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Therapy Part #1

Posted on 20 Oct 2019 @ 5:25pm by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,368 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Holodeck 1/SB51
Timeline: Current


After Mia had left his quarters to go change, he changed himself and headed down to the holodeck as he walked up to the door panel he pressed it and entered into the room.

"Computer replicate known conditions of what the Captive faced, then generate a generic Orion Slaver, one of high rank, and accommodate for known taunting and hostile words, indicative of the species and organisation," Kildare said and what he requested appeared and the simulation began to insult him.

"Computer freeze program," he said and the hologram paused, now he waited for Mia to arrive.

Lamia arrived at the holodeck, not sure what to expect she couldn't help but feel wary not that she thought Chris would do anything to hurt her. Walking inside her eyes widened in shock and horror as she found herself stepping into a slaver camp...

Chris saw her reaction and he felt for her, he really did, but he did not want her to be paralyzed every time she saw an Orion in future, because the area of space the Tomcat operated in there was bound to be more contact with the Orion's and as Chief of Operations she could not freeze up, this was called tough love "you have an anger in you that you need to release in order to move on, when I had a loss I went through this same thing, if one confronts one's fears, then those fears can no longer hurt them, this is set up to allow you to lash out without repercussion. I have created this character for you to punch and kick or whatever, he will throw insults and barbs your way, to your right you see a table with some melee weapons on, use them or not" he said taking on the tone of a mentor.

Lamia understood what he was trying to do for her immediate reaction was to shake her head and back herself into the nearest defendable corner. She was feeling fear, terror, sadness, anger and she didn’t know what to do except try and hide away even though she knew it was just a holodeck simulation.

Kildare saw the hesitation oO what the hell happened over there, this is worse than she lets on Oo he thought he walked over to her and put his arm around her and spoke softly.

"Mia, I know you are afraid of what you are feeling, but you must command your fears, I can only show you the door, you have to step through it, you are a sentient thinking self-aware being, one who needs to unleash, ask yourself do you want to be controlled by your experiences or do you want to control them?" He asked "You are Chief of Operations and as such you are responsible for a lot more people and they need a strong leader who will not cower, it is also a possibility that you may meet more Orion's. What happens here will remain here, I will not speak of this to anyone, but please focus all your anger against him *he points at the hologram* I do not think less of you, nor will I when you lash out at him" he said as the hologram started hurling insults and barbs their way.

At first, she simply sat with her hands over her ears, she’d faced worse than this at the slaver camp. Her eyes trained on the table of weapons, the urge within was to take a weapon and make the Orion pay. She slowly edged towards the weapons, her eyes transfixed on the Orion as he followed. It was only when the simulation reached out and grabbed her arm that the true fear was sparked and in a panic, she reached for the nearest weapon she could get. With a large blade in hand, she didn’t hesitate to use it, running the Orion through before dropping the blade with a look of horror on her face at what she’d just done. oO What have I done!! What kind of monster am I? Oo

Chris watched Mia pick up a blade and struck hard and fast and the hologram collapsed, but only to be replaced by another one picking up where the last left off, he walked up to her "Mia, I see the horror, but every sentient being needed to lash out at some point, and while I know your hybrid species is not nasty by nature, but logically think of this, do you want to be governed by fear or do you want to control that fear?" He asked.

“I...I don’t want to be controlled by my fear Chris!” She looked at Kildare her eyes meeting his. “But I...I know it’s only a hologram but I KILLED him!! What kind of...evil am letting loose!?”

*pauses* "There is no shame in letting loose with your anger Mia, everyone must at some point fight," he said then gently held her arms and whispered in her ear "do you know what drew me towards you in the first place! It was your compassion and thoughtfulness the exact opposite of myself. If I was a Fleet Officer I would find a way to help you deal with this in a more civilised manner, but I am a Marine and we believe fear must be conquered. My love for you will not alter if you give in to your baser instincts and lash out, this time do not use a blade, use a bludgeoning weapon and hit away, I will still be here" he said and planted a gentle kiss on her neck.

His kiss spurred her on, nodding she grabbed an alternative weapon. Walking towards her tormentor she dug deep into her feelings, letting the anger of her loss power her emotions and with a scream, she bludgeoned the Orion making sure he was very, very dead. As another appeared in his place she dug deep and took him down too before finally dropping to her knees.

With a final Primal scream she struck the final blow and collapsed to her knees, Chris moved to her and crouched down and hugged her "that's my girl, you have conquered your fear, now look up at your surroundings and tell me what you see?" he asked as he continued to hold her.

“What do I see?” She looked around. “I see a program running on the holodeck.” She looked back at Chris. "Is that right!? Is there something more I'm supposed to see?"

*inwardly sighs* "ignore that it is the holodeck and picture it is the real thing, this place was as close to the conditions that you experienced, what I want to know is does this environment frighten you?" he asked.

Lamia looked around again. "A little...but not as much as it did. I don't...feel as angry as I did either." She looked back at Chris gently cupping his face in her hands. "Thank you for this Chris."

"My pleasure, now let's get you cleaned up," he said helping her up "Computer, end program" he said as the black and yellow grid returned both walked out of the holodeck and to Arderne's quarters "when you are done freshening up, what say we go out for a nice quiet meal?" he ended with a question.

"I'd like that" Lamia nodded and smiled turning to look at him. "Would you..." She held out her hand. "Like to join me in the shower when we get back?"

oO Hello!! Oo he thought to himself as he took her hand, satisfied that her demons had been dealt with, but her experiences would fro this moment on defining who she would become. *paused* "sure!" Kildare responded as the pair walked to her quarters.

After some time in the shower, Chris exits dressed back in his uniform "I will pick you up at 1800 hours and we will go to a restaurant, smart casual dress" he said.

Wrapped in a towel Lamia smiled and nodded. 'ill will be ready Imzadi."



Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
Drill Sergeant 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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