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Art of Living

Posted on 22 Jan 2020 @ 6:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd

944 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (Main Story)
Location: Temporary quarters on Starbase 51
Timeline: After Time to Say Goodbye & just before the Ceremony of Light

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Iria walked through the doorway after Remy and wrapped her arms around his waist, she hugged him and looked up at him, "I know we have been through a lot the past few days. I got jealous of what happened, but I know in my heart and soul, I still love you. Whatever comes our way, we can face it and overcome because we have each other."

Now in their temporary quarters, Remy had just said farewell to a daughter he never had the chance to know and also one he never expected under the circumstances. Now he was alone with Iria and he was just as in love with her as he was the day he realized she was the one his soul wanted at his side. Her radiant beauty always made him feel like she was out of his league with her. "I love you and I was never out to do anything to hurt you or betray you."

He leaned down and kissed her like it was the only kiss he would give her again, but was just so full of love that if felt that way.

Their temporary quarters happened to be the same quarters where he proposed to Iria. He felt the love from the room and lifted her up while still embraced in the kiss and carried her to the bedroom. They had two days before they were required to start their therapy sessions.

Remy was going to get in some therapy that would not get prescribed. He started to caress Iria in a manner to let her know that if she wanted to do so, they could reenact the weekend he proposed to her.

The two took their relationship back to the level it was at before the event and their love was shining very brightly in those quarters.

~~I love you so very much and I want you to know that nothing will change that. I want you and only you at my side for the rest of forever.~~ Remy thought to Iria.

~~I love you Remy, forever and always.~~ Iria sent back to him as she lay curled up in his arms, this room was filled with wonderful memories and they were making new ones to banish the events from the Orion station.

Remy so enjoyed the way Iria made him feel. He really enjoyed the way she would curl up in his arms as their flesh touched while he held her warmly in his arms. The bed they share is so much more than a soft and relaxing thing, it is the bed that holds memories and thus a means to help forget the evil that befell them while being captive. The love Remy felt for Iria could not be removed even after all that happened. It was that love which was deep down that kept him going and it is that love the will keep him going in the future.

Iria was moved to happy tears with all the love, that Remy showered her with, his words and each caress, he made her feel treasured, safe and cared for like nothing she had encounter before in her life.

The couple had limited time together before Remy had to report to therapy and he wanted to enjoy every moment he could with Iria as she was his world. Most of his family were all on Earth with a few exceptions to his Ullian side. However, Iria was to become his wife and that meant so much to him.

~~When we get married do you mind if I take your family name?~~ she sent him after a quiet moment of snuggling close to him her fingers tracing random patterns over his side and chest lightly like butterflies dancing over his skin.

"I never thought of it, but it would be interesting to have two Dodds on the ship." Remy replied. "My family would be so very honored for you to join us not only by marriage but by name as well."

Remy then rolled over to have a direct look into Iria's eyes and have his heart start to beat rapidly with all the love he had for her.

Iria brushed her nose lightly against his and kissed him softly, "Well that settles the name issues." She grinned cheekily at him then turned to kiss his cheek and on purpose purred against his skin, "Want to join me in the hot tub?"

Remy did not need a second invitation, he was up and stepping into the hot tub so fast that Iria had not even made it to the tub yet. "Yes I would really like to join you." Remy replied as he already had one foot in the water. He wanted to waste no more time as tomorrow was the awards ceremony and then he had to start his therapy as did all the others who were taken captive in the last mission.

Iria laughed as she raced after him, she stopped at the edge of the hot tub then smiled brightly as she hopped into it splashing water slightly as she wrapped her arms around Remy grinning up at him playfully.

Once she was wrapped around Remy, the couple began loving one another like they were one being. It was hard to tell who was who as they were so close and caught up in the mood of making love. Remy never wanted to hurt Iria and this was his chance to prove how much he loved her and he wanted her to never forget his love.

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Lieutenant JG Iria Walon
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer


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