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Therapy Part #2

Posted on 25 Oct 2019 @ 11:18am by Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare

1,517 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various/SB51
Timeline: Current


- 1730 to 1750 hours -

Later on, after Kildare had returned to his quarters to change out of his uniform and into some civilian attire ready for his date with Mia. When he was satisfied that he was ready he headed straight to Mia's quarters it took him twenty minutes to get there, as he stopped outside and straightened up and tugged his jacket down and then pressed the buzzer to Lamia's door.

Greeting Chris at the door Lamia looked stunning in the red knee-length she was wearing, her hair left long. "Hi again handsome, ready to go to dinner?"

Smiling like the cat that got the cream "Yes, I am, I have to say, you look absolutely stunning" he said feeling a little plain in his latest style outfit as he held his arm out in a crooked fashion allowing her to hook her arm through his "shall we?" he asked.

Mia nodded and took her lover's arm. "I might not have seemed very...appreciative of what you did for me earlier Chris. I needed to get that anger out and you knew exactly how to get me to do it. oO Even if I did feel like a monster doing it. Oo I just...want to say thank you." She offered a warm smile. "I'll admit I do feel nervous about being out in a public place after everything that's happened, but I know a lot of that is based on my own fears of what people will think of me."

"No one outside the Tomcat and those involved will know what you went through and I think Lieutenants Dodd and Walon will not say a thing and I know you will tell me the full story when you are ready and people will only see what you want them to see and when they see you now they will be as awestruck at your beauty as I am" he said with a compassionate smile as they exited the room.

Lamia blushed, she wasn't used to such compliments. "Whatever did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as you, Chris?" She offered the first full-on proper smile since her ordeal. "I feel so lucky to have you! I don't know what I'd do without you, to be honest."

With humour "neither do I" he said and laughed gently "I am lucky to find someone like you too" he added.

"Even if I am 'damaged goods' so-to-speak." She bowed her head as she said it a small spark of the anger she had bottled before returning.

I do not believe that you are damaged goods, you have had an experience that was unwarranted and unwanted, it was not your fault" Chris said as they approached the restaurant finally and entered, the Matre'd waved them in when he saw the pair and escorted them to their table, Kildare pulled out the chair and did the gentlemanly thing as the Matre'd handed him the menus "Thank you" he said as he sat after pushing her chair under the table.

“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t be so negative.” She offered a warmer smile as Chris handed her a menu. “What would you recommend for dinner? I’m not sure what to...err...” Her attention was drawn to some other arrivals as a young couple passed the table complete with their baby. “What to...order.” She looked back at Chris doing her best not to get too distracted.

Kildare noticed where she looked and felt a pang, but hid it well, it seemed that the young couple with a baby was bringing up memories in Mia, he now gave her all his attention. "You know I do not even know if you eat meat!" he said glancing at the menu.

"I err..." She looked back at the menu. "Yes, I do eat meat. I don't mind what kind." Her eyes moved back to the young couple then back to Kildare. "Chris I...I wanted my baby! As much as I tried not to want it, I did." She wiped away a few tears that ran down her cheeks. "I want to be a mother."

*smiling compassionately* "I know, but you must try to move on, for I am sure you will have another one day, take things one day at a time and all will be well. Now, how do a braised steak dinner and some white wine sound to you?" He asked.

She took a deep calming breath and offered a smile. "I think that sounds wonderful." She gently moved her hand across the table and placed it on his. "Thank you for being my rock Chris, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Taking her hand in response "my pleasure" he said with a smile as a waitress came over "two services of number four and two flute glasses and a bottle of white wine please" he said to the waitress who gave him a nice smile and went to go place his order.

Looking back at her, "hope the white wine will be ok?"

Lamia nodded. "It'll be fine as long as you don't let me drink too much, otherwise you'll be carrying me home!" She grinned the first proper grin since she'd gotten back. "Chris I...I need to tell you what happened, just not here. I need to talk about it, get it all out of my head."

"Smiling* "It would be no chore to carry you home *pause* okay we can talk after we return home," he said and sat back as their food arrived along with their wine, the plates were placed in front of them and the wine was in a cooler of ice when the waitress had left he looked at her "Bon Appetite" he said with a smile.

*Smiling* "Thank you Imzadi." She paused to enjoy the aroma of her food before tucking in. She wanted to literally savour every bite and enjoy it like it was her last meal. She wasn't at the slaver camp a really long time but she's certainly lost weight due to the food slaves were fed. "This is...amazing!!" She only realised she was eating like it was her last meal when she compared her plate to Chris' plate and saw his much she'd eaten compared to him. "

*raised curious eyebrow* "slow down, no one is going to take it from you and add to that you will give yourself indigestion," he said sounding a bit concerned as he gently placed his hands on hers to stop her and have her slow down.

*looking guilty* "Sorry! I haven't eaten a decent meal in a while. Slaves were only fed what was necessary to keep them alive." She sat back in her seat to let the food she'd already eaten go down. "What have I become Chris!? Now I'm treating my food like it's something I'll never have again!!"

*looking very concerned* "from my limited experience, winning against ones anger is only one obstacle to overcome, this food one is just another to overcome" he said and paused "you are back in the Federation now so the chances of the food not being there are zip" he added oO what the hell did she go through over there!? Oo he asked himself.

“I know...I’m sorry!” She offered a smile. “Let’s finish eating and I promise I’ll take it slower this time.” She almost cringed as the baby brought in by the young couple earlier started to cry. It was pulling every heartstring she had. Eating her food slower this time she finished what she had. “Chris...can we eat dessert at home? I...I can’t sit here any longer!” The tears in her eyes at the sound of the baby said how hard she was finding it.

Finishing off his own meal he had not missed her glances over at the young couple with a baby, it was painful for her it seemed "not a problem" he said and called the Matre'd over. "can you wrap the desserts to go please, my partner is not feeling good?" he asked.

The Matre'd nodded and left to sort it out, Chris stood up and offered his hand to Mia "Ready?" He asked.

Mia nodded and took Chris' hand, pausing just long enough to give the young couple and their baby a brief smile. oO They're so lucky! Oo She turned back to Chris as they waited for their desserts to go. "I hope I haven't spoiled this for you?"

The Matre'd put boxed desserts on the counter as the pair approached him and Chris paid for the meal and tipped him an extra strip of Latinum and picking up the containers, he gave him a smile and a farewell nod and both left the restaurant.

The pair made for the nearest turbo lift and entered it "level 25" Kildare said when the doors closed and they were whisked to their destination.


Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
Drill Sergeant 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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