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The Birth of the Twins and What Happened After

Posted on 23 Oct 2019 @ 5:50am by Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Lieutenant JG K'Rin "Tiger" C'Tinu
Edited on on 01 Nov 2019 @ 7:10pm

986 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Serina was in full labour when she was beamed into sickbay and not a moment too soon either. John came flying through the doors of sickbay and skidded to a full stop in front of Dr Soran.

“Dr Soran, Serina, ho….how is she? Is she alive?”, John stammered. He looked at Soran with pleading eyes. John was scared not only for her but for the babies she carried. Whatever they did to her he swore he was going to get his revenge. Looking to Serina, “Hang on hun…..hang on. I am here with you my love always,” he said softly into her ear.

Serina looked up at him with a pained look, “John I am so sorry…….I am so sorry. I didn’t want this. The things they did hurt me and I didn’t want this. I wanted us to have children. Not this way…..I am so sorry John……,” she said as the contraction hit her again.

“Shhhhh……. It is ok Serina, I understand you couldn't help it. They forced this on you and there was nothing you could do to fight back. I know if you did try to fight back you would have probably been killed. I am just glad to have you back in my arms again alive. I don’t care what they did or what the outcome of this is. I love you Serina and I want you to be my wife. I forgive you, my love. Hang in there honey and just let Dr.Soran do her job. We can make it work,” John said, as his tears fell hearing Serina scream in pain.

“Put her under quickly I have to get the babies out of her before they tear her apart inside. I don’t want to lose her and lose the ability for her to have children later in life. I have to get this done now or we will lose all three John. Please go have a seat or better yet go to the lounge. I will tell you when it is time to come see her. She will be alright I promise,” Dr Soran said ushering John out of the sickbay. As they wheeled Serina into surgery more of the other pregnant mothers started to go into labour and the sickbay was getting busy.

One Hour Later...

Serina was resting quietly on the biobed while Dr Soran waited for her to come around. She didn’t want to rush her back into consciousness to fast. It wouldn't be good for her traumatic body to come around too fast. What they did to her was unbelievable. She didn’t know how or what they gave Serina or the rest of the women but this artificial insemination and then the accelerated growth drug almost killed Serina. No one knew she was going to have twins until Dr Aldana did a physical and discovered she was with twins. It was a good thing that the Orions released them to the Tomcat before they gave birth. The natural birthing process would have been a disaster in Serina’s case. Cesarean section was the only way to save all three.

Serina moaned, “Oh….oh….what happened? The BABIES!!!!! Where are they? Are they alive? What have you done with them?” she screamed!

“Easy Serina…..Easy hun….the babies are safe. They are in the nursery and healthy and so are you, I might add. Fully developed in spite of what they did to you. You should be proud to be their mother. I know I would. John is anxious to see them and you too. Can I get him?” Dr Soran asked her.

“Yes get him…...he must be upset at me. Please get him, doctor,” Serina said.

“I will get him. Now you just relax ok Serina,” Soran said.

Tapping her combadge, =/\= Soran to Martinson, Serina is awake and asking for you =/\= she said. Soran hadn’t finished turning around when John slid into sickbay stopping in front of Serina. Soran looked at the huffing and puffing pilot and moved off shaking her head. oO Love! Those two were made for each other.Oo Soran thought to herself. It was true, however. Serina and John were going out with each other for a good two years before they came to the Tomcat. For him to still want her and now accept two babies as his own was a testament to his love for her. oO I wish I had a man of that calibre.Oo Soran thought as she watched them from the door of sickbay.

“Serina, how do you feel? Where are our babies?” he asked quickly.

“John they are in the nursery and I am just fine. You said our babies…….does that mean……..wait you proposed to me before I went into surgery,” she said, looking at him with a blank expression.

“Yeah I did Serina and I meant every word I said too. Would you be my wife?” he asked her again. John was suddenly holding an engagement ring in his right hand.

“Oh my god, you do mean it, in spite all of what happened you still want to marry me? Oh my god Yes, John, I want to marry you and be your wife!!!,” she said happily. Serina was so relieved that she started to cry tears of joy, not sadness.

“I guess we better tell the captain then. We will work out the details while we are headed back to SB51,” John said quietly kissing Serina on the lips. “Now to see our children Serina, but when you can get out of bed and not before. We will see them together and not apart from my soon to be wife,” John said holding Serina’s hand.


Lt. Jg. Serina "Reaper" Donovan

Lt. Jg. John "Sickle" Martinson
Wing Commander

Lt. Janice Soran MD (NPC Lynda)


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