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Meeting Up for Drinks

Posted on 06 Oct 2020 @ 2:52pm by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker
Edited on on 08 Oct 2020 @ 2:11pm

3,385 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Before Leaving Starbase 51


- Starbase 51, Promenade -

Thankful the last mission had finished and they were allowed some R&R, Nicci was taking the time to relax by getting off-ship and getting onto the Starbase.

The Promenade was a large, ringed mall, very similar to the arcades found in the United Kingdom on Earth, five levels, with plenty of greenery around, giving the place plenty of fresh air; in fact, in some parts, you could easily forget you were in a space station. The temperature was around 75-78° F, so there was St Augustine grass along with the dividers which held colourful shrubs and flowers, giving plenty of colour to the area. Some segments of the Promenade were themed; some Victorian Earth, some modern Starfleet, others Vulcan, and still others from other cultures from around the Federation. Restaurants and shops lined the entire structure, providing practically every cuisine you would imagine or want - German, French, Vulcan, Bajoran, American, Trill, British, Bolian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Aktevan, and more.

Nicci decided to take a break in the Hofbräu, the only indication she was Starfleet was her commbadge, which she wore in case she needed to be called back on duty. She was dressed in a dirndl, as she thought it was appropriate for the restaurant she was going to be in. Hers showed off her generous cleavage, while her face and hair was done up with a few curls on either side of her face, traditional dirndl top, with a more form-fitting bottom that stopped just above her knees, and traditional shoes with a small heel. She hated heels but she could wear them without much difficulty now.

One lucky side-effect of her genetic alteration was that she could drink just about anyone under the table; her body metabolized alcohol more efficiently than baseline humans.

"Eine Maß bitte," she said to the waitress in the restaurant, a pretty purple-skinned Aktevan like Teela. The place was decorated just like Hofbräu in Munich on Earth. She was hungry so she was likely going to get a hearty dinner. Her mother was German, so she was fluent in both English and German.

From her high-top booth, she took in the crowd. Starfleet of various kinds, along with many Bolians, Vulcans, Aktevans, Caitians, humans, Andorians, and dozens of other races. One man caught her eye, though, as he approached her.

Cody walked through the Starbase enjoying the respite before boarding the Tomcat. He had completed the training at Starfleet to become a Mission Adviser. He was formerly the Chief of Security on the Tomcat and had known Captain Somers and was looking forward to being back on board a starship. He missed the camaraderie that comes from a close-knit crew facing the unknown and adventures that only a starship in space could bring.

Walking through the Starbase he enjoyed being out of uniform. He dressed simply, in a pair of blue jeans, brown workboots, and a t-shirt from an old rock band on Earth. He enjoyed the retro shirts especially the ones from the band named Pink Floyd. His hair was kept short in Starfleet standards and he had some stubble from not shaving for a few days.

His stomach growled as he walked through the starbase and caught the smell of something delicious. Cody followed the smell down a promenade lined with various types of food. The distinguished smell led him to what appeared to be a European style restaurant, possibly German food even. Cody enjoyed trying different foods and loved trying to cook.

Entering the restaurant he glanced around slowly taking in everyone in the room. His gaze lingered on a beautiful, blonde woman probably a second or two longer than necessary. Like most earth men, pretty blondes were his weakness. Seeing the Starfleet commbadge, Cody summoned the courage to approach her and introduce himself.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Cody," he said in his southern accent. "I saw you sitting alone and wondered if I may join you."

Nicci looked over and saw the man trying to talk to her, who seemed like a nice enough guy. Getting called ma'am was still a bit weird but she rolled with it. She saw the man give her a smile from the edge of the booth, and she figured 'why not?' She was still good on her pheromone inhibitor so she felt safe enough.

"Come join the party," she said as she leaned forward onto the table. "Ever had a Maß before?"

"I can't say that I have," he replied honestly.

She flagged down the waitress from over near the tap, and she nodded, starting to fill the liter glass of beer.

"Some of my family is from Germany, so I like to keep the old traditions alive...hence the dirndl," she said with a smirk and a gesture that unfortunately drew her hand across her bosom. "How about you? Starfleet? What's your story?"

Cody swallowed and tried not to be to obvious as he watched Nicole's hand move across her bosom. His father taught him to be a gentleman, but he couldn't but admire the woman before him. Forcing himself to focus he began speaking, "My father was a miner, so we travelled a lot between planets, my mom loved cooking so she opened a Cajun restaurant when dad retired to New Orleans. I grew up cooking and working and decided I wanted to continue travelling. I joined Starfleet worked my way up to Sec/Tac then went back to Starfleet to cross-train as Mission Advisor. I have finished the training and am returning to duty, on the Tomcat."

"Sounds like an active childhood!" she said as she took a good swig of the beer. She liked her Kölsch since that's what she grew up within Germany. "Can't say the same for me. We spent time in Doerun, in Georgia on our peach farm growing up not moving around all that much. I fixed the tractor, the computer, and stuff, picked peaches, and definitely built some muscle. Then we spent a few years in Breslau and Cologne as a teen, doing high school, then I signed up for Starfleet. My brother and sister had been telling tales of their trips to various planets, which spurred me to join, but my younger brother and sister were more interested in staying on the farm with our parents, which is where they are today. My Starfleet career had a rough start...I got caught on my shuttle to my first assignment by the Orions."

"At least you survived, most don't get away from the Orions," Cody replied.

"Well, we got out of it alive, so I count myself lucky there," she said with a slight smile, trying to smooth over a sore memory. "I got some help and moved to the USS Tomcat as the Assistant Chief Engineer, so I get to fix things when everyone else breaks them, which I don't mind. I like feeling useful."

"You're an engineer so you're definitely more than just a pretty face and you've got to be useful, Engineers have one of the toughest jobs in Starfleet in my opinion. Seriously I play with weapons or study mission profiles. If the replicators fail, or the warp drives don't work, the shields quit, we'd be up a creek. so I would definitely say you are useful," he said with a wink.

"But the bonus to my less-than-stellar start is I can definitely hold my liquor." She gave a little wag of her eyebrows and a smile, leaning back a bit in the booth.

"I can hold my liquor too," Cody lied, he nearly got ejected from Starfleet Academy for getting into a fight after drinking Romulan Ale.

"I enjoy drinking, I usually drink whiskey on rocks, I won't touch Romulan Ale," as he finished Cody turned to the bartender and asked for two of whatever the lady is drinking.

"I tried the blue stuff once before while at the Academy," she admitted. "Gotta say it packed a punch. I know why my parents warned me against it," she laughed a little.

She flagged down the Aktevan waitress (OOC: looks like Elle Johnson, just purple skin, eyes, and dark purple hair), ordering two Bourbon Whiskeys, on the rocks (conveniently named James Kirk Bourbon), plus a shot each of a Thikvaq, alcohol similar to scotch whiskey, but much smoother, from Asheya IV, mixed with a few other ingredients.

"So, how about a toast?" she said, raising her glass of Kölsch. "To the USS Tomcat, may she sail the stars and bring her crew home safely from our next voyage."

Parker nodded and lifted his glass as he echoed her toast, "To the USS Tomcat."

"Prost!" she called out as they clinked glasses, taking a big chug of the ice-cold beer. Once they did, their two new drinks came and the waitress gave them a smile as she set them all down, her tail swishing behind her as she left them.

"Prost," he echoed once more as he he drank the drink and then smiled. Parker struggled to hold back a cough as the alcohol burned his throat. His stubbornness kept him from admitting defeat as he ordered more drinks.

Smiling easily from the buzz of alcohol, Cody was a little surprised at how quickly the drinks had begun to affect him. "So it may be the drinks, but I believe I have already forgotten your name," Cody said a little sheepishly.

Nicci took her shot with a small cough from the burn, then blew air out from her mouth to ease the feeling a little.

"Damn, well, since we're now officially drinking buddies," she smiled, putting her hand out for him. "I'm Lieutenant, JG, Nic...Nicole Taggert. Most people call me Nicci when we're off duty."

"Well, Lieutenant Nicci, now that we are officially drinking buddies, I believe I need to buy us another round of drinks."

With a shake of hands, and unknowingly for her a shake of something else visible to her new drinking buddy, the two got off to a good start with the drinks.

"So, Cody, now that we're officially introduced, what's your go-to drink when you're not sneaking the Ale?" she smiled.

"I'm kind of old fashioned, I like an old earth drink called Jack & Coke. I usually keep a bottle in my desk for special occasions or just when I feel the need for a drink. It's my favourite, though I do like trying new drinks from other planets it's always been my go-to. The worst drink I've had is basically anything Klingon. What's your drink of choice?"

She chuckled at that. "Can't say I enjoy bloodwine," she replied with a smile. "But give me a nice Scotch, maybe a Port with dessert, or a Rum and Coke. How about a nice Scotch from Edinburgh?"

"I've never met a scotch or rum I didn't like, Is the captain opposed to alcohol onboard?" Cody's speech was beginning to slur slightly, "Don't tell the captain, I like to keep a bottle of whiskey in my desk for special occasions," he said with a wink.

"I won't tell if you won't tell," she smiled, wagging her eyebrows a little. "I keep myself stocked with some 'souvenirs' every shore leave. Jessie and Julie, two friends from the academy days just got me two bottles of great wine from Florida. If we want to get technical, we probably should only have synthehol on board a ship while it's on the mission, but the captain tends not to mind so long as we don't let our off-duty affect our on-duty." Her voice, already lovely, got a bit of a melodic tone as the two finished another shot, her words speeding up a little.

"Understood, thanks for the tip," he said with a mischievous grin.

"Speaking of off-duty, what's your holodeck program of choice?" she asked.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to laugh," Cody said gently.

She smiled and leaned in, raising her hand with three fingers. "Scout's honor."

"I prefer the Tennessee River and Cabin. It's a great fishing hole, and the smoky mountains are right there in view. Sometimes I like to just lay in the boat and listen to the gentle sounds of the water lapping the shores while I stare at the stars, though it can be difficult getting the Holo-Deck all to one's self."

"Honestly, that sounds very peaceful. Anywhere near the Great Smokey Mountains National Park?" Nicci asked, intrigued.

"Yes ma'am, not to far away, from the park."

"So I guess I'll tell you mine," Nicci said with a smile, as the waitress brought over two more shots, this time of Kizaki vodka, from a planet near the Daltari Empire.

"I'd love to hear about it," Parker replied.

"Up near Asheville, North Carolina, there's a lake called Junaluska," she said, leaning forward. "My family and I used to vacation there, where my grandparents had a house overlooking the lake. We went every year, walking the lake, going into town, watching the sunrise through the mountains, and just having family reunions. Honestly, it's what got me through my experience with the Orions, being able to see all my family again, even if it's only a replica, just accepting how I look now as normal."

"It sounds beautiful, just like you," Parker replied, "Maybe we could schedule some time on the holodeck there. I love being outdoors, maybe we could have a picnic there and catch a sunrise."

"That sounds like a plan. Maybe we could hike up to Clingman's Dome in your program sometime?" Nicci replied.

"Sounds like fun to me, I'll drink to that," He said as he raised his shot glass.

Nicci raised the shot, and said "to new experiences!"

"And new friends," Parker added.

Stronger than Earth-normal alcohol, even Nicci was feeling a buzz now. She had the waitress bring over two Reißdorf Kölsch, which she drank when she lived in Cologne for a few years with her family, before visiting Breslau, Danzig, and Königsberg, before she headed back to Georgia.

"So, this is a somewhat traditional German toast from Oktoberfest..."

Intrigued, Parker responded with a nod and listened carefully.

"...what you do, is put your hand over the mug, and say 'ziggy socky, ziggy socky, oy, oy oy!' three times, then chug it," she said. Her voice was getting more melodic. It'd been a long time since she'd been drunk, but the buzz was growing. Had to be the Kizaki vodka. "You win if you can chug it in one gulp."

Parker put his hand over his mug and said "Iggy Socky, Icky Soggy, oy oy oy," as he finished he tried to drink it all in gulp but was unsuccessful. It took a second swallow to get the rest down. He didn't usually drink, and this was the most drunk he'd been since leaving the academy. 'I messed it up, I think," he said slightly slurred and definitely buzzed.

"I didn't win, does that mean next round is on me or is it like truth or dare?" Parker asked as he waived for another drink.

Nicci giggled a little as her dirndl top got caught on the table a little, getting pulled down a bit, without her notice. "Next one's on you, Cody," she said with a smile. "But we can make it more interesting, since you offered. Truth or dare?"

"I think I'll take the dare this time," Parker said feeling brave from the alcohol. "How bad could it be" he thought to himself.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking but Nicci was feeling a little feisty. "Ok cowboy, kiss the waitress, the cute purple one with a tail. You'll know if you're a good kisser if her skin blushes darker purple," she laughed a little, falling bit forward on herself, giving away that the alcohol was beginning to affect her. Her breasts crushed onto the table in her dirndl. Why this dare? Maybe she wanted to see if he was a good kisser. Or she wanted to know if the waitress were. She was a bit too inebriated to make such a distinction now.

“Dang,” Cody said aloud, “that’s a hell of a dare,” he had to force his eyes away from the ample breasts that threatened to spill out of the dress. *Keep it together, Cody* he thought to himself. He downed a shot of whiskey and walked over to the waitress. He quickly explained the dare, the woman peered over his shoulder and winked to Nikki before kissing Cody. He was surprised to watch her colour begin to change as she went back to her duties.

Cody ambled back to the table proud of his accomplishment, “OK Nikki, what will it be, truth or dare?”

She was getting brave, probably more than she should've been, so she replied, "Dare. I'm feeling lucky tonight."

Parker sat and thought for a moment before beginning to scan the room, "I dare you to lower the front of drindl," he said with a wink and a mischievous smile "So I can get a better view."

Nicci's face blushed at the thought, but her thought processes were getting jumbled with the alcohol by now. The Reman whiskey they had was legal but still packed a punch, especially mixed with other liquors. Luckily the captain wasn't in the bar to see this...

Nicci grabbed the lacey top and dropped it for all of three seconds, letting him get a glimpse of her sizeable bosom, pushing up for underneath with her hands, before pulling it back up. oO What the heck? It's like a bikini anyway Oo she thought.

Parker bit his lip and tried to refocus his thoughts, he hadn’t been with a woman in years or a relationship for even longer and the last thing he wanted was for anything awkward between him and another Department Head that he would be working with almost daily. Confused on how to respond he smiled and said, “very nice.” She was beautiful but he also didn’t want her thinking that he was there for one thing. “This may be an odd question at this point, I’ve had an enjoyable evening with you and was hoping maybe we could do dinner together one evening.”

"Very nice?" she repeated with a slightly hurt tone. "I'll have you know these," she grabbed, squeezed, and hefted her breasts to emphasize her point, "are the most perfect tits science today can engineer!"

Seeing his reaction, she continued, smiling, then laughing a bit at his embarrassment. "Sorry I couldn't help myself. Maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I didn't always look like this," she gestured to her face and chest, "so if that's not a problem, we can take a holo dinner and see how it goes."

Parker nearly choked on his drink then laughed, "Sounds like a plan, I do think though that I may need to head back soon or I won't be fit for duty."

"Man, I almost got a nose out of you," Nicci said with a laugh. There were times when she has made people laugh so hard while drinking, their beverages squirted out of their noses, which would make her laugh all the more. "Luckily I got a room on base so I don't have to walk back to the ship..."

She got up out of the booth and with a little sway, finally stood up correctly. She straightened her dirndl, and addressed the new shipmate, "Have a good night Lieutenant. Stay safe."

Parker stared for a moment, "uh you too" and watched her walk away.

Nicci was a little affected by the alcohol, so she may have swished a little more as she walked away, unintentionally giving Parker more of a show than the would have otherwise meant to give.

(OOC: and


Lieutenant Parker
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant JG Taggert
USS Tomcat


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