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Doctor's Visit - Backpost

Posted on 18 May 2020 @ 1:10am by
Edited on on 07 Oct 2020 @ 3:02pm

3,452 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Morning of the Briefing
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


–Lt Taggert’s Quarters–

It was an early morning for Nicci. She had set and alarm, but she woke up before it went off, which was always frustrating. But she knew why. She had forgotten to get her regular shot from the doctor, and now it was affecting her.

“Damn it,” she mumbled to herself as she sat up in bed. Her hair was in a crazy bed-head scramble as she got up to shower. She couldn’t cut it, because it grew faster than normal humans’ hair, and it would be long again in a month, so there really wasn’t much point.

Nicci showered, taking a little extra time to try to wake up and “take the edge off” that she noticed she had, but it wasn’t helping. Once dressed, she made a point to get to sickbay before breakfast and hopefully not run into too many crewmen on the way.


Even before the main doors to sickbay opened Aldana’s nostrils began to flare sampling the air. Hir neck tingled as the hair on the back of hir neck stood on end. Something feral, hormonal, rose up out of the primal pit inside of hir.

Beneath hir desk, Sombra perked up. He began scenting the air too. He squirmed a bit as he tried to settle back down.

The doors swished open, and Nicci called out, “Doctor? Are you in?” She hadn’t put her hair up, so it just swung behind her as she moved, falling down to her waistline.

Aldana was already out of hir seat and headed for the door to hir office. S/he stepped out sporting a new medical-teal lab-coat s/he hoped would conceal hir aroused state. S/he silently reminded hirself s/he was a doctor and a professional. “Ms Taggert is everything alright?” S/he asked, spotting no obvious injury at first.

The doctor’s shadow, Sombra, soon emerged as well, sporting his usual vest and sticking close to Alpha’s side.

Nicci’s hands were shaking just a bit, nervous energy trying to contain herself. As she walked to sickbay, she felt the lingering glances from other crewmen, much more than was normal…or professional.

“Good morning Doctor,” Nicci smiled, but after doing so, she pursed her full lips.

Aldana swallowed hard as s/he tried to keep hirself under control. S/he took note of the cues Taggert was subconsciously emitting – shaking hands, perched lips, elevated pulse. S/he came along side of the lieutenant and gestured to hir office. “What’s wrong, would you like to have a seat? I can close the door if you’d like and we can talk. Would you like something to drink?”

Sombra squirmed, he didn’t know it, but he was having difficulty concentrating. He eventually sensed something different from Alpha but could not reach hir hand to alert hir. He made the softest of vocalizations. An almost whimper.

“Thanks, Doctor Aldana,” she said. Her voice had a quality to it, a breathiness, that wasn’t usually there. Subvocal alterations? Nicci never thought too much about it. She followed the doctor back to hir office and took a seat.

Amiri began to sweat as s/he felt hirself flush with heat. It didn’t help that s/he was already excited in other ways. S/he was only slightly aware of it, but primarily hir palms and more personal areas were sweaty. S/he couldn’t be sure, but this particular sweat was responsible for releasing a mixture of hir own masculine and feminine hormones and pheromones too. As a scientist s/he couldn’t help but wonder if/how it would influence the others in the room.

Sombra’s nose was working over-time. He squirmed again as he sneezed, trying to clear the alluring scents from his nose. He began to pant.

Aldana discreetly wiped hir palms on the inside of the pockets of hir lab coat before ordering and retrieving a pitcher of ice-water, two glasses, and a bowl of ice-water for Sombra. S/he set the tray with the glasses and water on the desk between Taggert and where s/he’d sit on the other side of hir desk. S/he set the bowl under hir desk for the Canidae before pouring a glass for the lieutenant.

“What brings you to sickbay?”

“It’s a…um…a bit embarrassing to talk about,” Nicci finally admitted. She noticed her own scent in the air, plus another, and she worried she might lose control again.

“I’m a doctor and a professional, not much phases me anymore.” Amiri leaned forward, “sex and sexuality are just a natural part of life, it’s okay.” S/he smiled and winked, “besides taking my gender into consideration, I’ve seen and experienced it all firsthand.”

“Well, you see, if you pull up my file, you’ll probably see my prescription,” she said from her seat. She was fidgeting a little with her hands and foot. “I kind of need some…pheromone blockers.”

Aldana 365 finally sat at hir desk. Taking a glass of water and downing several hundred milliliters while s/he brought up the data. “A pheromone suppressant, but why?”

Nicci sighed and scooted her chair in, leaning forward. “Well, it’s a bit of a story…”

“I don’t mind…”

“Okay, so over a year ago, I was a newly graduated ensign from the Academy. My shuttle got attacked by the Orions, and we were taken to Bellringer Station.”

Aldana leaned back, thinking about the times s/he been there, and the things s/he’d seen. They bothered hir a little. Enough that Sombra had to nuzzle his head into hir lap pulling hir out of it. “I’ve been… go on…”

She continued her story, “They experimented on us there. We had about 4 dozen men and women, and they performed genetic manipulations on us. They intended to use us against the Federation and Starfleet. We would be what they called ‘honeypots,’ or people so attractive, no one could resist us; we could gain intelligence, technical information, political secrets, anything. We had practically perfect bodies,” she gestured to herself with her hands, “but with artificially enhanced pheromones like those Orion women who tried to manipulate some old Earth vessel about two hundred years ago in their failed rebellion against the Syndicate.”

She was mentioning an early Earth Starfleet encounter with a few Orion women in the 2150s that not too many would have heard about before.

“Anyway, they had improved the process since, and now, those of us who got altered, we don’t give women headaches; we just make men especially, but women also, very, very aroused and thus, easily manipulated. And we’re very susceptible to the pheromones they produce as a result without the proper training to control it.”

She put her hand on the doctor’s without really noticing she did it; unfortunately, skin contact was a better transmitter than olfactory for her pheromones.

Aldana felt what s/he assumed was a static shock. S/he winced, but did not pull away from the touch, in fact, s/he welcomed it; turning hir hand over in order to allow the human’s to slip into hir own. It had been a long-long time since someone shared more than a hug with hir.

“Supposedly we can learn to suppress them, control them, and there were some Vulcans who tried to help us, but two of them went into pon farr early being around us,” Nicci said as she continued her story, “so they gave us pheromone blockers to protect themselves and us while they gave us counseling for the psychological trauma we endured. None of us looked like we used to; all of us made it out alive except two. Starfleet rescued 48 women from Bellringer Station, but never caught the Orions responsible.”

The Kazarite/Hermat hybrid was starting to feel a bit warm. S/he took a moment to open hir over-shirt and loosen the collar on the color tunic underneath. Subconsciously revealing more of hir chest then s/he intended to. “Wait, what happened to the men in your group?”

Sombra was still half in Alpha’s lap. He began to pant heavily. He started to paw at hir for something.

“Well, like I said, Starfleet rescued 48 women from Bellringer Station,” Taggert said. She couldn’t know it, but her pheromones would cling to the furred hand unless the doctor washed hir hands. “I don’t like to talk about that too much, because I got treated weirdly by old friends who found out what happened to me. My parents and brothers and sisters were pretty okay with everything and really understanding after they found out it was really me just with a new face.”

Amiri tried to puzzle together the clues Taggert had left hir with, but s/he found hirself growing more and more distracted as hir aroused state began to make hir uniform feel tighter. “Wait… are you saying you and the other males in your group… were… forcibly given gender reassignment?” Aldana licked hir lips as s/he leaned in closer to the increasingly attractive woman.

Sombra wined as Alpha gently and discreetly coaxed him down. ~Not now.~ Under the desk, he circled a few times and lay down, positioning himself to start grooming.

“Yes,” Nicci said. “That’s how it got logged in the books.”

Doctor Aldana nodded in understanding, though s/he was concerned about how this might have affected her.

“I did ask my own record to be changed to avoid mentioning my old gender and name, except to those of captain’s rank or above, and just to avoid problems.” Nicci’s pulse quickened, and she noted some perspiration on herself. She opened up her tunic and unzipped it a little. “Is it getting a bit hot in here, or is it just me?”

“It shouldn’t be, the EV controls in sickbay should be operational, but now that you mention it,” Aldana loosened hir top just a little more. Looking under the desk to check on Sombra s/he noted he seemed a bit uncomfortable. “Maybe we should retire to somewhere cooler, more private while you finish your story. I think Sombra could use a break.”

Amiri returned hir attention to hir patient; “how do you feel about those responsible?”

Nicci sighed, thinking back to the time there on Bellringer Station and what happened. The emotion was still there but cooled somewhat with time. She replied, “Angry. Vengeful. They made me this way. They took away everything I was, everything I thought I was going to be, all those opportunities, the family I might have had with someone.”

Aldana found hir emotional response beginning to have a reversing effect on the pheromones, “that’s terrible,” s/he nudged Sombra with hir foot to get his attention.

Sombra perked up from his grooming and picked-up on Alpha’s emotions then nuzzled his head into hir lap so s/he could take comfort from petting and stroking his head.

“Well, I just…hate when people get away with bad things. I remember the colony of Demos IV about 80 years ago. A group of people, led by Olivia, David, Bryan, Mindy, and Molly had monopolized control of the colonial council and held control for 19 years. They prevented people who disagreed with them from getting any positions of power, and making positive changes, and prevented my great grand-uncle James from trying to speak out against the things they were doing. They publicly shamed him and called him all sorts of horrible things to try to shut him up; so, he left the colony with his family, and soon after, the colony failed. Hundreds of people died from starvation and willfully inflicted diseases; women and children were – let’s say – abused.

“None of those people were ever brought to justice. They believed they were always right, and everyone who expressed any opinion they didn’t like was wrong, and either needed to change their opinion or just shut up and not express it. They steadfastly refused to accept any kind of responsibility for their policies in the colony for causing its failure. That kind of treatment makes me burn with rage that someone or some people can get away with such an outrage and never face justice. These Orions from Bellringer have – to date – never been found. I want justice. I want them to pay for what they did. Right the scales of justice,” she said, continuing her thought. Her emotion and passion showed through.

Aldana gave Sombra a telepathic command that told him to take on his role as a therapy dog. S/he let him out from under the desk. He shook vigorously to try and – temporarily – rid himself of the effects of the pheromones. Then he circled around to be with the pretty lady. He stood at her side and set his chin in her lap, looking up at her with doe-eyes; inviting her to love on him.

Aldana continued to sweat, s/he began to feel quite aroused. “I realize you haven’t asked, however, until these people are caught one way you could get back at these people is to try and find the good in all of this. They obviously wanted to take control in some way and make you suffer. The best thing to do is accept this is the way you are now. Perhaps one day a way can be found to reverse the process if that what you’ll still truly want if the time comes. Dwelling on it won’t help. Find a way to be happy despite what’s happened. You are in control of your own life; live it whatever way suits you. Feel free to explore yourself, who you are now. The way you are. Some people would sacrifice almost anything in order to get to experience life from the other perspective you’ve been given.”

The doctor took a breath and continued. “Finding a way to be happy and in control of your own life and the body you have is one sure those Orions won’t be able to get away with it. If you decide they’ve ‘ruined’ your life, then they’ve already won. There is an ancient saying your people have: ‘carpe diem.’”

“I’m sorry doc,” she said as she took off her jacket and unzipped her tunic, letting her sizable bosom be seen by the doctor, hopefully to let herself cool off. Her pulse was quickening. “I guess some of it’s just the way I am. Engineering is logical, it makes sense. This,” she gestured to herself, “doesn’t make sense.” Her judgment might have been a little clouded at this point, when she grabbed her chest for a moment, saying, “I never expected these.”

Nicci placed her hands back on the doctor’s desk and leaned forward to listen to the doctor’s response.

Amiri admired Taggert’s assets. S/he felt hir professional personality slipping. Hir heart was throbbing in hir ears. S/he stood “would you like something cold to drink? Water?” Walking backwards – unable to avert hir gaze – s/he crossed to the replicator and ordered two large glasses and a pitcher of ice water. “Life is full of surprises, someone once said: ‘when life gives you lemons make lemonade.’ Change takes time, we all have them in life, and it can be a process.”

When Amiri said the word ‘lemonade’ the computer mistook that for a correction in hir order, and instead of water a pitcher and two glasses all full of lemonade appeared. “Heh…”

S/he brought over the cool refreshing liquid. “…see?” S/he set the tray on the desk and held up a glass, gesturing to it, and smiling. “Nicole, you know my door is always open, and I want you to know, I am always here to help you with anything you need…” s/he finished with a slight more hint of innuendo than s/he’d intended.

To her ears, the doctor’s words sounded a bit heavy with desire, and she found herself standing up and meeting the doctor standing. Her tunic was unzipped, and one could see her endowments through the parted fabric, glistening in the artificial lighting.

“Doc, I’m definitely in need,” Nicci said with a slight moan in her voice. Her hands touched the doctor’s gingerly. She pulled the Doctor closer and was tilting her head when an announcement over the speaker interrupted them.

“Senior staff, meeting in 15 minutes. Please report to the observation lounge,” called the voice, snapping the two out of it.

Aldana’s tail was wagging excitedly, but s/he pulled away. “Sounds like I should get you that shot, and we’ll worry about the rest of the supply later.” S/he carefully set the beverage tray on the desk without spilling it.

“I’m so sorry Doctor, I…I just…” Nicci started, seeing what she was about to do. She really needed the medicine that was on file.

“It’s alright lieutenant, no harm done. I was rather enjoying myself, even if I was wrestling with being a professional in this office and my personal needs.”

“I mean, I don’t normally just…but when I don’t get my prescriptions I can get caught up and it’s like the first time I saw a man when I got rescued,” she said, dredging up an old memory.

Aldana tried to get the woman’s attention, s/he thought her personal name would help. “Nicole, it’s alright, really.”

“It might not be though, is what I’m trying to say,” Taggert replied, her voice betraying some doubts. “Back when I was rescued, I couldn’t control myself. I was at the mercy of the pheromones and I did things I never did before…”

Amiri’s expression softened. S/he was starting to get the impression Nicole had some things she needed to confide in hir. S/he tried to think of something to say that would convey this to her. “Nicole, I want to remind you, I’m a professional, this is a safe place, you can talk to me about anything. We’re both adults here, I’ve helped all sorts of people through a variety of issues.” S/he smiled with a gleam in hir eye. “(Heck I’ve even explored a few myself.) You won’t shock me.” A thought occurred to hir, “is there somewhere more comfortable you’d rather go to talk?”

“Perhaps we can schedule a holo-session at Stone Mountain. I used to hike there as a kid with my parents. It’s a great view of my home state,” Nicci offered.

“That seems acceptable,” Amiri said as s/he tried to recall if s/he’d read specifically where Nicole is from, “that’s on Earth right… the…South?… American continent? (Forgive me, I’ve never been.)” S/he smirked slightly at how obviously redundant the name of the location was. “When would be good for you?”

“I think within the next two or three weeks would work great. Once we get back to base, I think we’ll have a little more free-time when both our work schedules align a bit better,” Taggert said to the doctor. “Stone Mountain’s up in Georgia, just outside Atlanta. It’s in the south, just not South America,” she laughed a little, coming off a little more like a giggle than she intended

Amiri giggled back, similarly in response; slightly embarrassed of hir mistake even though it was understandable given s/he’d never been to Earth before. S/he smiled and thought, so help me… I can’t wait to…

~Wall-x. Nee-wall-x.~ Sombra nudged Alpha at just the right time, to get hir out of hir thoughts. How he’d always had such perfect timing could not be explained, after all his communication with Alpha was only through hir two-way connection to which s/he provided, he wasn’t capable of mindreading on his own.

“I really appreciate you talking about this,” Nicci said with genuine sincerity, as she stood up. “I’ll set a reminder and we’ll set up a holo-appointment to continue, ok?”

Doctor Aldana stood, smiled and circled hir desk to see Nicci to the door. “I’ll look forward to it.

Doctor Amiri A. Aldana 365
A.CMO, Starfleet, U.S.S. Tomcat


Sombra “Aldana 365”
Asst. to the A.CMO, U.S.S. Tomcat



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