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Posted on 21 Mar 2020 @ 8:45pm by Captain Maia Sterling

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: General Sim Postings
Location: Starbase 51
Timeline: Walking the Grounds
Tags: Luuna, 7F03YTY836M, Sombra, 3CW4YMF696F


After the promotion ceremony dubbed the Ceremony of Light, Maia decided to stay on the starbase for a while. She went down to the lobby and ran into Amiri. She decided she wanted some company and decided to ask her to join her. They were becoming friends and best way to deepen that friendship was to spend time together.

“Hi Amiri, I was going to head over to the spa and check out some of the other amenities, care to join me?” Maia asked.

Amiri had a rather confused look on hir face. S/he’d been boarding on the starbase with Lilli Vail (a marine from – s/he assumed – another docked ship) for the past several days. However s/he had been on hir way to finally find some ‘we time’ with just hirself and hir two guyzos in an enchanting table-top RPG-style holo-game when s/he suddenly found hirself and hir pair of marsupial-dog companions in the U.S.S. Tomcat’s sickbay. “Maia! What a pleasure to see you!” S/he hugged her enthusiastically.

Ever on guard, Luuna put herself between Alpha and the familiar intruder; her eyes darting about, and ready for anything. Meanwhile Sombra sniffed at the ‘designate Maia’ friendly and his tail low but wagging. On duty, he kinda took point. He knew better than to seek attention, so he was careful not to invite it. His first concern was to Alpha whom he’d briefly checked on to be sure s/he was alright.

“I’d love too, and I hear they have a very well known ‘pet’ spa as well. How did you ever manage to get a booking?”

Maia knelt down to let both dogs sniff her and once they recognized her, she pet them tenderly.

“I’m a Commander, rank has its privileges. Maia said.

“So, care to join me?” She asked.

Aldana looked to hir companions, and thought, ~so, what do you think guyzos, is another detour on our way to “The Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh” worth it for an hour or two of super-pampering?~

The pair of companions looked excitedly between Alpha and the woman. Luuna gave an excited yip, and bounded playfully in place, and Sombra circled his tail wagging.

Aldana looked up and smiled, “I think that’s a ‘yes.’”

“Excellent then let’s go to the spa for some super-pampering and then lunch. I’m pretty sure the captain will want us back by 15:00,” Maia said.

Aldana nodded, “lead the way.”

Maia turned and headed out to the promenade with Aldana and the dogs tagging along. She headed to the spa.

A day spa is a business that provides a variety of services for the purpose of improving health, beauty and relaxation through personal care treatments such as hair, massages and facials. The day spa is different from a beauty salon in that it contained facilities such as a sauna, pool, steam room, or whirlpool that guests could use in addition to their treatment. A day spa is different from a destination spa as no overnight accommodation is provided. The star base had an excellent day spa for all kinds if life forms even the dogs. Maia choose the hot springs an aromatherapy to start off. Aromatherapy was a pseudoscience based on the usage of aromatic materials, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds, with claims for improving psychological or physical well-being. It was offered as a complementary therapy and as a form of alternative medicine, the first meaning alongside standard treatments. Maia sank into the water relaxing.

It took some convincing, but Amiri had decided that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to allow Sombra join his sister Luuna in the “doggie” day spa. Meanwhile s/he had stuck with the X.O. Amiri was enjoying the opportunity to be out and about, yet just being able to enjoy being in hir own fur. When Sterling slipped into the hottub, s/he’d followed suit, enjoying the feel of the water soaking into hir fur down to hir skin. “You were right, this is a goo…” but then Aldana abruptly grabbed hir forehead and groaned.

“What’s the matter Amiri?” Maia asked.

Amiri leaned forward rubbing hir forehead and rocking slightly. “S-so many… c-can-t-t… stop… haven’t been so far from… s-ser-rvice animal…” S/he groaned obviously in some sort of discomfort.

"Lets head back to the ship then you are obviously in discomfort." Maia said.


A post by:

Commander Maia A. Sterling
XO/Chief Science Officer
USS Tomcat

Lieutenant JG Amiri Aldana
Medical Doctor
USS Tomcat


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