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Meeting the new MCO

Posted on 24 Jan 2020 @ 12:38pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Major S'arila Donovan & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & 1st Lieutenant Reagan Risum

2,280 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Various all on the Tomcat
Timeline: After We Are Home Post


- CRR Tomcat -

Jasmine had delayed her disembarkation to deal with a new crewmember, a new Department Head to be exact someone to command her Rifles, she called her Yeoman in as she had a task for her.

"Ah Lucy, I have a job for you!" Jasmine began.

Walking into the CRR with a friendly smile Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage a half Human/Bajoran NCO enters "yes Captain, what is it?" Armitage asked as she tucked her blonde hair behind her left ear.

*hands Lucy a Padd* "On this Padd is the location of First Lieutenant Risum, our new MCO, I want you to escort him to my Ready Room, also on that Padd is proof that I sent you, it is the time I met our new MCO, so off you go Lucy please" Jasmine said with a smile.

*returns the smile* Lucy had been with the Tomcat for over nine years, so she had developed a working relationship with her Captain, even if Lucy did find her Captain attractive she was off bounds. So leaving the CRR Lucy headed out on a direct route for Lieutenant Risums Starbase quarters.

- Risum's Starbase Quarters -

After a long walk and three turbo lift rides Lucy arrived at the corridor and level the Lieutenant was on, she straightened up her tunic and stepped out of the lift and walked down the corridor and stopped outside the door and pressed the annunciator.

Reagan had been going over technical details and past reports about the Tomcat and her recent missions when the chime rang through.

"Enter," he said in a clear voice to be heard through the hatch.

Upon clearance, Lucy entered his quarters "Lieutenant Risum Sir? While phrased as a question, it was clear Lucy knew who he was.

"I am Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage, I am Fleet Captain Somers Yeoman and I have come to escort you to see her," the Bajoran female said.

Reagan nodded, "Master Chief. Can I assume the Captain wishes to see me?" oO Nose ridges, a Bajoran if I'm not mistaken. Oo

*rolls eyes* oO what is he dumb?! Oo she asked herself in response to his response, she had to hide a smile "I do believe that I have mentioned as much, yes, she does and she sent me here to escort you to her" Armitage said.

Reagan flushed with slight embarrassment, "Sorry Master Chief, you did indeed mention as much." He rubbed the bridge of his nose and it's slight ridge-line and sighed, "It's been a bit of a long day already. But that isn't an excuse. Lead the way."

"Not to worry Sir, we have all done it, you should have seen some of the things I said when I first arrived on the Tomcat, trust me this is nothing," Lucy said with a smile "Now if you follow me please Sir I will take you to see Captain Somers," Armitage said and led the way to the docking ring.

Reagan nodded and followed the Master Chief.

As they were walking down the corridor "So Lieutenant, I have no doubt you have been asked this, but do you have any questions about your new CO? You will find that I will be able to answer them better than the Security Chief or Marine Liaison on this Starbase" She asked.

Reagan thought for a second and then shook his head, "Not that I can think of Master Chief. But I will welcome all information you wish to pass on."

*smiles as they head to the nearest turbo-lift* "well she was the one who reactivated the 95th Rifles and brought them up to operational level, back when she was a full Colonel years ago, yes she was a marine herself who was forced to change to Fleet so when you meet her to remember she too was a marine" Armitage pauses as they both enter the lift when the doors close "arrivals" she said, "any questions so far Sir?" Lucy added.

Reagan shook his head, "No Master Chief, none yet."

*smiles at him* "Okay, she is easy going but can be firm when it is required, but she is not your traditional Starfleet Captain, as, for her Ready Room, you will find it set out in a more marine style setup with items on the wall behind her desk. *remembers as she speaks* On the wall directly behind her are two flags, one that leans left as you look at it is the Federation Flag, the one that leans to the right is the 95th Rifle Regimental colours with a list of theatres of conflict the Rifles took part in. In the middle is the 95th emblem and the Rifles Bugle and it is superimposed over two crossed rifles with 95th in the lower middle of the crossed rifles and a little further to the right slightly hidden behind the Regimental colours is a memorial plaque with the words Celer et Audax in ancient Latin which translates as Swift and Bold above that is a list of those who have fallen in battle. *pauses* "I think the MCO office on the Tomcat has the same, but no plaque just the rest" she paused and waited to see if the Lieutenant would say something "the Captain will expect questions, so get used to asking them," she said giving him the opening.

Reagan nods, "I have got a few things to set up in my office, but regimental colours and what not will stay the same."

- CRR/Outside CRR -

With a simple smile, Armitage remained silent for the rest of the way until they arrived outside the CRR, when she turned to him "Lieutenant, while you were reluctant to ask questions with me, I will give you a heads up, the Captain will expect you to ask some questions" she said and pressed the button to alert the Captain that the new MCO was finally here.

Reagan nodded, "I'm sure I can come up with a question or two."

Jasmine was sitting at her desk and behind her was the exact setup that would be described to new arrivals when her terminal light flashed an alert, she pressed the reply button back.

Outside Lucy saw the reply, "you can go right in Lieutenant" she said.

"Thank you, Master Chief," Reagan said as he stepped through the hatch and snapped to attention. "First Lieutenant Reagan Risum Reporting as ordered."

In her Ready Room, Jasmine looked up and gave her new MCO a big smile and stood up holding out her hand "Lieutenant Risum, welcome to the Tomcat" she said as new information came upon her terminal screen.

Reagan nodded and eased himself, "It's a pleasure Captain."He extended his hand and shook hers.

After the rather firm handshake "please be seated Lieutenant" she said and waited for him to sit, before she sat back behind her desk and rested her hands on her lap as she crossed her legs. "How much have you been told about the Rifle detachment on the Tomcat and what your duties entail?" she asked.

"I've heard much about the history of the unit and my general list of duties. I would ask Captain, what if any, specific orders and duties you have for me?" Reagan responded as he shifted his weight a little in his chair.

*Thinks a moment* "How you arrange your Department is up to you, as long as it runs efficiently you have no problems with me on it. There is a twelve-man detachment, which while rifles are not part of the department, nor are the Marine Pilots we have, these twelve Rifles are all Chosen Men, those who are entitled so will have this across the base of their uniform shoulders *indicates the white band at the base of the grey shoulder patches* you will see a couple of Fleet Officers wearing them too, the elevation is a hard one to earn. But back to the twelve men, they are my personal guard" As she said this she pressed a button on her desk and let the Lieutenant respond to what she just said.

Nodding Reagan replied, "I have been informed several times now about the Chosen Men. I understand that. I would not presume to command the aviators, marine or otherwise. I intend to look over the department and make only changes that are necessary to the functionality of the unit."

"That is good to know" Somers simply responded.

- MCO Office Marine Country -

Knowing that a full-time replacement was due to take over, S'arila Donovan was getting things in order in the Office and setting up the new MCO's clearances ready for the handover. Her Captain was considerate knowing that her eyesight was light sensitive and she only saw in thermal vision without her special glasses the lighting was dimmer all over the ship so S'arila could go without her glasses, the only places that kept the lights bright were Engineering and the shuttle and fighter decks all other areas were dim enough for her as the glasses were starting to become painful to her. She looked over at the light on her desk, it was flashing indicating the Captain wanted her in the CRR, so picking up her stuff she headed out.

Those few crews that were still on board simply nodded and greeted her, the starbase techs gave her a wide berth when they saw her height and eyes, most alien humanoid species were not as tall as she, but she had been told that she looked intimidating and she enjoyed the reactions on the techs motions. she entered the turbo-lift she found herself in the lift with a starbase tech who seemed fearful of her. While she had lost her telepathic abilities sometime ago and she did not miss them so much she had a type of empathic ability that only worked on detecting strong emotions and then only in close proximity to her, the tech was emitting those, she looked down at him and gave a friendly smile "relax crewman, I do not bite I look a lot more fierce than I actually are" she said in a strong accented voice which held no malice.

The tech seemed to be a little reassured, but he was still fidgety and made a quick nod as he arrived on his requested level, S'arila had never seen anyone move so fast and she smiled as the lift doors closed and continued onto the CRR, eventually she stepped out onto the level and approached Lucy "the Captain sent for me" she said and the MCPO checked the records.

"Why does she use that button!! that is why she has me," Armitage said in distress.

"Why don't you tell the Captain you have feelings for her!?" Donovan asked

Lucy looked up and blushed "she is the Captain and not so inclined" Armitage simply said and the taller woman shrugged, "in you go Major" Lucy added with a smile, Donovan smiled back and entered the CRR.

- CRR -

As she entered she did not catch what the marine sitting in the chair said only that the Captain looked up at her "ah S'arila, glad you made it, let me introduce you to First Lieutenant Regan Risum the new MCO" Somers said.

S'arila walked up to where the Marine was sitting and held out her hand "pleased to meet you, Lieutenant, I am Major S'arila Donovan acting MCO I am also here to hand over to you" she said "hmm, my presences seems to have startled you" she said her thermal vision showed where the blood rose to his face as her Red eyes seemed to get brighter.

"The Major usually wears special specs, but her vision allows her to see as if you were looking through thermal glasses," Somers said.

Reagan nodded slowly, "I was taken off-guard by her height. All these years in Starfleet and somethings still startle me."

In a thick alien accent "I will brief you on the Rifles Command to you and no worries I get it all the time" she said as she sat down and let the Captain continue. (OOC Somers: Donovan's Accent while alien has a similar sound as Welsh Gaelic just for reference)

"Now as I said how you organise the Department is up to you if you need to call on Major Donovan for help I am sure she would be willing to assist," Somers said and Donovan simply nodded. "The heaviest weapons you have available to you are Assault Miniguns and there are some TR116-B rifles modified for our use, those are to be used on my order only. otherwise, you have a wide variety of Regenerative Phaser Rifles and hand Phasers, there are also, Photon and Plasma Grenades and Flashbangs. We have two troop shuttles for the use of the rifles and when you have your department up and running there will be some semi-independent missions which will most likely run alongside our current one. Now you can ask any questions El-tee" Somers said looking at him expectantly.

"I will be willing to help," Donovan said

"Excellent, well the way things are I will let you both get to organising the Rifles, questions can be asked to the Major here," Somers said.

Risum nodded "is there anything else Captain?" He asked.

"Nothing at present dismissed both of you," she said and watched both officers leaver her CRR.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer

Major S'arila Donovan [P: Somers]
Marine Officer
Acting MCO

1st Lt Regan Risum
Assistant MCO

MCPO Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman


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