
Arrival at Star Base 51

Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:29pm by Chief Warrant Officer Glenn Stone Mr
Edited on on 10 Oct 2024 @ 4:21pm

378 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Star Base 51
Timeline: Current
Tags: none

It had taken a whole month to get to Star Base 51. Oo Note to self. Next time, pick something closer. Oo, thought Stone, sitting in the mission seat of the Runabout shuttal. Stone had been on several ships and long-range shuttles. He was starting to feel like an orphan or a vagabond with no natural home. Stone chuckled to himself.

He picked up his mug of black coffee and took a drink as he looked over the Padd for the tenth time. The information about the ship and crew he would be assigned to, The USS Tomcat 62114 Hmm... This would be Stone's first time as a COB, something that is covered in a Warrant Officer course or school. But he had not taken the position before. This would be new to Stone.

The shuttle drops out of warp to show a space station in the distance. It fits the description in the notes Stone was given. Stone looked out the front window, watching Station 51 grow until the pilot asked for clearance to land. It only took a few more minutes until the runabout laned. Stone thanked the Lieutenant, who was the pilot.

The flight deck was busy with the shuttle and crew coming and going. Stone made his way around the bay, giving the greeting of the day as needed or if someone addressed him. He saw a few ensigns from the Academy. They saw Stone, looked away, and acted like they did not see him. Stone grinned at that as he walked. It took Stone several minutes to get to the station proper. With all the turns and corridors, he wondered if he would find the end. Stone got in line at a security checkpoint. He found it odd that security was that tight.

The security officers were professional but long-winded in their questions about him. What should have taken just a few minutes took 10 minutes. Stone would be told later what he missed on the way to the station.

Finally, he arrived at the station headquarters and reported another list of questions. He was starting to feel like he was being interrogated. he was told to wait, and someone would be along to get him.

CWO Glenn Stone
Chief of The Boat
USS Tomcat



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