let me go try it on." She said following the lady in the shop to a dressing room where to her surprise the woman from the shop began to help her dress. Awkward at first... Still thankful for the help Cassandra removed her previous outfit and allowed herself to be dressed up. After much tucking and tying and primping and hair fussing and giggling. Cassandra emerged. She hardly recognized herself. It was so different from her normal. The lady from the shop though seemed very pleased with her work. Cassandra couldn't blame her. For once she actually felt... Pretty. "What do you think?" She asked turning to look at Thomas and gauge his reaction.

Thomas placed a hand on his chin as he looked her up and down, his brow in a thoughtful furrow. He slowly walked around her, examining her from every side and angle. When he was back in front of her, he raised his free hand and made the twirl motion. "Let's see it in motion." He said.

Cassandra obeyed and with dancers grace twirled around a few times to give him a good show of it.

Thomas smirked then let out a laugh. "It looks great on you Cass. You look stunning in that kimono." He turned to the shop keeper. "Kore ga kimono no okane desu, arigatō." He said as he handed the lady some paper slips. She bowed to him as he turned back to Cass. "Shall we go?"

"Ummm yeah." She said, Cassandra felt her face flush at his compliment. He said she looked stunning. He was the first person ever to say such a thing to her. She let him lead her from the shop. She couldn't help but ask. "You speak Japanese?"

"I speak a bit of it and understand stand it when I hear it but I can't read or write it unless I'm writing it out in English words. If it's written in Japanese I can't read it." Thomas said as he escorted Cass from the kimono shop and down the road a bit. He had them turn right onto a side road that had shops on either side of the street with a row of trees splitting the road in two. He guided them to the left hand side. "The place I want to take you is right down the road a bit. As a heads up, don't let the exterior looks trick you, this is one of the best shops in Kyoto."

"I'll keep an open mind then." Cassandra said. She took in the atmosphere of the surroundings. So different yet so much the same as the other places she'd seen of Earth. Beautiful and unique seemed to be a theme of the human home world. It made her ache a little for Cait. It too had its lovely charms. She let Thomas lead the way. Just happy to get to share this experience with him. This walk in the twilight, the air perfumed with fresh bloomed cherry blossoms that swayed in the light breeze. It was almost magical. So different from what she usually allowed herself to indulge in. Usually she would be training, or the closest thing to indulgence was sometimes she would come down and run a studio program so she could dance.

Thomas led her down the road to a small shop front. It looked to be only about ten or fifteen feet wide with a large red and wide curtain that hung about halfway down the stores front and a large white paper lantern on the left of the doorway. from inside could be heard the idle chatter of a few patrons speaking Japanese. He held the curtain open for her and motioned her in.

Inside was a walkway that was about half the size of the shop front with a counter and stools going the length of the shop which was close to thirty feet deep. there were about five or six patrons currently inside chatting, drinking and eating amongst themselves. There was a single elderly gentleman behind the counter. When they entered, he looked there way and smile. "Thomas San, Konichiwa. Anata no josei no yūjin wa daredesu ka?"

Thomas smiled at the gentleman then glanced at Cass. "Toriyama san, konichiwa. Cassandra san desu. Eigo de hanasemasu ka?" He replied with a grin. "Cassandra this is Mr. Toriyama, owner and proprietor of Ataru Ramen shop."

Mr. Toriyama smiled and stepped out from behind the counter. He bowed deeply to Cassandra, "Welcome to my humble Ramen shop Cassandra, please have a seat and we will get you some refreshments." He said as he motioned them to a couple of the empty stools at the counter before stepping back behind it.

"Thank you." Cassie responded as she followed Thomas to the indicated stools. She felt a little out of place. Still she was just glad to be here with Thomas and trusted him to take care of everything. So far it had been such a beautiful and unique experience. She was impressed with how much he seemed to know about the culture and language. Despite his modesty it was actually quite admirable that he was learning new things and growing as a person. She wanted to hold his hand. To walk more through the perfumed night close together. She was excited to get to try such new and exotic foods as well. It was already such a perfect night.

Mr. Toriyama handed them both a menu. Cass could see that they were different as Thomas's was the traditional one written in Japanese while Cassandra's was actually written in English.

"Do you prefer pork, chicken or beef ramen? They also have shrimp ramen as well as other types." Thomas said as he looked over his menu. He kept glancing over at her out of the corner of his eye.

"I... um... I don't know I have never had ramen before. I don't have a preference when it comes to meat." She confessed, "What would you suggest?" Cassandra asked.

"In that case, would you mind if I ordered for us?" Thomas asked with a smile. He sat his menu down and laid a hand on her hand.

"Not at all." Cassandra returned feeling her heart leap at his touch. "I trust you."

Thomas smiled more then turned to face Mr. Toriyama. "Ni utsu no niwatori ramen to ni utsu no tenpura ebi wa onegai shi masu . ryokucha no glass mo 2 tsui ta dake masu ka ?" He asked.

Mr. Toriyama nodded. "Hai, good choice, good choice, coming right up" He turned to the stoves and started to dish up the meal.

Cassandras eyes where all for Thomas. He was so full of surprises. She found herself enchanted with the wonderment of just what he might say or do next. She turned her hand over in his so she was holding it on the counter top. Content in the moment and how perfect it was.

Thomas smiled over at Cassandra, his fingers intertwining with hers. "I hope your having a good time my little Kitsune." He said.

Mr. Toriyama stepped back over to them, he sat two platters with 6 tempura shrimp on them in front of both of them, a smile split his face. He sat two large bowls of ramen down as well. "Thomas San, it's good to see you with a friend, especially one this Kawaii." He gave Cass a wink and a big grin before turning to get their drinks.

Thomas's face turned a bit red but his grin never faltered. "Sorry about that, I usually use this program alone when I want to relax." He clamped his mouth shut.

Mr. Toriyama turned back with two cups of green tea for them. "Tanoshimu." He said again before a patron down the counter motioned to Mr. Toriyama. He nodded his head before slipping down the way.

Cassandra chuckled at the whole ordeal. Then when they where aloneish she said. "I'm having a wonderful time. On Cait there is alot of artistic clothing and architecture as well. It.. reminds me of home a little. With how beautiful everything is. I'm glad you decided to share this with me." She looked the food over in front of her. "There is so much and it all smells so delicious I don't know where to begin."

Thomas smiled as she hadn't noticed his blush. His heart had skipped a beat when she had said she was glad that he had shared this experience with her. He looked the food over then smirked at Cass. "The shrimp is best while still hot but be careful not to burn your tongue." He picked up one by the red tail and bit half the 3 inch long shrimp off. The crispyness of the tempura combined with the juicy shrimp exploded in his mouth. He chewed it and swallowed, smiling at Cassandra. "Go ahead, little Kitsune, give it a try. I promise you it's delicious."

Cassandra did as he suggested. It was indeed nice. But she didn't like the crispy part she decided immediately. The shrimp however was the saving grace. It was succulent and indeed juicy. She decided not to say anything negative though instead asking him a genuine question. "Kitsune? What did you call me?"

Thomas stopped with noodles halfway to his mouth and a grin split his face. "Yeah, my little kitsune. It means fox and sounds close to kitten like C'tirr calls you." He lowered his noodles to his bowl. "I hope you don't mind it. I mean you are a fox."

Cassandra tilted her head a bit confused at first. Then she remembered that she'd actually heard of that before. Not Kitsune per say, but several of the men in her unit had referred to a girl who was extremely attractive as a "fox" before. So, in his way Thomas was saying he found her to be very attractive then, right? This dating stuff was very confusing indeed. It was obviously a compliment either way. So, she smiled and nodded. "No, I don't think I mind it at all... thank you.". Was she supposed to give him a cutesy pet name too? She didn't know. Human dating culture was something away out of her realm of understanding. It did get her thinking though just what sorta nickname would fit him. She turned it over in her head as she finished up her shrimps.

Thomas chuckled. "Good, because i think it fits you." he leaned over a kissed her on the cheek. "Now, let's eat then we can talk a bit more." He gave her a wink. He turned to his own food and using his chopsticks, began to eat his ramen. He kept watching her through the sides of his vision. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked in the kimono. He was afraid she wasn't gonna like it originally but that smile and the twinkle in her eye as she had stepped out of the dressing room wearing it. He couldn't tear his eyes from her. Hell, he was having a hard time looking away from her. He didn't realize that he had stopped eating and was no longer just watching her from his peripheral vision but literally staring at her.

Cassandra had dug in, so to speak. With all the gusto of a hungry Marine. She ignored the sticks Thomas had been using opting for a good ole fork for the ramen. She decided right away that she absolutely loved ramen. it was a satisfying mixture of both texture and tastes. Like a tapestry for the tongue. It wasn't until she was slurping up the last of the noods that she glanced over to see Thomas staring at her. She cocked her head to the side a habit from childhood. Had he asked her something? Had he been talking to her, and she'd accidentally not heard him? She slowly slurped the last noodle into her waiting mouth and then asked. "Did you say something?"

Thomas blinked then shook his head. "No, I hadn't. I was just watching you enjoy the meal." He said as he turned his attention back to his food. He could feel his face turning red grow hot. He took a huge bite of his ramen to try to hide the blush that he knew was all over his face.

Yes, he was cute when he blushed. So, he'd been simply staring at her. "It's okay... sometimes I can't stop staring at you neither. Sometimes I just can't believe how lucky I am to just be here with you again like the old times. Only better now." Cassandra said her voice gentle as she reached out to touch his shoulder. "There are times I hardly believe that you are real, you're so perfect."

Thomas smiled a bit, the flush slowly disappearing. He wasn't really hungry anymore, but he was happy. "If you're done, I have a surprise for you and I think you will love it." He shot her a mischievous grin her way as he held out a hand to her, his other hand deposited some papers on the table, the same type he had used with the kimono shop keeper.

"What are those paper things?" Cassandra found herself asking curiously. She wondered why he hadn't finished his meal. Was he not feeling well? Had she said something wrong to put him off his supper? She wasn't sure how to ask him. Especially when he was smiling at her the way he was.

Thomas's smile faltered as a confusion crossed his face before it hit him, and he started to chuckle. "Those are money, specially printed pieces of paper used as currency back in the twentieth and twenty first century. I based this off the peak time for Japan. I love their culture. which most of it is based on honor and bravery." He explained. He let out a good laugh as he stood up. He took her hand and with a grin said, "I'm too excited to eat, I know my next surprise is something you will love if it still holds true now as it did back then." He gave he a gentle tug of the arm as he took a step back to give her room to stand. He turned to Mr. Toriyama and bowed. "Toriyama-san, o shokuji arigatō." He stood up, a smile on his face and a returned one from Mr. Toriyama.

"Oh." Cassandra couldn't help but smile back. His explanation of money reminded her of something she'd heard back in the academy before about Earth history. She let him lead her from the shop more than happy to follow.

Thomas smiled as he pulled Cassandra out of the shop. "Our next stop on this date is just down the road a few blocks.

To be continued in part two




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