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The Final Battle Part #1

Posted on 30 Aug 2019 @ 1:34pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker

1,748 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (Main Story)
Location: Various/Thorion System
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 19


Deep Space…

- USS Avant-Garde -

The Cavalry after meeting up at Galen IV moved forward into unclaimed space on a slow heading for Thorion, it was the intention of Lieutenant Colonel Alexandria Somers to be as close as possible for when the word came back, she was also, antsy and not used to doing nothing, she looked at the actual Captain who was acting as her XO and assessment Officer “Are things always this quiet on a ship Captain?” She asked.

“Sadly, yes commanding a Starship usually has long instances of quietness, not all you thought it to be Colonel?” he asked.

“Captain, I am a combat vet, I am used to the activity, but you are correct I did not think the quiet moments would stretch so long, how do you manage it?” she asked.

“Each ship Commander has his or her way, what is good for one, is not usually good for the other, I use my physical interests on the holodeck and read in my quarter when not in the gym, you tailor it to your preferences, what do you like doing in your off duty hours?” he asked.

“I have this interesting combat program, I got some other non-combat activities as well, I am fond of Retro stuff from Earth’s history. Currently, though I would rather sit through a Federation Diplomatic function with my father than sit here waiting” she answered as she stood up and began to pace.

“What does your father do Colonel?” He asked.

*looks at him* “he is one of the Ambassadors to the Klingon Empire and quite influential, so much so, that I, my sibling have trained in Klingon ground combat, each of us knows how to handle a range of Klingon weapons, we can all speak tlhIngan Hol fluently and we like their food. My Mother is an Aide and a floater in the Federation Council, she does a lot of tasks and like my father is influential but on a smaller scale. I am a Diplomats daughter Captain no more, no less” Alex added.

The Captain nodded and fell silent as the fleet moved through space at full impulse.

Suddenly the communications officer sat up straighter “Captain S.O.S. from the Tomcat, they have engaged the enemy” *concerned pause*

Seeing this “what is it?” she asked

“The slavers have signal jammers all communication has been cut off” the Lieutenant explained.

Alex sighed. "Get me Fleet-wide,” she said.

It took a moment and then he nodded.

=/\= All ships, this is Colonel Somers, we have just gotten the distress call from the Tomcat, prepare your ships and crews for heavy combat, the Slavers have signal jammers so when we enter the Thorion System we will lose all communication with each other, I want you all to have your engineering teams and Communications Officers working on getting a signal past the jammers to locate the location of the jammer, when this is done you have full authority to take the jammer out with extreme prejudice, I will leave that up to our Klingon allies, expect the defences to be great around the jammer =/\= she paused.

=/\= …so until then may the gods always stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk and to our Klingon Allies, Today is a good day to die, Qapla' =/\= she said.

The Klingon captains responded with a similar response before signing off.

- USS Lady Killer -

=/\= All ships, this is Colonel Somers, we have just gotten the distress call from the Tomcat, prepare your ships and crews for heavy combat, the Slavers have signal jammers so when we enter the Thorion System we will lose all communication with each other, I want you all to have your engineering teams and Communications Officers working on getting a signal past the jammers to locate the location of the jammer, when this is done you have full authority to take the jammer out with extreme prejudice, I will leave that up to our Klingon allies, expect the defences to be great around the jammer =/\= she paused.

=/\= …so until then may the gods always stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk and to our Klingon Allies, Today is a good day to die, Qapla’ =/\= she said.

Captain Brannon heard her communications officer say the S.O.S. had been received. She smiles it had been a while since her last real fight. She heard a cheer come over the intercom

“Open a channel to the whole ship.

All hands this is the Captain, this is what we have been waiting for, we are going to be in a hard fight and extreme force is ordered. Take no prisoners, kill the Orions that board the ship. If you get captured, you will be sold as slaves to the highest bidder. Do not give them the chance to capture you.

This is what we trained for good luck and may the gods you pray to protect you.”

The channel closed, she looked at her XO. “Good Luck Commander Garcia…

She moved to the commander’s chair, “RED ALERT. ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS. Shields up, Helm lay in course 158.937mark7, Warp Factor 6. Communications find a way to override the jammers ASAP. All fighter pilots standby in you birds, ENGAGE”

- USS Liberty -

=/\= All ships, this is Colonel Somers, we have just gotten the distress call from the Tomcat, prepare your ships and crews for heavy combat, the Slavers have signal jammers so when we enter the Thorion System we will lose all communication with each other, I want you all to have your engineering teams and Communications Officers working on getting a signal past the jammers to locate the location of the jammer, when this is done you have full authority to take the jammer out with extreme prejudice, I will leave that up to our Klingon allies, expect the defences to be great around the jammer =/\= she paused.

=/\= …so until then May the gods always stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk and to our Klingon Allies, Today is a good day to die, Qapla’ =/\= she said.

Tank and his bridge crew listened to Colonel Somers, as she finished, he pressed the intercom button to speak to his crew. “Attention crew, this is the Captain. We are about to set Red Alert and move in to combat. We are defending a sister ship. I know each one of you know your job and do it well. This is the reason we train hard; we fight how we train. I do not know what will happen next, but I do know, it has been an honour and a privilege to serve with each of you, and there is not a finer crew I’d rather go to battle with. Good luck and Godspeed Liberty.”

As he finished speaking, he pressed the button on the armrest of his chair, the red lights and warning came from overhead “Red Alert” Tank set his jaw and turned to his Chief of Security,
I want every weapon loaded and ready if you need to pull extra crew to move torpedoes to augment your staff do it now Lieutenant. Engineering and Ops make sure the shielding on the warp core is set, I do not want to lose power or engines. Today may be a good day to die for Colonel Somers, but tomorrow is a good day to live with the honour of our deeds today.”

- USS Lady Hawk -

Captain Brannon turned to her communications officer. “Get a message to Col Somers we plan to move to a position on the left flank and attack from that direction. Will enter the fight hot and inflect damage to the Orion fleet. Hopefully, we can surprise the Orion fleet and do something to cause maximum damage all weapons hot and ready to go, shields up.” she said.

- USS Tomcat -

The ship had finally dropped into deep system and held position outside the ‘K’-class Space Stations defence line when a hail came in, from the starbase. Winchester was doing another task at that moment, so a replacement officer was at communications.

=/\=Federation Warship, this is Prelate Jola'n of the Thorion Defense Ministry, please state your business here. =/\= came to the voice of the communications.

“Captain the starbase is hailing,” he said puzzled.

“So they can adjust their jammers to contact us, ok, onscreen” she said and the starfield was replaced by the visage of an alien “greetings Prelate Jola'n of the Thorion Defense Ministry, I am Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers Commanding the USS Tomcat of the United Federation of Planets, you have something of mine, some of my crew, I want them back. They were forcefully taken from us in neutral space and I am sure you can understand about the loss of crew against their will Prelate, I want my people back and I ask that you return them immediately or I will take them by force. I would rather the latter, I also have heavy reinforcements on their way as back up, I am prepared to fight if it is needed, but I would rather a peaceful outcome. *pauses Prelate are you aware of a ship called the Lamia?” Somers finished and as if to show that she was not backing down she pressed a button and notified her fighters to launch.

While this was going on down in the launch bay the Tomcats fighter squadrons were launching and taking up a defensive screen around the ship.

It didn’t take John long to hop on the com in the pilots quarters once he got the signal from the bridge, =/\= All pilots to your fighters, Raider squadron 1 and 2 Launch. The red squadron will be flying CAP on the Tomcat, Launch. A full ship to ship weapon loads =/\=, he finished. Making a beeline for his ship and checked her out. Patting her hull, “Ok “Viper” fly like you never flew before. This is for real. Serena is out there, and she needs our help” he said. Once he was launched, “ok you bastards where are you?


Lt Colonel Alexandria Somers [NPC: Somers]
Acting CO
USS Avant-Garde

Captain Brannon [NPC: Cahill]
Commanding Officer
USS Lady Killer

Captain Tankson [NPC: Parker]
Commanding Officer
USS Liberty


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