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Captives - Part 5

Posted on 15 Aug 2019 @ 10:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Edited on on 23 Aug 2019 @ 4:23pm

1,373 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Location: Slaver Base
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 17.1a
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F

- Dodd, Iria & Lamia’s Room -

Lamia awoke with a start, to say she felt sick was an understatement. Sliding out of bed she made it to the bathroom but only just, she was just returning when two guards and an Orion doctor walked into the room. “Take her to a room with the other pregnant one and throw in the slave that has the medical experience!”

Thrown some clothes to put on, Lamia was taken from the cell. The doctor looked to Dodd and Iria. “You get back to work, more mates will be provided for you!!”

Dodd was groggy and not quite awake when they took Lamia out of the cell, but about ten minutes later, the cell door opened and a Romulan female was presented along with Goodwin. Dodd was not sure but two at once was a huge demand.

Goodwin quietly and slowly walked to the sofa-like piece of furniture and took a seat. The Romulan female made a fuss as she did not like what she was expected to do and the guard just outside the door vaporized her.

“Let that be an example to you all. Do what we want, and we will reward you, but revolt and we will punish you.” The guard then shut the door and sealed it, while at the same time the cameras were reactivated.

“Get over here and let’s get this started,” Dodd said to Goodwin. He had not interacted with her much on the ship, but he knew she was from the USS Tomcat. He only hoped that she would realize he was only wanting to pretend with her and not have intercourse. However, Goodwin was not telepathic, and he needed to find a way to tell her without being obvious.

Iria then telepathically talked to Dodd while he was with Goodwin to help him get more into the part of making love but it also helped him keep control so he would not go all the way.

Goodwin knew that Dodd and Walon were recently engaged and wondered how they were paired up for breeding. Goodwin figured that they were merely playing along. Since she was stripped of her clothing like Dodd and Walon, she felt like she would play it up as well. Goodwin was once attracted to Dodd but felt she should avoid having a romance on the ship. She enjoyed what she saw and while in a terrible situation, she would make the lemonade from the lemons provided.

Goodwin crawled onto the bed and sort of made a purring sound as she slinked up next to Dodd. Goodwin had no way of knowing that Walon would take the purring sound another way. But Dodd quickly pulled the blanket over the two of them and quickly whispered in her ear “This is an act and we will pretend to make love, but I will not be doing it. Just play along.”

With that message, Goodwin then tickled Dodd behind his ear with her tongue and started the faux sex-capade.

- Lamia, Serina and Aldana’s Cell -

Lamia was placed in a nearby room to that of Dodd and Iria, she lay down on the bed feeling drained and in pain. She wasn’t alone for long as Aldana and Sombra were unceremoniously brought into the room. Lamia offered a brief smile. “Aldana, am I glad to see you!”

Aldana went the bed and sat on the edge. S/he took Arderne’s hand gingerly as another female might who was concerned about hir new friend’s wellbeing. “Arderne, are you alright? How’s your back? What have they done to you?” Her pheromones began to flood the nose and other senses; the effect was beginning to get harder to resist. As s/he began to feel the blood flowing to certain parts of hir body, s/he began to pant and perspire.

Meanwhile, Sombra was tossed into the room. He was under a mild sedative which had taken the fight out of him, so the Orion guard didn’t have to leave anything – even restraints – in with them that might be used to escape. He growled with vicious glare, but could barely maintain it, let alone keep his head up. He slumped, panting for a moment, but managed to lope over to the all-metal cast facilities where he managed to find a fresh source of running water.

Lamia was about to answer Aldana's questions when the door opened again and Serina was escorted into the room as well, she was looking pregnant. “What did they do to you? How is this even possible?”

"Believe it Lamia they got me pregnant. Artifical insemination and a growth drug and the bitch doctor said I would give birth in about 4 and a half months!!", Serina said before she sank to the floor as another pain ripped through her tortured body. "Oh my GOD!", she cried grabbing her abdomen.

At that moment the cell doors opened, and a female Orion gazed around. “That one!” She pointed to Lamia. “The doctor wants to see her.” Two guards unceremoniously walked in and moved Lamia out of the cell.

- Medical complex -

Placed on an examination table Lamia did her best to try and take in her surroundings above what was going on. Her attention turned back to the doctor as he compared notes with another, it sounded like things for her were not progressing as they had for Serina.

“Pregnancy…unstable, high probability of failure!” The doctor shook his head. “Return her to the others. Put her back in with the male, if the pregnancy fails, we’ll just have to keep trying.”

- Dodd, Iria and Godwin’s room -

Returned to the room she started at, Lamia was starting to wish the Orions would make up their minds where they wanted her to be. As the door closed behind her, she slowly moved to sit beside Iria resting her head in her hands, communicating telepathically.

**Lieutenant Donovan and Doctor Aldana are in the room next door. The Doctors here are using something to speed up conception and growth, Lieutenant Donovan is already pregnant.** She wasn’t sure whether she should tell Dodd about her pregnancy not being stable or keep it to herself.

** So Lieutenant Donovan is pregnant. Is Doctor Aldana as well? We need to make a move and get out of here. ** Dodd thought.

** I don't think Aldana is pregnant, at least not yet! We need to make a plan. I saw the control room area on the way to the medical complex, I just don't know how we're going to get to it!

Iria bit her lip as she listened to the updated situation of the others and what she had seen, she swallowed, ~~I can try to get there I can turn to my feline form if there's enough of a distraction to keep them from watching my shift. I don't want them to meddle with anyone else but I don't want them to know that I can change my shape to a cat.~~ she didn't say it but it really made her feel bad/inadequate, that Lamia was pregnant by Remy and she wasn't yet. She knew they had planned for kids later but it wasn't likely to be now. Iria wouldn't keep Remy from his children. They deserved both parents. So once they returned to the ship, she would tell Remy as much as she loved him she wanted him to be free to be a part of his child or children's lives.

Goodwin was curled up on the sofa and somewhat sleeping while Dodd and Iria sat on the bed with Lamia. All of this was starting to wear on them and they needed to do something big to get out or die trying.


Lieutenant (jg) Lamia Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Iria Walon
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG Doctor Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer

Ensign Angela Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

Tavrein Jolsa [NPC]
Security officer


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