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A New Threat

Posted on 15 Nov 2016 @ 11:49pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Sheela Swiftpaws
Edited on on 18 Nov 2016 @ 11:28pm

1,449 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Season 2 Episode 1: The New Frontier
Location: Planetside
Timeline: Concurrent with Epidsode 2


- Hidden Location - Prologue -

It had been two years since the new Obsidian Order had banished Commander Arrenhe N'vek to this backwater world. Her mission was to infiltrate subdue and take over the planet in the name of the Romulan Star Empire. There had been a devastating war here 300 or so years ago and the indigenous species had been blown back all the way to the steam age. most of the planet was a network of rivers and waterways. The economics revolved around coal and trade of goods which caused a lot of pollution.

A major food source was amphibians, fish and rice. Arrenhe longed for good Romulan food such as an Osol twist or good roasted Travit meat in their stores had dried up due to the fact that they had never had a supply shipment from the Empire. Their subspace radio had been corroded from this atmosphere and due to the intense radiation rendered the translators in the devices useless after the first six months. All they had was ship to shore communications. Fortunately, the holographic generators were better protected and the duck blind they used from a previously damaged part of an abandoned base they had found was still operational.

That part of the base was a large underground hangar deck that has been used for military purposes. It was powered geo-thermally. There were two plasma torpedo generators and an array of advanced cloaking capable fighters and shuttlecraft, however, they were limited to sub-light capabilities. it was also protected by a 500 Giga-Watt force field in addition to the holographic projectors. In reality, the Romulan Warbird Decius that dropped them off was ambushed by a Breen warships shortly after it had left the system with all hands lost, but Arrenhe didn't know that. She also didn't know that the Federation was expanding into this area of space or that the home world had been destroyed.She certainly didn't know that there was a Federation starbase less than 5 light years from their current position.

The detachment of Obsidian order operatives had made great strides in infiltrating the banking trading and political systems on this world in the last two years. Their technology was far more advanced and they did have replicators for generating wealth the natives had never seen before. They even controlled about 75 percent of the steamboat commerce that was this planets bread and butter.

Arrenhe paced back and forth. She was afraid her people would go native on her. She also feared she would never see the homeland again. The space around this planet hadn't been in as bad shape as that of the third planet, she knew that no starship would be able to warp into the system and so far her proximity alarms had only gone off due to asteroid collisions. there was a lot of foreign matter in orbit of the planet and its rings which made sensor scans extremely problematic.

She had no idea her life was about to get a whole lot more exciting.

A Romulan Officer, Jo'Pack strolled through the corridors of the base, looking over the information he had received from the communications. This wasn't good at all. He shoved others out of his way as he rushed to see Arrenhe. Rounding a corner and entering into the presence of her. He cleared his throat politely to draw attention to himself. "Our Ocean Base has been spotted by a Federation Probe. It lingered in the area for five minutes before taking off. They were unable to track it back to its source. Commander." Into the now deathly quiet of the room.

"What type of probe was it Jo'Pack, were they able to penetrate our cloaking shields...Also, have we been able to track that probe back to its base"? Arrenhe inquired.

"It was a Type 4 Science Probe," Jo'Pack responded quickly and accurately with a brief glance at his notes. "Launched from a Long range Shuttle Craft. By the assessment of those observed it. It was being flown by remote, instead of under internal pre-laid programming those type of probes usually uses. The sensors on them things are strong. But I seriously doubt it. It definitely detected the energy signature of our Oceanic Base."

Arrehne considered their position over very carefully. She was certain that there was no Federation presence in this system at least when they were stranded here. Perhaps it was some sort of reconnaissance mission. So far her crew had done well to subvert the local economy to their needs, but they had no planetary defences, no batteries to protect from an orbital assault. They did have defensive shielding a 500 Gigawatt force field and their cloaking shields to protect them. They had always been able to rely on their stealth capabilities. They had a good supply of small arms and 4 type attack shuttles. the problem was she only has about a 30 men. Hardly enough to repulse and attack or even mount much of a defence.

"Jo'Pack, I think it's time to initiate security status one, inform the command post to also scan for any ships or transporter activity. If the federation sent probes and discovered anything they will send down a what do they call it an away team? I think it best that we be prepared for them. However, I want no assaults. Find out who they are and what they want and why they are here. We need intelligence, is that understood"?

"I apologise for sending the command to the Oceanic Base, under your authority, to move our base to a new location as planned for such an emergency," Jo'Pack spoke a bit more subdued for anticipating Arrenhe commands and taking the initiative in relaying orders that may be countermanded. "I have our land base personnel out on non-interference patrols to locate these Away Teams if there is any to be discovered. Commander."

"Jo'pack your instincts were in the right place, but consult with me before you issue orders in my name. See to the exodus to our underwater base and maintain security alert 1. Keep scanning for shuttle or transporter activity". Commander Arrehne said.

"As you command, Commander Arrenhe N'vek," Jo'Pack snapped out professionally and came to attention. Then pivoted and left to follow orders.

"Command post, keep scanning for ships of transporter beams I want any such activities to be triangulation, also inform me when we have the command post up and running at our undersea base. Commander N'vek out". Arrenhe instructed.

Dr Ro'Paul was working in the medical section when something caught her eye on her computer. She knew that the computer was below normal standards but she made due with what she had. She was looking and picked up signals matching to a Federation probe. She was very angry and slammed her fist on the consul.

"Curse the Federation they have been looking for me for years and now I am trapped with no way to escape. I killed all but one person on the Federation that can identify me from recognising my face. She is a Doctor and I should have killed her when she had her in captivity years ago. Will be just my luck she is on the Federation Ship and here now."

She hears the Commander say something, she turns and snaps to attention. How may I be of service Commander?

"What is the problem Dr Ro'Paul? Have you found something"? Arrenhe asked..

Dr Ro'Paul responds," No Commander Arrenehe just wondering what the Federation is up to here. I came here because there was no Federation influnce here due to being wanted by them. I am looking at life in a Federation Prison if caught as you know and we have no space craft to effect a escape if needed. Only one person is still alive that can identify me by eye sight. She is a Dr in the Federation now.

Last I heard she was assigned to the Tomcat as CMO. Her name is Alexanderia Cahill, I just hope this is not her ship or I will be forced to take drastic action to stop her from identifying me. She is a big danger to my safety due to the fact I travel under an assumed name that others do not reconize., but I will deal with her if I need too."

"You are a Romulan Officer and a citizen of the Romulan Star Empire. I am unaware of any extradition treaties we have with the them". Arrenhe replied..


Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/CSO
USS Tomcat

Lt. Cmdr Sheela Swiftpaws
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Tomcat

PNPC Lt Arrenhe N'Vek
Romulan Star Empire Officer


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