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Interrupted meal

Posted on 22 Sep 2024 @ 5:59pm by 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang

2,735 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Galley
Timeline: After away team briefing

Thomas stood outside the briefing room leaning against the wall. He waited for Cassandra to come out. As people left the meeting he nodded to them as they passed him. He really wanted to hang out with her some more before they went on this upcoming mission.

When Cassandra did finally slip out shortly Falk and Cole. The moment her eyes spotted him he saw the soft blush fill her cheeks as she smiled warmly at him. "Hey bright eyes." She said quietly as she fought the urge to embrace him. It had been only hours ago when they had parted from the Holodeck. Yet to Cassandra it felt like days. She motioned for him to walk with her towards the lift. Her heart had sped up to a million beats per second it felt like and her stomach was full of butterflies beating furiously in her stomach. Was he having regrets? Or did he just crave her company as much as she did his? Finally alone on the lift and away from the superior officers roaming around from the meeting she stole in for a quick kiss.

Thomas easily fell into step beside Cassandra as they headed for the turbo lift. He glanced around to see how close the other people were before he replied to her greeting. "Hey yourself my Kitsune." He shot her what he hoped was his most mischievous grin as they entered the lift. As she moved in for the quick kiss. He turned to her and lifted her into his arms and made it a deeper kiss.

Cassandra felt herself melt against him giving in to the impulse if only for a moment before breaking away as the lift stopped and the doors slid open. She straightened her uniform taking a couple deep breaths to steady her shakey breathing. She was better than this. She scolded her self. She wasn't some hormonal teenager. She was a disciplined, trained marine officer damnit. She needed to conduct herself accordingly. "Let's catch some lunch shall we?" She wanted to reach out hold his hand. To curl next to him as they walked. But this wasn't the Holodeck. There were rules and regulations to follow. So she'd have to be content with just his company and their stolen moment just now in the lift.

Thomas let Cassandra down just as the lift stopped moving. He had to catch his own breath as well. He straightened his own uniform but had a huge grin on his face. They stepped off the lift. "Lunch sounds good, what do you want to eat?" He asked. It was hard for him to not be touching her in some form. He really wanted to wrap an arm around her shoulders and have her pressed against his side as they walked.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm going for one of those pulled pork sandwiches Lynch was going on about at PT yesterday. " She stated going for casual. She needed to set an example here. "Maybe some of those fried potato wedge things with the cheese sauce." She looked at him as she spoke feasting on his presence alone. "What sounds good to you?"

Thomas thought a moment about what sounded good. "Hmmm, good question. I'm thinking maybe some sweet and sour chicken with chicken fried rice and chow mein. A couple of egg rolls on the side." He said after a moment with a smile.

Cassandra had to admit that did sound good. It reminded her again about their night together. "I... I want you to meet up with me after PT today. In my room if you are open to that." She glanced over at him. "We don't have to do anything I just want to spend some time with you."

Thomas's grin said everything in answer to her request. "I would love to spend time with you my Kitsune." He glanced around and when they were relatively alone leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

Cassandra smiled up at him that warmth only he seemed to bring to her spreading through out her body. She felt almost perfectly happy. "I miss Martha and C'Tirr. Maybe we can message them later." She suggested aching to hold him. Longing for the comfort it would bring. With all of them together she would indeed be perfectly happy.

Thomas offered her a warm and comforting smile. "I'm sure your brother and daughter would be delighted to hear from you but I'm not family so it might be better if it was just you and them without an outsider being present." He held up a hand, anticipating her objection. "I know Martha would like to see me but it's more for your brother. Give it a bit more time before we drop it on him."

"How much time? I... I'm proud of you. I want people to know that you are with me." Cassandra said her smile wilting a bit around the edges. "I love you. Your already family to me."

Thomas smiled ear to ear at her words. "I love you too but we can try easing them into the thought of me first, but if you insist on telling them right out and having me there, I won't say no nor deny you anything." He reached over and took her hand.

"I won't do anything that your not comfortable with Tommy. It's just, C'Tirr might take it wrong if we don't tell him neither. He might think we tried to decieve him. I understand your caution though. I won't say anything. I promise." Cassandra felt a little put out. Still she wasn't going to push. He was right after all. Everything was still pretty new and anything could happen between now and the return to starbase 51. He might change his mind and they might go their separate ways. She needed to remember that.

"I don't know if I told you this already but I had came by with breakfast and some coffee the morning we left the starbase. You were already gone so the three of us had the breakfast without you. C'tirr asked me what my intentions with you were and at the time I had only planned on trying to rekindle our friendship and I told him that." Thomas took a deep breath then let it out slowly. "I just don't want him to think I lied to him. I want him to be happy with us being together and not mad at me for trying to deceive him. He can be very scary and intimidating."

That made Cassandra giggle. "Well yeah. He's a security officer, and my big brother. I can understand that. He is also fiercely protective, more so now than when we were growing up. But you know what? He wants me to be happy. He will take great comfort in the knowledge that I'm not alone and that I am happy. He's been pushing me for a while to try and find someone. And I have. I found you." She reached up to stroke his cheek affectionately. "You did not lie to him. It was I that asked you out, And I was the one who persued you for more than friendship."

"That is true my Kitsune but he might not take it that way." Thomas said but couldn't help but chuckle. "I mean, it's typical for the guy to pursue the woman in human culture and in the Caitian culture." He pictured them getting back to the starbase and C'tirr waiting for him. He tried to suppress the shiver that went down his spine. He looked over at Cassandra as they arrived at the galley. The love and affection in her eyes was what chased the thoughts from his mind. "Maybe I should contact him first and have a chat with him. I want us to be together and if it came from me, he might understand and not be so upset. I love you and like him, I want you to be happy." He thought a moment. "I don't want you to have doubts about it and I'm sure he'd prefer if I talked to him myself, man to cat."

Her smile blossomed again more vibrant than before. Cassandra was over the moon at his words. "I think Ctirr will respect you more for going to him yourself as you said. It is tradition for potential mates to present themselves to the elder of the family. In this case my brother. It will mean a lot to him."

" Go find us a seat and I'll get our food." Thomas said with a smile. He gave her a quick hug. "I'll try and send him a subspace communication later today when I get a chance."

"Sounds like a plan divide and conquer." Cassandra stated before heading off to go find a good place for them. A booth perhaps. They were a bit secluded and offered some privacy for them.

Thomas headed to the replicator to retrieve their food. "Barbecued pulled pork sandwich with a side of JoJo's and nacho cheese." In a few seconds the plate with the desired food appeared and he picked it up. "Sweet and sour chicken with chicken fried rice and chow mien, a side of eggrolls with soy sauce and plum sauce." The larger meal appeared as well and he placed the two meals on a tray. "Two glasses of soda one cola and the other Mt dew." When they appeared, he picked them up and placed them on the tray with the food. He picked the tray up and headed towards where he could see Cassandra sitting in a booth. He smiled to himself at the thought of being somewhat secluded from the rest of the people there. He sat the tray down when he got there and placed her meal and the glass of cola in front of her then sat his own meal where he would sit. He slid into his spot and offered her a smile. "Lunch is served my Kitsune."

Cassandra looked at the glass he'd put in front of her. It was bubbly and dark. She'd seen others enjoying it before. Soda if she wasn't mistaken. Carbonated sugar water with caffeine. She looked at him contemplating saying something about how she didn't consume such beverages. She typically stuck to coffee, milk, and water. Absolutely no fruit juice and very occasionally tea. He looked so happy though. And honestly, she didn't want to correct him. What was one sugary drink? Right? "Thank you. Next time I'll serve you." She offered with a wink.

Thomas smiled as he dipped an eggroll into the plum sauce. "I look forward to that. Want to meet up again for dinner tonight?" He asked then took a bite of his eggroll.

"Sounds great. I would like that alot " Cassandra replied. She was abito say more when the card in her pocket vibrated catching her off guard. So too did Thomas's

Then shortly after came the familiar cheerful voice of Candy, "hey you two! Oh my gosh what perfect luck to run into you here."

She was in her civilian clothes a pair of jeans and a t shirt with teddy bears on it. Dragging with her by the arm a rather tired looking young man in secure garb.

"This is Haden, Haden this is Tommy and Cassie my two newest friends." The girl introduced with a wide smile and a slight giggle. Before sliding into the booth next to Cassandra and pulling her captive friend Haden in with her. "Goodness you two are always running around together. Are you working on a project or something?"

Thomas offered a polite smile and nod to both Candy and Hayden. "Well met." He said then glanced over at Cass.

Cassandra looked to Thomas and then smiling warmly she addressed Candy. "As a matter of fact we are." Her eyes took in Haden she knew him of course from inspections and training rotations. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping Corporal Stroad?" She asked with a raised brow.

Haden nodded and shrugged, "yeah just came off a double. Still, I promised Candice here that I'd help her with a few things when time allowed." He explained with a yawn. "You wouldn't happen to know where Carson is would you?" He asked.

Cassandra shook her head and took a sip of her soda but offered her food over to their guests. Candice dug right into the potato wedges. Haden eyed the sandwich but shook his head at the offering. "I have not for a while. He's been out testing the new stealth suites to my understanding. Having a really fine time of it too." Cassadra explained before she looked over at Thomas. "Have you seen him at all Bright eyes?" She asked.

"I did a day or two ago. he was with another marine and he was upset because someone marked his suit with something pink. He was fuming about it too." Thomas said with a chuckle. "But not recently." He took a huge bite of the chow mien from his plate and began chewing it.

Candy giggles, "oh yeah! That would have been Thex from engineering. He was caught sneaking up on me while we were doing some repairs and Thex just let him have it."

Cassandra didn't laugh .. no. Her eyes looked a little far away. "oh really now. How.... Interesting."

It was Hadens turn to smile now. "Oh he's in trouble now isn't he? I know that look. My dad use to get it right before one of us boys got a whooping."

Cassandra frowned. "Just so happens that one of my boys just got repremannded because he had pink splotches on his stealth suit and it had to be taken to engineering for disposal and replacement. Kid swore he didn't know how it happened. It was supposed to be new and untouched." She sat back and tapping her comm badge =^= Mathew to Barnaby. Do me a solid and have private Douglas taken off of the repremannded list and send him a message to meet me in 20 minuets at his quarters please.=^=

The simple response of =^= Aye Mathews, I'll pass it along. =^=

Candy finished the potato wedges and cheese looking intrigued at the new development. "Sounds like Carson gone done and messed up " she said with the excitement of a younger sibling having gotten their older one in trouble.

Haden looked serious. "You want me to come with you Cass?" He asked

"Nah, I'll take Zang with me. You do me a solid and get Carson to meet me on the Holodeck in an hour. Go ahead and use the Comm system. I would do so but I might say something unprofessional if I do. Then I am putting you under orders to go get some damn sleep Stood at least six hours worth. You hear me."

Haden smiled, "aye aye." He got up to go. "Candy you wanna?"

"No, I need Laramie." Cassandra interrupted. "You go secure the Holodeck for me and initiate program A-311D. And wait there for me please."

Candy nodded and got up, she no longer looked as excited. "I'm on it. Should I get anyone else?"

"No. Not this time. But thank you." Cassandra said seeming to sit more heavily in her seat.

Thomas let out a sigh as he looked down at his food. His appetite now gone. He knew Carson knew that the one who marked him had told Cassandra or think his buddy had ratted him out. "What do you need me to do Cassandra?" He asked as he slid his barely touched food away from him a bit.

Cassandra seemed deep in contemplation. After a moment she replied. "Your going to be my back up. I just need you to make sure I don't do anything stupid."

"Aye Ma'am. You can count on me. Let me clear the table and then we can head that way. Thomas said as he stood. He grabbed his nearly full, barely touched plate, her half empty plate and their glasses then turned and took them to the disposal unit before returning to their table.

Cassandra still seemed distracted but got up to join him as they left the lounge.




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