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Therapy, Part 3

Posted on 08 Nov 2019 @ 2:58pm by Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare

1,996 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Directly after Part 2


They finally arrived at his quarters, he opened the door and allowed Mia to enter first, as the door closed behind them he went straight to the food prep area and got their desserts ready.

Walking into Kildare's quarters Lamia made her way over to the sofa and slumped down in a seat. "I'm sorry Chris! I hope I didn't spoil dinner for you?" She rested her head in her hands. "I couldn't sit there listening to that baby cry!! Not after losing mine!"

Putting the desserts onto plates at his food prep area he walked over and offered her dessert "what we would have eaten in the restaurant, and you did not spoil anything" he said putting his plate on the table after Mia took hers. He returned to the replicator "water chilled *paused and looked at Mia* what do you want to drink?" he asked.

"The same please" She offered a smile trying to relax more now they were home together. "These desserts do look delicious." She picked up a plate waiting for him to come and sit down before eating.

"Two chilled drinks of water" he said and when they appeared he took them over and offered her one, as he sat, he took a sip and picked up his dessert and took a bit "Mmm, that is nice *pauses* okay what exactly has been bothering you, I have noticed you were forlornly looking at a young couple and their baby?" He asked.

"What has been bothering me!?" She looked at Kildare in surprise. "What do you think Chris! I lost a baby!! Granted she wasn't one I was planning but she grew inside me...she was part of me!! "I...wanted her!" She buried her head in her hands. "Why? Why did they have to choose me!?"

*blushing* "Sorry," he said putting his arm around her "I cannot know what you are feeling beyond what you say as I have never been in your position, I can only be here for you and sympathize, as for why you, I cannot say Slavers are not known for being picky they just take what they want and go" he said oO dunderhead!! Oo he chided himself at the lapse in memory he sat back when she did arm still around her.

Sitting back in her seat she took a deep breath. "After we were taken, I don't know how long it was in-between but I woke up in a cell. I was wearing a flimsy piece of clothing that barely covered anything! They took us...the female slaves and them..." She paused. "They stripped us...just to show us off!!"

He was looking at her trying to imagine her in something flimsy and failing "from what we know of the Slavers if they take really pretty captives, they usually like to dress them in more appealing attire and try to sell them for more, still wondering why the Slavers think that they can take anyone they want *pause* but please continue" he said.

Lamia nodded. "When I got back I was thrown in with Dodd before they took him away, the guard he...came back and he..." She paused. "He assaulted me!!" Her hands were clenched so tight her skin was turning white.

For the first time in his long career, Chris was at a loss for words, what she described as barbaric and totally disgusting and immoral *gently placed his other hand on hers* "that is terrible, now I understand how you reacted on the holodeck" he commented still knocked back by what she had described.

*Wiping away tears* "When they brought Dodd back he tried to comfort me, that's when we found out that they did something to me. It made me emit a pheromone and neither of us could stop!!" She looked him in the eyes. "I would NEVER betray you, Chris!!" She buried her head in his chest letting out the pain she'd buried this far.

*emotion bubbling up* "I know," he said with a forgiving smile as he looked down at her, before she buried her head in his chest, he just put his arms around her and held her as she wept. oO Orion Slavers, they only concern themselves with the bottom line, slavery is barbaric Oo he thought to himself, he was here to listen and comfort her so he worked to her time table.

As she calmed herself down Lamia remained cuddled up on his chest feeling safe in his embrace. "They...sent in another slave to breed with me but Dodd saved me! They...we're going to sell us all to someone as a breeding group!! If we hadn't been rescued when we had..." She looked up at him. "I'd never have seen you again Chris!!"

His gut felt it was doing jumping jacks "I would have found a way of finding you again Mia and I'm grateful to Lieutenant Dodd for coming to your aid in recent events. As heinous as Slavery is I understand why the Orion Slavers think like they do and do what they do, to them it is their way of life, I do not subscribe to this and I think it is barbaric and something that should be removed from the galaxy, but it will take a long time for Orion system to change, sadly" he responded. "Want a drink? I think I have some real booze tucked away" he asked her.

Lamia nodded. "Just don't let me have too much..." She offered a brief smile. "It doesn't agree with Betazoids, we get easily drunk!"

*Mischievous twinkle in his eyes* "okay *untangles himself and stands* how does some Romulan Ale sound?" He asked.

"Sounds good" She nodded as she took a deep breath to calm her frayed nerves somewhat. "All I want right now is to enjoy some time with you!" She gave him the warmest smile yet.

*returning the smile as he stood up* "will just be a moment" he said and headed to the food prep area where he opened a hidden compartment and pulled out one of two bottles of Romulan Ale, sealing the compartment up again he got two glasses and returned to the sofa and sat then placed two glasses on the coffee table and opened the bottle and poured the drinks for them.

"Computer display holoscreen and play film," he said as he handed her a filled glass "time for one of those movies we said we would have" he added as the various warnings have begun to play "this film is from the 1990s, it is a RomCom and has some humour in it, never seen it myself, but read the old write-ups about it and it said that it was good and did well in what used to be known as the Box Office" he finished.

"RomCom?" Mia looked at Chris curiously. "Sorry, I'm not familiar with the term?"

*Looking at her* "Sorry a human archaic term for Romantic Comedy, I have never seen it before, so I cannot tell you what happens and I hope you will like it!" Chris responded as he sat back and put his arm behind Mia, should she want to snuggle up to him.

"It sounds like fun!" She offered a warmer smile and it took no asking for her to snuggle up with him. Right now the only person she did want to be touched by was Chris. "There's something I have been wanting to do." She gently leant forward and gave him a loving kiss.

*returns the kiss* oO is she implying what I think she is doing? Oo he asked himself as they shared a kiss that lingered after breaking the kiss "let's see how this film is, we have plenty of time for that *he said with a smile* oO could she still have lingering effects of the chemicals they pumped into her? Oo he asked himself as she was affecting him.

Lamia nodded wondering if she was pushing things too fast after everything that had happened to her. oO What if Chris doesn’t feel that way towards me now? Oo was the lingering thought in the back of her mind. oO What if he never wants to make love to me again? Oo She sat quiet mulling over her thoughts.

*sensing something wrong, but deciding to drop the matter* "computer play film" he said as the film started playing "this film is called sleepless in Seattle, I have never seen it, so do not go asking for spoilers *pause* on all other subjects there is plenty of time and I am not going anywhere" he said and planted a gentle kiss on top of her head.

Mia cuddled up as they watched the movie if anything it just made her wonder more if Chris would still want to touch her after what had happened to her. She eventually sat up and looked at him. “Chris do you...still find me...” She paused. “What I mean is...” She paused uncertainly how to ask.

*eyes widen in surprise* he looked down into her eyes, "do I think different of you? or do I still find you attractive?" he asked honestly.

Lamia looked up at him. "Both, I guess. I'm sorry its a stupid question! I just..." She shook her head and sat up. "I want to go in that bedroom and make love to you like there's no tomorrow but I don't feel like I deserve to!! Before all this, all I could think about was getting back here to you, but you deserve so much more." She gently reached out a hand and rested it against his cheek. " I do love you, very much. "

"That would be no on both accounts, but I will admit the residual pheromones you are putting out is making things a little difficult to concentrate, as a gentleman I am trying to be respectful of what you went through, thus giving you time to recover, but the red-blooded male is saying otherwise and I do love you too, you are the first woman in my adult life who I said that to" he said using all his self-control, whatever the Orion's had put into her blood-stream was potent, even now. He suddenly understood how they had Dodd do what he did, or more precisely what all the males were forced to do, the anger at the Orions assisted in his self-control. "You do not need to earn the right, you are a sentient and thinking person who has been through a huge trauma, but I do not think less of you" he added.

Lamia smiled in relief. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t doubt you. I can feel how you feel.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I didn’t know I was still giving off pheromones, I guess that means that I’m going to have to speak to Doctor Cahill about getting a hypo when my cycle is at its highest.”

*shrugs* as there was nothing he felt that he could say to that, but he suspected that the movie was going to be neglected, somehow, something told him this was going to happen.

“I meant what I said Chris” Lamia smiled more warmly as she moved to cuddle up more. “I want to make love with you, I want to feel special...” she kissed him again but this time it was a whole lot more passionate. “Please...”

Returning the passionate kiss, oO okay forget the film Oo he thought to himself and broke the kiss "film off" he said and swooped Mia up and headed to the bedroom.

Mia wrapped her arms around Chris’ neck and held on, smiling as they headed to where she wanted to be. Making love with the man who meant the universe to her.


Lieutenant JG Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
Drill Sergeant 95th Rifles
Starbase 51


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