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Bumping into the Neighbor – Part 1

Posted on 13 Apr 2020 @ 10:15pm by Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 14 Apr 2020 @ 5:13pm

970 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Deck 4
Timeline: S3 Mission 3 MD 02
Tags: Luuna, Sombra


Amiri, Luuna, and Sombra were on their evening walk. Amiri had figured out that all the halls and corridors of deck four totaled about one kilometer, so their goal today was to talk the labyrinthine path at least five times today. Just now they were about to pass Winchester’s door for the third time.

It had been a nice relaxing evening and for Paul to have the next morning off tomorrow at last was something of a blessing, but every now and then he would hear panting as they went passed his room, so the next time it happened he would see who it was outside. He continued making his evening meal, he said “Computer, set my door to open to Dog’s as well as other crewmembers when they call” he walked over to the replication unit and ordered two bowls of water. Somehow, he had become quite attached to the two alien German-Shepherds-types.

“Settings adjusted” replied the computers female voice as Paul continued making his meal.

The trio continued past the door which did not open, since they were on a walk, and had no current plans to visit anyone and they were not passing within detection range of the door’s sensor. Luuna hesitated briefly, but only to scent the air before Doctor Aldana caught hir attention with a quick “On me.”

Paul was finishing up his meal when the replicator unit finished making the two bowls of water, Paul walked up to the unit and picked one of the silver bowls and took it over to the wall next to the door. He then repeated the quest placing the bowl on the opposite side of the door. as he placed the bowl down, he opened the door to find Luuna standing there before she was called away.

~…but sad man~

“What? ‘Sad man?’” Amiri asked hesitating in the corridor for Luuna to catch up. S/he wasn’t sure, but Amiri thought Luuna might have meant Mr Winchester.

Sombra hesitated too, ~’Sad man?’ Aww, but can we stop to try and make him happy? Please Alpha? ~

Amiri considered for a moment, “alright, but if he’s not welcome to visitors this late, we’re not going to press our luck.” S/he turned back, joining Luuna at the door and activated the chime.

“Come!” called Paul as he started to clean up his dishes and place them in the recycling unit. He knew that now coming to terms with the prosthetic he now had, he just forgot it was even there most days.

While the door was still parting, first Luuna and then Sombra bounded in greeting ‘sad man,’ joyfully and boisterously. They circled him and nuzzled at his hands and the backs of his knees. Gathering scents and begging for petting.

“Alright, alright ‘guyzos,’ settle down.” Amiri noticed the water bowls and collected them, bringing them to more comfortable areas. “Look here, he’s set out some nice refreshments for you.” S/he set them down again.

Luuna attacked her bowl of water, the sooner she got it down and gone the sooner she could get back to ‘Sad Man.’

Sombra tried to settle down. He remembered his place and just settled around the side of the one he recalled told Alpha was called Paul. He nudged his meat hand sniffing it for treats.

Paul looked down at Sombra and got down on to the floor next to the male dog and began to scratch him behind the ears, he said “hello Sombra, how are you boy?” as he continued to make a fuss of the German-Shephard-types. He said, “welcome Doctor, to my home.”

Aldana glanced around, s/he noticed the dishes from a meal. “I’m sorry, we don’t mean to barge in if you were settling down for the evening, these scoundrels begged to come to see you.” S/he dropped hir tone down to just above a whisper to make a side note; (“I think they just thought they were getting tired and trying to get out of the rest of our exercise-walk for the evening.”) S/he continued, “if we’re interrupting your evening routine, I told them we might not be able to stay.”

“They are welcome anytime,” replied Paul as he continued to scratch Sombra behind the ears, Paul continued “should anything happen to you they know that they have a home here” as he knew that he was treating them with respect.

Aldana sighed fighting back tears and banishing the thought. “Banish the thought, besides, I’m sure Luuna would willingly give her life in place of mine.” Amiri shifted hir weight, s/he wondered if s/he was going to be invited to stay and visit for a while.

“I’m sure she would” replied Paul looking back at Aldana, he smiled at the Doctor “I just wanted you to know that they will be looked after,” as he continued to scratch Sombra behind the ears. Paul finished “oh and by the way; why don’t you get yourself a drink? and then take the weight off of your feet a while”

Aldana trembled a little as s/he tried to breathe deeply to regain hirself. Since it was offered, s/he went to the replicator and ordered something liquid, yet still soothing and sweet – a milkshake – complete with whipped cream, and a maraschino cherry on top. S/he crossed over to the window couch, and slowly lowered hirself into it with a sigh.

To Be Continued…


Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Assistant Chief of Security

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer

CWO Luuna (Luna) C.G.CA/U [P: Aldana]
Security Officer


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