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Tomcat Upgrades Part #4

Posted on 27 Aug 2024 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe & Lieutenant Leland Hawksley & Staff Sergeant Lilliana Hawksley
Edited on on 27 Aug 2024 @ 3:24pm

2,289 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: SB51/Various
Timeline: During Captive State Part 2


Continued from Part #3...

“Millisecond analysis of EPS and OPS.” He taped through the optical sensory screen readouts in front of him. “Reaction Control Systems, Graviton Sensors and Stellar Pair Imagers. Merging to your reactant readouts, Sharpe, Sir.” Leland brought up the necessary programs, merged them, and transferred the information he visualized to Sharpe.

“Computer, Run level five diagnostic on effective analysis quotient data parallax system 1.115. “

Within a few seconds, the laboratory computers replied. “Level Five Diagnostic Complete. Data effective analysis quotient 99.878 per cent latency.”

“That will do,” Hawksley replied. He then tapped into the program identifiers. “Computer. Enact core and supplementary reactant power levels from warp engines and core. Level magnitudes phaser arrays low, medium, and full power outputs. Mitigate with Alpha 3 attenuation hi-lux, yaw, and altitude lines of enemy vessels. Set pace at variable onset 0.100 to the 10th degree.” Hawksley then cracked his knuckles and drank from his silver mug of coffee. “Sharpe. It’s over to you.”

Without Warning "Oh Shit, power surge Leland!" Sharpe said making it look like he was working as the lights began to flash red and an alert siren sounded.

Leland replied, seeing the up spike in the beta lux central core access nodes. “Acknowledged.” His eyes narrowed in on the data readouts, his right cybernetic eye implant identifying the feedback loop, resulting in a static resonance outburst, a power failure, and an auto magnetic surge flowing the pipeline.

“Oh. Damn.” Leland shook his head, a furrow forming. Taping through the excitatory codes, warnings, and failures, beginning a cascading failure.

“Warning. Core Criticality Event. Negative Magnetic Resonance Scanning Failure. 10 Seconds till core meltdown.” The computer warned.

“I hear you.” Leland breathed in, keeping his calm. This was a simulation, and he could analyze every code line by line once the event was over.

“…7…6…” “I am having trouble isolating and venting the overheating node source. It's not happening. Computer egress and eject main core, Mark…” Leland knew it was hopeless. The core had at least 15 seconds to eject the liquified deuterium.

“4… 3…” “All hands. Repeat all hands to escape pods. Core collapse.” Hawksley began the life-saving portion of the simulation. He didn’t have to go through the motions, but it reminded him of the critical exercise.

“2… 1…”

“Simulation Complete.” The computer reported. “Critical event code 11.019.”

Leland paused and then shook his head as he turned to Sharpe. He breathed outward. “I need a Diet Pepsi.” He walked over to the replicator and replicated the drink, cracking open the cold can and chugging it down. “That’s good.”

He burped. “Excuse me. I’ve never lost an engine before. Well. Not in real life, at least.”

"Nice reaction Leland, that was a test for you, as you will be the one to deal with such events, it is good to get a taste of a Kobayashi Maru Simulation event. As for the loss bother none, just learn from the mistakes you made and it is just as well this happened in the simulation not in reality because not even death would save you from my cousin's temper should her ship go boom" he said with a small smile.

“Your cousins’ anger.” Leland listened and computed the meaning. He had lost a cousin in a core breach. “You lost a cousin in a core breach?” Leland paused. Hawksley has heard many engineering horror stories since he was enlisted, each not the easiest to listen to.

"Captain Somers has the Somers temper, just ask Mr Winchester on such a temper, he upset my wife" he simply said and shuddered at the thought of the Somers temper.

With that, he changed the holodeck to its default look but a down-sized version of the completed Tomcat was slowly revolving on its Z Axis as Sharpe tapped in a few commands in the console that was also there.

"This Leland is what the outside of the Tomcat will look like when she is completed" he said and turned it so the underside of the saucer section was showing, along the inner rim of it spanning a good portion of the Saucer in four rows enough to account for the large amount of Rifles there were some hexagonal panels, they were between the Saucers Phaser strip and where the Captain's Yacht used to be.

"Now one of the surprise upgrades the ship is getting is a Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle or a Drop Pod, I saw it on an old movie my wife made me watch and I thought with today's tech that could be done as the pods only require RCS units, some Inertial Dampeners to cushion the impact a little, will not stop atmospheric turbulence though and an aero-break to slow down initially, so I figured out a way to use such an invention, I put the plans to Utopia Planita and they green lit it and the Tomcat will be the first ship to have them, it is the test bed for them and if we can get it working efficiently then they will be implemented on other ships that carry marines, however, like with all new tech, there is a problem with integration," Sharpe said.

Leland pondered the new aero-drop hexagonal pod. He considered the dynamics of the craft and the position of the latest addition to the underbelly of the Akira Class vessel. Having a quick charge aero-drop pod for many contingencies and missions involving the Marines onboard made sense.

Hawksley took in the data information that was beginning to stream downward through the Z-axis cube of the Tomcat. Leland took another drink from his mug, already thinking of the issues that may present such an addition. “An encapsulated reinforced sheath done in the area would be needed, or else we would have serious potential for an under-belly assault in that area, structural fractures, core fractures if we were assaulted.

“What is the integration issue?” Hawksley cocked his head slightly as if admiring the new piece of added capacity to the Tomcat.

"Power balance as is usual with new tech integration, but four rows of 100 pod slots is a bit too much for an Akira class, so what say we cut the number down to 144 in total, less chance of interfering with the upgraded weapons and such and instead of them being in front of the deflector dish what say we put half on Port the other half on starboard as it is clear these specs are for a much larger ship so how does 72 drop pod bays on either side sound to you?" Sharpe asked.

Leland took a gulp, swallowing. “Again. I do have to add caveats. I am not a Starship Designer. I have completed only a few scientific papers for Starfleet Utopia Planitia Journals.” Hawksley found the structural aspects of the Starship frame fascinating, yet he did have to relent that this was mainly beyond his Chief Engineering skills, to place it mildly.

“This isn’t self-doubt. I do have…” Leland then pulled up information specs on the augmented 72 proposed drop pods. “It's not easy to say. We are proposing punch holes in the underbelly of an Akira Class hull.” Leland had concerns in his voice. His brown eyes searched.

“What if we modified specs from the lifeboat hatchings? Redesigned lenticular structural trusses.” Leland then ran his fingers along the proposed lines of where the drop pods would be located. “We would have to integrate a parallel series of aluminium crystal foam stringers, utilizing phase-transition bonded to the primary trusses.” Hawksley's finger met the frame of the Akira outline.

*Looks at it and slaps Leland on the back with a big smile on his face, unusual for him* "That is what I was looking for Leland, the eggheads at Utopia come up with these ideas not thinking about the technicalities we engineers need to contend with. *then speak lower* I have read your service Jacket Lieutenant while you spent your first part as CHO on the Tomcat you have excellent engineering skills, look at this as a challenge myself, you and some drones will have to do this refit and retrofit in less time that it would take Utopia Planita to retrofit a Miranda Class, do you not want to be able to say that you had a hand in the Tomcats Retrofit. *Pauses* I know the Captain would not have made you CEO if she thought that you could not do it" he said encouragingly.

Leland did not need encouragement. He understood the task being asked. “I serve humbly as my Commanding Officer has entrusted me to accomplish this task.” Leland swallowed. He didn’t want to sound ungrateful or unworthy of the task.

“I am glad we are both working on this assignment.” Leland nodded at Sharpe. “Where are we with the structural disassembly? Last I checked, the starship bulkheads were being re-installed with adaptive armouring technologies. This was at 32% completion just yesterday at lunch.” Leland pulled up the project management timeline.

“Even though it seems we have lots to complete, I am confident that the drone help and efficiency of the industrial replicators of SB 51 will help this project come to fruition within time.”

*checks computer* "Sixty-five per cent of the outer hull is completed, and the internal hull is being installed along with the Transverse Bulkheads going in as the reconstruct moves forward. Currently, the Catamaran struts are completed as is the Top rear Dorsal launcher, the thruster units in the rear are in the process of being installed. One bonus is that the internal walls and interfaces and the corridor leading to the main engineering are in place, but there are no gravity plates installed yet. But for now, we have to solve the drop pod issue, shall we break for lunch and return tomorrow to work on the Pods?" Sharpe asked.

Leland nodded in acknowledgement. "I agree. I could use something to eat, and I think we've covered enough for today. I have a few contacts who may be helpful regarding the drop ship portal designs."

Leland packed up his padds and placed his can of Pepsi back in the replicator, dematerializing. "Would you care to have lunch together?" Leland found it a good idea to continue building a coworker relationship with the Lieutenant Commander.

"I will do you one better, Alex is making some food, why not join us, trust me when she is not commanding she does not bite, you might be able to meet my kids, they may be having their noon naps, but they may also be up, while we eat we can discuss the upgrades, unless Alex intimidates you?" he asked, but you are welcome to join us and have a fresh cooked meal, none of this replicator stuff, what say you Leland?" Sharpe asked. Paul was unsure of how Leland would react, the guy had recently served under Alex, but as far as he knew he never had direct contact with her while on duty.

Leland was surprised at the invite. He knew little of Paul Sharpe, the engineer. Leland only knew Paul was the Husband of the Captain, Lieutenant Colonel, Alexandria Lynne Somers. Hawksley briefly served under Alex during a short mission on the USS Tomcat. Alex was further transferred shortly after that to complete Academy Training in 2395.

She was much like the Somers women, if through marriage, Alex had the bright red flowing hair that all Somers seemed to have.

“I would love to,” Leland replied. “It will be nice to see the Lieutenant Colonel. Like you said, Paul.” Leland agreed. “We did not have the most contact. That does not translate into intimidation.”

“What can I bring?” Leland automatically asked as he placed his hand on his stomach, beginning to grumble.

*Smiling* "Just yourself, that is all, perhaps your wife would like to accompany you, unless Alex scares her, I mean she is a rifleman and thus Alex is in her direct chain of command, but if she is up to it. By the way, how is Lilli's pregnancy coming has she given birth, yet?" Sharpe asked.

Hawksley shook his head. He knew how hard and long the pregnancy had been taking on Lilliana, his Wife. He was there as much as he could be to give her foot, back, and tum rubs, too! It was all a part of pregnancy.

Leland later decided It would be nice to ask his Wife, Lilliana, to come for lunch. Given that it was such short notice, he felt that it was important that Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe and his Wife, Alex Somers, meet someone who meant very important to him if he was going to be spending so many hours working. Designing the new Tomcat and Space Trials alone was immense for Hawksley and Sharpe. At least they had the brains and working relationship that made this work for their department's mission.

"Lilli." Leland smiled as he met Lilli in their station quarters. "Would you like to have lunch with me, my coworker on the Tomcat Upgrade Project, Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe, and Alexandria Somers." Hawksley wanted her honest opinion If she had felt up to the lunch.

Lilli was surprised to be asked to lunch with Colonel Somers and her husband, but she wasn’t going to refuse time with her husband. “Sure, I’d love to.”

"Alright." Leland acknowledged. "I will let Paul know."






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