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Hunting Ghosts pt 1

Posted on 22 Sep 2024 @ 6:03pm by Lieutenant JG Douglas McDougal & Captain Mazal Falk & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze & Lieutenant JG Thex sh'Zoarhi & 1st Lieutenant Gavin Ross Dr. & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

2,083 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: The Themistocles - various
Timeline: Following - Engineering Voodoo


Cassie wasn't happy. Her steps were determined as she approached the Marines cargo bay. She'd sent a message asking for Zang and Ross to meet her there urgently. They had work to do.

Thomas was waiting for her to arrive as he had been nearby when he had gotten the message. His face brightened at the sight of her but instantly went serious at the sight of her face. "What's the sit boss lady?"

"Ross and I were on inventory today. Apparently, someone has been fiddling with my inventory list and the content of my storeroom. We are going to be figuring out who, then why, then hand em over to security for a tour of the Themistocles fine accommodations in the brig." Cassandra explained. Her tone was menacing and promised a barely contained violence to the unfortunate soul involved. Gone was the playful smile and blushing cheeks. Banished beneath her need to do her duty.

Thomas smiled but it wasn't the usual fun, charming smile. it was the smile of a hunter about to go hunting his prey. "So, what's my job?" He asked as he stood straight. he probably figured he knew but wanted to know for sure.

"Your going to catch them of course. You and doctor Ross." Cassandra stated matter of factly.

“Me?” Ross scoffed at Cass. He turned to Zang. “Sir you are more capable in investigations than I am.” He then resigned. “But. I am certain you will need to second good cop/bad cop situation in case we uncover something.

“I find it very peculiar that the medication component listings were erased, then reuploaded. The Medications do not seem to be tampered in the storage crates. Yet, there is just something not right about them. Perhaps they were synthesized to make lesser forms of drug pain meds. It happens in the Fleet.” Gavin shrugged. He just couldn’t believe it was happening on such an outstandingly run ship as the Themistocles itself.

“What do you think Zang, Sir?” Ross was curious as to his opinion.

"I have no idea about the how or the why but I'm here for the who. I think Cass keeps looking into the how and why while we set up a sting operation. Ever heard of a stake out?" Thomas asked with a grin. He looked around the cargo hold. "Firsts things first, which containers contain the illicit cargo?" He asked.

"There are several. I want to put tracking chips into them. Just Incase anyone gets the bright idea to beam them out. There are several boxes of medical supplies Ross can show you. Over in section A0-13 are some crates labeled MRE. They have pieces of... A robot I think. I have Engineering coming down to look it over " Cassandra added as they spoke.

Gavin showed a PADD that his medical tricorder scans the cargo hold. “A stakeout. Now that sounds like a fun idea.” He paused, turning to Thomas. Does that mean we get those cups of coffee? We get to have doughnuts. I keep checking my watch…”

“Anyways...” Ross had focused on the crate that Cassandra had brought to his attention. “This is the illicit improvised explosive nodes. They can be attached to any active transporter set to a level of phase transition. Bam! Neutron bomb onboard. This can theoretically be modified to Federation Replicators.” Gavin held his hands up. “I’m not a munitions expert. Yet, I have seen my share of illicit IEDs as a Marine in training.”

"Y'all can have tea and crumpets if you like, just catch me a perpetrator." Cassandra said simply. Gavin's description of the said controband did nothing to ease her frazzled nerves. "Neron bombs, that doesn't sound very good at all." Cassandra stated flatly looking back down into the crate with a snear. "So it's likely put here to blow us up then. Now it's gone and got personal. I don't take to kindly to people wanting to explode me or mine. Which reminds me. Hopefully Thex will be kind enough to neutralize it for us. She should be around shortly. Reminds me I have one more invitation to this party. Excuse me boys."

Cassandra moved off to the side to let Thomas and Ross get their plans together. She pressed her Comm.

Then came the "call" one she dreaded. -^-second lieutenant Mathews reporting in to Captain Falk. Just wanting to inform the Captain that inventory intake list is on hold and will be tardy. -^-

=/\=Do your best and give me an updated report. =/\= Mazal's eyebrow raised. She trusted Matthews.

Thomas had perked up a bit by standing up straight the second he had heard the word explosive. That was really speaking his language. "Show me the schematics of this setup. IM a demolitions expert so I know my things that go boom." He moved over to Ross's side.

Gavin had taken to the PADD he had and the scans of the devices that were in the crates. He happily pulled up the device's scanned properties, configuration, and manufacturing process. “Judging by all these factors, we could determine a plausible source of bad actors who supplied these devices. I don’t believe anyone would have made these themselves.”

Seeing Thomas look over the explosives and the PADD schematics, Ross was curious about what Thomas would think. “What do you think, Thomas?” Gav curiously asked him.

"I can do a bit of tweaking here and there to neutralize the explosive reaction and add a tracking device, with Lt. sh'Zoarhi's help, that activates should the containers be transported." Thomas said after thinking a few moments. he looked up from the data at the engineer questioningly.

" Sure i can get that done in about thirty minutes." Thex replied with a smile on her face.

"Excellent. I'll leave the two of you too it then. Doctor Ross let's go in and see what we can do about setting up a discreet watch station in here. We can't have people coming in here and compromising our gear and supplies. So we need to be ready Incase the culprits return again." Cassandra said motioning for Ross to join her back in the storage room.

“Acknowledged.” Ross breathed out, slightly exasperated at the situation's evolution. He was not Inspector Porot, although he was addicted to his novels and television series. This was getting crazy.

" I can rig you guys some extra security." Thex added a grin on her blue face.

"Excellent, when officer Ze gets here work that out with him." Cassandra said feeling confident in the plan forming around the situation. She headed off with Gavin to find a good place to set a trap.

Ze walked into the room "Someone called?" He asked as he smiled, looking around at the throng of marines around him.

Thomas waved the Lieutenant over to Thex and himself. "Second lieutenant Mathews did but you just missed her and Dr Ross. Evidently there is some contraband amongst some of these containers and if they are transported could cause an explosion. We are going to try and set up something to try to catch the ones responsible. Lieutenant sh'Zoarhi and I are going to deactivate the explosive side of this and even set up a way to track it in case it gets moved." He explained.

Ze frowned "Ill catch up to them and see if I can help" He aid striding out of the door trying to find hs other crew mates.

"Lieutenant Ze, Mathews is in here still she's just further back in the storage room." Thomas said as he went to stop the door from closing. He looked down the hall. When he didn't see Ze, he returned to Thex to assist with the bomb diffusing.

- Setting Up A Trap -

"Where will we set up a trap? I don’t have the first understanding of where to find this.” Ross wiped his forehead ever, becoming stressed and sweating a bit. “Perhaps we could have a cargo bay transport log, rebound. Set up a thyleron feedback, which would effectively destroy all chemical substances. This is a rare problem in cargo transport, but it is plausible. Then, wait to see who comes out of the woodwork to check in on their cargo containers and see if our ship-wide announcement has destroyed anything.” He addressed Cassandra, hoping she had a better idea.

Cassandra looked at the nervous doctor and reached out patting him on the shoulder softly, soothingly. "I was thinking a box fort over in the corner there with coffee and donuts. Whoever is in on this is aware that something is going on in the storage bay now. They will wait for things to settle down and as you said come check on their controband. All we need to do is catch em in the act." Cassandra explained.

“A box fort. Wha-?” Ross almost didn’t comprehend that since he was so far removed from a child's world at a young age. “Right!” He broke into laughter, relaxing. “No. That’s cool. That’s a cool idea.” He grinned. This might be fun.

"Yeah," Cassandra said eyeballing the stacks of supply boxes. "Sorta like a hunting blind only cooler. We can move these boxes inconspicuously away from the wall there and set up a stake out." She explained. "Common give me a hand." She motioned for Ross to come help her start moving boxes around.

With a firm grip on his gloves, Gavin handed Cassandra a pair for her. They were tactile, helping their grip. Ross began moving the boxes individually, placing them along the walls. He crouched and lifted, carefully carrying each box and stacking them in an organized fashion as he diligently worked, determined to construct a sturdy and unassuming structure.

With Cassandra, after placing the smaller boxes, Ross had turned his attention to the more giant wooden crates. These bulkier items proved more challenging, but his Marine training kicked in, giving him the strength and determination to maneuver them into position. With a focused effort, he skillfully repositioned the heavy crates to act as a barrier, helping to conceal the occupants of the duck blind.

“Does this work?” Ross stood back and examined the crating work. “It looks like a storage room with nobody peeking behind.” He chuckled.

Cassandra was all smiles and whistling happily as they worked. She imagined being like a little trap spider, Building an intricate web in it's little hole. Preparing to pounce furiously upon her prey when it walked into range.
At the young doctors words she stood back and eyed the structure gleefully. " Oh yes! Excellent work. Great job Ross we got it done. It's a shame we can't put a flag on it. Would give it away. Still it's perfect."

“So, the next question is fundamental. Do you want oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or doughnuts?” He would bake a batch for them. “If you bring the coffee, then that’s a go!” Gav grunted, crossing his forearms and chuckling. “Stakeout time!”

"Hey it's not a stereotypical stake out without doughnuts... Though now that you mention it cookies sound pretty good... Hmmm. I'll go get coffee."

Thex returned after making the adjustment of the system to the bomb quality. " I have the trackers ready to go if you guys." She added.

Thomas had walked over with Thex. "Between Thex and I we also got the bomb deactivated so that there is no threat of it exploding should it be transported." He stated.

“That is a relief. Great work, Thomas and Thex.” Ross expressed his gratitude. “Right now, we are waiting for coffee.” Gavin then walked over to one of the in-room replicators. He ordered a Classic Americana Assortment of Fried dessert doughnuts. “Got a dozen doughnuts coming and coffee.”

End PT 1- tbc




ZiYKTHP.png Lt Jg Tosrol Ze



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