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Sterling and Cahill Explore Prosthesis

Posted on 24 Sep 2015 @ 4:49am by Captain Maia Sterling
Edited on on 22 Nov 2016 @ 5:58pm

1,834 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Season 2 Episode 1: The New Frontier
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 3


Commander Sterling went to Sickbay to consult with Dr Cahill on developing the proper prosthesis for an away team. It was a tall order as they really had minimal information on these creatures. Captain Somers had tasked Maia with assisting Dr Cahill in the development of the disguise.

Once Maia had entered sickbay she saw that Dr Cahill was studying the limited information they had.

"Well, Doc, where do we stand and what do we know about these creatures, colour," Maia asked.

The eyes are the easy part, we can use contacts as I put a set in my eyes. But the skins colour is a little harder. I want something that will stand up to water and sweating but at the same time can be removed easily if needed. The best idea so far for blending in I see is to use Silicon masks and silicone gloves for the hands. But this would be a last resort due to us not wanting to make contact and just observe.

Also, reports say the like to take mud Baths like the Andorians do and when they sweat smell like a wet dog on Terra(Earth). Dr Cahill replied.

I was also thinking of some kind of clothing so we don't have to do the whole body. The logs show they were wearing clothing when last there. It is going to be the equivalent of winter on the planet when we arrive this should allow us to have to do only the lower arms,face, neck and other exposed areas that can be seen.

Maia nodded "How much do we actually know about them, I mean what senses are strong and which are weak? What do they smell like and do they perspire or excrete in some other way? I know they are a bit less physically strong as their world has a slightly lighter gravity. They may be slightly more immune to radiation as their star is blue and a bit more radiant and brighter than ours. I have only sensor readings on them and they are incomplete. We are going to have to improvise and try to avoid them if at all possible...This is a pre-warp civilisation and as such this is not a first contact mission.

"When the another ship was there before they were able to get some genetic samples from a few of the planets citizens. It was analysed and found that they are genetically similar to the Bolian Species. It is possible that the may be a lost part of the race was speculated by some but that is not proven much like the claim the Romulans and Vulcans are a similar species genetically". Dr Cahill responded

"I was more interested in the differences such as scent glands. Do they sweat for example? We need to find a way to mix in without too many differences". Maia replied.

K'Muss walked in with a couple of his squad leaders. " Johnson and McGrath, report to the med tech for your measurements," he said. He also couldn't help but overhear the Doc and the XO talking.

" Like the Xindi and the Caitians, Doctor?' he asked.

Cahill: Yes another classic example. The residents of the planet also like to take mud baths like the Andorians. The also have a body odour much like the smell of a wet dog on Terra (Earth). They are very friendly but alike stated we do need to avoid contact with the due to the Prime Directive.

"Now that is interesting I wonder what causes that as they don't appear to have much fur to deal with. Is there any possibility that they communicate via odours? At the very least their sense of smell must be extremely strong". Maia replied.

" Take note of that, Marines!" K'Muss said. he looked to see if his guys were finished. As soon they were he turned to his fellow officers. " Lieutenant, Commander," he said. " I hate to leave but these two need to return to squad briefing," he added.

"Carry on Staff Warrant K'Muss," Maia said with a smile.

K'Muss turned to leave and the sickbay doors swished behind him.

Maia thought for a moment.

"Dr Cahill, did they get any brain scans of these creatures"? If we captured one could we erase its memories"? Maia asked.

"It can be done perhaps we place a couple of crew members in the disguise we made up with me as one. I give the one we grab a sedative. When the one we grab is asleep we can do the brain and body scans we need too and the place them against a tree like they fell asleep and was taking a nap.

This way we don't have to worry about erasing their memory, and they are none the wiser that we are there". Cahill mentioned.

"Perhaps we can combine this with holographic technology and also make a duck blind perhaps underground to act as a base of operations a shame there planet has no moon". Maia added.

Somers arrived in sickbay, wondering if her arrival was a little bit of a surprise.

"Hello all, SITREP on the disguises please?" She asked.

Dr Cahill saw the Captain come in, hello Captain as she smiled. She asked about the disguise idea and she picked up one of the masks. and a set of gloves made out of silicone. These are the best idea so far. they look live and a pair of contacts for the eyes make it look real convincing.

I put on one of the masks with the contacts and turn by to her. As you can see quite convincing, and when you touch it feels like skin and not rubber.

Also LCMD Sterling and I were talking about grabbing a couple of them. I suggested putting them to sleep so we don't have to erase the experience of the contact from their minds. Possibly one male and one female. Place them in a sleep state and do some whole body scans of them to learn more about them. Once done we place them leaning against a tree like they are taking a nap and relaxing and leave them till they wake up with no recollection of what happened to them. We could monitor them while cloaked to prevent them from being injured by animals and other people that may come by.

"There are many possibilities Captain but we really need a specimen to examine more closely". Maia suggested,

Looking at the Doctors results "excellent El-tee, but we will be coming up on the outermost M-Class planet first, the one with faint Borg traces remaining and tattered remains of an ancient civilisation" Jasmine said.

Then looked at Maia "Commander, I have a suggestion, if we can arrange to get close to the fourth planet with six people on it, two will be piloting, two will be disguised as natives and the other two will be medics. That way when the chosen male and female officers disguised as a general look, the two we capture will make it easier for those agents faces to be made to look a lot like those we take for study, but we will need to get them swapped back." She paused.

"We can make it look like they had a minor accident and banged their heads and have temporary amnesia, that way the species we will be infiltrating will not be roused so quick to suspicion, what you think?" Jasmine asked.

"Sounds like a grab and snatch Captain, I wonder if there are any local legends we could exploit to those ends. I don't think we will have a problem hacking into their planetary internet to find out". Sterling replied.

Cahill showed Commander Sterling everything she had come up with. And also showed her some research she had been doing on being able to remove Borg implants from any Federation personnel and civilians we may run across if they had to be assimilated into the collective. "It is a simple procedure and would allow us to recover our missing personnel." She said.

Nodding "indeed" Then she looked over at the marine Non-com "so Mr K'Muss, might I enquire why you are here?" Did she ask in a polite way?

K'Muss entered sickbay once more to check if he left anything. As soon as he saw one of his PaDD's he heard the CO speak. " I was here earlier with two of my guy's, Captain," he replied. " I thought it was prudent to get their measurements prior to the medical needed for the away mission. I was on my way back to my office when I realised I forgot a Padd here."

"Excellent idea Commander, also I have been looking into procedures to remove any Borg implants if by chance we find any Starfleet civilians or other personnel. If possible we may be able to remove the implants and recover them for the return to Starfleet." Cahill added after a pause.

K'Muss must have felt his part done and had excused himself, Somers watched him go before turning back to answer a question.

"There will be no Federation personnel or civilians doctor, the scout ships Starfleet sent came back unharmed and from last reports, there was only a minor faint trace of Borg energy signatures. By the time we get there, we will encounter only ruins on our first Class M planet, but that does not mean to say there will not be other dangers there, so I would advise caution, but keep up the research" Jasmine said.

"There seem to be many mysteries, Captain, I am also working in Astro-metrics to chart spatial and subspace anomalies". Maia replied.

With that, Jasmine nodded "I shall leave you to your duties, but Commander I will need you up on the bridge in an hour".

"Understood Captain". Maia responded.

"Very well Commander" Jasmine finished and left the lab and made for the bridge again, nodding to some passing crew while en-route.

"I think that will just about do it. We will need to fabricate eye lenses as well, Doc". Maia said.

"I already have the contact lenses made up to give the yellow colour of the eyes Commander," Cahill said and pulled out a set and show her.

"Excellent doctor, I think we are almost ready to put these costumes together". Maia replied

Thanks, Commander, all we need mainly is to know what type of clothing the natives is wearing on the planet. Also would be nice if we could learn more about how they communicate.

"Looks like we will have to send an away team to gather more intelligence. Our information may be out of date, I'll inform the Captain". Maia said.

"Well done Dr Cahill, your work, as usual, has been exemplary". Maia said finally before heading back to the bridge.


Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/CSO
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat

2nd Lieutenant K'Muss
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat


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