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Arrival of a New Doctor

Posted on 22 Oct 2016 @ 2:06pm by Major S'arila Donovan & Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel
Edited on on 16 Nov 2016 @ 2:56pm

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Season 2 Episode 1: The New Frontier
Location: Various Locations throughout Ship
Timeline: Current


- Shuttle -

As the shuttle approached her new ship, Akuhl once again felt the feelings whenever she neared a new assignment: hope and fear.

She hoped her superiors and crewmates accepted her. She hoped she would not fail them. She hoped she could save every patient she received.

She feared they would not accept her. She feared they would treat her as if she was an undercover warrior who had come to kill them all and destroy the ship. She feared she would make a mistake on a simple case and kill the patient.

oO Let them think what they want. They will not stop me. My people tried to stop me. The Vulcans tried to stop me. They both failed. Oo

A slight thump of the shuttle landing snapped her out her thoughts. She grabbed her carry-on and was the first to exit the shuttle.

- Hallway Just Outside Shuttle Bay -

She found her way out of the shuttle bay with minimal difficulty, but making it to the bridge was another matter. She had received a message from her new captain, a human female named Jasmine Somers, directing her to report to her as soon as she had arrived. She tried learning the ship’s layout, but as with all things related to navigation, the map may as well have been written in ancient hieroglyphics.

“Computer, where is Captain Somers?” she asked.

“Captain Somers is currently off the ship,” came the reply. "Major Donovan is currently in command, and she is on the bridge."

"Show me the quickest route to the bridge," she asked.

- Bridge -

It took her the better part of an hour to finally make it to the bridge, even with the computer’s help. Sometimes she swore mapmakers made the mistakes on purpose just to confuse her.

Stepping on the bridge, she saw that it was minimally staffed; during a resupply, there was no need for the full bridge crew to be present. The viewscreen showed the interior of the starbase it was currently docked at, nothing much of interest there.

A dark-haired female stood in the centre of the bridge, her hands clasped behind her back and looking out at the viewscreen.

"Excuse me," Akuhl said.

S'arila was deep in thought as she sat on the bridge, she was not exactly at ease, she was a soldier, all her adult life was filled with combat, she was still amazed at how different this reality was compared to the war-torn one she had been sucked out of, but at that time she had telepathy, now she had lost that ability which left her with only her genetic enhancements and some natural gifts her alien heritage had given her. She sat up suddenly realising that someone was standing there, she looked over and saw a Klingon female in medical blues.

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

Akuhl's eyes widened slightly when she saw the other woman's rank. She snapped to attention and saluted.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant JG Akuhl K'Tel, newly assigned to the Tomcat," she said. "I was directed to meet with the captain, but according to the computer she's off the ship, so I thought it best to report to you."

oO Akuhl, you're babbling, stop it! Oo

Donovan looked at Lieutenant K'Tel and hid a smile, she was wearing some specially made pink tinted glasses, these served a function when not in frontline combat. They allowed her to see like a normal humanoid, the lenses made it look like she had normal eyes, but the downside of this was, apart from a slightly pink vision, she was essentially colour blind. With her unaided eye's she could only see in infrared images of heat sources. Now she gazed at the young Lieutenant tempted to show her "real" eye's but decided that the officer was nervous enough so she went easy.

"Consider yourself reported to me, the Captain is on her way to medical to get some cosmetic surgery done I would suggest you dump your stuff in your quarters and get yourself to Medical, *shrugs* at least this way you will get to meet the Captain and First Officer" Donovan said with a friendly smile.

"Yes Ma'am," Akuhl said and then hurried off the bridge.

Donovan watched the Klingon leave the bridge, "well I guess the introductions are over!" she said looking at the closed turbo lift door with an amused expression, then she returned her attention back to the viewscreen.


Major S'arila D'Tana Donovan (PNPC)
Bravo Unit Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat NCC 62114

PNPC Simmed by

Capt. J Somers
Commanding Officer
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant Jg Akuhl; K'Tel MD
Medical Officer
USS Tomcat NCC 62114


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