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Facing up to loss

Posted on 28 Jan 2020 @ 7:08pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,078 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Counselling Office
Timeline: Before Ceremony of Light posts

Lamia sat in the waiting room for the time of her counselling appointment to arrive, she wasn't sure she wanted to even be here but she had little choice. She needed the counselling and she knew it.

Iria walked out of her office and gave Lamia a gentle smile, "Good afternoon Lamia, do you want to come in to the office or would you like to go somewhere else to talk?" She asked softly as she regarded her friend.

“Hello Iria” Lamia offered a nervous smile. “Your office will be fine.”

"Alright, if you're ready then?" Iria asked lightly before turning to the doorway and leading Lamia inside.

Following Iria into her office Lamia moved across to the sofa to take a seat. She turned to look at Iria. “After the funeral Chris took me to the holodeck, he let me take out my frustrations on some Orions.” She paused. “I think it’s helped in some ways.”

Iria raised her eye brows slightly, "I hope you didn't exhaust yourself so soon? I mean I am glad he let you do some venting on the holo-deck but to do something strenuous so soon could have serious effects on your body's healing process."

"No I didn't. Chris made sure that I didn't over do it." She offered a smile. "So where do we start?" She looked at Iria knowing full well where she'd have to start.

"Before we start do you want something to drink from the replicator or something?" She didn't mind brewing a pot of real tea or even breaking out the hot chocolate Brewer that she got recently. She wanted Lamia to be as comfortable as possible before they started going over the loss of her child, and her side of how the Orion's had treated her.

"A hot chocolate would be lovely thank you." Lamia smiled. "Call it a bad habit but I love chocolate!"

Iria smiled softly, "I adore chocolate with peppermint the most myself," She paused and added lightly, "do you want it replicated or should I break in the new brewer for hot chocolate?"

“I don’t mind either way” Lamia offered a smile. “Tell me something, is it normal for someone whose been through what we’ve been through, and lost a child to yearn for another child so soon?” Lamia sighed. “If Chris was willing try for another baby as soon as we could.”

Iria got the brewer going as she listened to Lamia speaking, she raised her ginger hued brows slightly in surprise as she regarded her, "It natural to think of having more children after a loss but are you aware, that the Captain doesn't want children on board since most of our missions include a type of battle situation?"

"I know" Lamia nodded. "Therein lies one of the problems, if I want a baby I either have to be reassigned to the station or leave my baby behind every time the ship leaves the station." She sighed. "I never even considered being a mother before all this happened."

Iria nodded softly, "Or maybe we can negotiate with the Captain about active child care on the ship, I mean there's numerous other star ships with families aboard that yes go into dangerous situations but their families are together and prepared for most things." She had been looking into this subject because it bothered her that families were being torn between difficult choices. The list of families aboard ship was extensive and only a few where they had not been planning but had found ways to adapt to the needs of the children and their on duty parents, there was No regulation against families on board with their parents.

Lamia's eyes lit up as she looked at Iria. "Can we do that?! I thought the Captain's decision on no children aboard ship was final?" Her heart was racing and there were so many thoughts going through her mind. "It would mean so much..." She took a deep breath. "It would, of course, also depend on Chris. I don't even know if he'd want children."

"Let me see what I can do before planning anything. I mean just because I have done the research doesn't mean the Captain will agree but I am willing to negotiate on this because I think it's important for the crew to be together with their family. Besides the fact it has been proven the stress level of worrying about family off ship is higher than the those who are on ship or base together."

"I won't go planning anything." Lamia offered a smile. "I don't want to go getting my hopes up and having them set back, I'm not sure I could cope with that."

Iria nodded, "I will keep you posted on how the negotiation goes, I the meantime, how are you doing right now?"

“Right now I...” She paused. “I just want to get on with my life, to try and forget what happened. Not that I’m going to anytime soon, I’m grateful that it’s brought Remington and I close as friends. That’s something good at least.”

Iria nodded her head softly, "I hope you know that I will be here too even if you don't want to talk as a counseling session, moving forward is a good goal to focus on in the meantime." She said lightly knowing that the events were going to affect them all in different ways as time went on.

"I appreciate that Iria, I really do." Lamia offered a smile. "I'd like for us to be friends, not just have a Counsellor and patient relationship."

Iria smiled warmly, "Glad to hear it, maybe later when you're up for it we can have a double date with you and your special guy?" She added softly.

Lamia nodded. "I think I'd like that, thank you." She smiled warmly. "I guess we'd best be getting ready for the awards ceremony. Can't say I'm really looking forward to it though."

Iria nodded, "Truth told me either, but it's mandatory at least afterwards we're supposed to be free." She got up smoothly and offered her hand to Lamia, "Want me to walk you back or are you going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine, thank you" Lamia smiled warmly. "I appreciate all your help." With that Lamia nodded and headed on her way.


Lt.j.g Iria Walon
Chief counselor


Lt (jg) Lamia Arderne
Chief Ops


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