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[MATURE CONTENT] A quick dinner and a date (part 2)

Posted on 30 Aug 2024 @ 7:40pm by Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews

5,665 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: holodeck

Thomas led Cassandra down the street and pointed out various places of interest. As they got closer to the next location, he stopped Cassandra and smiled at her. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a blindfold. "The next spot is just up here but it's a surprise so I would like you to put this on please." He said, holding the blindfold out to Her.

Cassandra stared at the blindfold. A ripple of appreciation ran through her. She knew she could trust Thomas. Still, she didn't want to wear the blindfold. She wasn't sure she was ready to explain to him exactly why she didn't want to neither. Instead, she asked. "Could I... Um... maybe just close my eyes instead?" She looked at him fear danced in the depths of those blue eyes. "I... I am not a fan of blindfolds."

Thomas raised an eyebrow but nodded at her. "Would you be averse to me covering your eyes with my hands, so I know you're not peeking?" He asked. He thought he could guess the reason for the aversion to the blindfold and he didn't want to cause her to resent him for insisting on it. This was the only compromise he could think of at the moment.

Cassandra thought it over. Took a deep breath and nodded. She trusted him. She wanted him to be happy and this seemed so important to him. "We can do that if you feel like it's necessary." She replied.

Thomas smiled at Cassandra. "Well, it is a surprise so if you were to see the location before we went in, it would kinda run the surprise." He shot her a wink then stepped behind her. he moved close as he covered her eyes with his hands from behind. "Now, we will be walking about half a block before we reach the destination. I will guide you and I won't let you trip, fall or run into anyone or anything. I promise." he said as he took a step, his foot pressed against her foot from behind to encourage her to start walking.

Cassandra let him guide her. Her heart raced she had to keep reminding herself that she was safe, and this was meant to be fun. Her mouth however was dry, and adrenaline beat through her veins in involuntary waves. he's a friend, we trust him, he's part of our unit, our team, we can trust him, it's okay.' She kept reminding herself with every step. She was a marine and the master of her fear. Still, she couldn't stop her body from trembling and breaking into a cold sweat. Each step her knees felt more and more like rubber. "Are... we almost there?" She asked her voice breathless from anxiety.

"Almost my Kitsune." Thomas said as he sped their pace up a bit and as the approached their destination he spoke again. "Computer, mute audio of the program for thirty seconds then resume please." He said as they came to a momentary stop. He carefully turned her ninety degrees to the right as all sounds of the bustling district suddenly disappeared. He shifted his hands to free one but the other slid to replace the first. While covering both her eyes one handed, he opened the door with his now free hand and guided her in. "And we're here." He said. He removed his hand just as the sound returned. The previous bustle of people walking and vehicles going by had disappeared only to be replaced with the sound of chatter and music. The music seemed to be amateurish and not professional, and most was hard to understand due to the heavy Japanese accent of people singing in English when they are not used to the language.

Cassandras eyes shot open as relief flooded through her. Then relief gave way to surprise and utter astonishment. "Oh wow!" She exclaimed. As she took in the surroundings. It appeared to be a bar. Full of flashing colorful lights. A stage at the front flanked by posh looking tables and chairs. Cassandra knew what it was immediately. She looked at Thomas with wide excited eyes. "Karaoke?!?! Are we going to sing?"

Thomas grinned ear to ear as he nodded. He was thrilled that she was excited at this surprise.

Cassandra loved to sing. As a child she'd often dreamt of being a professional entertainer. Enjoying singing, dancing, and playing instruments. It had been music that had soothed the savage beast within her. She had given it up however in order to follow her brother C'tirr into Starfleet. She'd been more afraid of losing him than in pursuing her own passions back then. How different her life could have been. Actually, she'd probably be dead... Right alongside her foster parents. Murdered in cold blood by that merciless killer Antako. It was a sobering thought. If she'd have been an entertainer, she'd have also never met Thomas. She wouldn't be having this moment here and now. Her eyes softened as she took in his sweet handsome face, those brown eyes of his looking back at her with such tenderness and... love? Whatever it was it brought tears to her eyes. She drew herself close to him wrapping her arms around him as she buried her face in his chest. "Thank you, Tommy. Thank you for all this." Part of her couldn't believe he'd remembered this silly confession she'd made to him so long ago.

Thomas held her as she buried her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I remembered that you loved music, and it had once been your dream. I wanted to do something special for you for our first true date so that it was as memorable as possible." He gently pulled her away so that he could look into her eyes and quickly leaned in, locking his lips on hers.

Her knees felt like jelly, her body like melting butter, as her mind spun in happy circles. How did he do this to her? Render her so helpless so easily. His kiss made her tremble again for much different reasons than before. Set her ablaze. Made her crave him in lustful wanton ways that made her blush. She felt her hands wandering over his body suggestively as she feasted hungerly upon his offered lips. She forced herself to stop, to refrain from those physical desires that seemed to want to take her over. She couldn't do that, wouldn't do that. She respected him too much to give in to such a primal reaction. She took a step away. "Sorry, about that."

Thomas's grin was, if at all possible, bigger. "No need to be sorry my Kitsune, I thoroughly enjoyed that kiss." He wrapped an arm around her waist and steered her deeper into the business. "Would you like to have a drink first or start off with a song My little Kitsune?"

"I...? Umm...? Yes." Cassandra replied not entirely sure what he had asked but positive that whatever he wanted the answer was definitely yes.

Thomas chuckled as he realized that his sudden kiss had befuddled Cassandra's brain. He kissed her on the forehead as they moved over to the bar. "What would you like to drink my Kitsune?" He asked her, hoping that the question would snap her out of the daze she was in.

"Milk please." Cassandra responded after a moment. "With ice please." Her head was still spinning but at least she understood what he'd asked this time.

Thomas chuckled but repeated the order in Japanese. He ordered himself a large coffee before turning to look at the stage where a group of what appeared to be high school students were singing and laughing at each other. He escorted Cass to a table and held her chair out for her. "Why don't you go through the song list and pick out a song."

Cassandra took the offered seat with a soft, "thank you." His suggestion made her suddenly nervous. Aside from singing to her daughter Cassandra hadn't indulged in this particular skill in years. Still, she looked through the song lists on the screen presented to her. "Are you going to sing too?" She asked.

Thomas let out a small laugh. "Of course I am, why come to a karaoke bar if you're not going to sing. But truth be told, I have a horrible singing voice so be prepared." He said with a wink. "I'll be right back." He gave her a smile as he turned and walked back to the bar to retrieve their drinks.

Cassandra continued to skin through the music selection in his absence. Looking for something fun to sing. When he returned, she asked. "Did you want to do something together?"

Thomas smiled as he placed her milk in front of her and took his seat next to her. "I planned on us doing at least one together." He said as he looked over at the list she was perusing.

"I don't know what to choose." She confessed with a giggle. Honestly, she was a bit over stimulated to think about it right now. Normally she functioned really well in high stress situations. Especially combat. This however was different. She felt hyper and unfocused. Like she wanted to do everything at once but also nothing at all. She took her drink and sipped it gingerly. Using the cold beverage to help her focus.

Thomas's eyes fell upon a couple of songs he'd like to sing but the first one he wanted to do with Cass was "You're the one I want'." His grin got bigger as he pointed to it on the list. "What about that one?" He asked.

Cassandra scooted closer to glimpse his selection. Gave it a tap and peruzed the lyrics and music. Suprisingly she recognized it as being from a musical. The exact movie she and Thomas had gone to see right after the Vera3 mission. "We can try it. I'm game." Cassandra was no Olivia, but she was pretty confident that she could pull it off.

Thomas felt very happy that Cassandra liked the choice he had suggested. It had been one of his favorite songs from their first time hanging out and he hoped she remembered it. "Sweet, we can go next then after the guy up there finishes." He motioned to the gentleman who appeared to be a middle aged business man that was singing 'gangnam style' ad trying to do the dance as well. It was obvious the man had been drinking which made the performance a bit more funny.

Despite the drunken theatrics Cassandra applauded when the man finished. Getting up she followed Thomas to the stage. Her heart pounded with excitement as she took the mic he offered her.

Thomas had applauded for the gentleman as well before they went up for their turn. He had handed Cassandra a mic and selected the song. As the countdown started, he took his own mic and stood next to her. "Ready?" He said though he had butterflies in his stomach and hoped he didn't butcher the song too badly.

"Ready." Cassandra said smiling at him sweetly.

The performance flew by. Cassandra sang her heart out not worried at all at Thomas's limitations. The important thing was that they had fun. At the end of it she felt nearly giddy with joy. As they moved back to their seats she kissed him on the cheek. "That was the best time ever." She stated happily. "I have never had so much fun in my whole life."

Thomas, despite his claims at being terrible at singing, had sung fairly well. He smiled at Cass as they took their seat again. "After the next person, I'm going to do another song." He said with a grin.

"Sounds great. I'll go up after you." Cassandra stated, all smiles and joy.

As soon as the current singer has finished, Thomas stood up and smiled at Cass as he made his way to the stage. He selected the song and began to sing Backstreet boys, 'I want it that way.'

Cassandra sipped her chilled milk and watched doe eyed as Thomas sang. She wasn't familiar with the song it was beautiful and he sang it very well. When he finished she applauded him and his performance. "Great job Tommy!! You did such a great job." She said grabbing him up and kissing him passionately as he got back to their table.

Thomas returned the kiss just as passionately. There were a few whoops and cheers from some of the patrons as well as a few giggles from the younger girls. When they separated, his ears and face were a bit red, but he had a huge grin on his face.

"Was that song for me?" Cassandra asked him, "or just something for fun?" She was still hugging him her arms rest over his shoulders fingers still playing with the soft short hairs on the back of his neck. She enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her waist. The warmth between them. The joy between them. It was so new and amazing.

"Of course, who else would it be for?" Thomas said with a grin as the flush faded from his face. He was happy that she liked his song choice. "There's no one else that I would sing like that for."

"Alright then. Thank you." Cassandra kissed him again this time more slowly, more deeply. It was like an addiction at this point. She just needed to kiss him. Craved it after a time. Missed it when he was away. There was no explanation for the way it made her feel. How it lit her up from the inside out. Made her Soo stupidly happy as though she were drunk. She could kiss him all night and still it would never feel like enough. The only thing she enjoyed more than kissing him was touching him. Running her fingers through his hair, or up and down his back and shoulders, or better yet those rare times she'd trailed her hands across his muscled chest and abdomen, across those trim hips of his. Oh boy! She broke the kiss, breathless and moved away from him respectfully. He wasn't something to be pawed on. He was a person. She needed to remember that.

"I guess I should go up there. Before I... ummm, Do anything stupid." 'Or regrettable' her mind added. She knew Thomas was not like other guys, he wasn't the type to enjoy such intimate touches. It would make him uncomfortable. She didn't want that. Nor did she want him to feel pressured into letting her do that. She wanted to respect his boundaries above anything else. If she couldn't do that she'd have to consider letting him go. He deserved respect. Cassandra slipped away and darted up to the stage. She flipped through the selections available. Finding one she knew and that she felt captured her mood and feelings perfectly she grabbed the mic. The song began to play Berlin's 'Take my breath away.' which fit her vocal range quite nicely. It was incredible and enthralling to have someone to actually sing too. To communicate how she felt through song. It was truly a wonderful moment she knew she'd never forget.

Thomas sat there; his drink forgotten as he watched Cassandra singing her heart out. He could tell she was getting into it thoroughly and enjoying it. It brought back the memories of her singing songs in the dark to help ease the fear during the mission that had gone south on them all those years earlier. Her singing had made him half forget the dire situation they had been in. He was happy that he was able to give her this chance to be what she wanted to be if only for a short time. He made a mental note to have them do this again and maybe even set up a dance program so she could let herself go more. when she finished, he stood up and clapped louder than anyone else did in the bar.

Cassandra took her bow. The sound of applause was deafening. It was like falling into one of her childhood dreams. 'Complete with a prince charming too.' she thought as she made her way back to the table, back to Thomas.

Thomas moved to meet Cassandra and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up and engulfing her in a huge hug. "That was beautifully done. I loved it." He said before kissing her. "Let's wet our throats and maybe we can do one more song before we call it a night." He wished that they could do this all night long, but they had briefings tomorrow and it wouldn't look good if they both showed up sleep deprived and exhausted.

His kiss as always had left her breathless a few moments. Still Cassandra nodded before moving in for another one. It felt so good to hold him, her arms around his shoulders. Fingers playing down his neck. Much more to her surprise she really enjoyed being wrapped up in his arms as well. It made her feel so warm and secure. Anything that prolonged the embrace was gold. Still all good things must and do come to an end. Reluctantly she forced herself to break that kiss and move away. To give him space. She was a little ashamed of herself actually. She really needed to stop doing that. "Drink would be nice." She said her voice still breathy her cheeks flushed pink.

Thomas smiled as he held her seat for her to sit before taking his own seat. He scooted his up next to hers so that their legs were practically touching. "After we wet our throats, wanna do one more song or do you want to call it a night?"

"Actually, I would love to go for a walk with you." Cassandra said. "After another song." She didn't want it to be over yet. She wasn't ready to let this perfect evening go. If she could she'd stay right here with him forever and ever. Still, she knew that was silly. The best she could hope for was to draw it out for a little while longer.

Thomas smiled. "A walk sounds delightful. where would you like to walk? I can change the program to a beach, and we can take a long walk on the beach, or we can just walk around Kyoto and see the sights." He said before he downed the cold coffee he had in front of him.

Cassandra sipped her milk slowly. She thought about his question. But also pondered one of her own. He'd mentioned wanting to get going. She felt rude now for suggesting that they go walking. She looked at his empty cup. Was he simply agreeing with her to avoid conflict? Did he deep down really want to go and she was keeping him here with her foolishness? She felt reality come crashing in on her. How selfish she'd been being. That light in her eyes dimming down in her realization. She let out an exaggerated yawn. "Actually, we should probably call it a night. It's already pretty late and everything. Should probably try to sleep." She instinctively picked up her cup as she got up to look for a recycling unit.

Thomas raised an eyebrow; he had noticed the yawn was a bit exaggerated. "I thought you wanted to go for a walk. I liked that idea that's why I asked where you wanted to walk." Was he pushing her to do too much? Was she bored with the date? "Computer, pause program." He called and everything and everyone but Cass and himself froze. "Did I say or do something wrong Cass? I thought we were having a great time."

As the room froze so too did Cassandra for a moment before she turned to look at him. The guilt was plain on her face. "Well yeah, it's just... I umm. I got a bit caught up in it all and I... I thought maybe you were ready to go, and I was overstaying. I didn't want to ruin things by dragging it out if you wanted to go. We could always walk later."

Thomas let out a chuckle. "I had only planned on the dinner and the Karaoke but nothing after that. That's why I had suggested after another song calling it a night, but I really liked the walking idea. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I'm really enjoying my time with you Cass. Anything to prolong it is very welcome."

He saw her shy little smile a moment before she bit her lower lip and looked down with a blush. "If you're sure." Cassandra said after a moment of collecting herself. "I just... I want to respect your boundaries."

Thomas stood up and took the cup from her hand. He placed it on the table then took her in his arms. "I'm sure." He looked her in the eyes. "I respect that and I really appreciate it but When I'm not with you, sometimes it's hard for me not to think of you. I enjoy every second that I get to spend with you and never want our time together to end." He raised her head by lifting her chin with a hand. He tried to think of the words he wanted to say as he stared into her eyes.

Her eyes looked so scared, so unsure, but also so lovingly back at him. Their blue depths betrayed her feelings leaving her stripped bare before him before she hid them away by drawing in closer to hug him to her burying her face to his chest in a hug. She was shaking slightly. But before he could question it she chuckled and moved away. "So what should we sing next?" She asked.

Thomas stood there looking at Cassandra for a few moments, thinking. "Sit down please Cass." He said as he guided her to the chairs they had vacated. "I can tell that your scared of something. Tell me what's up, my Kitsune." He reached a hand out and gently caressed her cheek.

Cassandra tried to think of how to put her fears into words. His touch lent her a great deal of comfort and strength. "I just don't want to mess things up between us. I know what it's like to feel forced into doing things you don't want to. I .. never want to do that. Not to you, not to anyone. But especially not to you. It's just some times when we are together it's hard for me to... To behave myself.." her face flushed pink and she moved her face away unable to meet his eyes as she admitted to her great shame. "I get carried away And I...I shouldn't. I start to lose control and I don't stop to think how my actions might effect you, it's selfish. I know it is. I don't mean to... But I should have better control. And I.. I don't. It's like my resolve is completely gone and I feel so... Weak."

Thomas sat there and listened to Cassandra's words. "I understand. Sometimes I feel the same way. I can't stop thinking about you and want to be with you all the time. I know of your past and how that something like that can make one adverse to close physical and emotional contact. I have to keep myself in check so I don't scare you or push you away." He reached out, taking her chin in his hand and gently turned her head back to face him. "You are the most beautiful woman I have known and I'm lucky to be with you." He paused as his brow furrowed in thought. He was having a hard time thinking of how to say what he wanted to say.

Oh how he misunderstood. Adverse? "That's the problem though Tommy I'm not adverse at all! Not with you." Cassandra stated in an almost panicked voice, " It's like, sometimes you will kiss me and it's.. it's like something inside of me it just.. it takes over like some ravinous beast! It's terrible. I don't just think of you, I crave you, I dream about you. I..I.." she stutters to a stop her face bright red. She hadn't ment to blurt that out. Hearing it said out loud she sounded crazy. Was she crazy? Goddess help her she might just be.

Thomas let out a small chuckle. "I know, I was just having a hard time trying to say what I'm thinking." He looked in her eyes and there was a gentle looking as well as understanding in his own. "I'm still having a hard time articulating my thoughts. I've always been really bad at explaining my thoughts to others, especially to those I really cared for." He took a deep breath as he gathered the scrambled thoughts that seemed to be climbing over each other in his head. They all wanted to come out, but it was hard to put them in any coherent order. "In a nutshell, what I'm trying to say is, I want only you and that I understand how you feel about me. I truly feel the same way about you." He paused again to gather his thoughts.

Cassandra's hand had come up to cup the one he touched her with, to cradle it against her cheek as she listened. Enjoying the warmth and comfort it provided. Such a simple thing but it made her heart flutter. His words put her at ease. Soothed the fear away. He wanted her, cared for her. Mostly though was the thought that he understood her feelings and hadn't run screaming. No, he felt the same way. She moved her face enough to lay a soft kiss on his palm, then his fingertips which felt like heaven against her lips, so she did it a second time more slowly.

Thomas smiled as he felt her relax. He moved his hand from her face and lips. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, laying her head on his shoulder as he held her close. "I love you Cassandra, my little Kitsune." He whispered in her ear. After sitting there a few minutes holding her, he guided her to her feet, a grin on his face. "Computer end program and run Kyoto circa 2024, Rabuhoteru." The karaoke bar phased into the gray holodeck for a moment before a street in Japan appeared. They now stood outside a building that appeared to be a hotel that looked a bit like a manor house with white walls and patterns if flowers and vines that made diamonds on the exterior walls. The sign outside read 'Hotel Miroir" then some Japanese kanji letters below it.

It had all changed so fast. Not just the mood but the the whole setting quite literally. Cassandra stared up at the building in confusion. Still, she closed her eyes a moment breathing deeply at the feel of the warm fragrant breeze that swirled monetarily around them. Is this where he wanted to walk? It was pretty. The moonlight cast everything in dancing shadows and the sounds of leaves rustling over the paved walkways. It was dream like. "Where are we?" She finally asked her blue eyes curious as she admired his handsome face through the veil of night.

Thomas smiled a mischievous grin. "This is what was called a hotel. Back in the 20th century, when people traveled to other places, they would stay in these hotels. It was basically a temporary quarters that you would use. In Japan they had some that were called love hotels where couples would go to have intimate time together that they could use for a couple of hours instead of overnight though you could use them for an entire night if you wished." He shot Cassandra a wink as he explained about the love hotel part.

"Oh." Cassandra said at first in fascination at the concept, then at his rather suggestive wink, "Oooh!" Her face blushed, but she felt a shiver of excitement run through her. Though she knew they wouldn't be spending an entire night together the idea was certainly appealing. She could just imagine how nice it would be to wake up wrapped around him like a teddy bear, all snuggled up, safe and warm. How soothing it would be to have someone there for those harder nights when the night terrors came... Still, she was getting ahead of herself. That was a long way off yet. For now, they had this. Still, she looked up at him she needed to know. "Are... Are you sure? I can wait. I'd wait forever for you if I had too. There's more to us than this." She motioned to the building. "As much as I'd love too well... you know... make love to you, I want it to be when you're ready. We can still just go for a walk if you want too."

Thomas couldn't help but smile at Cassandra. "I'm willing if you are my sweet little Kitsune. I love you and have dreamt of this for a while myself though I imagined it to have been a bit more romantic to be honest." He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing the back of it.

So many questions, "what did you dream then?" She asked softly. Enthralled by the feel of his lips on her hand. "In mine you come to me in the night, like shadow manifesting into life. As though you glow ever so gently from your own light." She reached out her other hand to caress his face. "You reach for me and I can't resist going to you. I just, I know that I need you. As you draw me to you it's as though the shadows they disappear, everything becomes so beautiful and bright. Then you kiss me in that way that you do and I .. I feel a though the whole world just falls away." She moved closer to him then her lips finding his she kissed him slowly. Methodically, deeply. Before breaking it to speak again. Her voice breathless, husky. "It's just us and that sensation of unquenchable desire. Like I'm feeling now." She moved the hand he still held in her own up between them. Guiding his to the place on her neck where kimono met flesh. She trailed his fingers slowly down over the front of her body, caressing her chest, then with a soft sigh a breast, then lower, as she spoke again, "You touch me, your hands invoking such a hunger and lust that I feel I might get lost in it. Lost in your touch, lost in you. And I... I want too." Her lips found his again never had she felt so bold and yet so scared at the same time in her life. The idea that he could want her, HER! the ugly duckling. Out of all the beautiful women he could pick from. Seemed so unreal. Yet here he was. His eyes so sincere. He wanted her. Sweet goddess above how she wanted him too. She gasped as his fingers finally reached that heat between her legs. Her hand still guiding his, showing him, teaching him what her body craved from him. Even through the layers of clothes the sensation was overwhelming, she felt herself grow tight as a wave of pleasure burst through her, making her legs grow weak and her head spin. She gasped at the unexpected response from her body. Letting go of his hand she clung to him trembling to keep from swooning.

Thomas's eyes grew wide in surprise as Cassandra moved his hand over her body. He felt himself reacting to the reaction of her body. He felt flushed as he glanced around. He consciously knew there were no real people around though they did stand in a busy section of Kyoto. "Com... Computer, put us in room 168 in the hotel." The scene changed and they were off the streets and in a room that had a bed in the shape of a heart, a jacuzzi and a huge tv. The ceiling was covered in mirrors that reflected everything on the floor in them. He pulled his hand back and with a quick movement, scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. "As for the dream, why tell you when I can show you..." he said with a very mischievous grin as he tossed her on the bed and proceeded to remove the top of his outfit.

Cassandra watched mystifided at the sudden changes. One second she'd been being handys and quite forward. Then next, she was was surrounded by what seemed to be the inside of a jewelry box if she had to guess. She'd barely registered that before Thomas had scooped her up and tossed her onto the plush bed leaving her staring up at her own reflection in the mirror above. She waited to be afraid. But that didn't come at all. Especially when she heard him talk about showing her now what he'd been dreaming. She was a bit hypnotized watching him remove his outer shirt. Her body cletched again sending those tingling sensations through her body. Lending her courage to be bold. She moved onto her knees on the bed in front of him and following his movements began to also remove her clothing as well.





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