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Mazal Departure

Posted on 28 Nov 2024 @ 2:30pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Captain Mazal Falk

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S04 Episode 01 Captive State Part 2 (Incidentals)
Location: Somer's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Mazal looked over towards the sleeping form of Ze, they had opted to be in the same quarters now. It proved a very good choice as Ze seemed to be sleeping better and the same for Mazal. Mazal sighed, her ears perking up hearing the soft chime of a message for her. Picking up her padd, Mazal opened it up and read the message. Her eyes widened at the message. With a quick kiss on Tos's cheek, Mazal got dressed and headed for Captain Somers's quarters.

Arriving there, Mazal pressed the chime waiting for her to answer the door.

Jasmine was sleeping soundly and groaned as her quarter's door chime sounded "Go away" she quietly mumbled. Still, it did not listen, with a grumble she got out of bed she was in regulation underwear, that being tight shorts and a top to her scars. At the same time, faded were still visible, half asleep she shuffled into the main room, running her hand through her hair to straighten it as best she could, then standing near the door "Open" she said and the doors opened she could not initially make out who it was as her room was dark. The bright light out in the hallway made the figure enter a silhouette "Lights, low" she said and her visitor finally came into view.

*Looks at the reader* "Never got these interruptions as a Marine" she said then looked at Falk "Ah Mazal, I hope you have a reason for waking me from a nice peaceful sleep?" Jasmine asked.

Mazal allowed her eyes to adjust to the lighting of Jasmine's quarters taking in her attire and the sleepiness in her eyes. "I do apologize for the disturbance to your sleep, however, something important has arisen. I just got a message on my PADD, being instructed for me to head back to Earth." she had a regretful expression in her eyes. "It always seems that Starfleet has its own plans which can change one's life plans. That though is the lot in life of a Marine as well as someone in Starfleet. It appears that they want me to go through a refresher course as well as some extra training. "Holding out her PaDD towards Jasmine.

Jasmine took the Padd "Please have a seat Mazal" she said as she walked over to the couch and sat, she was not happy with what she read, after completing it she looked up "I wish Starfleet notified me prior to this, *sighs* at least you are letting me know, thank you for that, so have they given you any idea on how long this advanced training will take?" Jasmine asked.

Mazal took a seat just across from Jasmine. "You are the Captain as well as a friend, I consider you as such. I wasn't about to disappear without a word." Mazal stated firmly. She remembered the way the previous second officer had left. Just up and disappeared.

Absently nodding as she read the Padd, when finished she sat down and tapped something on the Padd and handed it back to Mazal. "I am sorry to see you go, but I hope that when all is done training you will return to us?" Jasmine asked "You have been with us a decent amount of time and Second Officer in less time, but you have made your mark Mazal and have earned your spot on the Tomcat and as part of her crew. I have signed off on the transfer by the way, while you will be missed you are welcome to rejoin us at any time" Jasmine added.

" I do thank you for that. And also thank you for all that you've done for me. It's been quite the learning experience." There could be seen a shimmer of tears in Mazal's eyes. "Saying goodbye is never easy, but I have to go. " She drew in a breath and let it out slowly, wanting to keep her emotions in check. This was difficult for her, and Mazal knew that it was the same for Jasmine.

Turning to a brighter aspect "You looking forward to returning to earth?" Somers asked.

"I wasn't expecting it so soon, but yes, I am looking forward to going back home. Swap some stories with my aunt and my mother. Emjoy the wine my uncle had made." Mazal gave a wistful smile, as she thought of home. "Honestly, I am missing them"

"Well at least you will get to be home for Christmas and have time with your family" Somers paused "Being attached to your Service record will be the following awards. Mission Excellent, General Operations and Captain's Merit, as by the time the awards giving happens you will already be on earth, so I figured you may as well be awarded them now" Somers said getting up and walking over to the replicator, tapping something in and replicating a small wooden box with three Awards. in them, she returned to where Falk was sitting and handed her the box.

"These are for you Mazal, also that white stripe you have along the base of your shoulders you are entitled to wear it for the rest of your life as you have earned it, do not let anyone else tell you otherwise" she added with a smile.

Mazal accepted the box that Jasmine gave her, staring at it for a long moment, and then she looked up at Jasmine, her eyes swimming with unshed tears. "Oh... Thank you." sniffling a little bit. She reached out and gave Jasmine an embrace. "I'm going to miss you, and others of the crew." her voice cracking with the emotions she was feeling so strongly. She could feel her cheeks becoming wet with the tears that were trickling down her cheeks. "Oh gosh I sprung a leak." giving a watery smile.

Mazal released Jasmine from her embrace, to wipe away her tears. "Sorry for that." drawing in a breath. She tucked away the awards that Jasmine had given to her.

A Little surprised by the widening of her eyes she returned the embrace, then both separated, "well I think all that has been said has been, there is a Runabout waiting for you in the shuttle bay and you have priority clearance. I hope when it is right you will return to us!" Jasmine said "May God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk." Jasmine said with a smile "old Egyptian blessing.

"Thank you, and may the universe smile upon you and the crew. Be well, Jasmine and be safe." Mazal gave another smile, rising up from the sofa. "Who knows what the future will hold. Thank you Captain Somers for all that you have done." with that, Mazal left Jasmine's quarters. It was time to go.

Jasmine watched Falk leave her quarters with sadness, she was losing a damn fine officer and she hoped that Mazal would return one day, in the end there was always hope just like Pandora's box.





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