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Time to say goodbye

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 @ 11:07am by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare
Edited on on 22 Oct 2019 @ 3:39pm

2,859 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: A few hours after return to Starbase 51


- Kildare's Quarters -

Lamia stood staring out of the window in Kildare’s Quarters, she was dressed in black ready for the service she was dreading. It wasn’t long until the service for hers and Dodd’s baby, the final chance to say a proper goodbye to their daughter and move on with their lives.

Chris was sad for his girl, she had been through so much and to top it off the Orion Slavers had forced both into unspeakable acts, just to see what would happen, he thought that was wrong. Now here Mia was in his quarters dressed in black for the funeral of her deceased child. He did not know what happened to her, well not in detail as she was not speaking, just yet of her ordeal was such that it seemed that she would talk about it, when she was ready he was dressed in black also, but for now though he simply walked up to her "You okay?" He simply asked.

Lamia turned and wrapped her arms around Chris’ waist laying her head against his chest. “I’m not sure I’m ready for this Chris, but I have to be.”

Returning her embrace, he kissed the top of her head "I know you are not, but you must be strong, there will be plenty-a-time to break down when you are back in private, or at the funeral. But for now and until we get to the ceremony I want you to think happy thoughts, at least for the short term" he said as he pulled a hanky out of his pocket and gently wiped her tears away oO Why am I so bad at comforting?! Oo he asked himself, it was true he was not that good at comforting when he had losses his idea of getting through things was doing some combat training exercise or rock climbing oO such is being in love and in a partnership Oo he thought to himself.

Lamia nodded. "I'll do my best." She offered a brief smile as she took a relaxing breath. "I can't promise how long I'll be able to hold myself together."

"In the end Mia, all you can do is try, and when you are ready to talk about it, I will be here," he said.

Lamia nodded. “Thank you!” She practically threw her arms around him just feeling safe in his embrace.

Returning the embrace oO What did I do to deserve this one? Oo he asked himself in wonder, here he was a marine SNCO and she an officer and she had fallen for him, he considered himself to be a lucky guy, now all he had to do was speak to the Captain as there were forms to fill out.

- Temporary Quarters Dodd/Walon -

Dodd and Walon were in their temporary quarters on the starbase. She was preparing a Betazoid hot chocolate as Dodd was near the window staring out at the vastness of space. His thoughts were light years away from where he was. Being part Betazoid and part Ullian was a blessing at times, but in times of grief and sorrow, he hated it. He could feel all the thoughts around him, but with the help of Walon, he was able to filter them. Iria was his Imzadi and his grounding force. Without her, he would not be the man he is today. About to mourn for a daughter he never got to know but none the less he would miss all the same.

Iria had been trying to keep her feelings pushed down because she knew Remy and Lamia both were hurting over this loss. She had taken a bit of time to herself going through her thoughts of hurt jealousy, upset, and the feeling of being inadequate that after all, they'd been through. Lamia and Remy needed to know they had the support and love no matter what had been forced upon them during the Captivity.

Iria walked over with the cups of Betazoid hot chocolate and set one on the window/viewing port sill. She leaned against Remy's side and wrapped her left arm around him lightly. "Have you and Lamia decided what name you're passing on to your daughter?"

"I have not even discussed that with Mia," Dodd replied. "I was not prepared for this whole ordeal. I was set on one day having children with you my Imzadi. I would rather let Mia have the naming rights as she has undergone more with this process than I did."

Iria nodded softly, none of them was prepared for the aftermath of being held Captive, altered in various ways, and some lost more than others. It was a shame that an innocent had also been lost. Whatever the reason children didn't deserve to pay the price. The loss Lamia had to be feeling was tremendous. And for Remy but in a different way. Iria could only show her support and love for him as they got ready to send his daughter to the stars.

- Chapel waiting area -

Lamia arrived at the waiting area, she and Chris were a few minutes early so they were requested to wait for the arrival of Remington and Iria. As the doors opened Lamia's eyes met Remington's, she could feel his emotions as much as he could feel hers and they both felt the pain of the loss of their daughter.

Remington and Iria both felt the emotions of Lamia and some from Christopher. The emotions covered all of the range. Rage, Fear, Compassion, Hope, Love and Depression: It was to be understandable for them to have it all, there was a tragedy that had occurred and it affected everyone in many different ways. Dodd and Walon were bonded in a way that helped them to be strong in the ordeal, but it was a trying event that will have some lasting effects on their relationship.

"Hello, Mia. Thank you for arranging this. I can say that I am bittersweet about this but I do feel it was a good idea." Dodd stated as Walon pulled him in closer to her after entering the room.

Lamia nodded and looked to Iria. “Thank you for coming to Iria, I know this can’t be easy for you either.”

Iria nodded her head gently, "We are all hurting over the whole thing. Moving forward with our friends and loved ones are our greatest source of strength." She said lightly and hesitated before she held out her hand to Lamia, "I usually offer a hug but I wasn't sure if you would like that right now?"

Lamia offered a brief smile. "If you want to hug I don't mind."

Iria wrapped her arms gently around Lamia, "I am sorry, Lamia." She said softly, as she held her a moment and then slowly released her, looking at Lamia's face. "You are not alone never forget that if you need anything."

"May we usher our lost child into the halls of the ever-living afterlife where she will meet us in the distant future." Dodd motioned to get the ceremony started so he could start his coping with what happened to him as a captive breeding slave.

Kildare looked curiously at Dodd, a little awkwardly "My condolences on your loss, forgive my manners we have not yet Sergeant Major Christopher Kildare 95th Rifles and Mia's lesser half Sir's" he said by way of introduction holding out his hand first to Dodd then to Walon.

"Pleased to meet you but wish it was under different circumstances," Dodd replied as he shook Chris' hand. Dodd knew Walon would be hesitant at first because this whole situation was not her ideal setting and that her Imzadi was now a father in mourning. Dodd just introduced her to Kildare and left it at that for the introduction.

Iria shook her head softly, "Please don't Sir me, my name is Iria, you're welcome to use it."

*Smiling* "yes Sir," Kildare said.

Iria wrinkled her nose at the 'Sir' again from him, but she wasn't there to fuss over an address that she found distasteful she was there to be supportive to her friend and her fiance, she gave Kildare a wry grin and shook her head softly.

Lamia watched as the introductions were made. Right now her senses were anything but working, her own emotions were blocking any sense of what others were feeling. Instead, she just watched the interactions.

Dodd had been observing Walon and Kildare. He could tell they both felt some betrayal at the situation, but he knew Walon was there when all the horrific events happened that got them to where they are now. Walon still had a love for Dodd and knew he was not directly responsible for what happened. She would need some time to get over all of it herself. Meanwhile, Dodd was sensing some uncertainty from Kildare and was not sure how to interpret it.

- After the Service -

The service had been short but emotional, Lamia had managed to put on a brave exterior but upon emerging from the service the cracks started to show eventually resulting in a total breakdown. She sank to her knees in the middle of the floor sobbing her heart out as the loss of her baby and the whole slave experience finally caught up.

One moment Mia was on his arm, the next moment she was on the floor, Chris stopped and helped her up "c'mon lass, let's get you home" he said gently putting his arm around her and helping her stay on her feet. He looked back "Lieutenants it was a pleasure meeting you both and it was a lovely service," he said addressing both of them.

"Good Day, and I hope the next we meet it would be a more pleasurable event," Dodd replied. "Until, then Safe Journeys."

Dodd and Walon watched as Lamia and Chris walked away down the corridor.

Iria had been holding back tears of her own, it wasn't easy seeing other in pain and especially after all they'd been through together but she saw that Kildare was being more than supportive to Lamia. She leaned against Remy's side, "We are here if you need anything," she added keeping her voice steady out of a resolve to not take away the heartfelt sentiment.

Lamia looked to Dodd and Iria managing a brief nod before cuddling up to Kildare holding onto him for dear life as they strolled away from the chapel. Her legs felt like jelly as she walked, the shock of everything had finally caught up.

As the pair walked away "so Mia, if you had the option, what would you do to the Orion's?" He asked, it was a curious question, as he knew from past experiences, the sorrow is usually followed by anger and then self-doubt, he did not want this for Mia, he was also approaching this the only way he knew how. "But I do have plans for you," he said in a gentle voice.

Lamia looked at Chris. “What would I do?” Her face was wet with tears and her eyes were red. “I...I don’t know! I feel...” She took a deep breath. “Sad, and angry. Just don’t put me in a room near any of those...slavers anytime soon or I won’t be responsible for my actions!!” Her eyes now blazed with more anger as she looked back at him. She took a deep breath to calm herself before looking at him more curiously. “What plans do you have for me?”

*Thinking* "well that is a surprise, but I may have a way to help you with that anger you are feeling, but first we will sit and talk through things and I will listen and I will not judge, you do not need that, you need someone to be there for you and I intend to do that" he said with a smile such emotions and feeling were new to him, so if he bungled it, he was not surprised.

Mia felt a whole new wave of calm wash over her. Just being with Chris made recent events melt away if only for a little while. She nodded and waited until they were safely back inside Chris’ quarters before sitting down and motioning for him to do the same.

Before sitting he went over to a locked section and opened it and pulled out a bottle of Romulan Ale and got two glasses and brought them over and as he sat down next to her he poured some of the drink into the glass and passed her one "warm the cockles and it looks like you need it *sits back with his own glass* okay what happened exactly?" he began.

Taking the offered glass she began “I...” She frowned and paused rubbing her hands together. “I was assaulted...sexually a guard.” She looked at her lap as she continued fiddling with her hands and fingers. “Then, like the rest of the women, the doctors did something to me to make me give off a pheromone to attract males.” She looked up at him for a moment before looking away again. “That’s why what happened between Dodd and Me happened, he couldn’t fight the pheromone and neither could I.” Tears started running down her cheeks. “We...made love and then they sent in another male...Dodd had to kill him to protect and keep me!!” That was as far as she got as she lay her head against his chest. “I’m so sorry!! I never meant to betray you!!!”

Feeling a lump in his throat he gently puts his arm around her as her tears began to flow while it was not needed, it usually helped "you are forgiven Mia, while you do not need it from me, I figure it will likely help" he fell silent feeling anger for the Orion slavers he sat there for a long time, just holding her as she cried "let it go, let it go" he said in comforting.

Letting her feelings go for what seemed like a long time, Lamia finally managed to get herself under control. Feeling better for getting the worst of it out of her system for now. She wiped her eyes and nose then sipped the drink he’d given her, feeling better now she knew he didn’t blame her. “I was...looking forward to getting...back to you!” She offered the best smile she could muster given how she felt. “I’ve missed you so much! What would you say if I said...I want to stay here with you.” She looked up at him, it was a spur of the moment decision straight off the top of her head. “

*giving a sly smile* "first off go get into a combat jumpsuit, then meet me in Holodeck One, think of it as Marine orientated therapy" he said.

"What?" Lamia looked at Chris curiously. "Just remember that I'm still recovering, I don't think the doctor will be amused if I overdo it."

"Oh, this therapy is different from what any doctor or Counsellor will give you, it is a form that I have used in the past and it does help," Kildare said.

"I'll believe you" Lamia offered a brief smile. "I'll go home and change and meet you there."

~ Meanwhile back at the Chapel ~

Iria looked up at Remy as she held his hand, "Do you want to go say another goodbye?" She asked quietly.

"I would like to say that she will never be fully gone. She will haunt a place in my heart for the rest of my life." Dodd replied. "I have you and our future together to help me. One more goodbye will not be needed from me. I can do all the things to help us move into the future. This will be a moment I will not forget and I am sorry it was like it was."

Dodd squeezed Walon's hand just a little tighter as he expressed his sorrow once more with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"How about we retire to our quarters before we have to start therapy tomorrow as I would like an evening of just reaffirming our bonds and trying to make sure we are going to be alright for the future we want together. Does that sound okay with you?"

Iria nodded as she gently wiped Remy's cheek as the tear track rain down his face, "I think that is a nice idea, Remy." She said softly as she held his hand, looking up at him. With everything else, she had faith and trust in him and believed that together they could get through anything that came their way. Iria believed in their love in them and whatever else the future put forward for them.


Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
Drill Sergeant 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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