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The Approach to Arth

Posted on 04 Mar 2025 @ 5:19pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Matthew Thompson & Lieutenant JG Faith Benson & 2nd Lieutenant Cassandra Mathews & Master Sergeant Thomas Zang & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin & Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Nelson

2,141 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Main)
Location: space just outside of Arth's system
Timeline: MD: 14



The two weeks on route to Arth were hectic with briefings and preparations for the away team that was going to the surface. Training sessions on how to use more primitive weapons have been occurring since the ship left Starbase.

A small number of rifles were briefed and then included in the full away team briefing to ensure that all involved were aware of what was expected.

As the acting captain, Dodd has dealt with a lot, but he can not make this mission successful without the aid of an acting XO and the rest of the crew. Every crew member was vital to the mission, even if they were not leaving the ship. Dodd could only be the person he was and give his best.

Dodd was in the Captain's Ready Room and felt he needed to speak to his as yet unchosen Away Team Leader, but that was halted as the CRR doors opened.

Jasmine Walked in "Hey Remy, how is the burden of Command going?" Somers asked.

"Command is easier as the leader of an away team but leading a whole mission is a challenge if I must admit. However, I know my crew will be able to work with me and pull off this mission. I just wish we had our own ship. This ship is a learning curve on top of me being on trial so to speak." Dodd replied. "But how are you doing, ma'am?" Dodd asked of his commanding officer.

"I am well thank you, I just thought you should know you have lost Rifle Captain Falk she had had a priority recall back to Earth, so you have lost your MCO and First Officer, but I have a replacement First Officer for you" Somers said walking over to her desk and unlocking the bottom drawer of the desk and pulling out two shot glasses and a half-full bottle of Best Brandy and placing them on the drinks stand as she poured two glasses.

"I am not going to like your choice, since you got out the Best, am I?" Dodd came back with a wry smile on his face.

Jasmine hides a smile knowing Dodd's reaction she pours the shot and hands him the glass "You are going to need that, I am your new XO for this mission Remy" Jasmine said as she hid a smile as she gauged Dodd's reaction.

His jaw dropped and he then drank his shot of brandy, "Ma'am, I am going to need a second round." Dodd stated as he immediately directed his glass to Somers.

*Smiling* she poured him another "Quite a shock, huh?" She asked smiling "it will be nice to stretch my legs" Somers added.

"Well, that just doesn't seem correct for me to lead the mission if you are not only testing me but now acting beneath me, so to speak," Dodd stated. "I am paranoid more than ever now, to be openly honest with you as I pride myself on the honesty I have with you."

*Smiles* "I know Remy, I know, but have you ever played chess?" She asked.

"I have played chess and won many times before. But this is a version of chess I was not expecting."

Looking at Dodd "Well, as times shall try" she said and was distracted by the communications station making a sound, she walked over to the console and called up the communication which was in a text message, she read it and her face drooped, she looked up and over to Dodd.

"Captain, message from Starfleet, Planet Arth has for all reasons gone rogue there are large elements of Orion Syndicate and other illegals now rapidly gaining control of the planet, they advise that if we have any undercover agents on the planet we extract them promptly," Somers said and then played the audio file.

Just as Dodd hashed out the details he had for the mission to Somers, A priority message came in on a secured channel.

=/\= Priority Alert to Command Crew of The Themistocles, You are to vacate the Arth System immediately once your observation team has been extracted. This is urgent as the Orion Syndicated has staked claim to that region and declared violent intentions to any outsiders they find. They are on a mission to take the whole system that contains Arth. Get yourselves out of there at all costs and get back to Starbase 51. Rear Admiral Casey is out. =/\=

"Looks like my Mission has just become an extraction," Somers said.

"Yes, ma'am, it does appear that way," Dodd replied with a disappointed look on his face. "This is really something I should be leading, and I should not let you take this risk, as is the protocol of the XO."

"Until this ship is safely docked back at Starbase 51 you are the CO and I am the XO, I know the dangers but remember I used to be a marine many years ago and this is not my first Rodeo," Somers said with a smile.

"So we get your away team to the surface and find Lieutenant Lee and her team and get them out while still keeping our team as undercover as possible. I would add that luck should find your team getting ahold of Dr. Davenport we go for it and get her off the planet. As for the technology, I will have the crew on the ship working remotely to disable as much technology as we can with any means that will be undetected. Petty Officer Nelson will be on your team to help disable any tech you encounter in person which will assist in finding Lee and her team. I would ask that whatever data you can bring back from her time on Arth, you do so if possible or at least mark it with a transponder and we can beam it up. The ship will never be out of Transporter Range but we will be out of range of any scanners they have in orbit or on the surface." Dodd stated.

"You do remember Captain that Arth does not have the computing power we do, they still used paper, probably why the Syndicate got its hands on the planet. Is there an ETA on when the planet will fully be Syndicate?" Somers asked.

"Well, I must admit I did forget that Arth is not as high-tech as we are. But from what data I have seen, it appears that the Federation is tracking Syndicate ships on their way so that is why they changed our mission and want us to extract Lt. Lee's team and let them deal with the Starfleet rogue in the central government." Dodd replied after a quick glance at a PADD. "I imagine that it could be a few days or less before the Syndicate fleet is here to examine their new system."

"hmm, so not much time then, a suggestion Captain, those not on the Away team you might want them manning key positions on the bridge, just in case" Somers responded, "Now I have to go get changed after applying a hair dye as my red Hair is unique" she added making to leave the bridge.

"Yes, Time will go by too fast for what we need to do. It has been a while since we left Lt Lee and her team here. So hopefully they have been resourceful and yet will be in a reasonable locale for your team to find." Dodd replied as he followed her to the turbolift. "I am going to get the bridge well staffed and have the rest of the ship on alert and we will be ready to warp out as soon as your team is back on board the ship."

As Somers left the bridge, Dodd turned around. "Attention all, I am going to need all bridge stations manned. I want continuous monitoring of the away team and the space around Arth. The Orion Syndicate will be coming to inspect Arth soon. We need to be stealthy and secretive about being detected. As you scan the planet and detect any federation-related technology other than the tech on our away team, give the coordinates to engineering as they will do their best to disable it or remove it from the surface remotely." Dodd stated firmly.

The bridge staff got to work, and workstations were buzzing with reports and arrangements being made for continuous coverage of the respective stations.

Dodd then took a moment and sat in the captain's chair. He sat with confidence and savoured this brief moment. He knew that he could lead a team and a department but now was the test to lead a full ship and mission. He knew he was under the microscope and needed to be focused. The hustle and bustle on the bridge was calming to him as it was like the hum and buzzing of engineering.

"Captain sensors are picking up a general dampening field dead ahead between us and Arth that is obscuring the sensors. I'd advise caution," Lt Thompson said.

"That is a twist. Can you determine the origin of the field, Lieutenant?" Dodd asked of Thompson.

"It's coming from the surface, but due to the dispersion factor of the sensor beam, I can't pinpoint the exact source. However, due to the size of the field, we are most likely dealing with up to four sources," Thompson replied.

As she had not been asked a question, Armitage reworked the tactical sensors and prepped for a possible red alert. It never hurts to have the weapon power-up primed.

"Can we avoid the dampening field?" Dodd asked of Thompson. "Also, do we know how this dampening field will affect the shuttle or the team's gear?"

Dodd was now rather concerned about the mission and getting Lt. Lee and her team off the planet before the Orion Syndicate fully took control. He had a terrible feeling about this whole thing.

"We can try to circumvent it from the other side of the planet and get under it, or we can try to go through it. If we go through it, we will lose control and might lose the element of surprise. If we try to get under it, though, we will have a much better flight and a much better chance of evading their detection systems. Either way, there will be no going in from the front door." Matt said.

"We will need to keep the element of surprise and so we get under it," Dodd replied. "Let's make the best calculations to get us around it and get this mission completed. I would like to see us out of here before the Syndicate arrives." Dodd then looked around the bridge. "I have faith we can do this."

Calculations were made the course was changed and they got under the dampening field.

Sometime Later... (Runs in conjunction with Away Team Post)

- Arth -

From their position on Arth, the Captain tapped her Commander =/\= Somers to Themistocles, did we see right a Syndicate vessel arriving? =/\= Jasmine asked.

=/\= Captain, you saw that correctly, we will do our best to monitor the team but get the mission accomplished and get back to us. I would like to get all of you out of here sooner than later. =/\= Dodd replied. =/\= Go to alternate frequencies in communications to keep it harder for any Orion from pinpointing your locations and limit contact with the ship if possible. Dodd out. =/\=

[OFF] To be continued as part of The Ship A Full of Motion.













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