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Tomcat Upgrades Part #3

Posted on 19 Aug 2024 @ 11:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley
Edited on on 20 Aug 2024 @ 7:58am

2,106 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: During Captive State Mission


After their Shore leave was done Sharpe was back at work, in their downtime the drones and Exocomps had done some impressive remodelling, the space frame had been altered and now the outer hull plates were slowly being re-introduced to the hull, the areas that had corridors on was the one leading from a docking port to Engineering, as he was going over the status reports Leland arrived next to him, without looking up "hello Leland, how did the family time go and did you enjoy Shoreleave?" Sharpe asked.

Leland walked into the laboratory of the large SB 51 complex, it was one of many. Impressive as the Starbase had all new complex computer terminals central processor coil drives, and quantum data matrix assembly of cybernetic processors. This was a feat in itself, and as a newer Starbase, the Laboratory was afforded extensive computer and AI Modelling of the Retrofit of the Tomcat. Its new Defensive Weapons, extensive hull upgrades, and phaser banks. It's a new tri-optic dilithium EPS node warp core. The new Warp Core for the Tomcat was one of the hardcore materials, battle forged high output dilithium assembly. This was the latest in the new core upgrades. Hawksley was so proud to be able to see the upgrade along with Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe.

Leland took a seat at the conference table in the laboratory simulation complex. Taking a bite of his delicious red apple, the crisp crack of the bite, and then chewing, Leland scrolled back to the PADD. He swallowed. He replied to the family question.

"It's been a blessing to be back in the same quarters on the same evenings with Lilli again. The Baby soon to be born has been thoroughly enjoying time off." Leland couldn't help it, he needed to be with Lilli the most time he could spend together. It was all the more remarkable that they had finally become ready to accept a little member of their new Family, Little Hawksley. Whether it was a girl or a boy didn't matter. Leland was already the most proud of a father to be he could be. All the things he would spend teaching his Son or Daughter. With Lilli at his side, he could teach sports such as soccer, football, basketball, hockey, snowboarding, etc. And Cars and how to cook the perfect steak on an authentic BBQ... These thoughts flashed through Leland more than ever as this Child was nearer.

Breaking through his vision. Hawksley realized he had extensive work, planning, and observations of the newly installed hardware, which all needed direct supervision and eyes on the project. Not just the android bees but material installation drones also flawlessly replaced the Tomcat with all new designs, EPS power conduit flows, and grid displacement ratios, all compiled for Leland's data. He was looking at the data just as he relaxed back into the Seat, having been looking at reports halfway through his Shoreleave.

Looking over at Leland as he pulled up a holo on the holo table "Okay, Leland this is the new Main engineering room, it is a little bare bones at the moment, has no gravity plating installed, but the warp core is installed and being connected up as we speak these images are via an Exocomp I have been using to look at the upgrades, the gravity plates from the docking port to Main engineering should be installed later today, then we can get in there and have us a first-hand look at the upgrades before they become active, best of all the majority of the ships power systems will be Bio-neural gel packs, especially the holodeck and that new holographic warp core engine set up for providing emergency power. Speaking of, have you come up with any fixes for its problems in successfully converting Photon energy to ODN conduit-compatible power without the thing going boom?" Sharpe asked as he sat back and looked at Leland.

Hawksley took all the information in at once. He took a drink from his silver mug of coffee and swallowed. He paused a moment. Leland was aware of everything progressing via the Starbase work crew reports.

Breathing outward. Hawksley then pulled up some of the holographic files. He then brought up some information points that he had identified in the past. “Hymn… What you have here is a problem. Although,” He smirked. “Conundrums are meant to be explained and decoded.”

Leland tapped some buttons and pulled up the Tomcat grid. “I have found a point Z reference of YZ axial parameters. I have a theory to run through the simulation settings at Proxima Altius II settings. The Photon energy to ODN conduits might have a static resonance memory in the Antideuterium Sublimator located here.” Hawksley then circled and tapped the segment in blue on the screen.

“The magnetic suspension fuel funnel may be recombination decaying photons, setting off a static flux of the low-capacity superconductive electrical power distribution net. This in itself,” Leland tapped some more holographic simulations on the screens in front of him and Paul. “This could pose a cascade boom scenario.” Leland then grunted and crossed his forearms together. This was his extended thought-out hypothesis for Paul’s nagging issue. Well, all their issue with the Photon energy to ODN conduit.

*Nods* "Okay, good news" Sharpe replied then closed one holo and brought up another "For today's work we will need to run power transfer simulation tests simulating the new warp core to transfer power to the new Phaser Arrays which are Type eleven arrays, as these are more powerful and thus heavier so the ships space frame is being strengthened to accommodate the extra weight, preliminary tests show that all is fine until more power is added to the Phaser Arrays, so let's go and see if we cannot get a stable power flow to the phasers when and if you have to add extra power to them in a fight" He added.

Leland nodded.

- Starbase Holodeck -

Sometime later...

As the pair entered and the doors closed "Computer activate Sharpe alpha program" he said and the standard holodeck grid vanished and was replaced by an engine room. This looked cleaner and larger than it was before "Well Leland this is the new look completed version of main engineering on the Tomcat, here this room is operational so let's get to testing" Sharpe said.

He entered into the simulation Engineering. Much of the same terminals were present as in the old Tomcat. However, there were many interface upgrades, computing power, and plasma generation with the new core matrix.

Leland whistled, impressed. "I..." He took a moment to pass his hand across the silver metallic buffer cowling on the computer panels... "Am turned on... Wait." He held his hand upward. "I mean impressed... Very impressed."

Sharpe simply looked at him and raised an eyebrow but showed no other emotion "Indeed" he said.

"I am digging this whole EPS power distribution display," Hawksley commented as he immersed himself in the simulation. Leland tapped into some interface sub-linear algorithms to look at Tomcat's new Phaser arrays and field conduit generators. "At these levels... 450 millicochrane subspace field emitters with a 2.7 arc-second response timing. Who designed these systems?" Leland turned to look at Sharpe, continuing to be impressed.

"I cannot take all the credit, I put in the numbers it was Starfleet R&D that came up with what we see, they are the ones that deserve most of the credit on that, but with the new power systems and gel packs, data coming into engineering should be much smoother for operations. Remember the actual test will be different as we can only simulate possibilities, but let's begin with seeing what happens when we transfer some extra power to SIF and Shields, then we will add weapons" Sharpe said indicating a terminal to Leland "You take that one, I will take this one" he said.

"I will simulate the ship needing more power and you do the adjustments to accommodate the extra power requirements, remember to look for any anomalies, if it looks like it is going to go boom, you are to shut it down simulation wise, it is going to be important for you to get to know your engine room Leland because when all is done you will be the ones to keep the ship in one piece," Sharpe said.

Leland smiled and grinned. He was pleased to be on the Tomcat upgrades project. As they sat at their respective stations, Hawksley opened the program on the SIF and checked over the parameters in line with Sharpes. “Program Delta zero niner niner zero nine, enact.” Hawksley punched in the information relative to the Shields.

“Program enabled, awaiting critical flow data segmentation from your EPS flow station.” Hawksley was checking the adjustment parameters he would be working with. The anomalies would show up as residual stressor power stressors to the systems and feedback loops.

"I acknowledged sending data and am now starting the simulation at the standard allotted power for defences and SIF." After a few moments, "starting the simulated transfer of extra power to SIF, Shields, and weapons, I see a spike, get on top of it," Sharpe said referring to the weapon power for the spike.

Leland replied. “Acknowledged.”
At the main computer core readouts, Leland enacted standard AI power levels and discharge behaviours of the phaser arrays, all variable and theoretical algorithms due to 3500 different Spacecraft Combat Maneuvers in tandem with the SIF generators and core output levels.

“I will begin with a high-energy weapon firing sequence. Targeting variable EM shields and upgraded ablative armour coating on vessel substrate.” Hawksley’s eyes read through the data lines. This first testing of the SIF, Ablative Armour, and core output scenarios was based on varying circumstances.

“I am uploading program statistical method parameters for a library of Federation Enemy vessel types. This should help us determine real-life potential issues, as discussed prior.” Leland turned to Sharpe.

“Sharpe, Sir. Keep an eye on the EM polarization data once the program is ready.”

*taps a few buttons on his interface* "You will need to rely on your instincts Leland, do not always trust what you see on the screen" Paul said and he adjusted for the EM and loaded in the scenarios.

“Programs enact. Phaser array charging for x3-2.2223 SF 3 (4th) algorithm.” Leland paused, his giant finger over the button. He then drank from his silver mug of coffee, swallowed, and pressed the LCAR.

“Simulation Enact!”

As the simulation started Paul set it up "Lieutenant Bridge is requesting more power to shields and SIF generators, we also have an EM swell near sectors five and eight on the systems, adjusting my end" Sharpe said trying to make it as real as possible.

Hawksley paused a moment and gave a slow nod. He did have to listen to himself and his instincts. Dodd was correct. Leland knew the Akira class design as well as the inner workings of an Earth 67 Mustang.

His fingers danced across the input, and his eyes soaked in the outputs of the varying degrees, plasma flow gradients, and unpredictable pathways.

EM swells near sectors five and eight. Understanding, taking in the non-static variations of energies, transversing into other energies… Hawksley breathed. “Maintain and ramp up main-core peri-oxidative stressor extenuations 677.9 and allow for auto adjust.” Hawksley had replied to Sharpe.

"Got it, adjusting and applying changes" Sharpe said and before too long the simulation was complete "Computer results?" He asked.

"USS Tomcat survived with minimal damage to the structure, but cosmetic damage was extensive, all alterations and updates succeeded by one hundred per cent" the Computer responded.

"Archive and apply modifications and changes to base algorithms to main engineering operating system" Sharpe said. He swivelled around in his chair to look at Leland "Okay that went well, now the ship is going to have type eleven Phasers so we need to find a balance, then how to use them at low power than at maximum, what is more, we have to make sure they do not blow out power across the decks" Sharpe said.

“Alright. Then we must create an axis between the engineering lateral, upper, and lower sensor arrays.” Leland thought through the equational analysis, what he had learned in Starfleet Engineering, and years of serving in line.

TBC in Part #4...






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