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A Profession change

Posted on 15 Feb 2020 @ 11:00pm by Captain Jasmine Somers FCapt & Lieutenant Paul Winchester
Edited on on 20 Mar 2020 @ 12:31pm

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Captain's Ready Room SB51
Timeline: Prior to Ceremonies of Light


While she was preparing for the Ceremony she was looking at performance reports and had to admit that putting Winchester as CIO was a mistake on her part, so deciding to rectify this, she tapped her Commbadge =/\= Somers to Winchester, report to my Ready Room on the Starbase =/\= she began.

Paul sat in his quarters after his call to Starfleet intelligence as his combadge had just chirped and had opened the channel to hear Captain Somers call him, he responded =/\= I'm on my way, Winchester out =/\= and had quickly made his way from his quarters that he had taken on the Starbase and headed to the Captains ready room. on the way, he thought to himself oO What does the Captain want of me now? Oo as he had plans to visit the Stations Intelligence department later that day.

Now half an hour later Paul found himself standing outside the ready room as he straightened his jacket and pressed the door chime and stood to wait for the instruction to enter, Paul had a funny feeling that it was job-related, however; not what he had been expecting.

Jasmine was finishing off on her paperwork when the door chime sounded, she looked at her Chrono and thought oO he did not waste any time Oo she then remembered Lucy was off doing some errands for her.

"ENTER Lieutenant," She said in a neutral tone

As Paul entered the Office, he said, Captain, you wanted to see me?" as he came to a halt in front of the desk, as he stood with his hands behind his back like he always did when he was the Tomcat's CAG.

Still looking at her files, she slowly looked up "please be seated Lieutenant, yes I sent for you but to correct an error of my own" she said.

"Ma'am, what do you mean by an error of your own?" as Paul as he took the offered seat as Paul knew that Intelligence meetings that he had scheduled for this morning had to be moved down to slot in for this meeting with the Captain.

*looks up* "I am moving you sideways Lieutenant, I thought you could adapt quickly to being my CIO, but sometimes you chuck someone in the deep end and they swim, other times they sink. I have been reviewing your service jacket, something I should have done but did not do, a lack of duty on my part. I noticed you have more Security experience than Intelligence, so that is what I am going to do, get your stuff from the Intelligence office and take it to Security, I am moving you to ACoS under Lieutenant Parker. I would like to make it understood, this will not affect your future, but the move is immediate, again this does not reflect on you Lieutenant so you are safe any questions?" Somers asked.

"Ma'am, if I may, I was just getting feet under that desk," replied Paul looking back at her, " and I do have meetings with station intelligence branch this morning," he continued looking back at the Captain. he finished, "Why now Ma'am?"

"I want to make sure you are not outside your comfort zone for the next mission and as I said this will not interfere with your service record, but it will be immediate move, so for the next mission I expect to see Operations colours on you, so anything else Lieutenant?" she asked softening her voice.

"Ma'am, May I make a suggestion, Let me stay in Intelligence as a second position and keep my meetings, but I'll do Security when I'm not needed as such," as Paul knew that he had not disposed of those codes that his predecessor had left behind, but the Captain didn't know that.

"Sorry I cannot do that Lieutenant, you can take those meetings, but it will be as ACoS I have another in mind as your replacement, but the meetings you already set up you can keep, any information and such will need to be passed onto myself" Somers responded in a sympathetic tone.

"Ma'am, I do want to remain in Intelligence," replied Paul looking back at her as he knew that the missions that he had been given were now a no go, that's if he did them now and she did say those meetings were to go ahead.

"Whatever information you get from said meetings, I would like you to pass them onto Lieutenant Walon, but despite your departmental change, you have not lost rank, but it is still good to have contacts as a security officer, especially out in the wilds of the Mira sector," she said "you might not be intelligence anymore, but information sources are still a handy thing to have even as a Security Officer. "My Cousins husband is a Security Officer and he has contacts all over, so still work on getting contacts, but any information meant for intelligence please pass onto Iria when you get it" she added.

"Aye Ma'am," replied Paul as he knew that he was going to hang on to these contacts and the others that he came into contact with, he also was not going to retire from the intelligence community and still work for SFI on the quiet without Somers knowing about it.

*looks at him* "If I find out you still have your fingers in any Intelligence matters, I will bust you down to Ensign Understood? I am not above my Security officers having sources to call upon, but all Intelligence matters are now out of your hands and those contacts that Sheela used to use when she thought I did not know have been made inaccessible to you. I am making this a DIRECT order where Intelligence is concerned, am I making my self clearly understood Lieutenant Winchester?" She asked.

"Understood ma'am, but before you do lose your temper at me," replied Paul as he brought a PADD from his pouch that he had install secretly on his uniform, he finished, "I think you might want to take a look at this?" as he handed the PADD over to Captain Somers.

oO What in the name of the god is he giving to me now Oo she thought to herself making sure to keep her face a neutral mask. *Takes the Padd* Looking at the Padd "What am I seeing Lieutenant?" the Captain asked.

"Captain, as you can see from that PADD you do not have the authority to remove me from my Intelligence duties," Replied Paul looking directly at her, He continued, "Nor can you force me to," he finished "When you moved me into intelligence, you moved me for good," as he kept his eyes upon her.

*Gives him an Incredulous look* in a firm voice "I hope you are not telling your Captain what she can and cannot do? As you said I put you there, but as I have done that, it means I can also remove you from that position and I have this is my ship Lieutenant Winchester, my rules I assign who I want, where I want and how I want *biting tone* do I make myself, absolutely, perfectly crystal clear?" She responded firmly with her tone hiding anger.

"Crystal Sir," replied Paul looking at his commanding officer as he knew that he had been put in his place, what he missed most of all was the hanger deck and the work that went with it as he knew that he would have to visit it daily and check-in with those down there.

*smiling* her genial manner returning "It is not your fault for this move Lieutenant, it is as said sadly that you are paying for your Captain's errors, but I will allow those meetings you set up if you pass on garnered information to Lieutenant Walon in Intelligence! You do not need to give her the names of your sources, just say you have sources that told you this and such, this move is immediate, so are there any further questions you have before we finished here?" Somers asked.

"No Ma'am," replied Paul as he knew that Somers was not going to change her mind on this, he also knew that now he had been relieved of department head duties which meant Beta shift and a change to his routine. he now had to go and see Lieutenant Parker and report into him as well as getting his Sidearm.

"Good, go change your undershirt to yellow Lieutenant and report to Lieutenant Parker your new Department Head, I know you have had experience in Security so you should do well," Somers said and with a nod, Winchester left her Ready Room she watched him leave and sighed heavily, she hated mistakes, especially her own, shrugging she returned to her paperwork, one of the few things she hated doing, but as a ship commander it was one of her tasks, sadly.


Fleet Captain Jasmine Somers
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Paul Winchester


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