[Back Post] Lions and Tigers and Bears
Posted on 23 Oct 2024 @ 1:49am by Lieutenant JG Todd Hewitt & Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant JG Margeurite "Maggie" LeFebvre
1,577 words; about a 8 minute read
General Sim Postings
Location: Various
Timeline: Prior to current Mission
Maggie figured she'd better tell the Captain that she and Todd had picked up a cat each on Shore Leave before they were found out. A loss of rank or some other punishment wasn't really an exciting thing to look forward to, and she wasn't going to push her already thin luck.
She had sent Todd a message on the PADD system to meet her in the lounge later, and they could walk together to meet the Captain. She'd also asked Somers to meet later that day. Now, she was dressed in her regular duty uniform-ugly red tunic and black pants, instead of her usual half-unzipped flight suit and sunglasses on her head. The rest of her appearance was the same-blonde hair left to hang around her shoulders, and bright red lipstick. Maggie ignored the makeup rules. She was on her shuttle most of the time, who was gonna see her?!
She rang the chime carefully and waited. She knew this was no time for fecklessness, and anyway, command types made her nervous.
Hewitt stood right beside Maggie. He would be accountable to her and not leave her alone. After all, he was just as complicit in… In… Saving those adorable two kittens on the Station as she was. All Todd could think was how his little Calico, whom he named ‘Bubbles,’ mewed and snuggled up on top of him when Hewitt lay across the couch. Mishka was cleared by all the medical scans and transporter pathogens monitors, as was Maggie's little fluff ball.
He looked across to LeFebvre in her uniform as Todd wore his clean-cut engineering uniform. He didn’t say anything except let a small breath of air release from his nostril.
"Why are you so tense?" She asked. "It's not like we were caught committing a CRIME," she said. "Or pregnant or something," she said, offhandedly. That would be a conversation she'd never want to have with ANYONE. "Are these uniforms always so uncomfortable?" She tugged at her tunic. She should've worn her flight suit. Or Civvies.
- Station Commandants Officer SB51 -
Jasmine was borrowing the currently empty Station commander's Office when she jumped a little as the door buzzer sounded "ENTER" she said and the doors opened to admit two young Lieutenants, one of them had bright red lipstick on, Jamsine inwardly sighed as the pair stood in front of the desk at attention.
"What is up, you pair look like you got caught with your hands in the cookie jar?" Somers said with a small smile.
Hewitt turned to look at Maggie. He furrowed his forehead brows. This was… Unexpected. They felt they were to receive a thrashing. Todd had a tough time trusting that this was a friendly interaction, at least at the start. The Engineer squinted his eyes as if not wanting to see the blowback.
“No. There's no reason, Captain Somers!” Todd's voice clearly showed a distinct hint of nervousness. He swallowed and then peeked his eyes at LeFebvre.
Maggie couldn't help but laugh. "Hello, Captain. Nothing serious. We rescued a couple of kittens the other day from the pet shop and, uh...I remember reading somewhere that you needed to know." She lied. She hadn't read it anywhere. Maggie had never read the handbook once in her life. But she DID know the protocols- she'd been around long enough to pick up on what would fly and just how far she could push the envelope. "They're really cute!! Dr. what's his name down in medical has cleared them!!" She said, in a sing-song voice. Now wasn't the time for her usual flightiness, she knew. It was better, with Somers, to be straightforward.
Hewitt forced the most uncomfortable piercing grin of his facial muscles and beard as he gritted his teeth. He looked at Maggie while she sanctified what they had achieved, bringing aboard two kittens. Not just any kittens, adorable, fuzzy, fluffy, tiny cats that mewed and nuzzled up to Todd. Their purring was incredibly soothing to the fully grown Male of an Engineer. Hewitt didn’t give a huff except for the Fleet captain's authority. His mind froze over, as he couldn’t do anything but rescue his calico kitten ‘bubbles.’ She was thriving on the Them, in his quarters. Cocking his head slightly to the right.
Looking intently at Hewitt "Unclench a little Lieutenant, or you will strain something, the last thing I want is my CEO coming to me saying I disabled one of his engineers" she said openly smiling "Apologies for my humour, it is not for everyone, but you are not in trouble, you did the right thing *she said then looked at Maggie* and you Lieutenant should not lie to your commanding officer, reporting new pets is not written down in any book or file, but it is simple logic to do so, and by you coming to me about this nullifies what went before" Somers said then paused.
Maggie nodded. "Understood, ma'am. Sorry," she said, letting out a breath. At least they weren't in trouble.
"Where are the little balls of fluff now?" the Captain asked.
"Miss Kitty is in my quarters," she said. "And Bubbles is in Mr. Hewitt's quarters, I believe," she said. "Miss Kitty likes to sleep on my replicator," she said. "Wanna see?" She asked. She took some photos on her PADD.
“Bubbles likes to sleep in my home-knitted toque.” Hewitt beamed as he pulled out his PADD and showed the adorable snuggled calico kitten purring in her sleep on Leland’s work desk.
“Captain, " he relaxed with LeFebvre, realizing they would not be in trouble and would not have to get rid of the animals. We are grateful for your leniency. Bubbles and Miss Kitty are sisters; if anything happens to either of us,” Hewitt glanced at Lefebvre and then back to the Fleet Captain Somers… We want you to be their Godmother.” As it were, the twin kittens already had Todd setting up play dates for them.
The Captain takes the Padds and looks at them "Aw, so cute" she said handing them back and looking at the pair "They will not be able to join you on the Themistocles for the next mission when the Tomcats Upgrade and Retrofit is completed, you can have them in your quarters, there they MUST remain while you are on duty and when you are off duty keep control of them as the Klingon Pilots from Red Squadron might like to eat the kittens, so be warned. *pauses* I accept the status you have offered, so any questions before I let you return to your new pets?" Somers asked.
Maggie simply nodded. "Understood, ma'am," she said. "I don't foresee any problems," she said. Maggie had a cadre of men she could ask to catsit.
“You know, Captain, if you’re their godmother, can we throw them a little celebration? Maybe a ‘Welcome to the Fleet’ party?” Hewitt grinned. “We can get tiny uniforms for them—Starfleet ones. Imagine Bubbles in a little command suit! The photos would be priceless.”
After a pause, Hewitt added. “We were thinking of reaching out to Dr. Spira. He has experience with exotics and seemed excited about the prospect of helping us out. Plus, he’d love to look at their medical history.” Hewitt took his cue that they would take up too much of the Fleet captain's time.
*Smiles* "That is thoughtful, but I must decline. If you are going to put imitation uniforms on them, then no ranks. As for Spira, you do that. I must also warn you that there will also be a tame Sehlat on the Tomcat when it is completed. I cannot remember which one of the crews it belongs to, but keep the kittens away from a large animal," she responded. Okay, any questions before I dismiss you both?" Somers asked.
Maggie smiled. Todd was more excited than she was. "We will coordinate with Dr. Spira," she said. "I have no further questions yet," she said. She had calmed down now and was smiling. The kitties were SO cute and she would figure out how to smuggle Ms Kitty into the hangars.
Hewitt grinned cheekily. He was proud and in utter awe of the small animal—this fuzzy ball of affection—that had snuck its furry way into his life. “I will show you bubbles sometime soon, Captain.” Todd looked at Maggie and grinned.
Looking at the pair with a bemused smile "Well if there are no more questions, you are both dismissed" Somers said.
Todd turned to mouth the words, ‘I told you she would.’ To Maggie on their way out.
"No, you didn't!!" Maggie exclaimed, laughing. "Bye, Captain!!" She called out, behind her. "God, that was bad!" She said to Todd. "I HATE being one on one with the Redshirts!!" She sighed.
With that she watched the pair leave and when they had gone and were out of earshot "First I command the Love Boat now it is the bloody ark!" she said quietly laughing to herself.