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On the road to recovery

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 @ 10:59am by Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 22 Oct 2019 @ 3:31pm

843 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Several hours after return to the USS Tomcat


Lamia awoke with a start, she’d expected to wake up and find herself still in a cell and for everything else to be a dream. Looking around she was relieved to see she was in-fact aboard the ship. As she relaxed back on the biobed her senses soon told her that the child she’d been carrying, fathered by Dodd, was no longer there.

Davidson was standing by Lamia's bed to monitor her he saw her starting to wake up. He turned to Dr Cahill, " Dr Cahill she is waking up now. You need to come over to her and check her out.

Lamia looked at Cahill as she approached the biobed, simply watching what she was doing.

Dr Cahill came over and checked the vital readings. She looked at Lamia and smiled. "How is my best patient right now." As she took her hand and held it to comfort her.

Lamia looked up at Cahill for once in her life she didn’t have a clue how she felt. “My baby....what happened?” She looked at Cahill waiting for the answer she already knew but she needed an answer.

Dr Cahill took a deep breath, she hated to have to tell a patient anything that was bad news. " I am sorry sweetie there was nothing we could do to help. You had a miscarriage. I can have the baby brought by if you want to hold it for a while.

Lamia looked at Cahill stunned. “How...” She paused. “How is that possible? far along was I?”

You were about 4 months and even at that stage, the fetus takes on human features. Some mothers want to see the baby others do not. It is your choice. Seeing the baby can help with closure.

Also, I recommend you see Whalon our ship's counsellor. It will help you too.

Lamia nodded. At first, she found the thought of seeing her baby too disturbing but she knew that if she didn’t she’d probably end up regretting it. “I...” She paused then nodded. “I want to see my baby...please.” She looked up at Alexandria. “I need to see...” She paused. “Was my baby a boy or a girl?”

Dr Cahill nodded to Davidson, he returned in a few minutes with a perfectly wrapped bundle. And passed it to Dr Cahill. She smiled as he left.

" So here is the sweet special delivery for you sweetie."

Lamia paused before taking the extremely tiny bundle that was wrapped in a swaddling blanket. She wasn't sure at first how she felt but she soon cuddled up with the tiny bundle, taking the time to have a proper chance to say goodbye. She looked at the nurse who brought the baby over. "Is the baby..." She couldn't say anymore as her emotions got the better of her.

"A girl" The nurse offered a brief smile before walking away.

"A girl..." She looked at Cahill. "Thank you."

Dr Cahill smiled as she took the baby from the nurse and passed it to Lamia, Just doing what I do best-taking care of my patients. No matter how small or how big they are. You are welcome. Would you like some time alone with your little girl Lamia?

And is there someone that you want me to contact for you, sweetie?

Lamia nodded as she looked up at Cahill. “Please, on both accounts. I need you to...” She paused as her emotions got the better of her. Taking a deep breath she continued. “ Sergeant Major Christopher Kildare on Starbase 51. I need know what’s happened.” She looked back at her tiny daughter as she cradled her lifeless body.

Dr Cahill smiled, take all the time you need and I will be over here if you need something. Also anyone on the ship I can contact you. Maybe a close friend for instance?

Lamia's eyes tracked to where Dodd was lying in a biobed. "Right now the closest person I have here is lying right there" She motioned to Dodd. "He's the father of this baby." She looked at the tiny bundle she was holding. "I'm not sure how he'd feel about seeing her though."

Dr Cahill smiled, "How about I invite him over and both of you can talk. I bet he will come to you if asked."

Lamia looked towards where Dodd was laying. “No, I...” She looked back at Cahill. “I need a little time first, but thank you.”

Dr Cahill smiled, I will be close if you need me. Just wave you hand Sweet.

"I will, thank you" Lamia offered a smile. Right now she was a mixed bag of feelings and pain that would eventually come out, right now she couldn't face letting it go.

I pat her shoulder and smile. "Lt Walon will help you will your feelings when you are ready.

"I know" Lamia offered a smile. "Thank you, for everything.”


Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer


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