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Duty Adjustements

Posted on 05 Feb 2020 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Paul Winchester

1,216 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Security Office
Timeline: TBD

Cody sat in his office reviewing paperwork from the recent shore leave the Captain had provided. There were a few incidents involving alcohol and another fight over a bad deal with a Ferengi but overall it was a quiet visit so far. He rubbed his temples as he picked up another Padd with reports.

He read and re-read the next report, after a quick glance of recent inventory reports he realized that Armory 2 near engineering was missing a blaster. Cody stood up from his desk and walked towards the door to investigate.

yesterday had not been a good day for him, as he had been in talks with the Captain who had told him that he was once more to be moving departments, this time to Security, now here he was having to report in to his department head, Paul stood now in the Yellow of Security about to start his first shift. He thought to himself oO All this moving about is not doing me any good Oo as he thought back to the crash that had cost him his arm and the air wing that he once commanded.

“Lieutenant Winchester,” Cody said as he saw Winchester enter. “I’m on my way to the forward armory, will you walk with me please?”

"Yes Lieutenant, Whats up?" asked Paul as he stepped next to Lieutenant Parker as he knew that he hadn't been issued anything as yet, he continued," I suppose the Captain told you that I was to be your new assistant Chief?" as they left the room that he had not long entered.

“Yes sir she told me this morning, I was planning on meeting with you but this came up.” He handed Winchester a PADD displaying the last three inventories of the armory. The two most recent showed a couple of weapons missing including a heavy rifle. “With everything going on lately I’ve not been able to get through all these reports, I’m hoping the discrepancies are due to miscounting and not something nefarious.”

"Well, I do have to go to the armory myself to get issued my sidearm," replied Paul looking at the list as they continued to walk along the corridor, he asked, "do you know who was supposed to do the checking of the armory last time?" as he knew that if someone new to the ship could of made a mistake.

“The inventory is done by an Ensign, then reviewed by the Chief or Assistant Chief. I wanted to personally handle the inventory count before we start going through the ship looking weapons that we already have locked up. They very easily could have been placed in the secondary armory, but I think it is better to double check and now that you’re here you get to count too. Two sets of eyes is always better than one.”

" well, why don't we check both?" asked Paul as all he had been told was to report into Lieutenant Jg Parker, as he had no idea of his role in the Security department, Still he knew the next port of call after the main Armory to check was the secondary Armory as that would do if he was in charge.

"We're going to check both, as you suggest. I'm hoping to give you more of the security duties as you grow into your role. That will allow me to focus on ship's weapons and my secondary role as the Mission Adviser, unless you'd prefer to focus more on the ship weapons," Parker said as they entered the turbolift to go to the deck with the first armory.

"I'll take the Security duties if that's ok with you," replied Paul as he hoped to continue to build up his Security skills and then maybe go back and try Intel once more, as he had been dumped into the role with no experience, but now in Security, he might have another chance. as he followed the Security chief into the turbolift, He asked Cody, "So what's the status of the Security teams that we have?" as he needed to know who needed what to be up to date.

“We have a QRT, Quick Response Team that is made up of members from the Marine Division and we have the RRT, Rapid Response Team made up of security Department officers. If the situation is land based the QRT takes the lead, and ship based threats the RRT takes the lead. Now if we are in a situation where we are repelling boarders or intruders the teams merge and are led by RRT members. This allows the Marine Rifle unit which is armed heavier than our teams to provide the extra firepower as needed.” Cody punches a code into the door as they arrived at the first armory. The main armory consisted of racks of equipment and arms as well as a two lane shooting range. Along the corner of the wall was a workbench for repairing equipment. “Here we are Lieutenant, if you look beside that rack there should be a Padd that displays the rifles and weapons in that equipment rack. If you count that rack, I will count this one and then we can compare notes.”

Paul responded, "sure thing," as he walked over to the locker and found a holster and a phaser and called," Sir, I am taking one holster and one phaser from the rack as my Side arm," as he had checked the regulations that all security officers should have their own side arm. as he continued to check the weapons as he found some of the weapons in bits and that was not good.

“That is correct but I will need to get the serial number and mark it issued to you, Winchester.” Parker continued counting and noted at least one of the phasers originally unaccounted for was broken and laying on the bottom shelf. “Have you ever taken apart a phaser and reassembled it? I did it a lot on my first ship during my down time. I like working with my hands and standing a watch or a roving patrol just doesn’t do it for me.”

Paul walked over to Cody with the side-arm and showed him the serieal number, "Here you go Sir," as he stood next to the Security Chief. as he knew that now the transfer was now complete.

Parker notated the phaser's serial number on his Padd, "There ya go, now then. We have quite a few phasers taken apart in here, how do you want to proceed?" he asked his new assistant.

As Paul strapped his side arm around his waist and done it up, Paul responded, "let's see how many need putting back to together as it might be a good excercise for me," as he looked at his new boss, although he still wasn't happy at being demoted to assistant chief, Paul knew that he had to prove his worth once more to Captain Somers.

Parker nodded and continued to pile the phaser parts onto the armory workbench, “I think we have most of the missing inventory right here. Let’s get these put back together and then we can go get a drink.”

Lieutenant Parker
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Paul Winchester


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