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Friendly meetings

Posted on 22 Sep 2024 @ 6:01pm by Ensign Sh'asi M'Rori & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: After pilots training -


The twenty-two-year-old engineer had not really been sure if she'd enjoy taking up piloting a fighter. So far, the first day's lesson had left her full of adrenaline and excitement. She tossed her brown hair back over her slender shoulders and kept her stormy grey eyes on the couple of Marines she'd noticed during the class. Tommy was the boys name if she'd heard correctly making it a point to overhear the conversation between him and the older black haired woman, he seemed friends with Cass. He'd called her. She knew of her as Mathews. Had seen her around the barracks and during training drills since she'd joined back on Starbase 51 a few weeks ago. Welp. It was about time they came to know her name.

She followed them down the hall. She didn't hesitate to approach them both with a friendly smile. "Hey! That was one crazy lesson, right?" She offered. "I'm master sergeant Laramie, but my friends call me Candy. I hope you will do the same." She said reaching out to shake Cassandra's hand first.

"Second lieutenant Mathews, you can call me Cassandra." Cassie replied to the friendly girl. She'd noticed her from the class as well as from the Marines training roster from the engineering section. "Nice to meet you."

Candy smiled sweetly at the introduction. Then turned her attention to the man who had caught and held her interest. "And you are?" She asked raising an eyebrow her smile seemed to brighten a touch as she offered him her hand.

"I'm Master Sergeant Thomas Zang." Thomas said with a friendly smile as he took the proffered hand. "Nice to meet you too Master Sergeant Laramie. Engineering detachment, eh?" He asked.

"It's Candy, and guilty as charged." She stated with a chuckle. "I fear I must be blind to have not seen you around the barracks yet." Then looking to Cassandra, " I believe you and I have run in the same circles a few times."

"Yeah, I am part of the officer's rotation I think I run your groups PT twice a week and I do your weekly inspections on occasion." Cassandra said simply in her easy going way. "You usually run around with Smitty and Harris is most the time if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah, I tried to talk 'em into taking the pilot's course. Unfortunately, they are not fans of the idea. I however was feeling adventurous. How about you guys? You feeling the adventure bug bite?" Candy asked them.

"I was drafted." Cassandra said evenly. She wasn't wanting to seem rude, but she needed to get going. She had duties to attend to and this girl friendly as she was stealing away her few precious minutes she was hoping to spend with Thomas.

"That's too bad. I love to fly. How about you Master Sergeant Zang? You into flying and adventure?" Candy asked fluttering her lashes at him as she glanced over at him.

"Not really, I'm in the gunner program. I make the ship go pew pew to make others go boom." Thomas said with a laugh. "I'm new on the ship really and I'm a sniper as well as demolitions." He said with a grin. He glanced over at Cass trying to think of a way to get going without being rude.

His first comment made her laugh. It was however his second one that she commented on next. "Demolitions, why you are practically an engineer like me then." Candy remarked.

A soft bleeping from Cassandra's wrist made the second lieutenant let out a soft string of curses. "Sorry Tommy, Candy I gotta run. Nice meeting you." Cassandra said genuinely to Candy. Then a touch softer to Thomas. "I'll have to catch up with you later. See ya." She wanted to hug him steal a kiss even, unfortunately she couldn't given the circumstances. So instead, she hurriedly walked off leaving them both in the corridor.

Candy watched her disappear around the curve and sighed. "Officers work is never done. That's too bad I was going to invite you both to some lunch. Ya know to get to know you a bit better since we will be part of the same squadron and all." She looked at Thomas again then. "Wanna go get something to eat? Or are you going to leave me hanging as well?" She asked.

"I can join you for a quick bite but will need to get back to the barracks afterwards to get ready for a mission." Thomas said with a friendly smile.

"Oh yay!" Candy squealed in delight. "My first Friend here! I'm so excited. Common let's get moving then so you aren't late for your mission and all. Or! Just a thought. We could just reschedule and do something even more fun for later. I know of the best amusement park program on the Holodeck. I bet with an arm like yours and being a sniper and all you could win just about anything from the games section." She gushed with all the excitement of a young girl promised a pony for her birthday. "Oh pleeeeease. Please please. It would be so fun and we could bring your friend too!" Grey eyes twinkled and pink painted lips pouted at him.

Thomas though a moment before speaking. "Sounds like a great time out. We can take a raincheck on the hang out then." He was excited to invite Cass to this carnival. He would win Cass the largest stuff toy he could. He offered Candy a smile.

"Excellent! We can bring that doctor friend. His name is Ross right?" Candy said in her perky happy tone. "Oh and Thex!"

Thomas nodded. "You invite Ross and Thex, and I'll talk to Cassandra. Just send me a message when it's planned." He shot her a smile then offered her his hand for a parting handshake.

Candy shook his hand. The look of glee at his smile could not be missed. "No flaking out on me. I'll be in touch!" With that she was off nearly skipping down the hall.

Thomas didn't know what to think of this energetic marine, but it gave him another reason to see Cassandra before he had to hit his bunk. He smiled as he turned and headed off in the direction that Cassandra had disappeared to.





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