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Captives - Flashback

Posted on 11 Oct 2019 @ 8:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd
Edited on on 13 Oct 2019 @ 5:34pm

1,232 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Location: Slaver base
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 17.1c1
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


Amiri awoke or rematerialized in darkness as black as pitch. With hir head-splitting and feeling groggy, panic set in as s/he felt nothingness supporting hir. S/he wasn’t weightless in space but falling. Before s/he could react to attempt to control hir decent Amiri struck the ground; hir breath escaping hir. S/he had been less than a meter above the surface of wherever – weather s/he was aboard another ship or already on another planet s/he could not be sure – when s/he fell.

No sooner had Amiri begun to catch hir breath after having the wind knocked out of hir; then s/he was clobbered by something large and furry falling on top of hir. In the darkness s/he could not be sure who or what it was, but s/he recalled Sombra had been taken as well. The animal flailed about as gravity and panic seized it momentarily too. Encompassing the animal in hir arms s/he tried to shush it out loud, while at the same time in its mind s/he tried to calm it with hir voice. ~You’re alright. You’re safe. I’ve got you.~

The animal soon succumbed to the mild sedative injected by the transporter tag and went limp. Worried for the creature s/he felt hir way out from under it and struggled to set it down gently on its side before s/he could feel hir way about seeking a place to check its pulse. Feeling about gently, s/he first realized that the mammal was indeed male, but that helped hir form the anatomical roadmap in hir mind of where s/he might expect to find a blood vessel large enough and close enough to the surface to check for signs of life. Egressing to the hip, s/he was able to feel medially for the femoral artery where s/he was able to confirm his life-signs.

Sometime Later…

The cell door opened, and a large canine-like creature was led in on a leash by a large Orion male who was not dressed like a guard or a doctor. The creature was furry like a dog but had reptilian body motions. The cell door closed and the large Orion male and the creature both remained inside the cell. The creature was let loose from its leash and it went over to sniff Sombra. Meanwhile, the Orion male made his way over to Aldana. He moved in a manner that made it look like he was under the influence of a drug or a pheromone.

He sat down beside Aldana and attempted to be as careful as he could be for his large size. He was feeling the effects of the pheromones that Aldana had been enhanced with. This Orion was starting to get aroused and so he began to caress Aldana.

“Wh-who’s there?” Aldana asked.

“I mean you no harm, I wish to be with you.” said the Orion. This Orion was a former experiment at genetic modification and thus not the full result they were looking for. However, he did have a modification that made him more or less able to accommodate both genders in an intimate setting.

The doctor didn’t intend to be sarcastic, but hir head was splitting, and now there was a throbbing pain near hir rump too; s/he was under a lot of stress. “That’s nice, don’t suppose you could help me get out of here?”

Meanwhile, on the floor where Sombra and the creature were, there was a stirring of something. The creature was offering itself to Sombra as if to get him to mount.

Shackled to the middle of the room by his left leg and attached to a chain, Sombra’s nose twitched as he stirred. He whined a bit as he winced and tried to focus. He rose slowly and groggily as his nose guided him. He pulled to the end of his chain as he tried to approach the alluring scent, only held back by the limitations of the same chain. He whimpered playfully and pawed the air, attempting to beckon the other creature closer; blinking to clear his eyes.

The creature moved closer to Sombra. She rubbed up against him the way a cat rubs against the legs of its master. This creature was a furry reptilian type of animal that displayed all the signs of being a female and was offering itself to Sombra.

The scents emanating from the stranger attempting to flirt with Sombra encouraged and piqued his curiosity. He whimpered and whined, play-bowing and attempting to flirt back.

The creature moved closer to Sombra and was fully receptive to any move that he may make. While the chain kept him in a specific spot in the cell the creature picked up on the fact that he was not as mobile and attempted to make it easier for him to attempt to mount.

Sombra soon gave in to his basic instincts; giving up on the play, he began going about the actions the female's pheromones were driving him to perform.

The Orion attempted to make Aldana more comfortable. “I am called Pawn. I have lived here my whole life and I am used in tests the medical staff need for interactions with other species.”

Pawn then gently laid his hand on Aldana’s thigh. “We need to make the masters happy or they will punish us for not doing so.”

A stabbing pain shot up Aldana’s rump, up to hir spine… “Ouch! Hey! That’s a fresh wound, please be careful. What exactly do they want us to do Prawn?” s/he unknowingly mispronounced his name.

“They are attempting to see if we are compatible and make an offspring.” Pawn stated as he pulled out a wire from his waistband and proceeded to pick the lock on Aldana’s shackles. “I hate to see you in this situation, but if you make the masters happy maybe they will let you be in peace and you can then stay with me here. You can be with me. I would like a mate and you are the best one they have offered me.”

Aldana slowly rose from the patch of the floor with something like straw or other bedding in the corner. “I am a Starfleet officer and a citizen of the United Federation of Planets. Your masters can’t do this to us. We have rights under the Rura Penthe accords.” S/he paused, something primal in hir curiosity peaked; “did you say, mate?” Perhaps whatever it was that’d induced hir heat-rut was finally kicking in. S/he scented the air to get a better idea of who this Orion was.

Pawn then gently caressed Aldana as he leaned in to attempt a kiss. As he did so, he misjudged the edge of the bed and slid onto the floor with a gentle thud.

Aldana moved to see if he was alright even though she was in pain, but she felt the sense that he was being sincere in his actions and that he seemed to feel an attraction to Hir.

The two opened up to one another and started to make a friendship.


Doctor Almiri Aldana 365, DVM, MD
USS Tomcat

Pawn: Orion Science Experiment (PNPC - Dodd)
Orion Slaver Camp


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