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The start of a friendship

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 @ 11:04am by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 22 Oct 2019 @ 3:37pm

1,707 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

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Lamia lay on her biobed simply staring at the walls and ceiling, she hadn’t planned to have a baby and back on the planet she wasn’t sure she even wanted one, but now her baby was gone all she felt was empty and alone. She’d bottled her emotions for as long as she could now she lay on her side wiping away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks.

Dodd was in a biobed next to Lamia. He was slightly sedated to keep him from reaching out with his mind without control. So as he lies there, he was deep within his mind wondering how to move forward with his Imzadi and Lamia who was once carrying his child.

She turned to look at Dodd. If there was one person who understood her feelings it must be him, after all, he had been the father of her baby even if they hadn’t planned it. Before the Orions, they’d only briefly met. She didn’t even know what to say, she simply wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Even while he was laying there, Dodd could sense someone was thinking of him. He knew that Iria would be needing to have him comfort her, but he also knew that however unplanned, he would have a relationship with Lamia that would eat at him in ways that can't be explained. He was looking forward to his future with Iria, but he only hoped that events of the Orion Slavers would not hurt all those involved and ruin their happiness.

Lamia wiped her eyes and gently slid herself out of bed. She was a little weak but her healing was more emotional than physical now. Moving across the short gap between biobeds she settled on a chair brought across earlier by one of the nurses. "Are....are you awake?"

Dodd's eyes opened and he turned his head towards Mia.
"Hi," Dodd said as a tear rolled out of his eye and down to the biobed. "I am so sorry for all that you had to endure."

Lamia was surprised to see Dodd crying, grabbing a tissue she gently wiped away a tear. "It wasn't your fault, we were thrown together and neither of us could stop what happened." She hung her head. "I'm sorry I lost our baby."

Dodd was still loopy from the sedative, but he sat up and reached out to put his hand on Mia's shoulder. "I don't blame you for anything and you don't have to be sorry for anything." Dodd then slowly stood and offered Mia a hug. "We will get through this and Iria and I will be there to help you deal with."

Lamia accepted Dodd's hug gently giving him one in return. "Thank you, Remington, I'm going to need all the help I can get!" She sat back. "I hope Iria will be able to forgive me for everything that's happened."

"I do know that while it will be very hard at first, Iria will be one to rise above and move forward. We all need to learn from this. Things happen for a specific purpose and while it is very rough, it was meant to happen." Dodd stated firmly as he was starting to sense Mia's thoughts once more.

"How was any of this meant to happen?" Mia looked at Dodd with tears in her eyes. "Was our baby meant to..." She stopped herself realising she was just losing her temper more than anything else. "I'm sorry....I'm just not coping with this very well,"

"Mia, the great divine does things for specific reasons. I am sad that I will never know my child as I know you are extremely sad and depressed you lose the child and will never know him or her as you imagined." Dodd pulled Mia in for a hug. "You will always have a part of that child in your heart and know that even while never given the chance to live, he or she loved you more than you will know physically but that love will live within you."

Dodd was also dealing with another personal issue at this time and he was also able to sense Mia's thoughts as she was processing what he just said to her. He was getting emotionally connected to the situation when he normally holds that aside for private reflection in his quarters.

Lamia couldn't help but feel a connection to Dodd, after everything they'd been through it was hard not to. They were friends, not lovers and she wanted that friendship to continue. "Doctor Cahill let me..." She bit her lip keeping her emotions together. "Hold our baby." She looked at Dodd. "Would to see her? To have a chance to...say goodbye?'

"I don't need to do that," Dodd replied. "I will have your memory of her to pull out and cherish. I would have loved to be a father and one day I will with my Imzadi. However, I know you had gone through more than you should have to. I know you need this closure and if helps you, I will support it." Dodd then looked toward Mia while she held the little one for a chance to bid farewell to a soul who had gone too early.

Having sat back on the biobed Lamia knew she'd have to let their tiny bundle go. "Maybe we should...have a service for her?" She looked at Dodd. " not know what else to do."

"Having a service may help to make us move onward with our recovery," Dodd replied. "It is not necessary but I know it will help you and I am supportive of the idea."

Lamia nodded and offered a smile. “Thank you, I appreciate it. I’m just hoping it’ll give me the peace I need and help us move on from this experience.”

"No worries, I will always have a place in my heart for the memory of the daughter I never really got to know," Dodd replied. "I know everyone has different ways to mourn and I do wish to help you mourn in your manner. I prefer to mourn by helping you mourn. I know this whole thing was very unfair for all involved. Walon, Kildare is also a huge part of this. We should make it easy for all of us. I hope this makes sense."

Lamia nodded. "It does and thank you. I...want to scream, rant, hell throw something!! But I...I can't." She looked at Dodd giving him a confused look. "I don't understand why I can't but when it comes out it's not going to be pretty!" She sighed. "I can use all the help I can get."

"After a few days more, we will be released and then an extended stay at Starbase 51. There we will be allowed a few days R and R and then we will have to start therapy. I am all for a ceremony for our child and then maybe we can arrange some holodeck time to do something where we can smash things and scream a the top of our lungs just to let it all out what's in our heads. Maybe then we can return to our lives and know that she is loved and at peace."

Lamia nodded. "Perhaps. At present, I'm not sure how I'd react if I saw any more Orions!"

"Well we need to get that fixed as I have an Orion on my engineering staff, but she was orphaned and adopted by a human family and raised on Earth. She only has the green skin to tell her she is different but she acts and thinks like a standard Federation citizen and knows that she is sometimes looked at differently, but she is a valued member of my team. However, I will have a difficult time as well knowing she looks like our captors. I feel for you and we can help one another move onward." Dodd stated as he reached for Mia's hand to hold it.

Mia smiled as she allowed Dodd to hold her hand. "I...did not mean to sound like I meant all Orions, I know there are those that work with Starfleet and I wouldn' least not intentionally...turn against anyone aboard the ship." She looked uncertain. "I just need some time to adjust. You have your healing to do, Iria needs you I don't want her to feel that I'm getting in the way."

"Hey, Iria will understand. While our link is not the same it is a link none the less. Iria will help me and in turn, she will help you get to terms." Dodd stated. "It will be a very rocky road but together we will triumph over the issues ahead."

Lamia nodded. “I should let you rest. I’m pretty worn out as it is.” She offered the best smile she could muster given the circumstances.

"I think you need to rest more than I do. I was just an instrument used by our captors to entertain them while they conducted horrific experiments that caused so many of my friends and crewmates harm. I am sorry for what comes of the experience and I hope that a long friendship will survive this ordeal." Dodd replied. "May the great bird of the galaxy bless you as you come to terms with it all."

"Thank you" Lamia offered a smile. "It's going to take a while but I'll get there, I hope!" She moved across to her neighbouring biobed and slowly got back on to lie down. "I hope all goes well between you and Iria, I know what she means to you."

Dodd smiled with a twinkle in his eye, "I love her more than life itself." Dodd then turned his head and yawned and closed his eyes.

The two of them had a long road to recovery as individuals and as friends. The future was so unclear now, what was left of relationships now. The would slowly grow a strong friendship, Dodd was sure of it.


Lt (JG) Lamia Arderne
Chief Ops Officer

Lt Remington Dodd
Chief Engineering Officer


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