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Ceremonies of Light Part 3

Posted on 27 Jan 2020 @ 11:12pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Master Chief Petty Officer Lucy Armitage & Sergeant Major Christopher "Chris" Kildare & Captain Maia Sterling & Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill & Lieutenant Commander Cody Parker & Lieutenant Commander Remington Dodd & Lieutenant Paul Winchester & Lieutenant Lamia ‘Mia’ Kildare & Lieutenant Serina "Reaper" Donovan & Ensign Teela Tjaansz
Edited on on 01 Feb 2020 @ 4:07pm

3,828 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: S02 Episode 2: Once More Unto the Breach (Incidental Posts)
Location: Starbase 51/Various/Ceremonial Hall
Timeline: Mission 1 S3 Day 26


Continued from Part 2…

Paul stood watching the awards being handed out to those that had deserved it, but now after the meeting with Captain Somers, he had been transferred to Security as its Assistant chief and had yet to inform Lieutenant JG Parker of his new posting.

When the room once again fell silent “I am proud to announce this promotion as this person has over the years had trouble and having finally settled down and found his place on the USS Tomcat would you all please put your hands together for this next promotion of Lieutenant Junior Grade Cody Parker to full Lieutenant, Lieutenant Parker Front and Center.” Somers said as all applauded as Parker advanced to stand to attention before her.

Cody was shocked, he had not expected this at all. He stood tall and walked forward to his Commanding Officer, “Thank you, Captain.” Cody said as he stood ready to receive his new pips. His time had been troubled and up and up and down over the years, but he stuck with it and his hard work was being rewarded.

Shocked was not the word for Serina’s reaction. Surprised was what she was! Way to go Parker! You earned it,” she said graciously.

Dodd was shocked at the promotion and could tell that Walon was as well. She had been on the ship for five years and he thought for sure this time she would get promoted this time around. Dodd was happy for Parker, but he knew that the captain had her reasons for everything.

Iria was startled and quietly very disappointed that she wasn’t getting a promotion. To be called forward to have an award for Five years of service but to get overshot by another hurt. She forced a smile on her face, though her eyes were burning with unshed tears.

As Cody stood there tall and proud the Captain approached and removed his half pip and placed it on the tray and picked up the full pip, which was one of two, she pinned the full pip next to the other one.

“Lieutenant Junior Grade Cody Parker after completing all requirements for this promotion I as commander of the Tomcat am proud and honoured to grant you the rank of full Lieutenant, with all the rights and privileges therein” she finished as she stepped back and held out her hand.

“Well done Cody” Captain Somers heartily said.

Cody saluted then shook the Captain’s hand, “Thank you, Ma'am, and thank you Master Chief” he replied as he received his new pips. He stood tall and at attention but could not hide the big grin. He had worked hard to get to this point and swore he would prove his continued worth.

As Parker returned to the crowd amidst the applause Somers waited for the room to quieten down before she continued.

“Okay, now for the final Ribbon Award before the final promotion is to be given out, would the following personnel in order please come up onto the stage to receive the General Operations Award and those names are

*drum roll* Somers looks around puzzled “okay I will find out who the wise guy is for that drum roll,” she said with a smile.

The Awardees are Commander Maia Sterling and Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill, Lieutenants Remington Dodd, Cody Parker and Paul Winchester, Lieutenant Jgs Iria Walon, Nicole Taggert, Amiri Aldana, Lamia Arderne and Serina Donovan, could you all please step up onto the stage” Somers said as Armitage picked up the longest tray yet.

Doctor Cahill was surprised to hear her name called. She laid her tablet on the table in front of her and stood. Once standing she straighten her uniform and walk calmly to the stage. She allowed Commander Sterling to go up first and followed her up next. Once on stage, she stood at attention facing everyone else in the room.

Today was a good day for awards Commander Sterling thought, as she stood up and smartly made her way to the ceremonial dais. She looked over at Dr Cahill and the others and winked.

Dodd stood up with Walon and the couple walked to the stage together. Dodd then assisted Walon up the stairs and they each then took their respective spots on the stage. Dodd had expected this sort of ribbon presentation, but he did not expect to be recognized in this group.

Iria walked with Remy, glad that he was there, she didn’t look at Parker because she didn’t want him to see the hurt in her eyes. She took a breath and focused her gaze forward, ~~Remy after this is over let’s go ice skating or something fun.~~ she sent to her lover/fiancé.

~~I would like that my dear. ~~ Dodd sent to Walon as they walked to the stage.

Parker was surprised to hear his name called again, he felt he had just been doing his job, no more and no less but the Captain saw fit not only to promote but to give an award as well. He stood up at his table and walked once more to the line forming by the CO to receive an award.

Paul stood at the back of the room taking a sip of the whiskey and nearly spilt it when he heard his name being called, he thought to himself oO how the hell did I get noticed for that on that last mission, Oo as he placed his drink on the table next to him and walked towards the stage. he knew that this was something to be proud of and something to tell Paula about next time he called her, as he thought about his sister for the first time in months and hoped that she was ok.

As he continued towards the Stage, Paul knew that with his crewmates that were to join him up on the stage, this had shown the crew that if you do your job right you will get rewarded for your efforts. As he stepped up on to the stage, he gave a short nod to those that had already joined him as he took his place with his fellow officers.

It took Nicci a moment to register that her name was called, and even then, Teela had to poke her in the ribs for her to stand up. Four days without sleep was getting to her, affecting her attention span. oO I honestly didn’t think I’d be getting an award, Oo she thought. Nicci stood, tugged on her jacket to straighten it, and walked up to the platform, grateful that women didn’t have to wear skirts and heels. She took to the stage and shook hands with the XO and Captain, smiling as she got her ribbon.

Aldana felt hir face flush again, and hir pulse quicken. S/he didn’t understand why they’d been allowed to leave the stage and relax just to be immediately called back up again. Hir digitigrade feet ached being encased for this outlandish footwear that must have been designed by a plantigrade person oO makes just about as much sense as a man designing women’s menstrual protection. Oo S/he yearned to be rid of the accursed footwear and to be barefoot again.

~Once more little buddy?~ S/he gazed at Sombra whom just nuzzled his Alpha’s hand this time and pressed into hir touch as s/he fiddled with his left ear, and the pair rejoined those already on stage in the same order they’d been called in.

Lamia was taking a sip from a bottle of water she’d brought with when her name was called. She coughed and spluttered as she choked on what was left in her mouth. oO What in the hell?!! Oo She waited until she’d stopped coughing before moving towards the stage yet again.

Serina looked in shock! Her face paled as she heard her name yet again. Standing on shaky legs, John ushered her out to stand with her crewmates yet again.

Arriving quickly, she took her place on the stage next to her shipmates.

Before Somers started to hand out the Awards Armitage walked up to her and whispered in her ear “Get one replicated while I am doing the next one” she said and Armitage nodded and stood next to her Captain as she approached the First Officer.

Serina’s mind was still wondering about that second gold pip. oO Now I wonder who that pip could be for? Oo Serina thought quietly to herself.

Starting at Sterling she pinned the General Operations Ribbon onto her upper right breast next to the others and moved on down the line, saying congratulations and well done to the crew and shaking their hands and as she finishes with Lieutenant Donovan Armitage quickly leaves the stage and goes to the nearest replicator and replicates an extra One-year Tour of duty ribbon and hurries back to the stage and slightly out of breath stands behind the Captain, who gives her a double-take “think I need to have you do some exercises with the rifles Chief.” she said jokingly and saw the half Bajoran Master Chief pale, but whose cheeks quickly flushed when she realized that the Captain was joking.

“Thank you, Captain”. Maia said.

Doctor Cahill saluted after being presented the award. Once directed she returned to her seat and continued her work.

Jasmine sees the Ribbon and smiles then turns to her crew “well done all of you, all but Lieutenant Parker, please return to the crowd” she said all seemed a little puzzled none more so that Parker.

Parker had just returned to his table again and was about to take a sip of his drink when he was called back to the stage. He marched back onto the stage and stood at attention before his Commanding Officer. After receiving his promotion earlier, he had no idea what the Skipper was up to.

While the bewildered Lieutenant was standing there, Somers had no idea what he was thinking or what was going through his mind, but a Deer Caught in Headlights would not be too far off the mark. She turned to the assembled “before we have the final promotion and freedom to eat from the buffet supplied at the back of the room, not many know this, but on the 22nd of this month Lieutenant Parker would have done a One-Year tour of Duty on the Tomcat and as we will likely be on another mission, so to avoid disruption then I am pleased to award Lieutenant Cody Parker with his One-Year Tour of Duty ribbon” she said and applauded as the crowd joined in, she took the ribbon and walked over to Parker and pinned it on his chest.

“Well done Lieutenant Parker,” she said stepping back a little and offering her hand.

“Thank you, Captain, this has been one hell of a night, no disrespect intended ma'am,” Cody said happily, a promotion and two awards called for a celebration later.

*smiles* “well there is plenty of real booze at the back,” she said indicating the Buffett bar at the rear of the hall as Parker returned to the crowd, “Okay people now for the Final Award, this is the Second of two promotions and will end tonight’s award ceremony,” the captain said and the room fell silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop.

“Okay, our final Lieutenant Junior Grade promotion to full Lieutenant Officer is *drum roll sound* damn that guy,” she said with humour *clears throat* “okay, for achieving all the requirements in the short time she has been with the Tomcat, would Lieutenant Junior Grade Lamia Arderne come up to the stage and receive her promotion to Full Lieutenant!” the Captain said.

Down in the crowd…

The crowd was silent, and a shocked Kildare was looking at his Imzadi as he heard Mia’s name get called out “hey Mia, that is you!” he said gently tapping her shoulder and was smiling.

“Wh…what?!” Lamia looked completely dumbfounded as she turned to Kildare, “That can’t be right!”

After giving her a friendly congratulatory hug, he made way for Mia to ascend to the stage, he turned to see the Captain and her Yeoman standing there waiting and when Mia finally got there standing to attention.

Lamia stood on stage staring out at Kildare and her shipmates, she couldn’t take in that she was getting a promotion when she didn’t feel like she deserved one.

“Lieutenant Jg Arderne, you have in a short time managed to attain all the requirements for this promotion,” Somers said as she removed the Half-Pip on the officer’s collar, placed it on the tray and picked up a full pip and put it next to the other one, then stepped back and held her hand out. “As Captain of the USS Tomcat place upon you the rights and privileges of a full Lieutenant and the duties that lie therein, congratulations Lieutenant Lamia Arderne,” she said.

“Thank you so much, Captain.” Lamia was holding her emotions together with all she had as she looked at Somers. Her tightly clenched hands were the giveaway of what she was truly feeling.

After receiving his new ribbon, Paul had returned to his spot where his drink had been left and was happy for those who had gotten up the next rung on the ladder, Paul wondered what he had in his career as he raised his glass in salute.

Cody was not exactly shocked but surprised as he applauded with the rest at the promotion.

Amiri couldn’t think of anyone more deserving of a promotion today. S/he stood and applauded. Wincing internally, hir fleet sliding inside of hir footwear. S/he was sure they’d be bleeding by the time s/he finally would be rid of the infernal torture devices.

Sombra gave a slightly excited yip and bounced and danced with all the excitement in the air – though he knew not what it was for, he picked up on Alpha’s excitement.

“Congratulations Lieutenant Arderne. Looks good on you!” Commander Sterling said clapping.

Taggert clapped along with the others that Arderne received his full pip. oO I guess I need to pull in more doubles if I want that lieutenant pipOo Nicci thought. Tjaansz clapped along with her, her tail swishing happily and smacking Nicci on the butt by accident.

Serina was dumbfounded. Getting up and she clapped very loudly for Lamia. It was a year ago when they met and became friends and Lamia deserved this promotion.

Doctor Cahill applauded for the award.

Dodd felt awkward, as he was upset that Walon was overlooked for a promotion, yet he was happy for Arderne. But his primary focus was for Walon and he would see to her needs once this ceremony was finally over.

Iria clapped along with the rest for Lamia and her promotion, she pushed her hurt feelings down as she stood beside Remy, to have served on the ship for five years without noticing that herself then having it put directly in her face with an award, but seeing others who not been as long aboard promoted ahead of her hurt. It was like getting repeatedly slapped in the face but trying to still be happy for those that got promoted.

Lamia grinned as she returned to the crowd and stood alongside Chris, she hadn’t been expecting this, but it had made her feel better. She had sensed conflicting emotions from Dodd, she wanted to talk to him, so she planned on doing so later.

Looking at Mia “Congratulations on the promotion and before you ask, I did not know this one would happen” Kildare said.

Lamia smiled warmly. “I wasn’t going to ask, you genuinely seemed as surprised as I was. We can celebrate later.”

When the crowd had once again quietened down Somers continued “Thank you all for attending, please feel free to eat from the buffet table on the food supplied at the back of this room. The bar is open and will serve real alcohol there is a section set aside that houses Bloodwine for the Klingon pilots and crew, there is no curfew so as someone once said Eat, Drink and be Merry, for tomorrow we may die and congratulations to all who got awards, dismissed to eat and drink” Somers said and with Armitage in tow left the stage and headed for the bar, she needed a drink food was a secondary concern *turning to face Armitage* “go and enjoy yourself Lucy I will not need you anymore tonight” she said and got a thankful smile and off the MCPO went Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and arrived at the bar.

“One Andorian Ale,” she said, and the bartender poured her a glass, she looked up to see the Klingon’s enjoying their Bloodwine, surprisingly there were a couple of non-Klingon’s partaking of that beverage to oO good luck to them. Oo she thought and took a sip of her drink and allowed the flavour and burning sensation to slide down her throat.

Doctor Aldana 365 hobbled over toward where she’d seen Captain Somers head off too. S/he’d just made eye-contact and was about give a friendly gesture when Dodd swooped in just before hir. Suddenly feeling a twisting pain in hir stomach that hadn’t been there before hir ordeal s/he dared not proceed closer now that the captain was suddenly occupied.

Somers saw that Aldana wanted to speak to her, as she was about to invite her over Dodd was speaking to her.

Dodd has made his way to the bar to get drinks for Walon and himself. As he noticed the captain at the bar. “Hello, Captain. That was a nice ceremony. I wanted to say thanks for my awards and that tomorrow I will start my therapy sessions with Doctor Venkman to get cleared for returning to official duty.”

Aldana made a note to track down the captain later and made a beeline for a different part of the party.

*Looking at the voice* “Oh hi Mr Dodd, thank you and good to know” she said “gonna need my Chief Engineer on top of his game” *smiling then looks closely at him “how is Iria doing? And you seem to have something other than personal problems on your mind, anything you would like to talk about?” Somers asked.

“Ma'am, I think Iria is still dealing with all that she had to witness while in captivity and the actions that some of us were forced to participate in. Iria and I have been discussing what we will be doing to move on from that moment in the past to make life more of a joy.” Dodd replied as the bartender came up to get his order. “I will take a Tamarian Snare and classic Amaretto Stone and Sour,” Dodd said the bartender and then turned back to Somers.

*nodding in understanding* “Remy, if you or Iria need to talk and have someone who will mostly listen, then I am here, I may not be a Counsellor, but I do have a sympathetic ear, should it be needed” the Captain responded.

“Well, ma'am, that is nice of you to offer,” Dodd replied as the bartender sat his drinks on the bar next to him. “I will let Iria know you made the offer, but Doctor Venkman will see me tomorrow and I hope to get it all out of the way with him. No offence, ma'am, but I am sure I will come to you with other issues in the future.”

*smiling* “not a problem Lieutenant” Somers responded.

“Great to chat with you, ma'am,” Dodd stated as he took his drinks to go back to Walon over at the table she was standing at talking to one of her assistants.

Jasmine watched him leave and finished her drink then turns to the bartender “same again please” she said, and he poured another Andorian Ale.

Parker was shocked at the events of the evening; he hadn’t expected to receive anything yet had earned two awards and promotion. He walked to the bar and ordered a glass of whiskey. Now was the time to celebrate, tomorrow would be the time to nurse the headache.

Lamia turned to look at Chris as they mingled with the crowd. “This has been one hell of an awards ceremony!” She smiled as she fingered her new pip. “I wasn’t expecting to get so many awards and a promotion!” She couldn’t help but feel proud of that.

*looks at the new pip* “well the Captain must have thought you deserved it otherwise she never would have promoted you and as for the awards, from what I know they are not given out in such a grandiose fashion all the time, still I am glad the Captain has agreed to my returning back to the ship” Chris said in response.

“You and me both! I wasn’t looking forward to going back out aboard ship but having you there is going to make it so much easier.” She smiled warmly. “Plus, I won’t have to sleep alone quite so often either.”

“Um… Mia, you do know that there will be rules about that, don’t you? you are after all an Officer and I am enlisted, so things will be a little difficult, but there will be times when it can be done” he said. “You want to go speak to the Captain, or not?” he asked.

“I know, I asked the Captain about us being together onboard. I know we have to be professionals on duty.” She offered a smile. “Let’s go and say hello.”

“Okies” Kildare simply said and followed Mia to the Captain.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commander Officer

Commander Maia Sterling
First Officer/Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexanderia Cahill MD
Chief Medical Officer/2XO

Lieutenant Remington Dodd
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Lamia 'Mia' Arderne
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Cody Parker
Chief of Security

Lt. Jg Iria Walon
Chief Counsellor

Lt. Jg Nicole Taggert
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lt. Jg Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M., M.D
Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Counsellor

Lt. JG Serina 'Reaper' Donovan
CAG/Raider 1/Helm Officer

1st Lieutenant Regan Risum
Marine Commanding Officer

MCPO1 Lucy Armitage [P: Somers]
Captain's Yeoman

Ensign Teela Tjaansz [P: Taggert]

Lt Jg John 'Sickle' Martinson [P:Donovan]
Pilot, Raider 2

Sgt Major Chris 'Maverick' Kildare [P: Somers]
95th Rifles Demolitions

CWO Sombra C.G.CA/U, PSA,C.ESA [P: Aldana]
Counsellors aide/Morale Officer

CWO Luuna (Luna) C.G.CA/U [P: Aldana]
Security Officer


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