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The New MCO Part #2

Posted on 20 Oct 2019 @ 5:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson SB51 & Lieutenant Karyn Somers
Edited on on 22 Nov 2021 @ 10:09pm

2,135 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Orientation Posts
Location: Starbase 51


- Marine Country/Security -

"Hi Chief" Smithson announced her arrival.

The Officer remained silent as they both entered.

Thirty Minutes earlier Marine Country...

Karyn was going about her duties when her Commbadge came to life.

=/\= Smithson to Chief Somers, meet me in the Security Office, will you? =/\=

Looking up at Kildare mildly puzzled he just shrugged, she tapped it to make the two-way connection =/\= Understood Commander, Somers out =/\= Karyn responded and signed off.

She finished what she was doing and leaving Kildare in command while she headed out, it took her around half hour to get to Security, as she entered all the Fleet Security Officers there nodded at her as she entered and passed them and into the main office, only to find out that she was the first there, so she logged into one of the terminals and caught up on some overdue correspondence.

She looked up as a familiar voice greeted her, Karyn looked and smiled warmly as she remained seated "hi Commander, I see you found a stray or new arrival?" Karyn Somers asked she saw his rank, but currently did not immediately stand, like a very few Rifles, she wore a white band around the base of her grey shoulders and a unit patch on her upper left arm and like the other Marine had a green undershirt on.

"He is the new Marine Commanding Officer on the Tomcat Karyn," Smithson said, the younger Somers was not slow-poke when it came to catching onto some subtext.

Reagan nodded as he saw the Warrant Officer, and took note of the somewhat of a lack of protocol when greeting a ranking officer, "1st Lieutenant Reagan Risum."

She shot to attention and Saluted "Chief Warrant Officer Karyn Lynne Somers, Drill Master of the 95th Rifles" she said holding the salute "well when there is more than a thirteen man unit on the Starbase that is Sir" she added. *waits for permission to lower her arm.

Saluting and dropping his salute with crisp precision, "A pleasure to meet you, Ms Somers."

Looking from one Marine to the other and smiling to herself oO Marines Oo Smithson thought to herself but verbally "Lieutenant, Chief Somers will be able to bring you up to speed more on the unit of Rifles you will be Commanding" she was about to say something else when the tannoy came to life.

"TROOP TRANSPORT NOW DOCKING" came the announcement, she looked at Karyn "Chief sort out the Lieutenant's Station Security permissions and such will you?" She asked.

"Yes, Commander" Somers replied.

Smithson then looked at the Officer "Those are 337 more Rifles that will be yours to command *looks at Karyn* add that into his briefing will you Chief, I have to go sort out these new arrivals" Smithson finished.

"Yes Sir" Karyn replied, as Smithson looked at Risum.

"Let's get to this Ms Somers, I'm ready for some Rack-Time," Reagan said as he glanced at his duffle still slung on his shoulder.

Lowering her hand with an earth native accent "yes Sir, so let us sort out your security clearance's for the station first, and I will brief you on your new Unit you will be taking command of" Karyn said.

She tapped in his details and pulled the rest from his service jacket, she always hated doing this as it was so tedious, but as a high security rated Starbase it had to be done after a short time she looked up "If you place your hand on this Padd Sir" she said holding out a Padd.

Reagan nodded and placed his hand on the Padd. The Padd's warmth sending a tingling sensation through his hand.
"Is there anything important I should know about my unit? Any trouble makers?"

As Karyn tapped in some command "you can remove your hand now Sir" she said then as she was finalizing the process she answered his questions. "There are no trouble makers Sir, there are currently 125 Rifles serving on the Tomcat, twelve of those are known as Bravo Unit, they all wear a white band like mine at the base of their shoulders, Bravo unit is led by a Major S'arila Donovan she is a unique being and currently the acting MCO she leads the twelve men and women of the Captain's guard. One-hundred and thirteen Rifles remain as part of Alpha unit, these will be directly under your command when you finally board the ship" she paused as she finished typing and an ID card and a code chip appeared in the replicator.

She looked up at him "the three hundred and thirty-seven Rifles arriving added to the one-hundred and thirteen already stationed on the Tomcat brings your command up to the total of four-hundred and fifty troops. Bravo Unit have the option to join in on unit activities, but will mainly work with security when not guarding the Captain" she paused as she developed a sad look on her face.

"Sadly due to the lack or weak MCOs those 133 Rifles have worked within the Security department on the Tomcat, and there has not been much need of late to use them in the field before I give you final information on your unit here is your ID card and code chit. TheId Card will only be worn on the ship when the Captain's requires it, on the station it is to be on display at all times when in uniform or on duty. Off duty it is to be carried at all times" she said handing him the ID card.

Reagan nodded as he took the ID card. "I know this is a classified base, is that the reasoning for the ID card? My other duty stations have never required anything like it before."

*nodding in response* "Okay, this chit contains all your Departmental clearance codes for both the Starbase and Tomcat, those are basic, you will need to speak to Major Donovan to get your actual ship side Department Head clearance codes, on that chit is your override code, memorise it, in fact memorise all of them and destroy that chit" Karyn said handing him the chit.

*takes the chit* "Memorise and destroy. Got it. Guess I'm also getting a crash course in spy-o-nomics." Reagan joked with a wry smile.

*simply shrugs* "Now on to the rest of the information on your command, do not forget your baggage sir" she begun as she came from around the desk "okay I will escort you to your temporary quarters, en-route I can finish briefing you" she added and she led the way out of security.

"As mentioned the current organisation of the Rifles on the Tomcat as such are tied with security I have said why, after you have spoken to Fleet Captain Somers she can fill in that which I missed you will need to speak to Major Donovan to get full MCO control. *pause* Those that are currently on the ship are all veterans from a mission the Tomcat did before I joined this area, if you are interested, ask about the Hydaransz system, a lot of the Captain's crew was lost there, that much loss leaves scars. *What you must know is the Captain is a former full bird Colonel and a RIfleman herself, she restarted the Rifles up, we are small in comparison, this is why it has taken till now to attain more troops for the Tomcat. You will be tasked with making the Rifles on the Tomcat a unit not tied in with security and able to operate as a semi-Independent unit within the ship". *pause*

"Your personal direct command senior will be the Chief Operations Officer a Lieutenant Jg Lamia Aderne, then the Second Officer Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill who is also the CMO, Commander Maia Sterling First Officer and Chief Science Officer and finally the Captain. Lieutenant Jg Cody Parker is Chief of Security and will be able to liaise with you should he need extra security, most of the crew does double duty stations. That is about all I can speak of where your new unit and certain officers are concerned, the rest you will need to speak to the Captain and the acting MCO" she paused to allow him to absorb what she said.

They walked past the ground Promenade level and made for the nearest turbo lift, as they approached the doors opened and both entered, as the doors closed "accommodation level" she said and the lift shakily began to move to cause her to sigh "damn gremlins!" she added.

"You can tell that the base is still under construction." Reagan said with a chuckle, "How much longer until the base is fully operational?"

*laughing lightly* "yeah, completion of this base, well the outside is complete, it is the internals that is taking longer to do, but the base is Semi-Operational now, eta on fully operational around this time next year. Then there is the long process for clearances for those who will be operating out here, both civilian and service personnel. Sometimes I think it would be easier if the Starbase was given a general classification and not kept classified. In time the only civilian's that will be here are those cleared to be here and their immediate families, all the rest will be service personnel" Karyn said as the lift began moving again.

*long pause*

"When you meet the Captain in her Ready Room, you may notice the wall decorations behind her desk, angled to the left is the 95th Regimental Campaign banner and leaning to the right is the Federation banner and above and in between is the 95th crest which is the Rifle Bugle with 95 surrounded by a laurel wreath and in the middle at the bottom of the wreath super-imposed are the two Phaser rifles, above that the Federation logo and wreath with crossed rifles superimposed on top of it. It is kind of hard to describe what it looks like, as one has to see it first" she added.

Reagan nodded, "I look forward to seeing it. I enjoy learning a bit more about history, especially of the units I am part of."

*smiling* oO if this guy was my type I would go for him Oo she thought to herself, but he was not her "type" and she led out of the turbo lift and onto the accommodation level, she paused a moment to allow him to make sure he had his stuff.

Reagan double-checked his duffel and situated it on his shoulder, "What's next?"

"Let's see, Commander Smithson has given you the tour, you have your Security clearances, now it is to your temporary quarters, then your time is your own until the Tomcat returns. Should you need any information myself, Sergeant Major Kildare will be on hand to answer any further questions you may have on the new unit you are going to command" Karyn said as they walked down the corridor and rounded the corner and approached a closed door.

Karyn pressed a hand to the buzzer and the door opened, she stepped in and waited for Risum to follow her into the room.

Reagan nodded as he fell in line behind the Chief and said, "To my temp quarters then."

"Actually, these quarters are available for permanent habitation, so if you want to claim them as your permanent Starbase quarters then feel free to do so, you will be mostly on the ship, but it is always nice to come home to a place where you can leave more stuff" Karyn said as she showed the Lieutenant around "this is the main lounge area, through the door to the left is the refresher station, the one to the right is the sleeping room and that door at the back is the food prep area" she said.

Reagan nodded, "I think I'll put in the request to keep this as a permanent base quarter. Is there anything else Chief? I'd like to freshen up and get settled before the Tomcat comes in."

*shakes head* "nothing further Sir, if you are claiming these quarters put the request in with Supply Department, do you have any final questions for me?" Karyn asked as she stood in the doorway that opened automatically as she stood in the range of its sensors.

Reagan shook his head, "Negative Chief. I have no other questions." With that, he snapped to attention and saluted the Chief Warrant Officer.

Snapping to attention Karyn returned the salute "welcome to the Mira Sector Sir" she said then left the room leaving the Lieutenant to sort out his stuff.


1st Lieutenant Reagan Risum
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Samantha Smithson [P: Somers]
Starbase 51 Chief of Security

CWO1 Karyn Somers [P: Somers]
Station Warrant Officer 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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