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Captives 7 Part 1

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 @ 10:52am by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan
Edited on on 23 Oct 2019 @ 4:39am

1,845 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Location: Slaver Camp/USS Tomcat
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 19.1
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


- Dodd, Walon, Arderne’s Cell -

Dodd was finally able to make a connection to Orion’s mind to see if he could figure out what was happening. This Orion was one of the medical staff and had fallen asleep close enough to Dodd’s location for him to enter his mind via a memory.

Dodd did not make a habit of using this ability of his, but he was desperate to get his crewmates out of this hell. He jumped from memory to memory all the while the Orion staff member thought they were merely dreaming. He found memory of this individual reading the orders of what to do with the batch of acquired slaves. Dodd would then relay this information telepathically to Arderne so that she could help formulate a plan to get out of this camp.

With her medical care taken care of to the guards’ satisfaction, Lamia was now back in the cell with Dodd. She wanted out and home and she didn’t care what it took. We need to get out of these cells. If we can get amongst the general populous of slaves, we could try and start something to act as a diversion.

Iria had her eyes closed, as she pondered their situation it was odd how only a few days ago she and Remy had asked the Captain to okay a change of quarters and started planning for the future, now they and several of their shipmates were being altered by the Orion slave trade Doctors some were pregnant others weren’t yet. Some had been changed so much they resembled nothing like their Star fleet files. They had to come up with something. ~~Remy? Lamia? What about the next time they bring food for us we try to bring them into the room? With Doya, Goodwin and Wright shouldn’t we all be able to knock them out or something?~~

** It’s worth a try. We need to try and make sure we catch them just as the guard changes, it’ll give us a better chance! ** Lamia was starting to understand how Serina was feeling with her pregnancy, the growth progressed in stages and she could only guess given Serina’s baby’s growth that she must be up to three months by now. They needed to move before she became a liability as more growth set in.

** We need to get it down so we can be spot on when we make our move. Great idea to do it when they bring in the food. ** Dodd thought to Iria and Mia.

** Perhaps one of us should pretend to be unconscious to lure the guards inside? ** Lamia sent back.

Dodd had his hands full as he attempted to probe the minds of others who were not necessarily in the room with him. This would be taxing for his mind but all he needed to do was find a means to make one of the guards do something to help all of them in the long run.

Goodwin, Wright and Doya would all act like they were wanting to give the guard a good time if he would come and have them. This would be the gimmick to get him in the room and then Lamia, Iria and Remy could get out and get to work.

Dodd was working to invade the mind of a guard to alter memory and implant the idea of freeing the captives. He found a memory of the orders given to the guard and he started using his Ullian abilities to recall and make the guard relive that but with a twist which would involve him opening the cell doors to all the cells and freeing those captives who were able to escape.

Once done with the mental part, Dodd informed those in his cell to be ready to make a move for the nearest exit and run for it.

Goodwin and Wright were all ready to help Arderne and Walon get as quickly as possible. Doya had expressed interest in helping Dodd and seeking a little revenge for what they did to her.

Lamia looked to Dodd as she started moving out. “Just be careful, the last thing we need is anything happening to you!” She offered a brief smile before moving out with Goodwin, Wright and Iria.

Iria looked back at Remy, worried. ~~No heroic notions get out and come home!~~ she blew him a kiss for luck and hurried after Lamia, Goodwin, and Wright. Deep down though she worried that once they got free the fur was going to fly…

Dodd and Doya took off to head to the medical lab to find a way to access the rest of the camp and other cells to free their shipmates.

- Aldana & Serina’s Cell -

Serina had wondered if Aldana was alright and how was he/she holding up. Lt. Davidson was somehow keeping the women calm for the moment. “Aldana, how are you holding up? You seem a bit out of sorts. Is something bothering you?” Serina said.

Aldana looked at Serina but could only manage a weak smile. S/he thanked her for her kindness and concern. Aldana leaned closer to Serina and explained much of what s/he had been through over the past several days.

“Oh my god… Aldana that is horrid! To go through all that torture……” Serina said, suddenly hearing the keys jingling. oO Now what!Oo thinking as she looked towards the cell door.

Suddenly several green guards were manhandling an alien female who was protesting and swearing loudly in a language Aldana wasn’t familiar with. They brought her to Aldana, Davison, Serina, and Sombra, shoving her into the cell. “Fix her, and we may reward you by reuniting you with the rest of the ‘Federations’ we’ve been keeping you from.

Aldana had stood and gone to the door to see what was going on. S/he has been rewarded with having a beautiful being shoved at hir and the door slammed again behind her. Aldana guided the woman over to one of the beds in their cell and convinced her through gestures and body language that, one, s/he meant the female no harm, and two – with exaggerated gestures – attempted to convince her to lay down.

The female alien seemed to calm down enough to comprehend, and upon closer inspection Doctor Aldana discovered that she appeared to be an Edosian – a tripedal species, having three arms, three legs and three fingers on each hand. Her garments were minimal, and judging by the bulge of her lower abdomen, she was pregnant as well.

Doctor Aldana went to Davison and asked for the medical tricorder from the medkit.

Meanwhile, Dodd had a feeling that something was happening in one of the cells as some thoughts of an Edosian nature came into his mind. He was concerned because he had not detected an Edosian mind in the compound until now.

The Kazarite-hybrid doctor smiled at Davison, the pheromones wafting all over from nearly everyone were continuing to affect hir, and s/he was starting to find him attractive. S/he wondered briefly if they could be compatible before banishing the thought with a shake of hir head, as s/he accepted the tricorder, and giving a pleasant flick of hir tail in his direction as s/he turned back to the Edosian.

Opening the tricorder, and pulling out the hand scanner, Aldana was only rewarded with a few feeble warbles before it died. The power had been drained. S/he muttered and tossed it aside gently, being careful not to hit Sombra or any of the others. The doctor would have to resort to hir knowledge of non-technological medical treatment. S/he smiled at the tripedal woman, and in a soft, calm, gentle voice began with; “Do you speak Federation Standard?” S/he figured it was worth a shot.

“Not in front of those big green meanies; why should I make their job easier? You’re not working for them, are you?”

Aldana smiled and with a slight chuckle admitted, “not that I’m aware of. I’m Doctor Aldana of the Federation starship U.S.S. Tomcat. May I examine you?”

“What? But without a tricorder?”

Aldana chuckled, it was partially hir way of coping, and partially hir way of keeping the Edosian calm. “Believe it or not, there were doctors before the invention of the medical tricorder, I pride myself in keeping up with several less technological exam techniques.

The Edosian smiled back, gazing into Aldana’s eyes. Hir and the other’s pheromones were affecting her too, and she didn’t have a professional image to maintain. “I’d like that…” She slowly set her middle palm on the doctor’s knee.

Serina propped herself on her elbow and looked around the cell at the newcomers and groaned as a new wave of pain hit her. oO When will this be over? I need to go home to John……Where the hell is the Tomcat?Oo

“My name is EnderEnderi by the way. I’m a yeoman on the U.S.S. Liberty we were raided too, but as far as I can tell I was the only one captured. Please, doctor, can you tell what’s wrong with me?”

Serina introduced herself, “Hi my name is Serina. What's yours”, she asked the Edosian.

Aldana continued hir investigation. “I need to look at your eyes.” The doctor gently reached out to Enderi the female Edosian’s right eye, s/he gently held it open. “Try not to blink? Look up?”

Enderi did so. Aldana looked in the first one and then the other. The sclera of her eyes was yellow, a clear sign of jaundice. This was not a good sing, but Aldana did hir best to hide her concern. “Would you mind lifting your top just up over your belly? I need to listen to your belly.”

Enderi complied. She was certainly pregnant, and she’d been accelerated just like the other women. By the doctor’s estimate, maybe not more than the equivalent of about ½ to ⅔ of the way.

“I need to listen to your belly, may I?”

Enderi nodded.


Commander Maia Sterling - For Prelate Jola'n [NPC]
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer

Ensign Doya Emja [P: Dodd]
Damage Control Specialist

Ensign Angelica Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Service Animal to ACMO

Pawn (NPC: Dodd)
Orion Slaver/Science Experiment

Enderi (One-Shot NPC: Amiri)
Edosian Liaison
U.S.S. Liberty


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