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Captives 7 Part 2

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 @ 3:27pm by Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign Angelica Wright & Lieutenant JG Doya Emja & 2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin
Edited on on 23 Oct 2019 @ 4:47am

2,424 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: S03 Ep 01: Family Of Slaves (incidentals)
Location: Slaver Camp/USS Tomcat
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 19.1
Tags: Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


((Trigger Warning: Trouble pregnancy))

Aldana pressed hir ear to the tripod woman’s impregnated belly. Meanwhile, s/he took her wrist gently to test her pulse too, and also to use its rhyme to better mentally screen that out and detect another, smaller one. Nothing. The fetus’ heart wasn’t beating. Hir best guess at the moment was it had self-aborted but rather than being reabsorbed it was just sitting in Enderi’s womb decaying.

((End Trigger Warning))

Aldana lowered Enderi’s top back over her belly. “Thank you. Let’s continue to check on your health, shall we?”

The Edosian female nodded.

Aldana had already taken her pulse, it had been erratic. S/he pressed the back of hir left hand to her forehead, it was hot. “I need to listen to your lungs.”

“Enderi, you were on the Liberty? How did they grab you?” Serina asked softly.

Enderi the Edosian female explained the story of her capture weakly.

Enderi leaned forward and lifted the back of her shirt. She was starting to figure out the pattern.

Aldana pressed hir ear to the middle of her back. “Deep breaths.”

Enderi took deep even breaths but soon began to cough.

“Aldana that is a nasty cough she has. I wonder how she caught it?” Serina said.

Jol'an came to the holding cells.

“I thought I told you to clean them up and see to their medical needs,” Jol'an said angrily.

“Yes, My Lord Prelate” the aid scurried away.

The Prelate turned to the guests/captives.

“My name is Bashar Jol'an, I am the Prelate of Thorion IV. I am here to inform you that you will be returned to your ships within the hour. Please consider yourselves guests of the Orion colonies I apologize for how you’ve been treated. You only came to our attention recently. Is there anything we can provide you with while you wait?” The Prelate asked.

“I am LT.j.g. Davidson a nurse on the Tomcat. This is Dr Aldana, we have people with medical situations and would greatly appreciate it if you let us use your Sickbay to treat them Prelate Jol'an.”

“Yes, Of course, Lieutenant Davidson.”

=/\= This is Prelate Jo'lan I need EMT’s down to the cargo deck now! We have injured here. =/\=

Moments later the injured were removed to sickbay and treated.

“Are there any other requests,” Jol'an asked.

Just as his question was asked both Lamia and Iria appeared escorted back to the cells by guards who’d caught up to them in the hallway. Lamia looked at Iria then at Jol'an. “What’s going on?”

Iria was still trying to get loose from the guards holding her, she remembered vividly that last time she had been “Cleaned up.” She shook her head defiantly at the guards and the supposed Prelate, “Haven’t seen him before and I don’t trust any of their intentions!”

“You young lady, as well as your shipmates, will soon be returned to your ship. You are on the Orion starbase orbiting Thorion IV. You were captured illegally and will soon be returned to your people.” Jol'an said.

“Returned…” Lamia wasn’t sure if she wanted to believe that was true in case it didn’t happen.

Looking at Jol'an, “We are to be released after all this was done to us? How are we to live with all this once we go home? Why was this done to us?” Serina cried out. Livid and in pain which was the only reason that kept her from getting to her feet.

“You were captured by pirates associated with the Orion Syndicate. They sought to bring you here to sell you. We have recently ousted the Syndicate from power and banished them from this system.” He paused and added “The pirates who captured you are now fugitives. If they come to this system, they will be fired upon” Jol'an replied.

oO I am sensing a trick is about to happen but not sure on who. Oo Dodd thought to himself about the Edosian thoughts he was picked upon. While he did not mean to read the mind of this Edosian, he was still able to sense the random thoughts coming from a strong mind of an Edosain who was somehow not sensed before.

Doctor Aldana wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Truth be told s/he’d not been feeling like hirself for quite some time now, but since there were others to care for, hir needs had fallen at the wayside. S/he’d felt somewhat relieved no one else seemed to either not notice, or not cared.

The doctor crossed over to the bars and addressed Jo'lan, “If we’re your guests what are we still doing in these cells, how about some proper quarters. Also, you’re holding an Orion here, Pawn, he was in the first cell I was in before I was transferred here. Where is he?”

“I would have proper quarters assigned to you except you won’t be here long enough to use them. This is not a prison its merely a waiting area until your people get here.” Jol'an replied to Doctor Aldana.

“…and Pawn?” Aldana prodded. “Where is he?”

“I had ordered your entire party freed. He may be getting cleaned up I will have Pawn returned to you forthwith.” Prelate Jol'an stated.

“Pawn was in the first cell I was in he brought in a lizard-like quadruped that was meant for Sombra, and he was supposed to seduce me. He mentioned something about being one of the experiments?”

“I know the syndicate performs many experiments that aren’t natural. We don’t perform experiments on guests. I will have Pawn returned to you before you leave.” Jol'an replied.

Aldana smiled; s/he would be keeping hir promise after all.

Meanwhile, the female Edosian lay on the cell bed waiting for the doctor. She was still in slight pain, but she’d refused to be manhandled again by the Orion guards, and so remained. She’d felt the Federation doctor was so nice, she only wanted to be treated by them.

The Prelate’s EMTs arrived and took the sick and injured to his sickbay for treatment.

As the Orion EMTs came for Enderi, she panicked. She was not going to be taken by them again – them and their accursed experiments – “N-noo…aack!” They’d taken ahold of hir and were just lifting her away when she went into a fit of coughing, coughing up blood. Enderi convulsed one last time and expired from the Dramia II plague which had been killing her. A condition is exclusive to Edosians and related species.

As the EMTs were forced to set her down due to the sudden dead weight, Aldana went to her. “No, we have a vaccine for that back on the ship, if only she’d held on just a little longer.”

“I am sorry. This is most regrettable,” Jol'an said.

Dodd was being treated in the medical center for effects he has suffered due to exposure to the pheromones in extra strength form. He was sensing that maybe what was first thought to be a trick is for real a rescue. Now if he could be sure that all would be over sooner than later, he could then get some time to unwind with his Imzadi.

Dodd was picking up on thoughts of all around him and everyone was starting to have positive feelings and such. oO I will only believe it when Walon and I are back on board the Tomcat. Oo Dodd thought to himself.

Goodwin, Wright and Doya were starting to feel the relief of being able to get out of this camp. Doya had the hardest time of all the girls with her alterations. Doya did not even know how she would able to move onward with her new appearance. So much was done to her that it would be painful to attempt to restore her to her old self. Goodwin and Wright were unaltered with the exception that they had been injected with pheromones implants to entice the males. Luckily that would be easy to have the implants removed.

Lamia too had joined the others in the medical centre, with everything that had gone on it was all too much to take in and it wasn’t long before everything took its toll and she lapsed into an unconscious state.

Dodd was well enough to notice Lamia and so he moved to her side. He was worried as she was pregnant, and he did not know what happens to her since her thoughts stopped. He knew she was still alive. He was only concerned because this ordeal was not something any one of them deserved and he knew she was a fighter and would not want to go out here and now.

Iria had not given an inch as the guards dragged her into the Orion station medical facility again. She was still twisting and turning in their hands, but she stopped struggling at seeing Remy standing on his own feet and glanced at Lamia who appeared unconscious. She shot a look around the room for the rest of those she knew had been taken.

Serina was scrunched in the fetal position from the cramps in her belly. They hurt like hell. The only thing that kept her conscious was the thought of going back to the ship and John.

Aldana went to hir friend. “Forgive my forwardness…” S/he pressed hir hands against Serina’s rather large belly feeling for the position of the baby. S/he closed hir eyes as s/he felt about; this helped hir focus and direct hir senses toward hir touch. Then s/he discovered the head. “Your baby’s beginning to turn.”

“Oh god it hurts!” she groaned as Aldana felt her bulging abdomen.

Then Doctor Aldana hesitated… “…wait… there’s another head over here…”

Serina almost fainted. “T-two heads? Oh my god, twins! What will I do with twins? One, yes, but two……oh god!” she said as she started to cry.

Iria hissed aloud at the sight of one of the Orion women in the room as she held out her hand and Iria’s engagement ring from Remy was in her palm still on the chain it had been on from around the other Orion woman’s throat who’d taken it from Iria. “We found this in a room with some of the records of what had been done to alter your crew. We will give everything to your Captain as a gesture of goodwill.”

Iria still didn’t trust them farther than she could kick them but at least most of them were together. There was one bed that had a sheet over it she raised her ginger hued brows, “Who is that?”

The Nurse shook her head, “The record said his name was Tavrein Jolsla, from your security teams, he had tried to fight with guards before being killed in an altercation.”

Iria frowned slightly she remembered the name but hadn’t spoken to him in a while, he had been having issues with some of the crew making veiled comments about his loyalty because he was a Romulan. She would have to check his file to know who his family was.

Iria glanced at the guards as they let her go since she had stopped struggling, she walked over to a chair and sat down looking at each person in turn her gaze stopping on Remy at Lamia’s bedside…

The Nurse Iria had spoken to walked over and set the ring and chain beside the petite redhead with a smile that could have meant anything but Iria didn’t return it she looked at the ring as tears started flowing down her cheeks…

Dodd felt Walton's presence, so he looked around and saw her. She was off to the side of the room and crying. He got up and rushed over to his beloved Iria and knelt and hugged her for all of his life. He was happy she was alright, and he knew she was feeling jealousy and some betrayal. But he knew in time that all things between them would work themselves out.

Half an hour later Jol'an was informed that the Tomcat was within transporter range and holding station.

“Prepare to be beamed back to your ship.” The Prelate said to the weary captives.

Meanwhile, the captives were being sorted based upon affiliations, so all that was Federation/Starfleet personnel were being grouped.

The ones in the direst need of medical attention were being beamed away. When the time come those that were left were then all escorted to the transporter bay.

Goodwin and Wright were also sedated to help get the effects of the pheromone implants out of their bodies as well as having their systems flushed from all they had undergone. Doya was not the same and thus had been placed in a medically induced coma until they can give her the proper medical attention. There was not much they could do without causing Doya more pain in reversing what the Orions had done to her.

Serina was beamed directly to sickbay with Doctor Aldana – along with Sombra of course – as s/he had just told her she was going to have twins.

Dodd was one of the last to be beamed away from the camps. He was hoping that this was over at last. He stepped into the transporter and awoke to find himself back on the Tomcat. He was then escorted to sickbay where he would be put in a sedated state until his body could be flushed of the effects of the Orion pheromones.


Commander Maia Sterling - For Prelate Jol'an [NPC]
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

2nd Lieutenant Jennifer Goodwin [P: Dodd]
Marine Officer

Ensign Doya Emja [P: Dodd]
Damage Control Specialist

Ensign Angelica Wright [P: Dodd]
Flight Control Officer

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Service Animal to ACMO

Pawn (NPC: Dodd)
Orion Slaver/Science Experiment

Enderi (One-Shot NPC: Amiri)
Edosian Liaison
U.S.S. Liberty.


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