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Departmental Shift

Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:59am by Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG Tosrol Ze

880 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: USS Themistocles - CRR
Timeline: After Terran Troubles


When the other two had left Tosrol remained and Jasmine tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Benson, report to the CRR if you will please, Somers out =/\= with that she closed the link and sighed "While we wait might I offer you another drink Lieutenant?" the Captain asked.

Ze looked up to the captain "Im quite alright captain thank you for the offer though" He said as he fidgeted in his seat eager to see what he second half of this meeting was about.

As she walked to the replicator the buzzer sounded "Enter Lieutenant Benson" she said and in walked the El-Aurian, she looked at her "Can I offer you a drink?" She asked.

Faith gave a curious look a moment seeing Ze there, though brushed it off, waving her hand. "No thank you, Captain."

She smiled, got herself a drink and sat back down, taking a little sip as she gathered herself "Please have a seat Lieutenant Benson, you may need it" she said and waited till she was sitting.

"Why would I..does that mean I need whiskey as well?" Faith raised an eyebrow, sitting down.

Somers sat back and interlaced her fingers as she looked at the pair for dramatic effect "What I plan here would not be possible if one of you was a full Lieutenant, but as you are both the same rank, it should work. For reasons I will not go into, I have decided to swap you both around, Lieutenant Ze you will be the new Deputy Security Chief and you Lieutenant Benson will be the new Security Chief. I want my officers to have some Departmental on-the-job training, now with most departments this is troublesome as the Department Heads are usually higher than their Deputies, but where you pair are concerned it is easy to do. Have you any questions before I continue?" the Captain asked.

Ze breathed out a sigh of relief "As much as I will miss my role as Department head... I am in no fit state to be leading a department not after that last mission" he spoke hoarsely "Congratulations Benson You will do a fine Job and of course I will be at your beck and call so once again a big congratulations" he was taking this all in his stride his health came first and he had to concentrate on that.

"Not so fast there Cowboy" she said holding a hand up "Your roles may be reversed, but you will both have CoS clearances, so while Lieutenant Benson may be CoS and you Lieutenant Ze DCoS you will both have the same security level clearance" Somers said, waiting for Benson to respond.

"You do remember that my primary focus has always been Tactical, and Security a secondary. I don't have any problems with the same security clearance. Hell, it's probably not a bad idea, ma'am," Faith smiled...

*Looks at Benson* "Well Lieutenant Benson, your main focus will have to be both, with an edge to security, I do not want the same thing happening on the Themistocles as what happened to the Tomcat on Starbase 51 and the Sabotage. So as we will not be shooting things that often you will be able to concentrate on Security matters" Somers said then looked at Ze.

"Do not think I did not notice your relief Lieutenant Ze?" she said with a smile "I have already made the Adjustments in your files and everything that comes with this, Lieutenant Benson, your Security clearance has already been elevated, so any questions or observations from either of you before I dismiss you both so you can do a changeover?" The Captain asked.

"I am certainly ready," Faith glanced at Tosrol for a moment, "As long as you both are sure. I will make sure to keep our level of diligence, Captain." She stood and then paused, this little smirk on the corner of her lips. "Just for fun, we should keep it between us and then let the crew figure out why I'm suddenly in the lead position."

Looking up at Benson "To be honest Lieutenant I do not think the crew will notice the changeover" Somers said then looked at Ze "Lieutenant Ze, kindly bring Lieutenant Benson up to date on what we discussed in the briefing with Intelligence please, and do it from the security office" Somers said.

The Lieutenant nodded in response to her request.

She looks at Benson "Well Lieutenant Benson, good luck in running your department, remember security checks and armoury checks we do not want the Themistocles going boom or getting sabotaged" she said.

"I should really hope not. I have been doing them myself off and on anyway," Faith gave a light smile.

Looking at the pair "Okay both of you are dismissed" Somers said, and watched them leave the CRR, she sighed heavily "No rest for the wicked!" she said to herself.






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