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Dog Park

Posted on 23 Oct 2019 @ 9:18am by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 01 Jan 2020 @ 4:56pm

4,316 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Prior to “Time to say Goodbye”
Tags: Luuna, 7F03YTY836M, Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


Lamia was walking along, her head down, looking at the PADD that contained her report about events at the Orion slaver camp and the very important matter of her daughter’s funeral. She didn’t look up until she almost bumped into someone else; quickly sidestepping so as not to knock into Aldana. She paused and offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I was engrossed in my PADD I should have been watching where I was going.”


Luuna instantly inserted herself between ‘Alpha’ and ‘The other,’ though she made no provocative move, she was ready still the same. A vest in security-mustard had several identification patches on it; not the least of which read, “Search & Rescue K-9.”

~Calm…~ Doctor Aldana admired the lieutenant for a brief moment. She was lovely. “Hello, nice bumping into you here.”

Sombra was a bit more laid back. His concern was his charge and hir well-being. He nosed the hand at hir left side to be sure s/he knew he was there. His vest was medical-teal. One patch indicated him to be a prescribed service dog.

Lamia looked up at Aldana offering a brief smile and waved the PADD she was holding “I should learn to watch where I’m going rather than walk along staring at these things. Still, at least I didn’t knock you over.”

Aldana smiled and hugged Arderne.

Luuna leaned in protectively and began investigating Lamia’s scent.

Sombra wagged his tail but sat patiently and waited. He was working and he knew he wasn’t to interact with others without permission.

“I have to admit I wasn’t expecting a hug but I’m not going to complain.” She gently and calmly crouched down to say hello to the two service canines who were looking like they were somewhat curious about her, letting them come to her rather than reaching out to them. “I love animals” She smiled at Aldana.

Scenting no malice from the stranger, Luuna stepped in closer to investigate; a slow friendly wag to her tail.

Sombra hesitated and even pulled back slightly, he wanted to greet the new person, but he was in his vest and that meant he was working.

~It’s alright guys. Be friends.~

Sombra relaxed, his jaw hung loose in a Canidae-equivalent smile. His tail was wagging too, and more enthusiastically than his sister. He leaned into the woman’s hand with his shoulder.

Luuna saw this and relaxed a little more too. Her tail matched his.

“I was just… getting away from it all for a little while." Lamia offered a smile. “She hadn’t spoken much to anyone except Chris about events at the Orion camp. “Though I’d explore the starbase some.”

“Well, you’ve one up on me,” the doctor commented, “Maybe you’d like to show us around?”

Sombra whimpered and turned to paw at Alpha. The signal – it seemed – caused a sort of chain reaction; now Luuna was behaving similarly.

Aldana glanced at hir companion. “Hmm, it seems if there is an arboretum around, we might make that our first stop?”

“That can be arranged” Lamia nodded motioning for them to walk together. “I made a point of enjoying some relaxation while I was here. Let’s just say I found a lot more than I was looking for.”

~This way guys!~ The doctor called to them excitedly as s/he turned to follow the other Lieutenant the canids fell in line. “Lead the way…”

“I hope I can find it first time now, I think I’ve got the station more or less mapped out in my head, but I haven’t toured it much as yet.” Lamia led them until they eventually came to the station arboretum. “Not bad for my first tour of the station alone!” She smiled briefly as she looked at Aldana.

~Off duty.~ The pair of dogs bolted inside gleeful to have fresh grass under their feet. Sombra, especially, darted over to the nearest tree. Aldana chuckled and was glad for the computer’s self-cleaning systems. S/he would have to activate it before they left.

The tall Kazarite-hybrid looked at Arderne, noticed her brown eyes, and admired them. “I’ve been kept busy, so I’m a bit lonely at times.”

“Really?” Lamia looked at Aldana in surprise. “In that case feel free to drop by and see me whenever you like! That means all of you!” She smiled a little more as she looked at the dogs enjoying themselves before looking back at Aldana. “I can’t say I’m ever lonely really, the number of voices I have swimming around in my head all the time doesn’t give me the chance to be lonely! One of the downsides of being a telepath and empath, there’s only so much you can block off so there’s always a background hum of voices. It can be overwhelming at times, but I’d be lost without it!”

oO Voices!? Oh! Those voices… Oo “Oh, you’re a telepath. I could see how that might be cumbersome. My people can talk to non-humanoid animals, but not usually non-telepathic people.” Aldana stepped into the arboretum too, and offered hir hand, oO I hope she’ll join me on a walk, she sure is… oop… *starts in on a native nursery song* Oo

Lamia couldn’t help but warm up to Aldana. “Don’t worry I’m not reading your thoughts; I don’t prey on people’s random thoughts. I can read thoughts but It’s more the sensing emotions part that I get a constant flow from.” She looked at Aldana. “I’d have to put the serious concentration in to pick your thoughts out from all those I pick up on,” she looked around, “so is there anywhere else you’d like to go?”

Sombra came back over. He nudged Alpha trying to alert hir it was time for hir meds.

Just then Amiri’s stomach rumbled noisily, s/he looked down at it embarrassed, while simultaneously cupping a hand over it to try and settle it. “Maybe in a bit, but for right now, it’s nice in here, would you like to go for a walk?”

Luuna returned carrying a stick and playfully trying to pester Alpha into throwing it.

“Sure!” Lamia smiled. She was enjoying the company of Aldana and her canines. “I must admit it’s nice to have these arboretums, it’s a nice place to come to wind down and relax. With everything that’s happened to us I need the time.”

The arboretum was very serine and park-like. It was a large bay filled with a variety of plants designed to look like a young forest. It was primarily made up of large deciduous trees from a variety of planets that fit and looked well together with a scattering of furs and evergreens throughout. All the trees and other foliage were real and given the artificial environment they were in, everything was green, lush and brightly coloured. The setting did take advantage of some holo technology to simulate the sky and atmosphere. There was even a creek near the back corner that flowed out of a “natural” hot-spring-fed wading pond.

“Wow. I’ll say,” Amiri was distracted by the view, hir head was tilted up and gazing around, momentarily s/he forgot about Luuna and her stick, “you’d never find anything like this on a starship, granted some of the larger classes of ship have something, but certainly not like this, and certainly not on an Akira-class ship like the U.S.S. Tomcat is.”

Luuna became impatient from waiting on Alpha to throw the stick, she gave up and trotted over to the woman to try and give it to her to throw.

Sombra returned shortly to check on his charge, he began sniffing about to be sure s/he was okay. Both dogs were still in their vests.

Picking up the stick for Luuna, Lamia grinned as she threw it. “I generally go to the holodeck. You can get whatever you want in there, granted it’s not real but it’s the closest thing to real and it helps to relax.

With a brief vocal command, Amiri halted Luuna before she ran off again. “Yeah, I like the holodeck too, but I think they can tell the difference, and for some of their needs, there is nothing better.” S/he removed Luuna’s working vest then let her go. “What do you like to do in the holodeck?” Then Amiri knelt next to Sombra and removed his service animal vest as well.

Temporarily released of his duties Sombra happily tore after his sister. He wanted the stick too… perhaps a nice game of tug-o-war.

“I mainly just visit when I need to clear my head. Nothing like a scenic view when you’re struggling to figure something out or just want to be alone.” Lamia shrugged her shoulders. “Either that or just want to get away from it all.”

“Oh, I wondered if there was something you’d like to share, but I guess those sound pretty personal.”

Luuna brought back the stick with Sombra tailing behind her. Amiri threw it this time. “Is there anything else you’d like to show me around the station?”

“I don’t mind showing you my holodeck programs sometimes. In the meantime, I can give you a quick tour of what I remember from the short time I was here before I joined the ship.”

Amiri called the dogs back to hir. S/he knelt to get Sombra dressed for duty again. Looking up at Luuna s/he commented “no, little girl, we can’t take the stick with us. With such a small space if everyone did that there’d be no more left for later. Maybe if we come back, we’ll bring a ball.” S/he knew hir precious understood little of that, so in her mind s/he added simply ~drop it.~

Luuna obeyed and returned to Alpha’s side.

Ecstatic about getting to work for Alpha again Sombra gave a couple of little spins and a yap.

Lamia smiled; she wasn’t used to servicing dogs but considering they made her feel happy she could imagine the effect they must have for others. “So, any idea where you’d like to go next? Any particular area you have in mind? I think I’ve gotten a rough idea what’s where.”

The doctor hesitated as s/he thought for a moment. “Nope, surprise me.”

Lamia nodded and thought about it before leading Aldana to the station holodeck. It didn’t take long to put in the program she had in mind. “I know it’s a holodeck, but this is my favourite place.” Walking inside she smiled at the sight of a green luscious glen that led to a shimmering crystal waterfall which dropped into a crystal blue lake below. “I like to come here and relax, the sheer beauty of this place and the peace and tranquillity that surrounds it helps me to unwind.”

The Kazarite-hybrid and hir companions entered and s/he looked around. “It’s lovely.” S/he saw the lake and wanted to disrobe and take a swim, but Arderne had only just met hir and s/he wasn’t sure how she’d feel about that. “Have you shared this place with anyone before? It would be a wonderful spot to take someone on a picnic.”

Luuna and Sombra began to sniff around. They could smell the difference, but they didn’t seem to mind. Luuna yipped and dashed off to explore. Sombra, on the other hand, waited for permission, once he was released, he bounded after his sister.

“I haven’t shown anyone this as yet apart from you” Lamia offered a warmer smile. “It is a nice picnic spot I agree. If you ever want to use this program feel free to access it anytime, I’ll be putting it on the ship’s holodeck too so you can always use it there.”

“Thank you, I’m sure the guys will enjoy it too. What is your favourite thing about the program?”

“I love swimming, so I'd come here to swim when I feel like it, it’s always nice and private.”

“Private is nice,” Aldana agreed. “Especially when you don’t want to be encumbered and weighed down by bathing garments.” S/he grinned back.

Lamia nodded. “My Betazoid half fully agrees with that but my Drax half is a little more… reserved, but if you want to jump in feel free.”

“Well given all this fur, I don’t exactly dry off very easily, but given it’s just a holodeck it should be fine, but I think I’ll let the guys check it out first.” S/he glanced up at nothing in particular and holding out hir hand called, “Computer, one tennis ball launcher with pet-safe tennis balls.”


Aldana grabbed onto the gun as it appeared, loaded it, and as both dogs came to hir eagerly awaiting what would happen next s/he shot the first ball toward the water, reloaded, and finally shot the second. First Luuna and then Sombra tore off after each ball in turn, Luuna barking excitedly.

“Please tell me more about your Drax half. How do they feel about nudity?”

“Well, we’re not easily offended if that’s what you’re worried about.” Lamia smiled. “Although I’m not sure I’d be comfortable stripping naked in front of people especially after recent events. Why do you ask?”

Aldana shrugged feeling a little reserved in. “I don’t know, you brought up skinny dipping. Not much is known about the Drax half of your heritage.” S/he tried to pull off a hopefully-sheepish look. “You’d like to join us, may-be?”

The dogs returned, dripping wet and panting happily, gazing at the two non-canids expectantly and with the joy of just living freely in their skin and fur-coats radiating off them.

Amiri glanced at them. “Besides they seem to be having fun, and they don’t seem to mind.”

Lamia grinned. “Why not! I don’t mind swimming and what better way to cool off.”

Luuna boldly came up to Lamia and dropped her ball down at her feet. She sat and doggie-smiled up at her with an expectant look.

Amiri casually began to slowly disrobe at Arderne’s suggestion. “She likes you.”

Sombra held onto his ball but went to check on Alpha before he went to patiently check with his sister and her ball.

Lamia smiled as she picked up the ball and threw it. “I always did get along well with animals as well as people! I… didn’t make it sound like I was suggesting we run around naked in the Holodeck all the time! I’d hate for people to get the wrong idea about me. oO or what Chris would think of me Oo

Luuna tore after her ball again.

Aldana hesitated. “Um… of course not… no, but there’s nothing wrong with some freedom once in a while especially when one is alone, or with the comfort of friends and like-minded individuals.” Inwardly s/he was chastising hirself, oO shit Oo did s/he need to start back-paddling? Kazarites were quite a bit more naturally covered in follicles than many other races. Hermats too had a short, fine covering of fur that almost looked skin-like. There were a larger proportion of naturists on Kazar than on other planets, so it was easier for the doctor to forget hirself. “Besides the holodeck has privacy features.”

Sombra came over to the Betazoid and nudged her hand, trying to get her to take his ball.

Lamia took the ball and threw it playfully. “That’s true” Lamia grinned. “I have an idea to give me a moment.” A quick adjustment to the program and a bikini appeared, one that would cease to exist outside the confines of the Holodeck but for now it would suffice to save her modesty. A quick change and she was ready. “Now this is better!” She grinned.

Aldana didn’t know where to look… or not look. Hir people’s sense of modesty was minimal at best. In the end, Luuna caught hir attention since sometimes she got up to no good at the expense of her brother. She was so cute sometimes, and sometimes s/he thought she was showing off just for hir sake. When Arderne spoke again s/he returned hir attention to the Drax-hybrid oO Wow! Oo “Is that what’s ‘in’ this season?” s/he asked light-heartedly with a smile. “Do you think I should wear a copy of that? Sometimes I can’t be sure what to wear when it comes to gender-specific coverings; especially when I grow all my own [coverings].”

“This is just what some women wear, I’ll have to remember to get dressed again before we leave as it’ll vanish with the program!” Lamia grinned. “If you want to get noticed by a guy then this is a good way to go about it, I… don’t usually wear anything that shows up my scars… but you’re a doctor so I don’t have to be embarrassed in front of you.”

“Well, I’m glad you understand that I’m often surprised how often – in this day-n-age – I still find people uncomfortable around me.” Aldana changed out of hir uniform and started to trod down to the edge of the water.

Sombra came over to investigate and march back into the water with his partner.

At some point, Luuna had left her ball floating where it was and was off just having fun swimming in circles.

Lamia smiled as she watched the two canines enjoying themselves. She could see the medical benefits of having them there to interact with patients. She walked over to the water and gently stepped in letting her body acclimatize to the temperature. “The water isn’t too bad” She slowly sank into the water. “Come on in and join me!”

Amiri gave a sideways glance at Sombra ~Race ya!~ The pair tore off into the water, splashing and spraying holo-water everywhere. When s/he got so deep Amiri could no longer stay upright, the doctor dove in. S/he circled and swam back over to tread water next to the lovely Ms Arderne. “You’re right, that wasn’t so bad.”

Meanwhile, as the water rose to his chest Sombra just doggie paddled off. He swam over to his sister and lifting his forepaws extra high attempted to splash her.

Lamia grinned. “I never realized that having canine companions could be so much fun!” She nodded to Luuna and Sombra. “I can see why they’d do so much good for patients. Do me a favour? When I come in to have my scars sorted…” She sighed. “That you’ll have them there? The whole idea scares me silly!”

The doctor seemed surprised s/he hadn’t noticed the scarring, s/he saw Arderne for who she is not her scars or her body. “I’m sorry, I saw you; I hadn’t noticed them. Sombra is always with me; in addition to a general therapy dog, he’s also my service dog, so he is prescribed to me. There are very few instances when he is allowed to be without me, and usually, Luuna would be otherwise.” Aldana smiled. “You would like for me to have Luuna there as well? What do you need me to do?”

“Just having a company is what I need.” Lamia smiled warmly. “…it’s nice to be around someone who didn’t automatically notice my scars. I’m normally very self-conscious.”

Luuna lunged at her brother with her mouth open, but more-or-less in a playful manner. She discovered that she could make slightly bigger splashes that way but saved that for later. She circled side of him, and in a slightly dominating move lay her chin over his shoulders.

Sombra began to cry in a puppy way and tried to pull away and wheel around to snap at Luuna, but since Luuna was pushing on him slightly the pair only succeeded in swimming in circles.

Amiri smiled; “well, in that case, I think I can make an exception. I will allow Luuna to join us too.”

“That would be nice” Lamia grinned as she enjoyed the water. She had to admit this was more fun than she’d been expecting.

Then Sombra swam to the shore. His sister’s antics were having a certain effect on him, and he needed solid ground under him. At the point where the water lapped at the shore of the lake, he shook of vigorously. Spinning three times, he plopped down and started to investigate his new body. He was still a little sore, and not quite used to his new features.

Luuna whimpered at being left alone, so soon followed after her brother. She hadn’t noticed before the strange new markings on his rump and thighs. There was something else too, though she couldn’t quite put her nose on it – and another thing – she was beginning to feel… some… thing…

Treading water there, Amiri smiled at the lovely operations officer. S/he was at a loss for words. S/he supposed s/he should get a better feel for when she would want to stop by sickbay, or perhaps what she was thinking of having done, but those things seemed so trivial in this near-perfect moment. S/he wished s/he could think of something… more… to say. Something insightful, poignant, special… maybe… romantic? Would that be going too far? Perhaps the simplest was best. “I’m having a nice time. Thank you.”

“My pleasure” Lamia smiled warmly. “After what we all went through together it’s nice just to spend some time getting to know you without being caged up in a cell. Plus, I feel more… at ease around someone who understands what I went through.”

Amiri noticed hir two companions on the beach, and how Sombra seemed to be enjoying the ‘sun’ as his sister investigated his new appearance and features. The doctor thought Sombra had the right idea. S/he looked over at Lamia, “I’m going to go lay out on the beach and enjoy the warmth of the ‘sun’ would you care to join me?”

“Sure!” Lamia nodded. “After being cooped up as a slave, just to relax…even on a holographic beach…is just what I need. I just want to forget everything that happened!!” She knew she’d have to face it eventually but right now she didn't want to.

Sombra had hardly noticed, at the time, but he’d received a small scratch from somewhere earlier. Amiri had noticed it the other day, and it wasn’t too bad, so s/he hadn’t threated over it at the time and decided to let it heal on its own. Today the water had managed to soften the tissue, and loosen the scab, so now when he’d rolled around and rubbed on the beach it had been bleeding again.

Luuna, however, had noticed it. Out of concern, she was now pestering her brother and licking it clean instinctually, having never had anything else to mother beside her brother. What she didn’t know in the meantime was she too had acquired a small abrasion on the inside of her mouth which was even now allowing passage of something new to be introduced to her immune system.

Hearing the phrase ‘cooped up’ made Aldana realize, in truth, s/he had been feeling a little antsy recently. S/he had also still been feeling a little pent up from hir restraint back on the Orion ship. There was still just something about Arderne that was greatly appealing to hir. “Now that you mention that, I’m feeling a little antsy, maybe we could swim to the other side, and by then our workout would make sunbathing seem more appealing?”

“That would be nice” Lamia nodded and smiled. “I think a swim would be good exercise.” She smiled warmly at Aldana. “I think we could both do with a relaxing swim.”

“See ya there,” Aldana teased. S/he dove under, but after only a few meters had to resurface. S/he started with what to sometimes was called they ‘freestyle’ stroke but was more commonly referred to at the front crawl. S/he wasn’t in any hurry, so s/he took hir time and kept hir head above water rather than breathing the way an athletic swimmer would. Besides, s/he needed to see where s/he was going.

Lamia nodded and jumped in, taking her time to swim across. She turned onto her back partway for a rest before turning back and swimming again. By the time she reached the other side, she was feeling both tired and exhilarated by the swim.

Just as Aldana began wading up onto the opposite shore, without warning, a great cacophony of yelping and crying came across the water. It was Luuna’s voice. Without thinking, and disregarding hir recent exertion, Aldana made an about-face and began to swim for hir loved ones. It took hir a few moments, but before long the veterinarian recalled s/he was still on a starship and in an artificial environment. S/he stopped paddling to tread water.

“Computer! Medical emergency! Transport three directly to sickbay!”


Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Counsellor


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